Cleric in Dramoor | World Anvil


In the mystical world of Dramoor, Clerics serve as the bridge between the mundane and the divine, channeling the powers of their deities to heal and protect, or to smite their foes. They are revered and sometimes feared for their ability to wield divine magic, their roles shaped by the diverse pantheon of Dramoor. Whether battling against the darkness or providing solace to the weary, Clerics stand as beacons of their faiths, their powers reflecting the will of the gods.  
Clerics wield powers bestowed by their deities to heal, protect, and smite their foes. Their faith is their strength, and their devotion manifests in varied and profound ways, shaping the destiny not just of themselves but of those they serve.
  Clerics are as diverse as the deities they serve, each path offering a unique reflection of divine power. Whether in the heat of battle, the quiet of a sanctuary, or the halls of power, Clerics shape the world around them, guided by faith and armed with the divine magic of their gods.  


  Clerics exist and live where the veil between the divine and the mortal thins, Clerics stand as the chosen intermediaries of gods and goddesses, wielding powers that mend, protect, and smite. Each subclass within the Cleric domain—be it the Demon Hunter, Necromancer, or War Cleric—embodies a unique aspect of divine service. The Demon Hunter walks the shadowed path, seeking to eradicate the malevolence that lurks beyond; the Necromancer delves into the mysteries of life and death, wielding power over the undead; while the War Cleric merges piety with prowess, leading the charge in divine wars. These paths offer Clerics not just a set of skills but a calling, guiding their journey through Dramoor's myriad challenges and wonders.  

War Cleric (+warrior level 5):

Their mastery of both combat and clerical magic allows them to adapt to various roles, whether it's dealing devastating blows or providing critical support in times of need.
War Clerics are divine warriors who embody the wrath and protection of their deities. They blend martial prowess with divine magic, making them formidable on the battlefield. With the ability to empower allies and devastate foes, War Clerics are a beacon of divine might, channeling the strength of their gods through every swing of their holy weapons. Their presence inspires courage in companions and instills fear in enemies, as they execute divine judgment with unyielding resolve.   As spiritual leaders and battle-hardened fighters, War Clerics serve on the front lines, defending the faith and leading by example. They use their divine connection to turn the tide of combat, calling upon divine spells to heal and bolster allies while smiting foes with holy fervor.   War Cleric Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies All armors, shields, martial weapons, Athletics, Intimidation
Skills Battlefield tactics, Divine magic
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 STR or WIS (player's choice)
Special Abilities War Priest: Bonus attack as cleric spellcasting feature


Worldseeker Cleric:

Worldseeker Clerics are not just travelers; they are pioneers of faith, mapping the celestial in the terrestrial, and revealing the interconnectedness of all things through their sacred odyssey.
Worldseeker Clerics are intrepid explorers of the divine, dedicated to traversing the vast and mysterious world of Dramoor. They are driven by a holy mandate to uncover hidden sanctuaries, sacred relics, and ancient truths, guided by the light of their deity. With a restless spirit and an insatiable curiosity, Worldseekers venture into uncharted territories, facing the unknown with courage and faith.   Their journey is as much spiritual as it is physical; they seek to understand the divine plan through the lens of the world's myriad landscapes and cultures.   In their quest, Worldseekers are often the first to encounter new lands, civilizations, and challenges, acting as the vanguard of their faith. They gather knowledge and wisdom from the far corners of Dramoor, bringing back new insights and teachings to their fellow believers, enriching their collective understanding of the divine.   Worldseeker Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Navigation, Survival, Cartography, History
Skills Exploration, Diplomacy, Lore
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 WIS, +1 DEX
Special Abilities Enhanced navigation and survival skills in unknown territories, ability to uncover and understand ancient secrets


Demon Hunter:

In their relentless pursuit, Demon Hunters develop unique abilities to detect and counter the dark machinations of their prey.
Demon Hunters are Clerics with a singular purpose: the eradication of demons and other fiendish entities. They are experts in both the knowledge and combat of the infernal, dedicating their lives to hunting down these dark creatures wherever they lurk. With divine magic tailored for confrontation with the abyssal, Demon Hunters protect against dark magic, banish demons, and sanctify lands corrupted by infernal influence. Their unwavering faith and specialized training make them the bane of demonic existence.   Their spells and combat techniques are honed to exploit the weaknesses of demons and fiends, turning the hunters into lethal adversaries against such darkness. With every demon they vanquish and every site they purify, Demon Hunters further their holy cause, bringing light to the darkest corners of the world.   Demon Hunter Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Holy symbols, light armor, Arcana, Religion
Skills Demonology, Exorcism
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 WIS
Special Abilities Enhanced detection and combat against demonic entities, exorcism spells, protective wards against dark magic


