Lizardfolk Species in Dramoor | World Anvil


Lizardfolk, native to the lush swamps and dense jungles of Neritoph, exhibit a fascinating spectrum of cultural and physical diversity that mirrors the rich ecosystems they inhabit. Their species spans a wide range of personalities, ethical alignments, and societal structures, from deeply traditional tribes that live in harmony with nature to sophisticated individuals who navigate the complexities of urban life with ease. This dichotomy between the wild and the civilized reflects the Lizardfolk's adaptive nature, enabling them to thrive across the diverse landscapes of Dramoor. Despite their varied lifestyles, all Lizardfolk share a connection to their ancestral roots, which influences their customs, beliefs, and interactions with the world around them.   The internal division between tribal and civilized Lizardfolk highlights a broader struggle within their culture, as those who have embraced modernity often view their less developed kin as relics of a bygone era. This tension is exacerbated by the perceptions of other races, who frequently fail to recognize the nuances of Lizardfolk society, instead casting blanket judgments based on superficial observations. However, the Lizardfolk's resilience and versatility shine through these challenges, with each subgroup carving out its niche and contributing to the tapestry of Dramoorian life in unique ways.   Lizardfolk possess an innate attraction to the mystical arts, with a particular affinity for alchemy and sorcery. This proclivity for magic, combined with their natural prowess and physical abilities, makes them formidable adversaries and invaluable allies. Civilized Lizardfolk, in their pursuit of integration and acceptance, often leverage their magical talents to achieve prominence within the societies they join, bridging the gap between their ancient heritage and the contemporary world. As the Lizardfolk continue to navigate the shifting sands of cultural identity and societal acceptance, their journey reflects the broader themes of adaptation, coexistence, and the search for a place within the ever-evolving world of Dramoor.  

Wild Lizardfolk


Misunderstandings and Relationships with Civilized Races

  Wild Lizardfolk, residing primarily in the untamed swamps and dense jungles of Neritoph, embody a lifestyle deeply entwined with the natural world. Governed by traditions that have persisted for centuries, these tribes prioritize survival, strength, and a profound respect for the ecosystems they inhabit. Often perceived as aggressive or primitive by outside observers, wild Lizardfolk operate within a complex social structure that values the collective well-being of the tribe and the natural balance of their environment. This misunderstanding stems largely from the stark contrast between their way of life and the more urbanized cultures of Dramoor, leading to a generalization that overlooks the depth of their cultural practices and spiritual beliefs.   The relationship between wild Lizardfolk and civilized races, including their own urbanized kin, is fraught with tension and prejudice. Civilized Lizardfolk, in their efforts to assimilate into broader societies, frequently distance themselves from their tribal counterparts, viewing them as reminders of a past they strive to transcend. This internal division exacerbates the challenges wild Lizardfolk face in engaging with other races, as they are not only contending with external misconceptions but also with a lack of support from those who share their ancestry. Despite these obstacles, wild Lizardfolk possess a rich cultural heritage and a deep understanding of alchemy and sorcery, skills that, if acknowledged, could foster a greater appreciation for their contributions to Dramoorian society.   Efforts to bridge the gap between wild Lizardfolk and civilized communities have been met with varying degrees of success. Initiatives that promote cultural exchange and mutual aid have shown promise in dispelling myths and fostering a greater understanding among the races of Dramoor. These endeavors highlight the potential for collaboration in areas such as environmental conservation, where wild Lizardfolk's expertise can be invaluable. As Dramoor continues to evolve, recognizing the intrinsic value and dignity of all its inhabitants, including the misunderstood wild Lizardfolk, will be key to building a more inclusive and harmonious world.

Basic Information


Lizardfolk exhibit a wide range of physical characteristics, from those with vibrant scales and sharp, predatory features to individuals with more subdued hues and humanoid traits. Their physical diversity reflects the environments they inhabit and the cultural distinctions between tribal and civilized communities. Despite these differences, all Lizardfolk possess natural armor in the form of tough scales, a tail that aids in swimming, and sharp claws and teeth for hunting and defense.

