Deep Gnomes Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Deep Gnomes

Deep within the labyrinthine expanse of Dramoor's underground, the Deep Gnomes, or Svirfneblin, carve out their existence in the shadows of the world above. These enigmatic beings embody the duality of their environment—dark yet vibrant with life, secluded yet rich in culture and artistry. Their society thrives in the depths far beyond the reach of the sun's rays, in realms so profound that they become the stuff of surface dwellers' myths. Here, amidst the ancient rock and echoing caverns, Deep Gnomes cultivate a civilization marked by cunning, creativity, and a complex moral compass that guides their interactions with one another and the rare outsiders who venture into their domain. Their lives are a testament to the adaptability and resilience required to survive and flourish in such an unforgiving setting.   The intrigue of Deep Gnomes extends beyond their survival skills and into the realm of the elemental, particularly in their peculiar fascination with Genasi. This bizarre attraction is woven into the fabric of their society, influencing their behaviors and relationships in profound ways. To the Deep Gnomes, Genasi represent the untamed forces of nature that they seldom encounter in their subterranean world. They are drawn to Genasi with a mix of lust, reverence, and awe, perceiving them as living embodiments of the primordial elements themselves. This admiration fuels a cultural obsession that manifests in their art, storytelling, and social rituals, imbuing their already rich culture with an added layer of mystique and longing for the elemental and the unknown.   Despite their often insular nature, the Deep Gnomes' interactions with the wider world of Dramoor are marked by a shrewd understanding of its complexities. They navigate their relationships with other races with a blend of caution and curiosity, always mindful of the delicate balance between self-preservation and the allure of the world beyond their darkened sanctuaries. Their slow-to-anger disposition belies a deep capacity for planning and retribution, ensuring that any slights or wrongs are remembered and addressed in time. Yet, it is their paradoxical blend of secretive living and an open fascination with Genasi that truly sets them apart, casting them as one of Dramoor's most intriguing and contradictory peoples, whose depths are as rich and varied as the caverns they call home.

Basic Information


Deep Gnomes are compact and hardy, with an appearance honed by life in the deep earth. Their skin tones range from earthy greys to stone-like hues, providing natural camouflage in their darkened environments. Despite their rugged exterior, Deep Gnomes place a high value on personal grooming and adornment, often embellishing themselves with intricate tattoos, piercings, and jewelry crafted from the precious gems they so love to collect.

Biological Traits

Natural resilience to the toxins and hazards of underground life, coupled with their ability to blend into the shadows, makes Deep Gnomes formidable survivors. Their innate magic often leans towards illusions and enchantments, reflecting their deceptive nature.

Genetics and Reproduction

Deep Gnomes share a genetic lineage that has adapted over generations to life underground. Their reproductive cycle and maturation rates are similar to those of surface gnomes, with a deep respect for lineage and family ties central to their community structure.

Growth Rate & Stages

Youth among the Deep Gnomes are educated in the ways of their people from an early age, learning the importance of stealth, artistry, and the complex social dynamics of their communities. As they grow, they are encouraged to explore their individual talents, whether in thievery, craftsmanship, or the arts.

Ecology and Habitats

Living deeper in the earth than most other races dare to venture, Deep Gnomes have carved out a niche in the most inhospitable of environments. Their cities and settlements are marvels of engineering, utilizing the natural caverns and creating structures that blend seamlessly with the underground terrain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet is comprised of fungi, roots, and subterranean creatures, supplemented by trade with surface dwellers or other underground races. Deep Gnomes have developed a rich culinary culture that makes the most of their limited resources.

Biological Cycle

Deep Gnomes have adapted to a life without the sun, with their biological cycles governed more by the rhythms of their community and the tasks at hand than by natural daylight. Their concept of time is fluid, focusing on accomplishments rather than hours or days.


