Druid in Dramoor | World Anvil


Druids are the heart of Dramoor's primal magic, deeply bonded with the natural world. They wield the forces of life and growth, standing against those who would despoil the land. Their magic is as diverse as the ecosystem they protect, capable of nurturing life or unleashing nature's wrath. As stewards of the balance, Druids navigate the complex relationships between all living things, championing the cause of harmony and renewal.  
Where the primal forces of nature intertwine with the threads of magic, Druids stand as the guardians and conduits of this raw, elemental power. Their connection to the natural world allows them to tap into abilities far beyond the ken of ordinary beings, making them revered, sometimes feared, figures across the land.
  Druids are more than mere spellcasters; they are the voice of the earth, the guardians of its secrets, and the champions of its will. Whether through fierce protection, sage advice, or the nurturing of life, Druids embody the resilience and diversity of the natural world they so fiercely protect. Druids stand as the embodiment of nature's will, guardians of its secrets and masters of its magics. As you embark on your journey through these ancient lands, you may choose to hone your connection to the natural world through a variety of subclasses and specializations, each offering unique paths to wield the powers at your fingertips.  

Druids & Firearms

Druids hold a distinct stance on the subject of firearms. Rooted deeply in their reverence for the natural world and its sacred balance, druids universally eschew the use of firearms. To them, these instruments of metal and gunpowder symbolize a stark departure from the harmonious existence they strive to maintain with nature. They view firearms as not only disruptive to the delicate equilibrium of ecosystems but also as a manifestation of humanity's propensity to dominate and alter the environment in unsustainable ways.   This collective aversion goes beyond mere preference; it is a philosophical and ethical principle that guides their interactions with the world. Druids argue that firearms, with their loud discharges and the violence they embody, represent a profound disconnection from the natural rhythms and cycles that govern life. They advocate for solutions and defense mechanisms that align with natural processes, promoting the use of elemental magic, animal companionship, and plant-based defenses as alternatives that work in harmony with the world rather than against it. For a druid, to wield a firearm is to forsake their pact with nature, betraying the very essence of what it means to be a guardian of the wilds.


  Subclasses provide a focused lens through which Druids can view their role in the world. Whether you feel the call of the wild as a Beastmaster Shapeshifter, seeking communion with the creatures of the land, or the wisdom of the ages as an Oracle, divining the patterns of fate that weave through the fabric of reality, your choice will shape your journey. Perhaps you'll stand as a Nature Guardian, defending the sacred groves with the strength of warriors, or delve into the mysteries of elemental magic as a Geomancer. Each subclass not only defines your abilities but also your place within the tapestry of Dramoor's lore.  

Beastmaster Shapeshifter (+Ranger lvl 3):

They are the ultimate embodiment of the wild, moving fluidly between forms to adapt to any situation.
Beastmaster Shapeshifters are Druids who have honed their connection with nature to the point where they can embody its most primal aspects, transforming into creatures of the wild. These Druids transcend the boundary between humanoid and animal, adopting the strengths, senses, and instincts of beasts to defend, explore, and understand the natural world more deeply.   Their mastery over shapeshifting allows them to assume the guise of various animals, each form granting them new abilities and perspectives. Whether stalking through the forest as a wolf, soaring through the sky as an eagle, or swimming through the depths as a fish, they experience life from the viewpoint of their chosen forms, gaining unique insights into the natural order.   Beastmaster Shapeshifters are not only versatile and formidable in their animal forms but also serve as vital guardians of nature. They often stand at the forefront of battles against those who threaten the balance, using their shapeshifting powers to outmaneuver and overwhelm foes, ensuring the sanctity and survival of their natural habitats.   Beastmaster Shapeshifter Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Animal forms, Nature, Stealth, Perception, animal handling, animal taming
Skills Shapeshifting, Tracking, Survival
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 DEX, +1 STR
Special Abilities Able to transform into various animals, enhanced abilities in animal forms. Animal communication and empathy.