Biological Traits

Lizardfolk possess natural abilities that aid in their survival, including swift swimming, the ability to hold their breath for extended periods, and a natural resilience to disease. Their attraction to alchemy and magic, particularly among civilized Lizardfolk, has led to advancements in both fields, further distinguishing them from their tribal kin.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk reproduce through eggs, which are typically laid in clutches in secure, temperature-regulated nests. The care for these nests varies between communities, with tribal Lizardfolk often incorporating ritualistic practices into their reproductive cycle, while civilized Lizardfolk might utilize more scientific or magical methods to ensure the safety and health of their offspring.

Ecology and Habitats

Inhabiting the swamps and jungles of Neritoph, Lizardfolk have adapted to a variety of ecological niches. Tribal Lizardfolk often live in harmony with their surroundings, utilizing natural resources to build their homes and sustain their communities. In contrast, civilized Lizardfolk might inhabit the bustling cities and towns of Dramoor, where they engage in trade, politics, and scholarly pursuits.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are primarily carnivorous, with diets that include fish, birds, and small mammals. Tribal communities typically hunt and forage for their food, while civilized Lizardfolk may partake in the culinary offerings of urban centers, including farmed meats and imported delicacies.


The behavior of Lizardfolk can vary significantly based on their cultural background. Tribal Lizardfolk tend to be more aggressive, valuing strength and survival skills. In contrast, civilized Lizardfolk often prioritize intellect and adaptability, seeking to integrate themselves into the broader societies of Dramoor. Despite these differences, all Lizardfolk share a pragmatic view of the world, assessing situations with a dispassionate eye.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The division between wild/tribal and civilized Lizardfolk creates a complex social dynamic. Civilized Lizardfolk often seek to distance themselves from their wild counterparts, viewing them as relics of a past best left behind. This internal division is exacerbated by the bigotry and judgment from other races, who fail to recognize the nuanced differences within Lizardfolk society.   The stark divide between tribal and civilized Lizardfolk creates a complex social fabric. Civilized Lizardfolk often hold positions of power and influence in mixed societies, while tribal Lizardfolk maintain strict hierarchical structures within their clans.   Lizardfolk's adaptation to the diverse environments of Neritoph and their integration into the cities and settlements of Dramoor showcase their versatility and resilience. Despite the challenges posed by internal divisions and external prejudices, Lizardfolk continue to thrive, contributing to the rich tapestry of cultures that define the world of Dramoor.

Facial characteristics

Lizardfolk faces blend reptilian and humanoid features, including elongated snouts, sharp teeth, and eyes with vertical pupils. Their expressions can seem inscrutable to other races, conveying emotions through subtle changes in eye color or posture.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While native to Neritoph's swamps and jungles, Lizardfolk's adaptability has allowed them to spread across various regions, including integrating into the bustling cities and towns of Dramoor.

Average Intelligence

Lizardfolk intelligence varies as widely as their physical traits, with many displaying keen insight, especially in survival and tactical situations. Civilized Lizardfolk often pursue academic or magical studies, contributing significantly to scholarly fields.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lizardfolk have highly developed senses, particularly their vision, which is adept at detecting movement even in low light. Their ability to smell and taste the air with their tongues provides them with a unique sensory perspective on the world, allowing them to track prey or sense danger with remarkable accuracy.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names among Lizardfolk often reflect their environment or notable traits. Tribal Lizardfolk might choose names related to natural elements or significant events, while civilized Lizardfolk may adopt names that facilitate interaction with other races.

Major Organizations

Lizardfolk do not have unified organizations but rather clan-based structures in tribal areas and community groups in urban settings. Civilized Lizardfolk may also be part of academic circles, especially those involving alchemy or magic.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty in Lizardfolk culture varies, with tribal societies valuing physical strength and prowess, and civilized communities often appreciating intellectual achievements or magical ability. In both, vibrant scale patterns and colors are considered attractive.

Courtship Ideals

Lizardfolk courtship practices are as diverse as their societies. In tribal communities, displays of strength or skill are common, while civilized Lizardfolk might prioritize shared interests or magical compatibility.

