Desert Gnome Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Desert Gnome

In the sprawling expanse of the Glimmering Ultra's northern reaches lies the domain of the Desert Gnomes, a subrace of gnomes that have carved out an existence in harmony with the harsh desert environment. Forged in the crucible of adversity, Desert Gnomes are a testament to the resilience and adaptability of life. With skin bronzed by the relentless sun and eyes sharpened by the ever-shifting sands, they embody the spirit of the desert itself. These gnomes have evolved a culture centered around the scarce resources of their homeland, valuing water above all else and mastering the art of survival in a landscape that offers little mercy. Their history is marked by a fierce struggle for freedom from the clutches of Salamander enslavement, a past that has honed their skills in stealth, combat, and the art of survival, making them formidable opponents and cunning marauders.   The society of Desert Gnomes is characterized by a deep sense of community and self-reliance, underscored by their peaceful internal relations and strict social codes. Governed by an autocratic emperor whose lineage traces back to the founders of their freed society, they live in a well-guarded network of caverns, canyons, and caves known as The Bliss. Despite their reputation for being malicious and cruel to outsiders, within their own ranks, Desert Gnomes enjoy a relatively peaceful existence, free from the betrayals and conflicts that plague other societies. Their unique language of silent communication, developed during their time in slavery, remains a vital part of their culture, enabling them to converse secretly and maintain cohesion in their tight-knit community.  

Roleplaying as Desert Gnomes

  Players choosing to roleplay as Desert Gnomes embark on a unique adventure, portraying exiled members of this insular and survivalist society. These exiles, having sought or been forced into a life beyond the stark confines of The Bliss, offer a rich narrative potential for exploring themes of freedom, survival, and identity. Desert Gnome characters may grapple with the perceptions of other races, who often view them with suspicion and wariness due to their species' reputation for cruelty and marauding. As outsiders to their own kind, these characters have the opportunity to bridge worlds, bringing with them the skills, cunning, and resilience of their people, while navigating the challenges of a life far removed from the harsh but familiar embrace of the desert.   Roleplaying a Desert Gnome provides a pathway to explore complex moral and ethical questions, set against the backdrop of Dramoor's diverse societies. Players can delve into the struggle of maintaining one's cultural identity and survival skills in a world that does not understand or accept them, all while confronting the stereotypes and prejudices that follow their kind. The journey of a Desert Gnome exile is one of discovery, conflict, and potential redemption, offering a compelling narrative of resilience in the face of adversity and the search for a new place in the vast world of Dramoor.

Basic Information


Desert Gnomes have adapted physically to their arid environment, with sun-baked, earth-toned skin that helps them blend into the desert landscape. Their bodies are lean and hardy, conditioned for survival in extreme heat and scarcity. Unique among gnomes, their physical appearance has evolved to include traits that aid in conserving water and enduring the relentless sun.

Biological Traits

Desert Gnomes have developed several biological adaptations, including an enhanced ability to conserve water, a high tolerance for extreme temperatures, and a robust immune system suited to the desert's challenges.

Genetics and Reproduction

Over generations, Desert Gnomes have become a distinct subrace through a combination of environmental adaptation and cultural evolution. Their genetic traits now include an innate resilience to heat and dehydration, distinguishing them from their gnome ancestors.

Growth Rate & Stages

Desert Gnome children are raised in a community that values self-sufficiency and loyalty. From a young age, they are taught the skills necessary for survival and the importance of water conservation, as well as the silent language that unites their people.

Ecology and Habitats

The Bliss, an expanse of caverns, canyons, and caves, serves as the stronghold of the Desert Gnomes. This well-guarded network is both home and fortress, providing protection from the harsh desert environment and potential invaders. Their settlements are ingeniously designed to maximize water retention and minimize exposure to the elements.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Desert Gnomes have adapted their dietary habits to the harsh conditions of their desert environment, where resources are scarce and survival is paramount. Their diet is characterized by pragmatism and a deep understanding of the nutritional value and availability of the food sources in their arid home.  