Oracle (+Wizard or Cleric lvl 2):

Oracles serve as conduits for the will of the cosmos, their visions offering glimpses of potential futures and hidden truths.
Oracles are a unique subclass that bridges the mystical gap between the Druidic connection to nature and the arcane or divine foresight of Wizards and Clerics. They harness their profound understanding of both the natural and the metaphysical to divine future events, interpreting the whispers of the wind, the patterns of the stars, and the subtle signs of the natural world. With feet planted in different worlds, Oracles provide invaluable guidance and foresight to their allies, steering them through impending dangers and towards favorable outcomes.   Their practices combine ritualistic elements with spontaneous revelations, allowing them to access a stream of prophetic insights. This unique blend of abilities makes them pivotal figures in any group, providing strategic advantage and spiritual guidance.   In a world where the line between fate and free will is blurred, Oracles navigate the possibilities of tomorrow, readying their companions for challenges and opportunities ahead, and ensuring they are never caught unprepared by the tides of destiny.   Oracle Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Divination, Nature, Arcana (if Wizard) or Religion (if Cleric)
Skills Prophecy, Insight, Perception
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +6 LUK, +1 INT (if Wizard) or +1 WIS (if Cleric)
Special Abilities Divination and foresight abilities, enhanced connection to natural and cosmic forces


Nature Guardian (+Warrior/Ranger lvl 3):

Their presence alone is often enough to deter potential threats, and their commitment to the balance of nature is unwavering.
Nature Guardians are the stalwart protectors of the wilderness, embodying the fusion of martial prowess as Warriors or Rangers with the Druidic dedication to nature. Their unique blend of skills enables them to defend natural sanctuaries with unmatched fervor and ability. These guardians are not only skilled in combat but are also deeply attuned to the rhythms and energies of the natural world, allowing them to harness its power in their defense.   With a deep understanding of both the art of war and the whispers of the earth, Nature Guardians are adept at using the terrain to their advantage, employing natural magic to heal wounds, summon allies, or ensnare foes. They stand as the embodiment of nature's wrath and protection, ready to unleash their fury on those who despoil the earth, making them feared and respected defenders of the wild.   In the heat of battle, Nature Guardians demonstrate the formidable force of the natural world, merging physical strength with the ancient magic of the land to preserve the sanctity of their realms.   Nature Guardian Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Natural magic, Armored combat, Wilderness survival
Skills Combat tactics, Environmental manipulation, Nature-based spellcasting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 STR (if Warrior) or +2 DEX (if Ranger), +1 CON
Special Abilities Enhanced combat abilities in natural settings, ability to harness natural forces for defense and attack


Wild Shaman:

Through ancient rituals and ceremonies, they forge and maintain a profound bond with the earth, drawing upon its strength and wisdom in times of need.
Wild Shamans are the spiritual conduits of the primal forces of nature, deeply connected to the elements and the spirits residing within the natural world. They embody the raw, untamed power of the land, channeling it to heal the wounded, bless their allies, and curse their enemies.   Their practices are steeped in the traditions of the old ways, invoking the spirits of nature to guide and aid them. Wild Shamans are revered and sometimes feared for their ability to commune with the unseen forces, manipulating the energies of the world to manifest tangible effects. They serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, navigating the complex relationships with the entities that govern the natural order.   As guardians of ancient knowledge, Wild Shamans play a crucial role in preserving the balance of the ecosystem, calling upon the elements to defend the land against corruption and intrusion. Their mastery over natural magic makes them formidable in their role as protectors, healers, and seers, capable of wielding the very essence of nature itself to maintain harmony and fend off disturbances.   Wild Shaman Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Elemental magic, Spirit communication, Herbalism
Skills Healing, Enchantment, Divination
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 CON
Special Abilities Ability to channel elemental and spirit energies, perform powerful rituals


Geomancer (+Wizard lvl 4):

They can command the ground to rise, tremble, or even engulf foes, showcasing their prowess in altering the terrain to their advantage.
Geomancers are spellcasters who possess a profound connection with the very essence of the earth. As Wizards specializing at level 4, they gain the ability to sense and manipulate the land's natural energies, making them masters of earth-based magic. They can command the ground to rise, tremble, or even engulf foes, showcasing their prowess in altering the terrain to their advantage.   Their unique bond with the earth allows them to not only use its power offensively but also to protect and sanctify the land. Geomancers are often found guarding sacred sites or areas of significant natural power, using their abilities to shield these places from harm or desecration. Their deep understanding of geological forces enables them to detect shifts and disturbances in the earth, making them valuable allies in predicting natural disasters or uncovering hidden resources.   In combat, Geomancers are strategic assets, capable of transforming the battlefield to favor their allies. With gestures or incantations, they can create barriers, open chasms, or cause stone spires to erupt from the ground, demonstrating the formidable and versatile nature of their earth-based magic.   Geomancer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Earth magic, Geology, Environmental manipulation
Skills Terraforming, Seismic sensing, Elemental spellcasting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 CON
Special Abilities Ability to control and shape earth and stone, enhanced sensitivity to geological changes

Rare Druidic Subclass

Oceanic Druid - Sea Whisperer:

