Cruelberry Creatures Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Cruelberry Creatures

The Cruelberry Creatures are a malevolent byproduct of the Far Realm's influence on the flora of the Cranberry Swamp. These small monstrosities lurk among the swamp's namesake plants, their chitinous shells resembling ripe cranberries. They wait with predatory patience for prey to come within reach, striking with deadly speed and a venomous bite. Despite their alluring appearance, these creatures are not to be underestimated, as they carry a venom potent enough to bring down creatures many times their size. The acidic blood of these creatures makes them especially dangerous when threatened, turning a simple cut into a potentially lethal encounter.   Details:
Small monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 11 (1d6+5)
Speed 15 ft., climb 10 ft.
STR: n/a
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 3 (-4)
WIS: n/a
CHA: n/a
Skills: Surpise +4
Senses: blindsight 15 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 5
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
Encounter notes: In groups of 5-20 depending on size of bush habitat
  Special Traits:
  • Ambush Predator: Advantage on attack rolls against surprised creatures.
  • False Appearance: Indistinguishable from a normal cranberry bush when motionless.
  • Venomous Bite: DC 12 CON save or take poison damage and become poisoned.

  • Venom & Acidic Blood
    The Cruelberry Creature's bite delivers a venom so potent that it can cause death in mere moments. Once bitten, the victim's internal tissues begin to burn and dissolve, leading to a rapid shutdown of the nervous system. Additionally, when threatened, the creature can spray acidic blood from its skin, causing burns and corrosion to attackers and their gear.   Actions:
  • Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
  • Acidic Blood (Recharge 5-6): Reaction to spray blood when damaged, 5-foot radius. DC 12 DEX save or take acid damage.

  • The Cruelberry Creature is well suited to blend into its surroundings, lying in wait for an opportune moment to strike. Its venomous bite and defensive acidic blood spray make it a dangerous encounter in the Cranberry Swamp.

    Basic Information


    Resembling a cluster of ripe cranberries, these creatures have a chitinous exterior that conceals their predatory form. They possess small, sharp fangs and a sleek body, with a size not much larger than the fruit they mimic. Their limbs are adapted for quick, skittering movements and sudden leaps to latch onto prey.

    Biological Traits

    In addition to their venomous bite and acidic blood spray, they have a rapid regenerative ability, allowing them to recover from injuries that would be fatal to other creatures. This resilience is likely a mutation caused by the Far Realm's influence.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Cranberry Creatures reproduce asexually, laying clusters of eggs that resemble berry bushes to the untrained eye. These eggs are coated in a venomous film as a defense against predators.

    Growth Rate & Stages

    Indigenous to the Cranberry Swamp, these creatures have thrived in the presence of the Far Realm's corrupting energy. They camouflage effortlessly among the swamp's mutated flora, which provides them with both cover and hunting grounds.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Carnivorous in nature, Cranberry Creatures feed on anything that comes into contact with them. They lie in wait for prey to approach before attacking with their venomous bite, which can paralyze or kill.  


    Cranberry Creatures are ambush predators, displaying patience as they wait for prey. Their behavior is driven primarily by instinct, with aggression triggered by proximity rather than hunger.

    Additional Information

    Uses, Products & Exploitation

    The dangerous nature of the Cranberry Creatures makes them difficult to exploit. However, their venom has potential alchemical value, and their chitinous shells could be used in crafting if a safe collection method were devised. Despite this, the risk associated with harvesting these byproducts means they are largely left undisturbed by the denizens of Dramoor.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Exclusive to the Cranberry Swamp

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Blindsight allows Cranberry Creatures to navigate and hunt in the dense foliage of the swamp without relying on vision. They can detect vibrations and chemical signals in the environment, helping them distinguish between prey and inedible objects.