Primary Food Sources:

  Desert Flora: Desert Gnomes have a profound knowledge of the native plants in The Bliss, utilizing every possible source of nutrition. They consume a variety of cacti, succulents, and other desert plants that contain water, as well as seeds and roots that can be ground into flour or eaten whole.   Insects and Arachnids: Insects such as beetles, locusts, and scorpions, along with various arachnids, are staples in the Desert Gnome diet. These creatures are abundant and provide essential proteins and fats.   Small Reptiles and Rodents: The hunting of small desert animals like lizards, snakes, and rodents supplements their diet with necessary proteins. These animals are typically roasted or dried to preserve them for later consumption.   Water Conservation and Usage: Water is the most coveted resource among Desert Gnomes, and their dietary practices reflect stringent conservation methods. They have mastered the art of extracting moisture from food and minimizing water loss through their cooking processes. Any cooking method that requires water is carefully considered and utilized sparingly, with a preference for roasting or sun-drying to preserve food.   Cultural and Malicious Practices: The reputation of Desert Gnomes as flesh-eaters stems from their pragmatic approach to survival, which, in desperate times, has led to practices considered taboo by other societies. However, these instances are rare and driven by necessity rather than preference. Their history of enslavement and subsequent liberation has imbued them with a deep-seated survival instinct that prioritizes the community's well-being above all.   Meal Sharing and Social Gatherings: Despite their harsh environment and the premium on resources, Desert Gnomes value the communal aspect of meals. Sharing food and water is a sign of trust and camaraderie within their society, and communal meals are occasions for reinforcing social bonds and recounting the day's events. These gatherings are conducted with a sense of gratitude for the resources available, and wastefulness is frowned upon.   Trade and Barter for Food: While Desert Gnomes rarely venture beyond their territories, trade with outsiders who manage to establish trust can include the exchange of desert delicacies for goods not found within The Bliss. Such interactions are heavily regulated to ensure the community's safety and resource security.   Desert Gnomes' dietary needs and habits are a testament to their adaptability and resilience, reflecting a society that has not only survived but thrived under conditions that would spell doom for others. Their approach to food and water consumption is a critical component of their culture, embodying the values of efficiency, conservation, and communal support that define their way of life.


To outsiders, Desert Gnomes are viewed as malicious and cruel, a perception stemming from their ruthless protection of their resources and their history of conflict with the Salamanders. However, internally, their society is characterized by a deep sense of community, peace, and an unwavering commitment to mutual survival and prosperity.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Led by an autocratic emperor, whose lineage has ruled since their liberation, Desert Gnome society is highly structured, with strict adherence to laws and customs that ensure the survival and prosperity of their community. Despite their harsh exterior, they maintain a peaceful and crime-free society internally, valuing solidarity and mutual support.

Facial characteristics

Desert Gnomes have sharp, expressive features, often hardened by the sun and wind. Their eyes, adapted to the bright desert light, are keen and observant, reflecting the depth of their survival instincts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Desert Gnomes are exclusively found within The Bliss, their fiercely guarded domain in the Glimmering Ultra. This isolation has fostered a culture and society vastly different from other gnome subraces, with traditions and customs shaped by their environment and history.

Average Intelligence

While their intelligence is on par with other gnomes, Desert Gnomes possess a unique cunning and resourcefulness born of necessity. Their survival in such a hostile environment is a testament to their strategic thinking and adaptability.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Heightened by their need to detect water and threats in the desert, Desert Gnomes possess acute senses, particularly in tracking and navigation. Their survival hinges on an exceptional ability to locate hidden water reserves and to communicate silently through a complex system of non-verbal signals developed during their time under Salamander dominion.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Desert Gnome names are often derived from the desert itself, with names that reflect the landscape, elements, and virtues of survival and strength. These names serve as a reminder of their enduring spirit and the trials they have overcome.

Major Organizations

The unified governance of The Bliss under the autocratic rule ensures that Desert Gnomes act as a cohesive entity, with little need for separate organizations. Their society is organized around the efficient management of resources, defense, and the preservation of their culture.

Beauty Ideals

In Desert Gnome society, beauty is found in resilience, resourcefulness, and the ability to thrive in adversity. Physical attributes that signify survival and adaptation to the desert environment are highly valued.

Courtship Ideals

Desert Gnome courtship places a premium on the demonstration of survival skills, loyalty, and the ability to contribute to the community's welfare. Relationships are formed based on mutual respect and the shared commitment to the group's survival.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships among Desert Gnomes are based on trust, mutual support, and a deep understanding of the challenges they face together. Loyalty to one's partner and community is paramount, reflecting the values that have ensured their survival.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Desert Gnomes communicate through a unique language of eye, hand, and body signals, a silent form of communication developed during their enslavement. This language, rich in nuance and complexity, is a vital part of their identity and a closely guarded secret among their people.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette in Desert Gnome society emphasizes respect for communal resources, especially water, and adherence to the laws and customs that govern their lives. Honesty and loyalty within the community are highly valued, reflecting their internal harmony.