Their innate bond with the aquatic realm enables them to tap into the essence of water, explore its profound depths, and converse with its diverse inhabitants.
Oceanic Druids, known as Sea Whisperers, are the mystic custodians of the ocean's secrets and the advocates of its myriad life forms. In the diverse ecosystem of Dramoor, where the terrestrial and marine worlds converge, these druids embody the fluidity and enigmatic nature of the sea. Their innate bond with the aquatic realm enables them to tap into the essence of water, explore its profound depths, and converse with its diverse inhabitants.   Sea Whisperers possess an unparalleled understanding of marine environments, from the shallows to the abyssal plains. They can command the currents, summon sea creatures, and even manipulate water itself to defend and nurture the oceanic world. Their magic is as varied and dynamic as the sea, allowing them to adapt to the challenges posed by both the natural and unnatural forces threatening the marine balance.   These druids are not only powerful allies in safeguarding the aquatic ecosystems but also vital in maintaining the symbiotic relationship between land and sea. Through their actions, Sea Whisperers ensure the continuity and health of marine life, advocating for the preservation and respect of the ocean's ancient, life-giving forces.   Sea Whisperer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Marine biology, Hydrokinesis, Aquatic navigation
Skills Water magic, Communication with sea life, Environmental protection
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 CON
Special Abilities Mastery over water and aquatic environments, ability to summon and control sea creatures

Unique Abilities:

  Sea-Whisperers are granted unique spell-like abilites as they progress in level. These abilites become more potent as they age.   Expand Abilities
Level 2 - Aqua Affinity:
Gain the ability to breathe underwater indefinitely and swim at double your walking speed. You also gain resistance to cold damage, embodying the resilience needed to explore the ocean's depths.   Level 2 - Tidal Communion:
You can communicate with aquatic creatures as if you shared a common language, understanding their needs, fears, and desires. This ability allows you to gather information, seek guidance, or enlist the sea's inhabitants as allies.   Level 4 - Fish Form
You gain the ability to transform into a small or medium non-magical fish, embracing the essence of the ocean's inhabitants. This transformation is a testament to your deep bond with the sea and its creatures, allowing you to explore underwater environments and navigate through waters with ease for finite amounts of time.   Level 6 - Coral Empathy:
Your connection to the living corals allows you to channel their life-giving energies. As an action, you can heal allies within 30 feet of you, using a pool of hit points equal to five times your Druid level. Alternatively, you can create protective coral barriers that provide cover.   Level 10 - Tempest Call:
You gain the ability to influence the weather at sea. Once per long rest, you can cast control weather without expending a spell slot, but only to create weather conditions typical for oceanic environments (e.g., fog, storms).   Level 14 - Deep Guardian:
Embrace the crushing pressure and darkness of the ocean's depths. As an action, you can create an aura of deep water pressure around you for 1 minute. Enemies within this aura have their speed halved, suffer disadvantage on Strength checks, and take cold damage at the start of their turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.   Level 20 - Summon Kraken:
Having reached the zenith of your connection with the marine world, you can now summon a Kraken to aid you in battle or to enforce your will upon the seas. Once per month, this ancient creature, a legend among sailors and a titan of the depths, obeys your commands, unleashing its terrifying power against your foes or helping you navigate and control the ocean's vast mysteries.

Playing an Oceanic Druid:

Oceanic Druids are as versatile as the sea itself, capable of healing and protecting their allies, navigating the most treacherous waters, and unleashing the wrath of the ocean upon their foes. Whether aboard a ship, exploring a sunken ruin, or safeguarding coastal communities, these Druids embody the power and mystery of the sea, drawing strength from the very essence of the ocean.

Sea-Whisperer Limitations (Penalties)

While Sea Whisperers draw their strength and abilities from the depths of the ocean, their connection to the marine world presents a unique limitation when they find themselves on land. This bond, so integral to their power, wanes the further they stray from the embrace of the sea.   Expand Limitations
Landbound Lament: When a Sea Whisperer's feet touch the land, they experience a diminishment of their oceanic magic. While on land and more than a kilometre away from a natural body of water (sea, ocean, lake, or river), their connection to the marine elements weakens, resulting in the following effects:   Reduced Spell Potency: Spells and abilities that draw directly from oceanic or marine sources have their effectiveness reduced. For example, the range, duration, or healing effects might be halved, reflecting the Sea Whisperer's weakened link to the source of their power.   Slowed Regeneration of Aquatic Abilities: Abilities that rely on a recharge, such as Fish Form or Tidal Communion, take twice as long to become available again after use. This represents the Sea Whisperer's struggle to draw upon the ocean's energy from afar.   Diminished Aquatic Communication: The ability to communicate with marine life or command the weather above the seas becomes more challenging, requiring successful concentration checks to achieve effects that would otherwise be effortless near or in the water.
  These limitations encourage Sea Whisperers to stay close to their elemental domain or to seek out ways to carry the essence of the sea with them on their journeys inland, such as carrying vials of seawater or talismans made from coral or seashells. It also adds a layer of strategic depth to their adventures, compelling them to balance their time between the call of the ocean and the needs of their quests on land.  