Mystic Healer:

They work tirelessly, often putting the well-being of others before their own, to ensure that no one suffers under their watch.
Mystic Healers are Clerics who embody the benevolence of their deity, wielding divine powers to heal wounds, cure diseases, and even restore life. They are the beacons of hope in a world rife with suffering, their very presence a source of solace and relief. With their profound connection to the divine, Mystic Healers channel powerful healing magic, mending flesh and spirit alike, and making them revered figures in any society. Their abilities extend beyond mere physical healing, as they also soothe troubled minds and mend broken spirits, reinforcing their role as the embodiment of their deity's compassion.   In the midst of chaos, Mystic Healers stand as pillars of tranquility and sanctuary. Their deep understanding of life's sacredness drives them to preserve it in all its forms. With every life they save and every ailment they cure, Mystic Healers reinforce their commitment to their divine calling, proving time and again that in the battle against darkness, kindness and care are potent weapons.   Mystic Healer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Holy symbols, medium armor, Medicine, Religion
Skills Healing, Restoration
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 WIS
Special Abilities +10% hp healed from any healing spells cast on others


Necromancer (+wizard level 5):

Their path is fraught with moral and ethical dilemmas, as Necromancers must constantly weigh the temptation of unfettered power against the potential consequences of disturbing the natural order.
Necromancers in the cleric domain combines with the skills of wizards, walking the delicate line between life and death, tapping into both divine and arcane energies to manipulate the forces of mortality. These Clerics have a unique understanding of the afterlife, using their powers to summon spirits, control the undead, and unveil the mysteries veiled beyond the mortal coil. Their practice, often viewed with suspicion and fear, requires a profound understanding of the balance between power and sanctity, as they harness abilities that many consider unnatural or forbidden.   They serve as mediums between the living and the dead, often sought after for their abilities to communicate with lost souls or to protect the living from necromantic threats. With their deep knowledge of life's final threshold, these Clerics occupy a unique niche, revered for their power and feared for the darkness that accompanies their craft.   Necromancer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Necromantic implements, light armor, Arcana, Religion
Skills Spirit summoning, undead control
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT
Special Abilities Summon/control a skeleton servant once per day, commune with dead once per day


Gun Zealot:

Their weapons become a direct extension of their god’s will, capable of delivering divine fury across the battlefield.
Gun Zealots are clerics who have honed their faith to an art form, merging it with the discipline of gunplay. They view their firearms as sacred vessels, channeling divine energy with every shot fired. Through rituals and prayers, they consecrate their ammunition, bestowing sacred blessings or dire curses that imbue their projectiles with potent divine magic. Their practice elevates the act of firing a gun into a sacred rite, where each bullet carries the weight of divine judgment.   These divine marksmen wield their firearms as sanctified relics, each imbued with the essence of their deity's power. The Gun Zealot's profound connection to their faith allows them to infuse spells directly into their guns, turning them into formidable tools of divine retribution. Revered for their spiritual significance and combat prowess, these firearms are treasured relics, symbolizing the unbreakable bond between the cleric and their divine patron.  
Clerics of Dramoor have a complex and nuanced relationship with firearms. Before choosing this sub-class it is important to read more about that in the firearms book. HERE.
  Gun Zealot Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Firearms, light armor, Religion, Shooting, firearm care
Skills Sacred gunplay, divine ammunition consecration
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 WIS
Special Abilities Ammunition consecration, spell-infused firearms and ammo, enhanced divine gunplay


  Specializations within the Cleric class further refine this divine calling, allowing for a personalized expression of faith and power. Whether serving as an Advisor, with wisdom guiding leaders and followers alike; a Scholar, whose intellect unravels the mysteries of the divine; an Alchemist, blending the arcane with the holy; a Herbalist, using nature's gifts to heal and harm; a Scribe, preserving sacred texts and knowledge; a Diplomat, navigating the delicate balance between faiths; or a Religious Leader, inspiring and rallying the faithful, each specialization carves out a unique niche. These roles extend the Cleric's influence beyond the battlefield and the temple, embedding them deeply into the fabric of Dramoor's societies and histories.  


