Mutant Species in Dramoor | World Anvil


In the realm of Dramoor, a unique subset of beings known as mutants, or "Vita Mutatio Exotica," embodies the tangible consequences of the world's intermittent breaches into the Far Realm. These individuals have been irrevocably altered by the mysterious energies emitted from rifts that tear through the fabric of reality, granting them abilities and traits far beyond the ken of ordinary life. Mutants stand as living testaments to the resilience of life in the face of cosmic forces, their existences forever marked by their exposure to the unknown. While some bear their mutations with pride, others carry them as burdens, reminders of the da y their lives changed under the influence of forces beyond their control.   The emergence of mutants in Dramoor has sparked a complex web of societal dynamics, blending awe with apprehension. In some communities, mutants are revered, their unique abilities seen as gifts that can serve the greater good. In others, they face ostracization, feared for the powers they wield and the unknown origins of their mutations. This dichotomy plays out across the land, shaping the lives of mutants and the societies they inhabit. Their presence challenges long-held beliefs and norms, pushing the boundaries of what is considered natural and forcing a reevaluation of the notions of identity and belonging.   For those bearing the mantle of mutation, life is a constant negotiation of power and prejudice, wonder and wariness. Adventures and tales abound, featuring mutants as heroes and harbingers alike, navigating a world that is at once awed by their abilities and fearful of their origins. Their stories are as diverse as the mutations they bear, ranging from tragic tales of loss and isolation to epic sagas of triumph and integration. In the grand tapestry of Dramoor, mutants represent the unpredictable beauty of existence, the strength found in diversity, and the enduring quest for understanding in a world where the extraordinary becomes part of the everyday.  
Selection of potential mutation aesthetics

Basic Information


Mutants vary significantly in their physical form, with mutations manifesting in myriad ways. Some may display subtle changes, such as unusual eye colors or skin textures, while others undergo drastic transformations, gaining non-human appendages or abilities. Despite these alterations, mutants retain a semblance of their original forms, though they are often marked by the unmistakable sign of their exposure to otherworldly forces.  

Playing a Mutant?

  Learn more about Far Realm and how to create your individual mutations HERE.

Biological Traits

The biological traits of mutants are as diverse as the mutations themselves. Some may have enhanced physical strength, agility, or durability, while others may manifest mutations that offer no apparent advantage or even pose significant challenges.

Genetics and Reproduction

The mutations caused by the Far Realm's influence are deeply ingrained in a mutant's genetics, making them heritable to some degree. Offspring of mutants may inherit some form of mutation, though the exact nature and extent can be unpredictable. This genetic legacy often places mutants in a precarious position, caught between the worlds of their birth and the altered reality they embody.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth and development of mutants are as varied as their mutations. While many follow the typical life stages of their original races, the mutations can introduce unique challenges or advantages that affect their maturation and aging process.

Ecology and Habitats

Mutants are found throughout Dramoor, often congregating in areas where rifts to the Far Realm are known to exist or have been active in the past. While many strive to integrate into society, some are forced into the fringes, seeking solace in communities that either accept or share their altered nature.


Mutants display a broad spectrum of behaviors influenced by their transformations and how society perceives them. Many struggle with their identity, grappling with the changes they've undergone and the reactions they elicit from others. This struggle can forge a strong sense of resilience and solidarity among mutants, who often find common ground in their shared experiences of transformation and otherness.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mutants form loose-knit communities based on mutual support and shared experiences. Within these groups, individuals often take on roles that suit their particular mutations, creating a mosaic of talents and abilities that contribute to their collective survival.

Facial characteristics

Facial features of mutants might include unusual markings, eye colors, or otherworldly traits that hint at their exposure to the Far Realm. These characteristics can serve as a badge of their experiences or a source of stigma, depending on societal attitudes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While mutants can emerge anywhere in Dramoor, their presence is notably higher near active or historical rift sites. Their distribution is sporadic, reflecting the unpredictable nature of rift appearances and the subsequent areas affected by Far Realm radiation.

