Half-Giants Species in Dramoor | World Anvil


In the vast and varied landscapes of Dramoor, the Half-Giants stand as living monuments to the arcane forces that once roamed unchecked across the realm. Born from the confluence of human ambition and the raw essence of giants through ancient magics now lost to time, these beings embody the strength of their giant kin tempered with the versatility of humanity. Lacking a shared history or homeland, Half-Giants carry the legacy of their creation with a sense of collective ambiguity, wandering the lands of Dramoor in search of purpose, acceptance, and a place to call their own. Their origins, shrouded in mystery, are a topic of fascination and speculation among the few scholars privy to the arcane history of Dramoor, leaving many Half-Giants to ponder the intentions of those who brought them into existence.   Amidst the dunes of the desert and within the walls of the bustling cities, Half-Giants find themselves playing roles that capitalize on their formidable size and strength. Many become renowned gladiators, their battles in the Blakvüld Arena of Kazarr drawing crowds who marvel at their prowess. Yet, beyond the spectacle and glory, lies a deeper narrative of beings striving to transcend the expectations and stereotypes imposed upon them by other races. The social stigma attached to their origins and perceived intellect often shadows their individual achievements, casting a long pall over their interactions within the broader society of Dramoor. Despite this, Half-Giants continue to contribute significantly to the communities they choose to protect or serve, challenging prevailing notions with their actions and character.   The journey of the Half-Giants through the annals of Dramoor is a testament to the resilience and adaptability inherent in their blood. As they navigate the complexities of a world that views them through a lens colored by their formidable exterior and mythical origins, they forge paths that blend the might of their giant heritage with the cunning and spirit of humans. In doing so, they redefine what it means to be a Half-Giant in Dramoor, not as relics of a bygone era of arcane experimentation but as vibrant individuals capable of shaping their destiny, contributing to the rich tapestry of cultures and histories that make up the realm.  
Half-Giant (Armoured)

Basic Information


Half-Giants are characterized by their towering stature, often standing 10 to 12 feet tall, with robust musculature that speaks to their giant heritage. Their skin can vary widely in color, occasionally hinting at the magical origins of their creation, with some exhibiting unusual tones or textures. Despite their imposing size, Half-Giants possess a surprising agility, allowing them to move with grace unexpected for beings of their bulk.

Biological Traits

Their most notable biological trait is their immense strength and durability, allowing them to perform feats of physical prowess that are impossible for most other races. This natural resilience makes them formidable opponents and invaluable allies.

Genetics and Reproduction

As magically created beings, Half-Giants reproduce in the same manner as humans, despite their arcane origins. Their offspring inherit the physical characteristics of their Half-Giant parent, including their significant size and strength, along with traits from their human lineage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-Giants mature at a rate similar to humans but continue to grow in size and strength well into their adolescence. Their lifespan mirrors that of humans, with many living to see their century mark, barring the perils of their often-dangerous lives.

Ecology and Habitats

Originally created for specific purposes, Half-Giants have no natural habitat but have adapted to various environments across Dramoor. They are most commonly found in desert regions and urban centers like Kazarr, where their strength and abilities are in high demand.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Due to their size, Half-Giants require a significant amount of food to maintain their health and vitality. They are omnivorous, with diets that can vary widely depending on their location and lifestyle. Those living in urban areas may enjoy a diverse diet, while those in more remote regions rely on hunting and foraging.


Half-Giants display a broad range of personalities, from gentle giants with a deep sense of loyalty to fierce warriors who relish in the heat of battle. Their intelligence varies as widely as any other race, with many showing a keen aptitude for strategy and combat. Despite societal stigmas, Half-Giants are capable of profound thought and emotion.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lacking a cohesive society of their own, Half-Giants often integrate into the communities where they reside, forming bonds with those who look past their formidable exteriors. Within these diverse social structures, they find roles that suit their unique talents and abilities.