Common Dress Code

Desert Gnome attire is designed for survival in the desert, with loose, breathable fabrics that protect against the sun and sand. Clothing often includes hidden compartments for storing water and other essentials, reflecting their practical and resourceful nature.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of Desert Gnomes is defined by their history of struggle and liberation. It is a culture that values strength, resilience, and the collective well-being of the community. Festivals and ceremonies often commemorate their emancipation and the enduring spirit that has carried them through adversity.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Traditions among Desert Gnomes revolve around the celebration of water, the most precious resource in their lives. Rituals to honor the scarce rainfalls and ceremonies to mark the allocation of water reserves reinforce the communal bonds that are essential to their survival.

Common Taboos

The highest taboo in Desert Gnome society is the waste or hoarding of water, considered a betrayal of the community's trust. Similarly, taking prisoners or slaves is abhorred, a stark reminder of their own history of bondage and the value they place on freedom and autonomy.


The history of Desert Gnomes is a tale of resilience, from their emancipation from Salamander enslavement to the establishment of a thriving society in one of Dramoor's most inhospitable regions. Their culture and identity have been shaped by this struggle for freedom and the subsequent efforts to preserve their autonomy.

Common Myths and Legends

Desert Gnome mythology is rich with tales of heroism and cunning, often centered around the themes of survival, the cunning defeat of enemies, and the miraculous discovery of water sources. These stories serve as both entertainment and moral lessons, emphasizing the virtues that have enabled their society to thrive in such a harsh environment.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Desert Gnomes maintain complex and often strained relations with other races, shaped by their history of enslavement and their fiercely independent nature. Their liberation from the Salamanders has left a lasting legacy of mistrust and hostility towards those they perceive as potential oppressors, particularly towards races associated with their former captors. This deep-seated xenophobia has positioned them as outliers in the broader tapestry of Dramoor's societies, often seen as marauders and raiders rather than potential allies.   Their interactions with other gnome subraces are marked by a distinct sense of superiority and separateness. Desert Gnomes view themselves as survivors, forged in the crucible of hardship and adversity, and regard their cousins with a mix of pity and disdain for their more settled and, in their eyes, complacent ways of life. This attitude extends to most settled societies, whom they view as soft and weak, bound by the very structures of civilization that they themselves eschew.   Despite their reputation for being cruel and malicious, particularly in their raids and encounters with outsiders, Desert Gnomes adhere to a strict moral code that abhors slavery and values freedom above all. This principle sometimes leads to unexpected acts of mercy or solidarity with individuals or groups fighting against oppression, though such instances are rare and heavily contingent on the Desert Gnomes' assessment of the situation.   Relations with nomadic or similarly independent races and cultures are slightly more favorable, as there exists a mutual understanding of the value of freedom and self-sufficiency. However, even these relationships are approached with caution, as the Desert Gnomes' overarching priority is the protection and secrecy of their home, The Bliss, and the preservation of their scarce water resources.   Trade and diplomacy with Desert Gnomes are challenging, given their distrust of outsiders and their barter-based economy that eschews conventional wealth. Few traders manage to establish ongoing relationships with them, and those who do often find themselves embroiled in complex negotiations that test their patience and resolve. However, the unique goods and knowledge that Desert Gnomes possess make such endeavors potentially rewarding.   Exiled members of Desert Gnome society, those who have sought a more peaceful life or have rejected the harsher aspects of their culture, serve as rare but vital bridges between their people and the outside world. These exiles, often bearing the scars of their past, both physical and emotional, can offer insights into Desert Gnome society and facilitate interactions that would otherwise be impossible.   Overall, the Desert Gnomes of The Bliss are a people shaped by their past, fiercely guarding their independence and resources while navigating the delicate balance between isolation and the occasional necessity of interacting with the world beyond their desert home. Their relations with other races are defined by this balance, a constant dance of wariness and self-preservation that underscores their survival in one of Dramoor's most unforgiving landscapes.