Their role is crucial in times of turmoil and uncertainty, where their divine wisdom can lead to peace and prosperity or avert disaster and conflict.
Clerics serving as Advisors harness their wisdom and divine insight to shape the political landscape, offering guidance to rulers and decision-makers. Their counsel is not merely strategic but infused with the will of the gods, ensuring that the divine influence permeates the mortal realm. These clerics use their deep understanding of theology and ethics to advise on matters that affect the fate of nations, always aligning their guidance with the divine plan of their deities.   As trusted confidants, Advisors are instrumental in crafting policies and decisions that reflect the higher moral and ethical standards dictated by their faith.   Advisor Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Persuasion, Insight, Divine law, Ethics
Skills Counseling, strategic planning
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +3 WIS
Special Abilities Strategic counsel, divine guidance in decision-making


Their intellect and extensive knowledge make them invaluable assets in interpreting divine will and teachings, often serving as the bridge between the arcane and the divine.
Scholar Clerics are the intellects of their holy orders, dedicating their lives to the study of divine lore, ancient texts, and the mysteries that pervade the universe. Their pursuit of knowledge is not just academic but a sacred quest to understand the deeper truths of their faith and the workings of the divine. Through rigorous study and contemplation, they unravel the complexities of their religion, enhancing their understanding and their ability to serve their deity.   Scholars are often found in the quiet of libraries and temples, lost in scrolls and books, seeking the wisdom that will bring them closer to the divine.   Scholar Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies History, Religion, Ancient languages, Divine lore
Skills Research, analysis
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT
Special Abilities Deep understanding of divine lore, skilled in deciphering ancient texts


In their quest to serve the divine, these clerics study the arcane properties of the material world, transforming mundane substances into miraculous concoctions.
Alchemist Clerics master the sacred art of alchemy, merging it with their divine knowledge to concoct potent elixirs and compounds imbued with magical properties. These clerics often serve as the healers and sages within their communities, utilizing their alchemical skills to create remedies that can cure ailments, enhance abilities, or even provide protection against dark forces. Their laboratories are akin to holy sanctuaries, where the mysteries of divine alchemy are explored and harnessed.   Their deep understanding of both the divine and the alchemical allows them to channel their god's will into each potion or elixir they craft, making them revered figures in fields of both religion and science.   Alchemist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Alchemist’s supplies, Herbalism kit, Medicine, Arcana
Skills Potion crafting, alchemical analysis
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Create enhanced alchemical potions, sacred compound crafting


Herbalist Clerics are not only healers but also protectors of natural harmony, ensuring that the balance of life is maintained and respected.
Herbalist Clerics blend their divine calling with an innate understanding of the natural world, particularly the healing power of plants and herbs. These clerics are often seen as the embodiment of life and growth, using their wisdom and connection to nature to heal and rejuvenate those in need. They walk the path of both cleric and druid, using their unique blend of knowledge to create remedies and cures that draw upon both divine and natural sources.   Their practices often involve sacred rituals and prayers, infusing their herbal concoctions with divine energy to enhance their healing properties.   Herbalist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Herbalism kit, Nature, Survival
Skills Herb gathering, natural remedy preparation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS
Special Abilities Enhanced healing, natural remedy preparation



Through their work, they maintain a direct connection with the divine, serving as vessels through which holy teachings flow.
Scribe Clerics are the guardians of sacred knowledge, dedicating their lives to preserving divine texts, inscribing holy symbols, and upholding the teachings of their deity with meticulous care. They are experts in the art of calligraphy and the preservation of religious manuscripts, ensuring that the sacred wisdom of their faith is accurately transmitted across generations.   Their roles are crucial in maintaining the integrity of religious teachings, providing the faithful with the unaltered word of their deity. Scribes spend their days in quiet contemplation among scrolls and books, their steady hands and focused minds translating divine inspiration into tangible forms.   Scribe Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Calligraphy, Preservation, Religious texts, Holy symbols
Skills Copying, Inscribing, Detail-oriented work
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 DEX
Special Abilities Expertise in divine texts, proficient in creating sacred scriptures