Facial characteristics

Half-Giants’ faces blend human and giant features, with broad jaws, high cheekbones, and eyes that can range from warmly expressive to piercingly intense. Their expressions convey a depth of emotion that belies their rugged exteriors.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While Half-Giants can be found throughout Dramoor, they are most prevalent in desert regions and the city of Kazarr. Their rarity outside these areas adds to the mystique and misunderstanding surrounding them.

Average Intelligence

The intelligence of Half-Giants spans the full spectrum, challenging the stereotype of low intellect often attributed to them. Many have proven themselves as capable leaders, strategists, and scholars.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

With keen eyesight adapted for the open desert and an acute sense of hearing, Half-Giants are particularly adept at detecting threats or prey from great distances. Their senses are honed for survival, reflecting their origins as beings created for protection and warfare.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-Giant names often reflect the cultures in which they were raised or the qualities they most embody. Names that speak to their strength, endurance, or the mythical nature of their origins are common.

Major Organizations

There are no specific organizations unique to Half-Giants; however, many find a place within mercenary guilds, adventuring parties, or as esteemed members of the Blakvüld arena’s gladiatorial cadre.

Beauty Ideals

In Half-Giant society, beauty is often associated with physical strength and prowess, as well as the bearing of one's size with grace and dignity. However, among those who interact closely with other races, beauty can also be perceived through the lens of cultural integration and personal achievement.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Half-Giants is as varied as their personalities, with many valuing mutual respect, shared strength, and the ability to stand by one another in life's battles.

Relationship Ideals

Loyalty and trust are the cornerstones of Half-Giant relationships. Whether with kin, friends, or lovers, Half-Giants prize deep, meaningful connections that stand the test of time and adversity.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Half-Giants speak the languages of their communities, often learning multiple tongues to communicate with the diverse populations of Dramoor. Their linguistic adaptability is a testament to their intelligence and desire for connection.

Common Etiquette Rules

Half-Giants are mindful of their size and strength, especially in mixed company, striving to show restraint and consideration. They value honesty, directness, and a straightforward approach to social interactions.

Common Dress Code

In cities, Half-Giants dress in attire that blends their cultural heritage with the practical need to accommodate their size. In the arena or on the battlefield, they favor armor and clothing that allows for maximum mobility and protection.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Without a singular culture, Half-Giants adopt the customs and traditions of those they live among, often serving as bridges between disparate communities. Their individual histories and achievements contribute to the rich cultural mosaic of Dramoor.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Half-Giants observe the customs of their adopted cultures, celebrating local festivals and participating in communal rituals. Those with a strong connection to their origins might also honor the ancient magics that gave them life, albeit in private or with like-minded individuals.

Common Taboos

Betrayal and cowardice are among the most severe taboos for Half-Giants, who place immense value on honor and bravery. Misusing their strength to bully or oppress others is also deeply frowned upon.


The history of Half-Giants is a tapestry woven from the threads of ancient magic and the ambitions of long-forgotten mages. Their creation, intended for war or guardianship, has left them a legacy of strength and resilience, but also a longing for a sense of belonging and purpose beyond their origins.

