Oculoid Species in Dramoor | World Anvil


The Oculoid, a harrowing denizen of the Far Realm, is a creature of nightmarish design, haunting the affected areas of Dramoor with a presence that is both mesmerizing and lethal. These entities are drawn to the rifts that bridge their chaotic home with the material plane, eager to extend their baleful influence.  
Factoid: Oculoids do not suffer from genetic dissolution (see far realm for more about that horrific concept)


The Oculoid is an amorphous mass of flesh, adorned with numerous bulging eyes that emit an unsettling glow. Its body, covered in pulsating growths and tentacles, seems to constantly shift and squirm. The larger eyes serve as a beacon, casting a hypnotic allure to those who gaze upon them, while smaller ones are believed to survey its surroundings, seeking the unwary.  


Size Type Alignment
Huge Aberration Chaotic Evil
AC HP Speed
18 (Natural Armor) 200 (16d12 + 96) 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
10 14 16 17 15 20
Saving Throws Skills Damage Resistances
INT +8, WIS +7, CHA +11 Perception +12, Stealth +9 Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Non-Magical Attacks
Condition Immunities Senses Languages Challenge
Charmed, Frightened Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 22 Understands Deep Speech but doesn't speak 15 (13,000 XP)
  Luring Song: As an action, the Oculoid can sing a haunting melody. Any creature within 300 feet that can hear the song must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute. While charmed by the Oculoid, a creature is incapacitated and moves toward the Oculoid using the most direct route, trying to get as close as possible. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.   Multiattack: The Oculoid makes three attacks with its tentacles.   Tentacle: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of the Oculoid’s next turn.   Eye Rays: The Oculoid shoots three of the following magical eye rays at random (re-roll duplicates), choosing one to three targets it can see within 120 feet of it: 1. Charm Ray, 2. Fear Ray, 3. Paralyzing Ray, 4. Sleep Ray. The target must succeed on a DC 18 saving throw or be affected by the ray’s effect.   Regeneration: The Oculoid regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.   Teleport: As a bonus action, the Oculoid can magically teleport, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.   Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the Oculoid fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.   An encounter with an Oculoid is a terrifying experience, as its mere presence warps the reality of the world around it. Adventurers beware the hypnotic call of the Oculoid, for it spells certain doom for those who fall under its spell.


The Oculoid's body is an assemblage of tentacles and sensory organs, with eyes that range from the size of a coin to that of a small shield. Its central mass houses a complex digestive system  

Magic Ingredients

The eyes of the Oculoid are highly valued in dark rituals and for crafting cursed items. The ichor within its veins is sought after by alchemists for its transformative properties.  

Alchemical Properties

The Oculoid's flesh can be distilled into a potent elixir that enhances sensory perception, but with the risk of severe hallucinations. Its tentacles, when dried and powdered, serve as a key component in potions of mind control resistance.  

Ritual Use

Cultists of the Far Realm use parts of the Oculoid in rituals to open small rifts or to commune with otherworldly entities. The creature's heart, still pulsating, is a powerful focus for divination spells concerning the Far Realm.  

Habitat and Influence

Preferring the mutated landscapes that border the Far Realm portals, Oculoids are catalysts for malignant growths. The very ground near an Oculoid becomes spongy and unstable, sprouting unnatural flora that thrives on its proximity. Creatures that linger too close or for too long find themselves suffering from excruciating pain as the creature's radiation warps their very being.  
Oculoids are referred to as Ix'iktar by Lizardfolk which translates to "Primal Watcher," capturing their ancient and sinister nature, and their enigmatic ability to observe and manipulate from the shadows of the Far Realm.

Danger to Dramoor

An encounter with an Oculoid is to be avoided at all costs. Their presence not only transforms the land but also poses a dire threat to all life forms. They are a blight upon Dramoor, and their capacity to draw victims outside of the radiation zones only to succumb to genetic dissolution makes them a top priority for eradication by those brave enough to venture into the Far Realm's taint.  

Not Beholders

Oculoids may share a superficial resemblance to the infamous Beholders of other realms, but they are a distinct species unto themselves. Adventurers would be wise not to conflate the two based solely on appearance. While both creatures feature a multitude of eyes, the similarities end there. Oculoids lack the eyestalks of Beholders, instead possessing deep, socketed, pupil-less yellow eyes set into their floating, nodular heads. Their flesh, a blend of putrid orange and dark crimson, suggests a corruption deep within.   Unlike Beholders, Oculoids do not exhibit the same wide array of deadly eye-based powers. However, they possess their own brand of danger, with an ability to emit malaise and confusion through their gaze, and their singing which lures the unwary. They float with an eerie grace, often mistaken for levitation akin to Beholders. Yet, this is where the comparison should end, for the ecology, behavior, and origins of Oculoids are singular to their horrifying kind.
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The Speyet, a smaller cousin to the dread Oculoids, is a malevolent presence within the Far Realm-affected areas of Dramoor. Resembling an uneven array of pupiless glaring eyes, these creatures hover silently in the air, their presence often unnoticed until it's too late. Unlike their more robust relatives, Speyets possess only one ability, but it is one that sows discord and violence with chilling efficiency.  
Oculoid varient referred to as a 'speyet' (spite).   This singular ability is a narrow eye beam that, upon striking its target, ignites a burning, irrational jealousy within. Victims of this beam are compelled into a murderous rage, turning against those they know with deadly intent for a span of three harrowing rounds. The jealousy these creatures induce is not born of any truth or secret desire; it is a weaponized emotion, a psychic assault that tears apart the bonds of fellowship and camaraderie with a mere gaze.  
Size Type Alignment
Large Aberration Chaotic Evil
AC HP Speed
10 (Natural) 22 0 ft., fly 30 ft.
6 14 12 8 11 14
  Skills: Perception +2
Senses: darkvision 60 ft.,
& passive Perception 12
Languages: understands Deep Speech but does not have the biological capacity for speech
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)  

Action: Jealous-Rage Beam

The Speyet can shoot a narrow beam from its single eye as a ranged spell attack (+4 to hit, range 60 ft., one target).   On Hit: The target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be forced into a jealous rage against the nearest creature it knows for 3 rounds, using its actions to attack that creature by the most effective means available.   Aberrant Floating:
The Speyet can hover and is not affected by difficult terrain.   Swarming in groups, these lesser kin of the Oculoid thrive in the anarchy they orchestrate. Their single eyes gleam with cruel delight as they witness the pandemonium wrought by their jealousy-inducing beams, striking at the heart of unity and turning might against might.   Open/Collapse Learn More About the Speyet
Speyets are often found lurking near the outskirts of the affected regions, hiding amongst the twisted vegetation, waiting for unwary travelers or combatants. Their small size and unassuming nature make them perfect ambush predators, striking when the opportunity presents itself to create chaos.   Malicious to their core, Speyets exult in the devastation of relationships and the ruination of camaraderie. With a devious intelligence, they target the most formidable members within a group, unerringly identifying leaders or protectors in their quest to dismantle the strong. Their judgement is uncannily accurate, leading to the downfall of many a stalwart band.   Yet, despite their malevolence, Speyets are craven creatures, preferring subterfuge over direct confrontation. They will dart away at the first sign of personal danger, valuing their own existence over the completion of their sadistic games. This cowardice is the only mercy they offer, providing a chance for those who resist their influence to regroup and retaliate.   Like all Oculoids, speyets are unaffected by the genetic dissolution that destroys mutated creatures that leave a far realm region.