    Cruelberry Antivenom

      Creating an antivenom for the Cruelberry Creature's potent venom requires a deep understanding of both alchemy and the unique properties of the venom itself. Given the venom's violent and acidic nature, combined with its ability to cause nervous system shutdown, the anti-venom must not only neutralize the acidic components but also counteract the neurological effects.
      Components of AntiVenom
    1. Core Ingredient: Cruelberry Creature Venom Sample A small quantity of the venom is essential for developing the antivenom. This sample will be used to study the venom's composition and to create a small, weakened version of the venom for inoculation purposes.   2. Marsh Mallow Root Extract Known for its soothing properties and ability to treat irritations and inflammations of the mucous membranes. It helps neutralize the acidic component of the venom.   3. Silverweed Leaves Contains compounds that can alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. When processed correctly, Silverweed leaves can help mitigate the internal burning caused by the venom.   4. Moonshade Petals A rare flower known to grow in areas of strong magical disturbance. Its petals have unique properties that can restore damaged nervous tissues and protect against neurological degradation.   5. Blackroot Oil Extracted from the roots of the Blackroot plant, this oil has powerful detoxifying effects. It's used to cleanse the body of toxins and support the liver in processing and eliminating the venom.   6. Waters from an Enchanted Spring These waters possess mild magical properties that enhance the potency of herbal concoctions and promote healing. Adding this to the antivenom increases its effectiveness in combating the magical aspects of the venom.
      Preparation Method
    1. Venom Dilution:
    Dilute the Cruelberry Creature venom in the enchanted spring water to weaken its potency safely.
    2. Herbal Infusion:
    Simmer the marsh mallow root extract, silverweed leaves, and moonshade petals in the diluted venom solution. The mixture should be kept at a low temperature to preserve the delicate compounds.
    3. Incorporation of Blackroot Oil:
    Once the herbal infusion cools, blend in the blackroot oil gradually, stirring continuously to ensure the mixture is homogenous.
    4. Magical Activation:
    The final step involves a mild enchantment to activate the magical properties of the moonshade petals fully, integrating the potion's components into a cohesive anti-venom.


      The antivenom must be administered immediately upon symptoms of venom exposure. It can be given orally or, in severe cases, as a direct injection into the bloodstream for rapid action. Repeat doses may be necessary depending on the severity of the envenomation and the victim's response to the initial treatment. Notes   Developing this anti-venom requires not only a skilled alchemist but also access to the specific ingredients mentioned, some of which may be rare or difficult to procure. Additionally, due to the magical nature of the Cruelberry Creature's venom, an adept in magical arts may be needed to perform the final enchantment step effectively.  

    Volatility and Storage Requirements for Cranberry Antivenom

      The Cruelberry Antivenom, while potent in counteracting the venomous effects of the Cruelberry Creature, possesses inherent volatility due to its unique blend of magical and natural ingredients. The concoction's efficacy is closely tied to the stability of its components, which can be susceptible to degradation if exposed to unsuitable conditions. Factors such as temperature fluctuations, exposure to direct sunlight, and proximity to strong magical fields can alter the antivenom's composition, reducing its healing capabilities or, in worst-case scenarios, transforming it into a harmful substance.   Storage Requirements
    Temperature Control: The antivenom must be stored at a constant temperature, ideally between 60-70°F (15-21°C). Extreme cold can cause the magical components to crystallize, while excessive heat may destabilize the herbal extracts.   Light Avoidance: Direct sunlight and bright artificial light can break down the delicate balance of ingredients. The vial should be kept in a dark, opaque container or a storage area shielded from light sources.   Magical Shielding: Due to the antivenom's sensitivity to magical interference, it is recommended to store the vial within a ward or a container imbued with protective runes. This shielding prevents ambient magical energies from altering the antivenom's properties.   Sealed Environment: To prevent contamination and preserve the antivenom's potency, the vial must be sealed with a wax stamp or similar method immediately after preparation. The seal should only be broken immediately before use.   Vertical Positioning: The vial should be stored in an upright position to ensure the wax seal remains intact and to prevent leakage. Any tilt or inversion could stress the seal and lead to exposure of the antivenom to air, which might initiate degradation.   Handling Precautions: Handlers should wear protective gloves when dealing with the antivenom, not only to protect themselves from potential skin irritation but also to avoid contaminating the vial with oils or substances that could react with the glass or the potion itself.

    Shelf Life

    When stored under the recommended conditions, Cruelberry Antivenom has a shelf life of up to one year. It is crucial to monitor the storage environment continuously and replace any antivenom that approaches its expiration date to ensure its effectiveness in treating venom exposure.  

    Emergency Access

    Given its importance in treating venomous encounters in and around the Cranberry Swamp, strategic placement of antivenom caches, equipped with the necessary storage protections, can be lifesaving. These caches should be marked clearly on maps and made known to explorers, Realm Watch Guards, and local inhabitants to ensure quick retrieval in emergencies.   Adhering to these storage requirements is essential for maintaining the Cruelberry Antivenom's integrity and ensuring it remains a reliable antidote against the deadly embrace of the Cruelberry Creatures.