  Specializations, on the other hand, allow for further refinement of your Druidic path. These are not mere professions but callings that enhance your innate abilities with specific trait bonuses. As an Alchemist, your wisdom becomes your greatest tool in crafting potions that can heal, harm, or bewitch. The Hunter/Tracker specialization sharpens your perception and agility, making you a master of the hunt. Or perhaps the art of the Herbalist calls to you, offering deep wisdom in the secrets of the flora that carpets the land.  
  It is important to remember that while the path of subclasses and specializations is rich with potential, the choice to walk it is not obligatory. The world of Dramoor is vast, and the ways of the Druid are as diverse as the lands they protect. You may find your destiny intertwined with one of these paths, or you may carve a niche of your own design, blending the skills and magics in a way that the world has never seen.  

Alchemist or Herbalist:

In their hands, the mundane becomes magical, and the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary.
Alchemist/Herbalist Druids excel in the ancient art of alchemy, blending a deep knowledge of the natural world with the mystical properties of various substances to create potent potions and elixirs. Their craft goes beyond mere chemistry; it's an intricate dance of elemental energies and biological essences, refined through their enhanced wisdom and innate connection to nature.   By harvesting rare herbs, tapping into magical essences, and experimenting with the gifts of the earth, Alchemists/Herbalists unlock powerful effects in their concoctions. These creations can heal, empower, protect, or even alter reality, reflecting the versatility and depth of their skills. Their alchemical prowess not only serves their own ends but also provides invaluable support to their allies, making them essential members of any expedition or community.   Alchemist/Herbalist Druids embody the principle that through understanding and respecting nature's laws, one can harness its full potential and unveil the wonders of the natural order.   Alchemist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Herbology, Potion brewing, Magical essences, Alchemical experimentation
Skills Wisdom-enhancing concoctions, Nature-based alchemy
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS
Special Abilities Expert in creating potent potions and elixirs, enhanced understanding of natural and magical ingredients
Herbalist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Botany, Herbal medicine, Alchemy, Ecological knowledge
Skills Healing, Poison crafting, Magical plant cultivation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +3 WIS
Special Abilities Deep understanding of plant life, skilled in creating herbal concoctions with various effects



They understand the value of both material and intangible assets, balancing economic acumen with ecological and spiritual insights.
Merchant Druids leverage their charisma to operate in the complex world of trade and negotiation, dealing in rare herbs, magical components, and sacred artifacts. Their commercial activities are not merely for profit but are driven by a deeper mission to secure resources vital for protecting and sustaining the natural order. These Druids are adept at forging alliances, understanding market dynamics, and utilizing their natural charm to ensure the flow of goods that support their ecological and spiritual goals.   Their trade networks often extend far beyond their own communities, allowing them to influence and connect with various factions and cultures. Merchant Druids are skilled in diplomacy and communication, using their abilities to advocate for nature's preservation and to foster relationships that benefit the environment.   Through their efforts, Merchant Druids ensure that their communities have access to the necessary materials for rituals, healing, and sustaining the balance of nature, all while promoting a broader understanding and respect for the natural world.   Merchant Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Economics, Diplomacy, Herbology, Artifact appraisal
Skills Negotiation, Trade, Charismatic leadership
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA
Special Abilities Skilled in acquiring and trading rare items, exceptional at forging trade alliances and promoting ecological balance. +5% buy/sell bonus on successful diplomacy.