Desert Gnomes Trait Bonuses

  Desert Gnomes, sculpted by the unforgiving conditions of their homeland, possess unique trait bonuses that reflect their adaptation and survival in the harsh desert environment. These bonuses enhance their physical resilience and endurance, though they come at the cost of their social prowess.   Constitution (CON) +3: This significant increase in constitution underscores the Desert Gnomes' remarkable ability to withstand extreme temperatures, scarcity of water, and the overall brutality of the desert. Their bodies have adapted over generations to conserve moisture and maintain vital functions even in the most challenging conditions, making them exceptionally hardy and resilient.   Pain Threshold (PTH) +1: Living in an environment where every day is a struggle for survival has honed the Desert Gnomes' endurance to pain and discomfort. This bonus reflects their grit and capacity to endure injuries and physical hardships that would incapacitate others, a trait crucial for navigating the perilous landscape they call home.   Charisma (CHA) -2: The harsh realities of desert life have necessitated a culture that values survival over diplomacy. This decrease in charisma represents the Desert Gnomes' tendency towards being seen as aloof or blunt by other races. Their survivalist mentality and the isolated nature of their society have impacted their ability to engage in smooth social interactions, making them appear less approachable or charming.
Scientific Name
Gnomus Aridum Tenax
200-250 years (often less due to lifestyle and habitat)
Average Height
Desert Gnomes maintain the characteristic gnome stature, standing on average between 3 to 3.5 feet (91 to 107 cm) tall. This compact size is advantageous in their desert habitat, allowing for better conservation of water and energy and facilitating ease of movement through tight caverns and under the scorching sun.
Average Weight
Reflecting their adaptation to a life of scarcity and survival, Desert Gnomes typically weigh between 40 to 45 pounds (18 to 20 kg). Their bodies are lean and muscular, a direct result of their active lifestyle and the physical demands of navigating and thriving in the desert environment.
Average Physique
Compact and resilient, Desert Gnomes are built for endurance and agility, with physiques honed by a life of scarcity and vigilance.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin ranges from deep earth tones to sun-kissed hues, with some bearing tattoos or markings that signify personal achievements or status within their community.
Symbol of the Desert Gnome Empire

The Lineage of the Desert Gnome Emperor

  The lineage of the Desert Gnome Emperor traces back to the founding of The Bliss, a testament to the resilience, cunning, and leadership that freed the Desert Gnomes from the shackles of Reptoid slavery and established their sovereign domain in the northern Glimmering Ultra. This royal line is marked by rulers who have not only preserved the independence and culture of their people but have also navigated the challenges of the desert with wisdom and strength.   Founder and First Emperor: Aridin the Liberator   Era: The Dawn of The Bliss
Aridin, once a slave, rose to become the symbol of freedom and the architect of the Desert Gnome society. His ingenious leadership during the revolt against the Reptoids and his vision for a unified gnome community in the desert forged the foundation of The Bliss. Aridin's reign was marked by the establishment of the complex network of caverns, canyons, and caves that would become the Desert Gnomes' stronghold and the initiation of the silent language that unites them to this day.   Second Emperor: Cistern Whisperwind   Era: The Consolidation of Sands
Cistern, the child of Aridin, dedicated their rule to securing the newly founded gnome society against external threats and internal strife. Cistern's reign saw the expansion of The Bliss's defenses and the codification of water rights and laws, ensuring the precious resource's equitable distribution among the people. Whisperwind also established the first trade routes with the outside world, albeit cautiously, to bring in resources vital for the community's growth.   Third Emperor: Dunesage Sandweaver   Era: The Era of Expansion
Dunesage expanded The Bliss further into the desert, harnessing the power of desert magic and alchemy to create oases and water reservoirs. Under Sandweaver's guidance, the Desert Gnomes flourished, developing new techniques for desert agriculture and animal husbandry. Dunesage also formalized the silent language, making it a mandatory part of education for all Desert Gnomes.   Fourth Emperor: Mirage the Unseen   Era: The Age of Shadows
Mirage's rule was defined by the strengthening of The Bliss's illusions and magical defenses, making the realm nearly invisible to the uninvited. The Unseen focused on espionage and intelligence, creating a network of spies to protect against Reptoid incursions and other threats. This era also saw the refinement of the Desert Gnomes' martial arts, turning them into formidable warriors in their own right.   Current Emperor: Scorchsun the Enduring   Era: The Current Age
Scorchsun, the current ruler, is known for their efforts to preserve the peace and prosperity of The Bliss while facing new challenges. The Enduring has initiated subtle outreach to potential allies, recognizing that the future may require more than isolation for survival. Scorchsun continues to uphold the traditions and laws set by their ancestors, emphasizing the importance of community and the sacredness of water. Under their rule, The Bliss has seen advancements in water conservation technology and sustainable living practices, ensuring the Desert Gnomes' continued resilience in the face of a changing world.   Each emperor in the lineage has contributed uniquely to the survival and development of the Desert Gnome society, weaving a rich history that is as enduring as the desert itself. The current emperor, Scorchsun the Enduring, stands on the shoulders of these giants, guiding the Desert Gnomes with a blend of tradition and innovation that promises to lead them into a prosperous future.