Historical Figures

Korgath the Unbroken

  Korgath the Unbroken stands as a towering figure in the history of Blakvüld Arena and the lore of Half-Giants in Dramoor. Born into the harsh realities of life as a magically created being, Korgath quickly learned to navigate the world with his immense strength and unwavering spirit. Despite the societal challenges faced by Half-Giants, he carved a name for himself within the walls of the most dreaded arena in Kazarr, turning what many would see as a curse into his greatest asset.   Korgath's journey from a mere combatant to a legend of the arena was marked by battles that seemed insurmountable to most. He faced beasts from the darkest corners of Dramoor, warriors equipped with enchanted weapons, and sorcerers wielding forbidden magics. Yet, with each challenge, Korgath's resolve only grew stronger, earning him the title "The Unbroken." His fighting style, a blend of raw power and unexpected agility, along with his ability to endure and adapt to his opponents' tactics, made each of his battles a spectacle that drew crowds from across the realm.   Beyond his physical prowess, Korgath was known for his honor and integrity. He fought not for the thrill of violence but for the respect and recognition of Half-Giants as beings capable of greatness. His victories served as a beacon of hope for his kind, challenging the prejudices that shadowed them. Korgath's death in the arena, in what was described as the greatest battle Blakvüld had ever seen, was a moment of profound impact. It is said that as he fell, the arena fell silent, and for the first time, the crowd saw not a Half-Giant, but a hero, whose spirit would never be broken.   Today, Korgath the Unbroken is remembered not only as a gladiator of unmatched skill but as a symbol of the potential within all Half-Giants. Statues in his likeness stand at the gates of Blakvüld Arena, and tales of his battles are told and retold, inspiring generations of warriors and gladiators to embrace their destiny with the same courage and resolve that Korgath did. His legacy lives on, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Half-Giants of Dramoor.

Common Myths and Legends

The myths surrounding Half-Giants often involve epic battles, legendary feats of strength, and tales of individuals who have overcome great adversity. These stories serve to inspire and remind Half-Giants of the potential within them to shape their destinies.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Half-Giants work to overcome the prejudices and misconceptions held by other races, proving themselves through their actions and contributions to society. Their relationships with other races are marked by a desire to be seen for who they are, beyond the stereotypes of their size and origins.

Half-Giant Trait Bonuses

  Half-giant trait bonuses reflect their giant heritage and magical origins, emphasizing their physical strength and resilience while also acknowledging their diverse capabilities. Here is a conceptualization of possible trait bonuses for Half-Giants in Dramoor:   Strength +3: Reflecting their immense physical power, derived from their giant ancestry, Half-Giants possess an exceptional strength that is superior to most other races.   Constitution +1: Their robust nature grants them increased resilience, allowing them to withstand physical harm more effectively than others, a testament to their enduring constitution.   Intelligence -1: Although not generally of low intelligence, they do suffer from a lower capacity for learning at a young age. This often results in having a generally lower intelligence as racial whole.  

Special Abilities

  Powerful Build: Half-Giants count as one size larger when determining their carrying capacity and the weight they can push, drag, or lift. This ability reflects their giant heritage and physical dominance.   Giant’s Resilience: Once per long rest, a Half-Giant can regain a number of hit points equal to their level. This trait signifies their innate ability to recover from injuries, a gift from their magical origins.   Arcane Birthright: Half-Giants have an innate affinity for magic due to their creation. They gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Arcana, Nature, or History, reflecting their deep connection to the arcane forces that brought them into existence.   Elemental Resistance: Choose one of the following elements: fire, cold, or lightning. Half-Giants have resistance to the chosen element, which echoes the specific magical conditions of their creation and the elemental affinity of their giant kin.   Adaptive Learner: Half-Giants gain proficiency in one tool or weapon of their choice. This trait represents their capacity to learn and adapt to various situations, despite the stereotypes concerning their intellect.

Scientific Name
Gigantus Arcanum Hybridus
150 to 200 years (shorter for gladiators and warriors)
Average Height
One of the most striking features of Half-Giants is their towering height, which showcases their giant ancestry. On average, Half-Giants stand between 10 to 12 feet tall (3 to 3.7 meters). This immense stature is accompanied by a proportional build that emphasizes their strength and physical capabilities.
Average Length
Reflecting their massive size and muscular build, Half-Giants have a significant weight range. On average, they weigh between 800 to 1200 pounds (363 to 544 kilograms). Their weight not only underscores their physical prowess but also their ability to perform feats of strength that are beyond the reach of most other races.
Average Physique
Half-Giants are among the largest and most physically imposing beings in Dramoor, with their giant heritage evident in their size and strength. They are built for endurance and power, traits that serve them well in their chosen professions.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones can include earthy hues, metallic tints, or even more fantastical shades, a remnant of their magical origins. Some Half-Giants bear tattoos or scars, markers of their achievements and battles.