Mountain Dwarves Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Mountain Dwarves

Nestled within the formidable Scimio mountain range and its surrounding islands, the Mountain Dwarves of Dramoor stand as a testament to resilience, craftsmanship, and the unbreakable will to survive and thrive in the daunting heights. These staunch guardians of the peaks have forged their homes and communities in the heart of stone, where the chill of the wind and the promise of the earth's hidden wealth have shaped their culture and very essence. Life in the mountains demands not only physical strength and endurance but also a profound connection to the land, which the Mountain Dwarves embody in every aspect of their existence. Their cities, carved into the very rock, reflect a symbiosis with the mountain, blending architectural marvel with the rugged natural beauty of their environment.   The Mountain Dwarves' society is built on the principles of loyalty, tradition, and a deep-seated reverence for the treasures that lie beneath their feet. Gems, gold, and minerals are not merely resources to be extracted but are considered gifts of the mountain, to be honored and coveted. This materialistic drive, however, is balanced by a strong sense of community and kinship, where family ties and friendships are valued above all else. Their culture is a complex tapestry of ancient customs, where history and heritage guide the present, and tales of their ancestors' valor and wisdom are passed down through generations, imbuing every Mountain Dwarf with a sense of pride and identity that is as unyielding as the stone they call home.   Yet, for all their strength and solidarity, Mountain Dwarves are known for their unwelcoming nature to outsiders, a trait as impenetrable as the mountains themselves. Visitors to their realm are met with suspicion and must navigate the delicate customs of gift-giving to gain favor or even a begrudging hospitality. This guarded demeanor belies a fiercely loyal and passionate people who hold their vows sacred, pursue retribution against deceit with relentless determination, and cherish the bonds of loyalty forged in the fire of shared trials. In the Scimio mountain range, among the echoing halls and the deep mines, the Mountain Dwarves of Dramoor continue to carve their legacy, a people as enduring and majestic as the peaks they call home.

Basic Information


Mountain Dwarves are characterized by their muscular and athletic builds, a testament to their active lifestyle navigating the steep and treacherous terrain of their homes. Their bodies are adapted to the rigors of mountain life, allowing them to perform feats of strength and endurance that are impressive even by dwarven standards. Their skin is often weathered and tough, bearing the marks of their laborious work in mines and forges.

Biological Traits

Their biological makeup is perfectly suited to the demands of high-altitude living, with a natural resistance to cold and an exceptional capacity for physical labor. This physicality is complemented by a mental fortitude that allows them to face the dangers of the mountains with courage and resolve.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mountain Dwarves have a strong genetic predisposition for physical strength and resilience, traits that are celebrated and cultivated within their communities. They form tightly-knit families, with a deep emphasis on lineage and heritage, ensuring that the values of loyalty and trustworthiness are passed down through generations.

Ecology and Habitats

The Scimio range, with its towering peaks and hidden valleys, provides a natural fortress for the Mountain Dwarves. Their cities are carved into the mountainsides, blending seamlessly with the landscape, while their mines reach deep into the earth, tapping into the rich veins of gems and metals that they so covet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet is hearty and robust, consisting of mountain game, root vegetables, and grains that can be cultivated in the harsh mountain climate. Feasting and communal meals play a significant role in their social structure, serving as a means to strengthen bonds and celebrate achievements.

Biological Cycle

Adapted to the cyclical nature of their environment, Mountain Dwarves follow a daily routine that maximizes daylight hours for work and exploration, retreating to the safety of their mountain halls when darkness falls.


Mountain Dwarves are known for their stoic demeanor and unwavering determination. Their society values honesty and integrity, with a zero-tolerance policy towards deceit and betrayal. They are fiercely loyal to family and friends but can be unforgiving and hold grudges for perceived wrongs. Their materialistic nature is evident in their endless pursuit of wealth beneath the mountains, yet this pursuit is balanced by a deep sense of tradition and reverence for their ancestors.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mountain Dwarf society is clan-based, with a strong emphasis on family ties and alliances forged through marriage and friendship. Leadership is determined by a combination of lineage, wisdom, and proven skill in their respective crafts.  