Hunter/Tracker (+Ranger lvl 2):

Through their actions, they ensure that the peace and purity of their domains are preserved, maintaining the harmony between all living things.
Hunter/Tracker Druids are the vigilant guardians of the wilderness, using their heightened perception, wisdom, and agility to identify and neutralize threats to the sanctity of their sacred groves and lands. These masters of the wild are adept at tracking down foes, navigating through dense terrain, and employing stealth and precision to maintain the balance of nature.   Their skills are not limited to the hunt; they also possess an intimate knowledge of the natural world, which allows them to read the subtle signs and tracks left by both prey and predators. This deep understanding, combined with their physical prowess, makes them unparalleled in their role as protectors of the natural order.   Hunter/Tracker Druids are the embodiment of the predator's grace and the sentinel's vigilance, ever ready to defend their territories against those who would desecrate or harm the natural world.   Hunter/Tracker Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Tracking, Stealth, Survival, Archery
Skills Hunting, Perception, Nature lore
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +3 PER, +1 WIS, +2 DEX
Special Abilities Exceptional tracking and hunting skills, heightened senses for detecting threats


Weather Warden:

Weather Wardens embody the dynamic and ever-changing essence of nature, constantly adapting to and influencing the world around them.
Weather Wardens are Druids with the extraordinary ability to comprehend and manipulate local weather patterns. Their deep connection to the atmospheric elements allows them to summon fog, rain, wind, or sunshine, making them pivotal figures in their communities and formidable opponents in conflict. Their powers extend beyond mere observation; they actively engage with the climate, influencing it to serve their needs or the needs of their environment.   Whether nurturing crops with timely rainfall, cloaking movements in fog, directing winds for sailors, or bringing forth sunshine to restore the vibrancy of life, Weather Wardens harmonize their actions with the natural world. Their interventions are often subtle yet impactful, reflecting a profound understanding of the ecological and social importance of weather.   In times of strife, they can turn the weather into an ally, hindering enemies with storms or blinding mists, showcasing the strategic value of their abilities.   Weather Warden Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Meteorology, Atmospheric magic, Environmental science
Skills Weather manipulation, Elemental control, Strategic environmental influence
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses Enhanced ability to understand and influence weather patterns
Special Abilities Can summon and control various weather conditions, aiding in agriculture, navigation, and combat

As you step into the wilds, let your heart and the whispering winds guide you. The journey of a Druid is one of balance, harmony, and power—power that flows from the very earth of Dramoor itself.
The natural world is your meaning, purpose and one true love.

Creating Your Druid


Druid Prerequisites:

To embrace the path of a Druid, players must have a beginning base WIS score of at least 12. Druids draw their power from a deep connection to nature, and a keen sense of wisdom is essential for interpreting its ancient languages and harnessing its energies. Failure to maintain this connection due to a decrease in WIS score may result in the temporary loss of druidic powers until the score is restored.
  As you embark on your journey through the mystical lands of Dramoor, adopting the mantle of a Druid, you're presented with a path that is as diverse as the natural world you vow to protect. Choosing your Druid subclass and specialization is a pivotal decision that shapes your character's abilities, role in your adventuring party, and how you interact with the world around you.  

Step 1: Understand Your Druid's Connection to Nature:

Reflect on the bond your character shares with the natural elements and creatures of Dramoor. This foundational relationship will guide you towards a subclass that resonates with your character's beliefs, goals, and personality.  

Step 2: Choose Your Subclass:

Each Druid subclass offers a unique way to express your character's connection to nature. Whether it's through the Beastmaster Shapeshifter's communion with animals, the Oracle's divinatory prowess, the Nature Guardian's protective might, the Wild Shaman's elemental magic, the Geomancer's control over the land, or the Beast Conqueror's dominion over creatures, select a path that aligns with your envisioned playstyle and narrative.  

Step 3: Consider the Subclass Traits:

Each subclass is accompanied by specific traits that enhance your Druid's abilities. These traits are a reflection of your chosen path's specialties and will aid you in your adventures. Consider how these traits will complement your character's strengths and weaknesses.  

Step 4: Select Your Specialization:

Beyond subclasses, specializations allow for further customization of your Druid's skills and focus. Whether you're drawn to the Alchemist's wisdom in potion crafting, the Merchant's charismatic trade, the Hunter/Tracker's keen senses, the Tamer's affinity for animal companionship, or the Herbalist's botanical knowledge, choose a specialization that enhances your role within the party and Dramoor.  

Step 5: Finalize Your Character:

With your subclass and specialization selected, complete your character sheet, ensuring all bonuses are accurately applied. Discuss your character's backstory, motivations, and goals with your Dungeon Master and fellow players to ensure a cohesive group dynamic.  

Embrace Your Role:

As your adventures unfold, let your subclass and specialization guide your decisions and interactions. Your unique abilities can influence the outcome of encounters, solve complex challenges, and shape the story in unexpected ways.   Remember, the path of a Druid in Dramoor is one of deep reverence for the natural order, a commitment to protecting its sanctity, and a celebration of its boundless diversity. Whether you follow a predefined subclass and specialization or blend aspects of several to create a character uniquely your own, the world of Dramoor offers endless possibilities for those who heed nature's call.