Average Intelligence

Mutants' intelligence levels generally align with their original races, though some mutations can impact cognitive abilities, either enhancing or impairing them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Many mutants develop enhanced sensory or extrasensory capabilities as a result of their mutations. These can range from heightened senses, like acute hearing or night vision, to more profound abilities such as telepathy or precognition. These enhanced faculties offer mutants unique perspectives on the world and often prove to be a double-edged sword, granting them abilities beyond the ordinary at the cost of drawing unwanted attention or fear from those around them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming traditions among mutants vary widely, with some adopting new names that reflect their transformed selves, while others retain their original names as a link to their past.

Major Organizations

Mutant communities lack formal organizations, instead relying on informal networks of support and communication. Some may align with or form alliances with factions or groups that advocate for mutant rights or seek to protect the world from the dangers of the Far Realm.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals among mutants are as varied as their mutations, with many embracing their unique appearances as a form of self-expression and identity. In mutant communities, diversity is celebrated, and beauty is seen in the resilience and strength that their mutations symbolize.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among mutants is characterized by an emphasis on mutual understanding and acceptance. Bonds are often formed based on shared experiences and the ability to see beyond the surface to the individual beneath.

Relationship Ideals

Mutants value relationships built on trust, acceptance, and the recognition of each other's struggles and strengths. Solidarity and support are key, as many mutants navigate a world that may not fully understand or accept them.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Mutants speak the languages of their original races, though their communities may develop unique slang or terms related to their experiences and mutations.

Common Etiquette Rules

In mutant communities, etiquette revolves around respect for individual differences and an understanding of the challenges each member faces. Sensitivity to others' experiences and conditions is paramount.

Common Dress Code

Dress among mutants is influenced by practicality and personal expression, with clothing often modified to accommodate unique physical traits or to make a statement about their identity.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Mutant culture is a blend of the traditions of their original races and the new customs that arise from their unique circumstances. It is a culture of resilience, adaptation, and solidarity in the face of adversity.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Customs and traditions among mutants often revolve around celebrating survival and transformation. Rituals may mark significant moments in an individual's mutation journey or commemorate collective experiences related to the Far Realm's influence.

Common Taboos

Mutants are particularly sensitive to discrimination or actions that devalue their experiences and struggles. Betrayal or exploitation within their communities is a grave taboo, as trust and mutual support are critical for their survival.


The history of mutants is intertwined with the occurrences of Far Realm rifts across Dramoor. Each mutation tells a story of survival, adaptation, and the ongoing struggle to find acceptance and purpose in a world that views them with suspicion or awe.

Common Myths and Legends

Myths and legends among mutants often involve tales of individuals who have overcome great adversity through their mutations, stories of mysterious rifts and the creatures that emerge from them, and legends that seek to explain the origins and purposes of their transformations.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mutants often face a complex web of relations with other races and societies. While some are met with fear, suspicion, or curiosity, others find acceptance and allies who look beyond their mutations to see the person within. These relationships are shaped by individual experiences and the broader societal attitudes towards the unknown and the altered, creating a diverse spectrum of interactions that range from hostile to harmonious.
Elf Mutant

Playing a Mutant?

  Learn more about Far Realm and how to create your individual mutations

Scientific Name
Vita Mutatio Exotica
Same as parent species but less or more if affected by specific mutations
Average Height
Mutations affect the average height of mutants, leading to considerable diversity. Some individuals experience growth that makes them taller due to enhanced bone structure, while others may see a reduction in stature because of their mutations. This variability reflects the unpredictable nature of their transformations, with no singular average height defining them.
Average Weight
Similarly, the weight of mutants is subject to the whims of their specific mutations. Enhanced muscle mass and bone density can result in a heavier, more robust physique, whereas other mutations might lead to a lighter frame. The average weight of mutants spans a wide spectrum, emphasizing the unique physical adaptations each has undergone.
Average Physique
The physique of a mutant is influenced by the nature of their mutations. Some may possess extraordinary strength or agility, while others may bear mutations that complicate physical exertion or mobility.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mutations can alter skin color, texture, and the presence of markings or glow, further distinguishing mutants from their original races and often imbuing them with an aura of the uncanny or the sublime.