Cranberry Mawfiend Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Cranberry Mawfiend

The Cranberry Mawfiend is a nightmarish creature mutated by the Far Realm energies permeating the Cranberry Swamp. It resembles a large, amorphous mass of tendrils and mouths, with its body parts mimicking the appearance of the swamp's deceptive cranberry bushes. Its skin is a mottled mix of crimson and sickly green, covered in what appear to be ripe berries but are actually pulsating, acidic blisters.  

Threatening Characteristics:

  • Camouflages among the cranberry bushes, making it nearly invisible until it strikes.
  • Acidic blisters on its body burst upon contact, spraying corrosive fluid.
  • Multiple mouths capable of biting and devouring prey from various angles.

  • Size Type Alignment AC HP Speed
    Large Aberration Chaotic Evil 15 (Natural Armor) 115 (11d10 + 55) 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
    18 (+4) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 1


  • Acidic Burst (Recharge 5-6): As a reaction to being hit, the Mawfiend can burst its acidic blisters in a 10-foot radius. Creatures within the range must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 acid damage.
  • Mega-Bite: The Mawfiend can make a massive maw attack once per turn, each bite dealing 2d8+4 piercing & crushing damage. Any living being inflicted with a Mawfiend bite must save vs. poison or lose an additional 1d4 damage.
  • Cranberry Camouflage: While in cranberry bushes or similar terrain, the Mawfiend gains advantage on Stealth checks.
  • Mutation Aura: Creatures within 30 feet of the Mawfiend for more than 1 minute start to feel the effects of mutation. They must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain a minor detrimental mutation from the mutation table.
  • Mutations (if aura effect succeeds):

  • Skin color changes to a sickly hue, causing social disadvantages.
  • Fingers elongate and become tentacle-like, reducing dexterity.
  • Eyes bulge and become overly sensitive to light.
  • Threat Level:

    Highly dangerous due to its ability to ambush, acidic defenses, and the mutating aura that can have lasting effects on adventurers and fauna alike.    

    Behavior and Threat

    Eldar Mawfiends are solitary creatures, embodying the ferocity and unpredictability of the corrupted swamp. They stalk the murky waters and twisted foliage, preying on anything unfortunate enough to cross their path. Unlike their lesser kin, Eldar Mawfiends possess a sinister intelligence, using their environment to hunt and trap their prey with terrifying efficiency.  

    Genetic Resilience

    Unique among the mutated horrors of the Cranberry Swamp, Eldar Mawfiends can survive beyond the Far Realm's radiation, though they must return periodically to avoid genetic dissolution. This requirement suggests a complex relationship between the creatures and the alien energies of the portals, hinting at a possible adaptation or symbiosis that could have far-reaching implications for the ecosystem and the world.  

    Long-Term Implications

    The existence of Eldar Mawfiends raises alarming questions about the long-term effects of the Far Realm's influence on Dramoor. Their ability to venture beyond the portal's immediate vicinity and maintain their mutated forms suggests a potential for these aberrations to spread and establish themselves as permanent predators in the wider world. This adaptability might indicate a gradual acclimatization of Far Realm energies to Dramoor, possibly leading to more widespread and permanent ecological and genetic transformations.  

    Eldar Mawfiend

    The Eldar Mawfiend represents a terrifying evolution of the already fearsome Cranberry Mawfiend. This apex predator, found in the depths of the Cranberry Swamp, has adapted to venture beyond the immediate influence of the Far Realm's portals.   Larger, more ferocious, and cunningly intelligent, the Eldar Mawfiend is a nightmarish blend of plant and animal traits, with a sprawling mass of tendrils, thorned vines, and gaping maws filled with razor-sharp teeth.  
    Size Type Alignment AC HP Speed
    Huge Aberration Chaotic Evil 18 (Natural Armor) 200 (16d12 + 96) 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
    24 (+7) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 10 14 (+2) 1


  • Apex Predator: Eldar Mawfiend has advantage on all attack rolls against creatures that have fewer hit points than its current hit points.
  • Territorial Awareness: Can sense any creature within a 1-mile radius of its lair.
  • Genetic Memory: Retains memories and abilities from its ancestors, granting it additional spell-like abilities or attacks.
  • Return to the Source: Must return to a Far Realm influenced area periodically to rejuvenate its powers and maintain its physical form, otherwise, it starts to lose hit points and abilities over time.
  • Legendary Actions:

  • Fury of the Eldar: Can make three attacks in one turn (bite, claw, and tail swipe).
  • Dominate Beast: Can take control of any lesser creature within its territory for 24 hours.
  • Swamp Warp: Teleports to any location within the Cranberry Swamp it has previously visited.
  • Behavior and Threat

    Eldar Mawfiends are solitary creatures, embodying the ferocity and unpredictability of the corrupted swamp. They stalk the murky waters and twisted foliage, preying on anything unfortunate enough to cross their path. Unlike their lesser kin, Eldar Mawfiends possess a sinister intelligence, using their environment to hunt and trap their prey with terrifying efficiency.  

    Genetic Resilience

    Unique among the mutated horrors of the Cranberry Swamp, Eldar Mawfiends can survive beyond the Far Realm's radiation, though they must return periodically to avoid genetic dissolution. This requirement suggests a complex relationship between the creatures and the alien energies of the portals, hinting at a possible adaptation or symbiosis that could have far-reaching implications for the ecosystem and the world.  

    Long-Term Implications

    The existence of Eldar Mawfiends raises alarming questions about the long-term effects of the Far Realm's influence on Dramoor. Their ability to venture beyond the portal's immediate vicinity and maintain their mutated forms suggests a potential for these aberrations to spread and establish themselves as permanent predators in the wider world. This adaptability might indicate a gradual acclimatization of Far Realm energies to Dramoor, possibly leading to more widespread and permanent ecological and genetic transformations.
    Mawfiends are found only within the Cranberry Swamp
    Cranberry Swamp
    Generic article | Mar 26, 2024
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    Ghaun’thyra, the Swamp Sovereign

    Image created from a description, overheard by a tavern patron, as told by a half-crazy, and extremely drunk gnomish adventurer who was the only survivor of a failed attempt to close the Cranberry Swamp portal.   Ghaun’thyra, the Swamp Sovereign, is a legendary Cranberry Mawfiend, whispered about in hushed tones by those who dwell near the Cranberry Swamp. This Eldar Mawfiend represents the pinnacle of terror, an apex predator whose mere presence warps the fabric of reality around it. With a body covered in thorny tendrils and eyes that glow with eldritch light, Ghaun’thyra stalks the mists, an embodiment of the swamp’s deadliest aspects.   Feared by all, it is said that Ghaun’thyra possesses intelligence far beyond its kin, using its abilities to manipulate the swamp’s ecosystem to its advantage. It seldom leaves the Far Realm influenced area, but when it does, it spreads corruption and decay, leaving a trail of mutated flora and fauna in its wake. Legends speak of Ghaun’thyra returning to the depths of the swamp to slumber and heal, drawing strength from the Far Realm's energies, ensuring its reign as the eternal sovereign of the Cranberry Swamp.