These clerics are skilled in reading people and situations, leveraging their insight and charm to turn potential conflicts into opportunities for collaboration and understanding.
Diplomat Clerics excel in the art of negotiation and communication, representing their faith in interfaith dialogues and political arenas. With a keen sense of wisdom and a charismatic presence, they are adept at navigating the intricate dance of diplomacy, always with the aim of furthering their deity's influence and fostering peace. Their role involves mediating disputes, building alliances, and often, subtly guiding the course of events to align with their divine mission.   In their quest for harmony, Diplomat Clerics embody the principles of their faith, demonstrating how divine wisdom can lead to tangible, positive changes in the world.   Diplomat Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Diplomacy, Negotiation, Intercultural communication, Political savvy
Skills Persuasion, Insight, Conflict resolution
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 WIS, +1 CHA
Special Abilities Skilled negotiator, adept at forging alliances and mediating conflicts


Religious Leader:

These clerics are adept at public speaking, counseling, and spiritual guidance, their words and actions serving to strengthen the bonds within their religious communities.
Religious Leader Clerics are the embodiment of spiritual authority, using their considerable charisma and wisdom to guide and inspire their congregations. They stand as pillars of faith, rallying their followers in the pursuit of divine objectives and the collective fulfillment of their religious duties. Their leadership is not merely a matter of governance but a profound commitment to embodying the virtues and teachings of their deity.   They navigate the challenges of leadership with grace and foresight, ensuring that their congregation remains steadfast in faith and united in purpose.   Religious Leader Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Public speaking, Spiritual counseling, Community building
Skills Leadership, Inspiration, Guidance
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +3 CHA, +2 WIS
Special Abilities Exceptional leader, inspiring presence, unifies and motivates followers
Clerics are the heart and soul of their parties, wielding divine magic to shape the fate of those around them.

Creating You Cleric


Cleric Prerequisites:

Devotion and understanding of divine will are the cornerstones of a Cleric's power. Players wishing to follow this divine path must have a base WIS score of no less than 12 at character creation. This requirement ensures Clerics have the necessary insight and connection to their deity to channel divine spells. A dip below this score means a loss of divine favor and spellcasting abilities until the score is elevated back to its minimum requirement.

Learn About Your Gods
The Gods Of Dramoor
Generic article | Apr 1, 2024
  As you embark on your journey in the mystical world of Dramoor, taking on the mantle of a Cleric means choosing a path guided by divine will, where your faith becomes your greatest weapon and shield. The process of selecting your Cleric subclass and specialization is a sacred journey in itself, defining your character's relationship with the divine, their powers, and their role in the wider world.  

Step 1: Reflect on Your Divine Calling:

Before selecting a subclass, ponder the nature of your Cleric's divine calling. Which deity do they serve? What aspects of the deity's domain resonate with your character's beliefs and aspirations? This reflection will guide you towards a subclass that aligns with your character's divine mission, whether it's battling the forces of evil as a War Cleric, hunting demons, healing the wounded, or mastering the delicate balance between life and death.  

Step 2: Choose Your Subclass:

Each Cleric subclass offers a unique expression of divine power. A War Cleric merges the art of war with divine magic, while a Demon Hunter specializes in combating the infernal. Mystic Healers channel their deity’s benevolence to mend and soothe, and Necromancers explore the mysteries of life and death. Consider how each subclass aligns with your character's divine calling and the needs of your adventuring party.  

Step 3: Consider Subclass Traits:

Subclasses come with specific traits that enhance your Cleric's abilities. Whether it's the martial prowess of the War Cleric or the healing gifts of the Mystic Healer, these traits will shape your character's strengths and playstyle.  

Step 4: Select Your Specialization:

Beyond your subclass, specializations allow for further customization of your Cleric's divine journey. From the wisdom of an Advisor to the scholarly pursuits of a Scholar, or the charismatic leadership of a Religious Leader, each specialization provides unique trait bonuses and abilities that enrich your gameplay and role within the party.  

Step 5: Finalize Your Character:

With your subclass and specialization selected, complete your character sheet, ensuring all bonuses are accurately applied. Discuss your Cleric's divine calling, backstory, and ambitions with your Dungeon Master and fellow players to ensure a cohesive and compelling group dynamic.  