Facial characteristics

With stern features set in weathered faces, Mountain Dwarves often sport thick beards and hair that reflect the colors of the earth—deep browns, blacks, and occasionally, striking shades of red or silver.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mountain Dwarves dominate the Scimio mountain range and its adjacent islands, their settlements strategically placed to exploit the natural resources of these regions while maintaining defensible positions against potential threats.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, Mountain Dwarves excel in engineering and craftsmanship, their minds as sharp as the tools they wield. Their strategic thinking is evident in the complex design of their fortresses and the intricate workings of their mines.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

With keen eyes adapted to the dim light of underground tunnels and sharp senses honed by the dangers of the mountains, Mountain Dwarves possess an acute awareness of their environment. This sensory acuity is crucial for detecting the subtle signs of valuable minerals, as well as sensing potential threats within their domain.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are often derived from the ancient dwarvish tongue, with a preference for names that reflect the strength and resilience of the mountains. Titles are earned through deeds and accomplishments, adding to the bearer's prestige within their community.

Major Organizations

Clans and guilds form the backbone of Mountain Dwarf society, each specializing in different aspects of mountain life, from mining and smithing to warfare and exploration. The most revered institution is the Council of Elders, which governs with a mix of tradition and pragmatism.

Beauty Ideals

Strength and durability are considered the pinnacle of beauty among Mountain Dwarves. Well-muscled physiques, weathered faces, and hands calloused from work are admired as signs of a life well-lived.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship in Mountain Dwarf society involves displays of strength, skill, and wealth. Prospective mates often present gifts of crafted goods or rare minerals as a sign of their ability to provide and protect.

Relationship Ideals

Loyalty, trustworthiness, and a strong work ethic are the foundation of relationships among Mountain Dwarves. Family and close friendships are highly valued, with a deep commitment to supporting one another through life’s trials.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Mountain Dwarves speak a dialect of the ancient Dwarvish language, with variations that reflect the distinct traditions and isolation of their mountain communities.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette among Mountain Dwarves centers on respect and honesty. Visitors are expected to offer gifts as a sign of goodwill, and breaking one's word is considered a grave offense.

Common Dress Code

Their attire is practical and durable, designed to withstand the rigors of mountain life. Leather, fur, and woven fabrics are common, often adorned with metalwork that reflects their craftsmanship.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Mountain Dwarf culture is steeped in tradition, with a deep reverence for the history and achievements of their ancestors. Art, music, and storytelling are integral to their way of life, preserving the legends and lore of their people.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Traditions revolve around the cycles of the seasons, with festivals celebrating the solstices and equinoxes, as well as important life events such as births, coming-of-age ceremonies, and marriages.

Common Taboos

Deceit, betrayal, and cowardice are taboo, with strict consequences for those who violate these tenets. Mountain Dwarves also disdain wastefulness, valuing the careful stewardship of resources.


Their history is a rich tapestry of battles fought to protect their homes, discoveries of rare and valuable minerals, and the forging of legendary artifacts. Mountain Dwarves honor their past through the preservation of ancient sites and the retelling of heroic sagas.