Deep Gnomes are a study in contrasts: cautious yet daring, secretive yet expressive through their arts. They value intelligence and wit, taking pleasure in outmaneuvering others, whether in physical, social, or artistic endeavors. Their mistrust of outsiders is balanced by a deep loyalty to their kin and community.   Deep Gnomes exhibit a complex array of behaviors that are as intricate and multifaceted as the caverns they inhabit. Among these, a peculiar fascination with Genasi stands out, transcending mere curiosity to reach levels of awe, desire, and sometimes even sycophancy. This bizarre cultural fixation is not entirely understood, even among Deep Gnomes themselves, but it manifests in an intense attraction to the elemental essence and unique powers of Genasi. Whether drawn to their raw elemental energies or enchanted by their exotic appearances and abilities, Deep Gnomes often go to great lengths to interact with, learn from, or simply be near Genasi, viewing them as embodiments of the natural forces they rarely encounter in their subterranean homes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Deep Gnome society is built on strong family units and close-knit communities, with a social hierarchy that values skill, cunning, and contributions to the collective well-being. Leadership is often merit-based, with the most adept and intelligent among them rising to positions of influence.

Facial characteristics

Deep Gnomes possess expressive faces, with sharp eyes that gleam in the darkness. Their features are accentuated by their elaborate grooming and the personal adornments that reflect their individuality and status.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Deep Gnomes inhabit the deepest reaches of the earth, in regions untouched by the light of the sun. Their settlements are often hidden, protecting them from the prying eyes of the surface world and other subterranean threats.

Average Intelligence

With a keen intellect and a penchant for strategy, Deep Gnomes excel in pursuits that require cunning and creativity. Their society places a high value on knowledge and the clever application of skills.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Adapted to the darkness of the deep earth, Deep Gnomes possess exceptional night vision, allowing them to see with clarity where no light reaches. Their heightened senses also include acute hearing and a keen sense of vibration in the ground, enabling them to navigate their subterranean world with precision and awareness of their surroundings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Deep Gnome names often carry layers of meaning, reflecting the complexity of their personalities and the multifaceted nature of their society. Names are chosen to convey strength, cunning, or beauty, serving as a badge of honor and identity.

Major Organizations

Deep Gnomes form syndicates and guilds centered around their various skills and interests, from thievery and espionage to the arts and gemcraft. These organizations play a crucial role in their society, providing structure and a means for individuals to advance their talents and status.

Beauty Ideals

Vanity and a keen sense of aesthetics define the beauty ideals of Deep Gnomes. They admire physical appearances that reflect both the allure and the danger of the deep earth—beauty that is striking, adorned, and carries an air of mystery. Deep Gnomes love jewelry and will take every opportunity to showcase their baubles using piercings, rings and necklaces.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Deep Gnomes is a complex dance of wit and charm, with potential mates vying to outdo one another in displays of intellect, creativity, and resourcefulness. They value partners who can match their depth of character and complement their talents.

Relationship Ideals

Deep Gnomes seek relationships built on mutual respect, intellectual compatibility, and shared cunning. Loyalty and trust are paramount, with bonds often forged through shared endeavors and the overcoming of challenges.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Their language is rich and expressive, with a vocabulary that includes terms unique to their subterranean world. Deep Gnomes also employ a variety of non-verbal cues and signs, an adaptation to silent communication in the depths.

Common Etiquette Rules

In Deep Gnome society, respect is earned through cunning, skill, and the ability to contribute to the community's welfare. Etiquette revolves around acknowledging these achievements and recognizing the subtle interplay of social dynamics.