Embrace Your Mission:

As your adventure unfolds, let your faith guide your actions and interactions within the world of Dramoor. Your subclass and specialization offer unique opportunities for role-playing, combat, and storytelling. Whether delivering divine justice, healing the wounded, or unraveling the mysteries of the divine, your Cleric is a beacon of faith in a world teeming with magic and mystery.   In Dramoor, Clerics are the heart and soul of their parties, wielding divine magic to shape the fate of those around them. Your journey as a Cleric is a testament to the power of faith, the depth of devotion, and the endless possibilities that lie on the path of the divine.   As you step onto the path of the Cleric, you embark on a journey of divine servitude, channeling the will of the gods to shape the world of Dramoor. Clerics are more than mere vessels of divine power; they are the heartbeats of their faith, the voice of their deities whispered among the winds of change.  
Here, where the veil between the mortal and the divine thins, your conviction, wisdom, and courage are your most trusted allies.

Choose Your God

  Choosing a deity for a Cleric character is a foundational step in defining not just their powers, but their identity, values, and role within the world of Dramoor. This choice shapes the character's motivations, relationships, and the challenges they may face, infusing their adventure with depth and personal stakes.   Your choice of deity is not merely a selection of powers; it is a declaration of your values, your challenges, and your destiny. Each god, be they of the Old Pantheon, ancient and unfathomable, or the New, guardians of the world's current order, offers a unique path filled with powers divine and responsibilities grave. Your deity shapes your abilities, guides your morality, and grants you the power to heal, protect, and smite.   As a cleric, you stand at the crossroads of faith and fate, where your actions echo in the halls of the divine. You will find strength in your prayers, wisdom in your scriptures, and power in your conviction. The gods of Dramoor are many, their domains as varied as the stars in the sky—from the nurturing embrace of Valatygeen, the world's caretaker, to the shadowed paths of Lolth, the queen of spiders.   Before you pledge your service, delve into the lore of those who wield the heavens' might. Understand their desires, their conflicts, and their allies among the pantheon. Know that the deity you choose will not only provide you with power but also define your journey through Dramoor.   Embrace your calling with heart and soul, for the life of a cleric is one of purpose. Through you, the divine will manifests. Through you, the balance of the world is maintained. Your journey begins here, at the confluence of faith and will. May your god's light guide you, and their power protect you.  
The Gods Of Dramoor
Generic article | Apr 1, 2024

Divine Alignment:

Consider a god whose domain aligns with your character's ideals, personality, and the type of Cleric you wish to play. Each deity governs a specific aspect of the universe, such as war, peace, nature, or the dead, offering unique powers and responsibilities to their followers.  

Sphere of Influence:

A god's sphere of influence extends to their divine powers, the types of creatures and realms they govern, and their followers' duties. Understanding this can guide how you use your Cleric's abilities and define their mission in the game.  

Following the Tenets of Faith


Moral and Ethical Guidelines:

Adhering to your chosen deity's tenets shapes your Cleric's actions and decisions. These guidelines can challenge characters, presenting moral dilemmas or conflicts that enrich the role-playing experience.  

Rituals and Practices:

Participating in specific rituals and practices strengthens your Cleric's connection to their deity, potentially unlocking divine insights or powers. These practices can vary widely, from daily prayers to elaborate ceremonies.  

Divine Sphere of Influence


Role in the World:

A deity's domain influences their Cleric's role in the world. For example, a Cleric of a war god might lead armies, while one devoted to a healing deity could run a sanctuary for the sick.  

Divine Intervention:

Clerics may call upon their deity's power for divine intervention, a miraculous act that can turn the tide of battle or alter the course of events. The likelihood and nature of such interventions reflect the deity's sphere of influence and the Cleric's devotion.  

Rival and Opposing Gods


Interfaith Conflicts:

Clerics of rival or opposing gods may find themselves at odds, driven by doctrinal disputes or divine edicts. These conflicts can lead to dramatic confrontations, alliances, and quests that test faith and resolve.  

Roleplaying Opportunities:

Encounters with followers of opposing deities offer rich roleplaying opportunities, from theological debates to attempts at conversion or even cooperation against a common threat. How your Cleric navigates these interactions can define their legacy.  

Impact on Gameplay


Alliances and Enemies:

The deity you choose can determine friends and foes, opening doors to certain communities while barring others. Clerics may seek to uphold their deity's will, converting nonbelievers or combating heresies.  

Quests and Missions:

Divine commands can send Clerics on sacred quests, from recovering holy relics to vanquishing unholy abominations. These missions further the deity's goals and expand the Cleric's influence.  
In Dramoor, a Cleric's deity is more than a source of power—it's a calling that guides every aspect of their life and adventures. Choosing a deity and adhering to their tenets offers a pathway to divine favor, shaping the Cleric's journey and the stories they'll tell.