Historical Figures

Durik Stonefist of the Mountain Dwarves

  Era: During the cataclysmic war that birthed the Loreech   Durik Stonefist is enshrined in the history of the Mountain Dwarves as a figure of unmatched valor and vision. His leadership during the tumultuous period of the cataclysmic war was pivotal in not only repelling the threats that gave rise to the Loreech but also in unifying the disparate clans of the Scimio mountain ranges into a singular, formidable empire. Durik's name is synonymous with unity, strength, and the dawn of a new era for the Mountain Dwarves.   Durik's crowning achievement was his ability to see beyond the ancient feuds and rivalries that fragmented the Mountain Dwarf kingdoms. Recognizing the existential threat posed by the war, he embarked on a mission to consolidate the clans, a feat that required not only military prowess but also a profound depth of diplomacy and understanding of dwarf kinship. Durik’s efforts culminated in the formation of a unified dwarven empire, strategically poised across the entire Scimio mountain ranges, under the wise governance of a single king.   Known for his strategic genius as much as for his physical might, Durik Stonefist led his people through the darkest days of the war with a blend of courage and wisdom. His battles were carefully chosen, ensuring that each victory laid the groundwork for the next, slowly weaving the fabric of unity that would envelop all Mountain Dwarf domains. His leadership style was marked by inclusivity, ensuring that every clan felt a sense of belonging and purpose within the emerging empire.   In the aftermath of the war, Durik's focus shifted from conquest to consolidation. He oversaw the rebuilding of war-torn realms, the strengthening of mountain defenses, and the revitalization of the dwarven economy through enhanced mining operations and craftsmanship. Under his rule, the Mountain Dwarves experienced an era of prosperity and cultural renaissance, celebrating their heritage while forging a new identity as a united people.   The legacy of Durik Stonefist is immortalized in the halls of the Scimio range, his name echoing through the ages as the founder of the Mountain Dwarf empire. Monuments and songs celebrate his deeds, and his strategies are studied by future generations of dwarven leaders. Durik's vision of a united dwarven stronghold, impervious to external threats and rich in the traditions of its people, remains a guiding light for the Mountain Dwarves, a reminder of what can be achieved through unity and steadfast leadership.

Common Myths and Legends

Mythology is rich with tales of gods and heroes, battles against giants and dragons, and the creation of the mountains themselves. These stories serve as moral guides and a source of inspiration for the Mountain Dwarves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mountain Dwarves are cautious in their dealings with other races, valuing their independence and security above all. While they can be unwelcoming to strangers, those who prove their worth and respect Mountain Dwarf customs can earn their grudging respect and, eventually, friendship.

Mountain Dwarf Trait Bonuses

  In the rugged expanse of the Scimio mountain range and its islands, the Mountain Dwarves have honed their skills in navigating treacherous terrains and extracting the earth's riches. These resilient individuals exhibit remarkable physical and mental traits shaped by their life among the peaks and valleys. The stat bonuses for Mountain Dwarves encapsulate their enduring nature and tenacity:   Strength (STR) +1: The demanding environment of the mountains requires not just skill in craftsmanship but also considerable physical strength. Mountain Dwarves have developed a formidable physique, essential for mining the hard stone of their homeland and wrestling the treasures from the earth's grip. This bonus reflects their capacity for heavy labor and their prowess in battle, ensuring the safety and prosperity of their communities.   Constitution (CON) +2: Thriving in the high altitudes and the variable climates of the mountains demands a resilience that Mountain Dwarves possess in abundance. They are acclimated to the thin air, cold temperatures, and the physical challenges of mountain life. This bonus mirrors their exceptional health and stamina, allowing them to undertake arduous tasks without succumbing to the elements.   Wisdom (WIS) +1: Life in the mountains is not just a test of body but also of the mind. Mountain Dwarves have cultivated a deep connection to their environment, understanding the signs of changing weather, the best paths through the mountains, and the secrets hidden in the stone. This bonus signifies their practical wisdom and keen intuition, developed through generations of living in harmony with the rugged landscape.
Scientific Name
Dwergar Saxum
350 to 400 years
Average Height
Mountain Dwarves, like their kin in other realms, exhibit a stature that is both sturdy and compact, essential for their life amidst rugged terrain. They typically stand between 4 to 4.5 feet (122 to 137 cm) tall. This height allows them optimal balance and stability, crucial for navigating the steep and often treacherous paths of the Scimio mountain range and its islands.
Average Weight
The robust nature of Mountain Dwarves is further reflected in their weight, which ranges from 160 to 220 pounds (73 to 100 kg). This weight is primarily muscle, a result of their physically demanding lifestyle that includes mining, smithing, and traversing the challenging landscapes of their mountainous home. Their dense muscular build not only contributes to their formidable physical strength but also provides insulation against the cold mountain climates.
Average Physique
Robust and athletic, the average Mountain Dwarf is a testament to the hardy nature of their race. Their physical strength is complemented by an endurance that allows them to navigate their rugged homeland with ease.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones range from light to dark earthy hues, often marked with scars from their laborious work or the occasional tattoo symbolizing personal achievements or loyalty to their clan.