Common Dress Code

Deep Gnomes dress to impress, with elaborate and ornate attire that showcases their wealth, status, and personal flair. Their clothing often incorporates precious gems and metals, reflecting their love for the treasures of the deep earth.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of Deep Gnomes is a vibrant tapestry of art, music, dance, and storytelling, celebrating their ingenuity and spirit of survival. Festivals and gatherings are elaborate affairs, with performances that dazzle and entertain, embodying the depth and complexity of their society.   The cultural heritage of Deep Gnomes is rich with art, music, and tales that, while primarily focused on their own achievements and challenges, also include a significant portion dedicated to their admiration of Genasi. Stories of encounters with these elemental beings are recounted with reverence, and artworks depicting Genasi are among the most valued and sought after. This obsession extends to the crafting of jewelry and clothing, with Deep Gnomes often incorporating elements they believe will attract or honor Genasi, hoping to capture a fraction of their elemental essence. Festivals and celebrations may even include ceremonies or performances dedicated to the Genasi, reflecting the deep-seated fascination they hold within Deep Gnome society.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Customs among Deep Gnomes include the Gem Festival, a celebration of their achievements in mining and gemcraft, and the Shadow Dance, a ritual that honors their mastery over the art of deception and stealth.   Among the various customs and traditions observed by Deep Gnomes, those involving Genasi are particularly elaborate. It's not uncommon for Deep Gnomes to host feasts or gatherings in the hopes of attracting Genasi visitors, where they offer gifts, performances, and lavish praise in an effort to express their admiration and perhaps forge a deeper connection. Such events are marked by an intense display of hospitality and eagerness to please, showcasing the extent of their cultural obsession with these elemental entities.

Common Taboos

Betraying one's family or community is the gravest taboo in Deep Gnome society, followed closely by the mistreatment of children. Their moral code, while flexible on many fronts, is rigid in its protection of kin and the innocent.


The history of Deep Gnomes is a tale of survival against the odds, filled with stories of their cunning triumphs over the dangers of the deep earth and the richness of their cultural achievements. Despite their isolation, they have played a pivotal role in the undercurrents of Dramoor's history.

Historical Figures

Thalren Shadowcrafter, the Veiled Architect

  Era: The Age of Whispered Secrets   Thalren Shadowcrafter is a legend among the Deep Gnomes, revered not only for his unparalleled mastery of illusion and stealth but also for his architectural genius in crafting the hidden city of Glimmerdusk. Thalren's legacy is twofold: he was a protector who used his skills to shield his people from the dangers of the deep, and an innovator whose creations expanded the boundaries of Deep Gnome society. Known as the Veiled Architect, Thalren's work ensured that Glimmerdusk remained a sanctuary for Deep Gnomes, hidden from the prying eyes of foes and the dangers that stalk the underdark.   Thalren's most notable achievement was the design and construction of Glimmerdusk, a city of wonders carved from the heart of a massive geode, its interiors bathed in the soft light of phosphorescent fungi and crystals. He ingeniously integrated illusion magic into the city's defenses, creating mirages and false passages that confounded invaders. Beyond architecture, Thalren was a cultural icon who advanced the arts of dance, music, and storytelling among his people, enriching Deep Gnome culture with his creativity and passion.   Beyond his technical and artistic skills, Thalren was a visionary leader who saw the potential for his people to thrive despite the harshness of their environment. He believed in the power of unity and intelligence over brute force, a philosophy that guided his approach to both architecture and community. His leadership was characterized by a deep empathy for his fellow Deep Gnomes, an unwavering commitment to their safety, and a drive to foster a society where art and science flourished.   Centuries after his time, Thalren Shadowcrafter's influence permeates Deep Gnome society. Glimmerdusk stands as a testament to his genius, a city that continues to protect and nurture its inhabitants. His innovations in magical architecture are studied by Deep Gnome mages and engineers, while his contributions to the arts inspire new generations to explore their creativity. Annual festivals celebrate his memory, featuring performances and displays that honor his legacy as a creator and protector.   Thalren's life and work are commemorated through statues and murals throughout Glimmerdusk, depicting him with his trademark tools—a chisel in one hand and a wand in the other. Legends of Thalren often emphasize his cunning, his compassionate leadership, and his undying love for his people and their culture. These stories, passed down through generations, serve not only to remember a great individual but also to teach valuable lessons about innovation, resilience, and the strength found in community.   Thalren Shadowcrafter, the Veiled Architect, remains a symbol of the indomitable spirit of the Deep Gnomes, a reminder of their capacity to create beauty and safety in the darkness, and to face the challenges of the underdark with intelligence and unity.