Relationship Ideals

Strong bonds formed over shared goals or survival are valued among Lizardfolk. In more developed societies, relationships are often based on mutual respect for each other's intellect and abilities.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Lizardfolk speak a variety of languages, with a common tongue used within their communities and the ability to learn others for trade or diplomacy. Dialects can vary significantly between regions.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for strength and cunning unites Lizardfolk etiquette, with more civilized members also valuing diplomatic discourse and scholarly debate.

Common Dress Code

Tribal Lizardfolk attire consists of natural materials, while civilized Lizardfolk adapt their dress to blend into urban environments, often incorporating elements that reflect their heritage.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Lizardfolk culture is rich with traditions that honor their ancestors and the natural world. Even as many have adapted to life among other races, they maintain a deep connection to their roots.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in Lizardfolk life, from marking life milestones to celebrating the change of seasons. Civilized Lizardfolk often incorporate these practices into their new lives, bridging the gap between their past and present.

Common Taboos

Showing weakness or betraying one's clan or community is taboo among Lizardfolk. In civilized societies, breaking the laws or customs of their adopted communities is also frowned upon.


Lizardfolk history is a tapestry of survival, adaptation, and the gradual evolution from purely tribal societies to a significant presence within the civilized world. Their ancient traditions remain alive, particularly in remote areas, even as segments of their population embrace the future.

Common Myths and Legends

Lizardfolk myths often involve stories of survival, the wisdom of their ancestors, and reverence for the natural world. Legends of heroes who overcame great odds are particularly popular.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Relations between Lizardfolk and other races can be complex, colored by prejudice and misunderstanding. However, civilized Lizardfolk often serve as ambassadors for their kind, demonstrating their race's diversity and value to the communities they join.
Lizardfolk - Civilized
Lizardfolk - Wild

Lizardfolk Trait Bonuses

  Constitution +2: Lizardfolk's tough scales and hardy nature grant them enhanced resilience and durability.
Wisdom +1: Living in harmony with their surroundings, Lizardfolk have developed keen instincts and a deep understanding of natural lore.   Natural Armor   Thanks to their scaly skin, Lizardfolk have a natural armor class, providing them with added protection against physical attacks without the need for manufactured armor. (+2 AC)   Swimming and Amphibious   Lizardfolk are proficient swimmers and can breathe underwater, allowing them to move through aquatic environments with ease.   Hunter’s Lore   Lizardfolk gain proficiency in two of the following skills of their choice: Survival, Nature, Perception, or Stealth, reflecting their adaptability and survival skills in various environments. (+5 perception in relevant environments)   Bite Attack   Lizardfolk have a natural bite attack, which can be used as a melee weapon. This attack deals damage based on their size and constitution, showcasing their predatory nature. (1d4)   Cunning Artisan   After a short rest, Lizardfolk can craft simple weapons or shields from the natural materials around them, such as bones, wood, or stone. This ability reflects their resourcefulness and connection to their environment.   Hold Breath   Lizardfolk can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes at a time, allowing them to stay submerged or hidden for extended periods.   Tail Swipe   As a defensive mechanism, Lizardfolk can use their tails to make a swipe attack against foes that are flanking or directly behind them, providing a tactical advantage in close combat.

Scientific Name
Sauria Variegatus
upto 120 years
Average Height
Lizardfolk's height can vary significantly depending on their subrace and the specific traits they exhibit.   On average, they stand between: 5'6" to 6'5" (168 to 196 cm) for most adult Lizardfolk. This range accommodates the slight variations between more humanoid and more reptilian members of their race.
Average Weight
The weight of Lizardfolk also varies, reflecting their diverse body compositions which range from lean and muscular to stockier builds.   On average, their weight falls within: 120 to 250 pounds (54 to 113 kg), with the more robust or heavily muscled individuals tipping towards the upper end of this range.
Average Physique
Physically, Lizardfolk range from lean and agile to robust and muscular, with their size and build reflecting their lifestyle and subspecies. Their scale colors can vary widely, often serving as camouflage within their natural environment.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their scales can display a broad spectrum of colors and patterns, from vibrant greens and blues to muted browns and greys. Markings are common and can denote clan affiliation, status, or achievements within both tribal and civilized societies.