Common Myths and Legends

Mythology among Deep Gnomes is filled with tales of legendary thieves, master artisans, and cunning heroes who navigated the perils of the deep earth with skill and wit. These stories serve as both entertainment and moral lessons, teaching the values of cleverness, loyalty, and the strength of community.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Deep Gnomes generally mistrust other races, a sentiment born from their secluded lifestyle and the threats they face in the depths. While slow to anger, they are quick to remember slights and wrongs, often planning intricate revenges against those who have harmed them. Their interactions with surface dwellers and other subterranean races are cautious, marked by a keen awareness of potential threats and opportunities.   While generally mistrustful of other races, Deep Gnomes make a notable exception for Genasi. Their interactions with these elemental beings are characterized by a mix of lust, admiration, and veneration. Deep Gnomes are drawn to Genasi in a way that can only be described as magnetic, often seeking them out for alliances, partnerships, or merely the chance to bask in their presence. This fascination can sometimes be perceived as intrusive or excessive by Genasi, but it also opens avenues for unique collaborations and exchanges between the two races. The Deep Gnomes' adulation of Genasi has led to mixed reactions from other races, who may view it with bemusement, concern, or even jealousy.

Deep Gnomes Trait Bonuses

  Deep Gnomes, the enigmatic inhabitants of Dramoor's deepest caverns, possess a unique set of traits that reflect their adaptation to a life shrouded in darkness and mystery. These traits not only highlight their physical and mental agility but also underscore the challenges they face in their secluded world. The following trait bonuses and penalties provide insight into the complex nature of Deep Gnomes:   Strength (STR) -1: Reflecting their compact stature and the emphasis on agility over brute force in their society, Deep Gnomes have a slight decrease in strength. This trait underscores their preference for cunning and finesse in navigating the treacherous depths they inhabit.   Dexterity (DEX) +1: The intricate environments of the underdark demand exceptional agility, and Deep Gnomes excel in this regard. This bonus represents their adeptness at maneuvering through narrow caverns, evading hazards, and mastering the art of stealth and sleight of hand, essential skills for survival in the deep.   Intelligence (INT) +2: Deep Gnomes possess keen intellects, honed by generations of navigating the complexities of subterranean politics and survival. This significant increase reflects their natural inclination towards problem-solving, strategy, and a deep-seated curiosity that drives their mastery of magic, craft, and lore.   Luck (LUK) -1: Living in a world where fate can be as fickle as the tunnels they call home, Deep Gnomes often find themselves at odds with chance. This penalty signifies the hard-earned skepticism and caution that permeate their outlook on life, where reliance on luck is considered folly in favor of skill and preparation.   Dodge (DDG) +5%: The ability to avoid danger, whether from falling rocks or the swipe of a predator's claw, is invaluable in the deep earth. This bonus to dodge reflects the Deep Gnomes' quick reflexes and their proficiency in evading threats, both physical and magical, enhancing their survivability in a realm where danger lurks in every shadow.
Scientific Name
Gnomus Profundus
350 to 500 years
Average Height
Deep Gnomes are compact and agile, with an average height ranging from 3 to 3.5 feet (91 to 107 cm). Their stature is well-suited to navigating the tight confines of the underground world they inhabit, enabling them to move silently and efficiently in the shadows.
Average Weight
Reflecting their small stature, Deep Gnomes typically weigh between 40 to 45 pounds (18 to 20 kg). This light weight contributes to their agility and ability to remain undetected, both crucial traits for survival in the depths of Dramoor.
Average Physique
Compact and sturdy, Deep Gnomes are built for agility and endurance. Their physical form is well-adapted to their subterranean lifestyle, enabling them to navigate tight spaces and endure the physical demands of their environment.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin mimics the palette of the deep earth, with variations that can include shades of grey, brown, and black. Markings, whether natural or adorned, often have significant cultural or personal meaning.