Plains Dwarves Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Plains Dwarves

In the sprawling grasslands of Dramoor, the Plains Dwarves have carved out a life distinctly their own, setting them apart from the typical subterranean existence of their kin. With vast skies above and the earth stretching out in all directions, these dwarves have embraced a nomadic lifestyle, roaming the open plains in harmony with the seasons and the migrations of wildlife. Renowned as skilled foragers, gatherers, and hunters, they possess a deep bond with the land, mirroring the practices of Rangers and Wood Elves with a dwarven twist. This connection to nature guides their daily lives, eschewing the deep mines and stone halls of their cousins for the boundless freedoms offered by the wide-open spaces of Dramoor's plains.   Unlike other dwarven races, Plains Dwarves do not seek wealth in gold or jewels but find riches in the bounty of the land and the relationships within their clans. Their culture is marked by a profound respect for the natural world, valuing the skills needed to live within its balance rather than attempting to carve out kingdoms from its resources. This ethos shapes every aspect of their existence, from the communal rearing of their young to their practices of sustainable hunting and gathering, ensuring that the plains remain lush and teeming with life for generations to come. Their homes, easily dismantled and moved, reflect a life in constant motion, following the herds and the seasons across the vast grasslands.   The noble demeanor of the Plains Dwarves is a testament to their deep-seated values of honor, integrity, and community. Rarely will one find an evil heart among them; those who stray from the path of righteousness are quickly exiled, preserving the moral fabric of their society. Yet, their disregard for the arbitrary lines drawn by others often leads to conflict, as their migrations and foraging take them across borders respected by other races. Despite these tensions, their unmatched endurance, knowledge of the land, and steadfast loyalty to their kin make them a formidable and respected presence on the plains of Dramoor.

Basic Information


Plains Dwarves possess a lithe yet sturdy build, a physical testament to their nomadic lifestyle. Their bodies are adapted for endurance, enabling them to cover vast distances on foot with remarkable stamina. Sun-kissed skin from days spent under the open sky and muscles honed by constant activity give them a rugged, yet agile appearance, setting them apart from their more sedentary dwarven cousins.

Biological Traits

Exceptional stamina and endurance for long-distance running are hallmark traits, enabling them to traverse their vast territories. Their adeptness at foraging and hunting is complemented by an innate understanding of ecological and seasonal cycles, making them self-sufficient and resilient.

Genetics and Reproduction

Plains Dwarves value the continuity of their way of life, with family lines that emphasize adaptability and a deep connection to nature. Their children are raised in the communal traditions of the clan, learning the arts of foraging, hunting, and understanding the language of the plains from a young age.

Growth Rate & Stages

The youth of the Plains Dwarves are introduced early to the nomadic lifestyle, with rites of passage that celebrate their first solo forage, hunt, or journey across the plains. These experiences foster independence, resilience, and a profound respect for the natural world.

Ecology and Habitats

Adapting to a life unbound by walls, Plains Dwarves thrive in the open landscapes of Dramoor's grasslands. Their settlements are transient, moving with the seasons and the migratory patterns of the game they hunt, living in harmony with the ebb and flow of nature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As skilled foragers and hunters, Plains Dwarves enjoy a varied diet rich in the plains' bounty. They consume a balance of meat, wild grains, and fruits, all harvested or hunted following sustainable practices that ensure the land remains fertile and abundant.

Biological Cycle

Their days are governed by the light of the sun and the phases of the moon, with activities ranging from hunting at dawn or dusk to communal gatherings under the stars. Their biological rhythms are in sync with the natural world, allowing them to maximize their efficiency and harmony with the environment.


The Plains Dwarves are characterized by a noble demeanor, valuing honor, integrity, and the welfare of the community above personal gain. Evil-aligned individuals are anomalies within their society, often exiled to preserve the harmony and ethical standards of the clan.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Clan and community are central, with a flexible leadership that guides based on wisdom and experience rather than hierarchy. Property rights and borders are concepts they find alien, often leading to misunderstandings or conflicts with neighboring races.

Facial characteristics

Weathered yet open faces, marked by the sun and wind, with keen eyes that reflect a life spent observing the world in great detail. Their expressions are often serene, mirroring the vast, open landscapes they call home.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Their roaming grounds cover the wide expanse of Dramoor's plains, with territories defined by natural landmarks rather than fixed borders, reflecting their fluid concept of land and property.

Average Intelligence

Plains Dwarves possess a keen intelligence that extends beyond academia, encompassing practical knowledge of the land, its creatures, and the survival skills necessary for their nomadic lifestyle.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gifted with acute senses, Plains Dwarves can read the subtle signs of the earth, from tracking the faintest trails to predicting weather changes. Their intimate knowledge of the land and its cycles rivals that of the most adept Rangers and Wood Elves, making them unparalleled scouts and guides across the sprawling plains.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are often derived from the natural elements of the plains or significant events in their lives, serving as a badge of honor and identity within the vast landscapes they inhabit.

Major Organizations

The clan remains the primary organizational structure, with a council of elders that advises on matters affecting the community and the plains at large.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is found in the harmony with nature, the strength to endure the trials of the plains, and the grace with which one moves through the world. Physical attributes are less important than the spirit and integrity of the individual.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is a dance of mutual respect and shared values, with prospective partners demonstrating their skills in foraging, hunting, and their understanding of the land as tokens of their suitability.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are built on mutual respect, shared duties, and a deep bond with the land. Partnerships are considered equal, with both individuals contributing to the welfare of the clan and the upbringing of the young.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Their language is rich with terms related to the plains, the weather, and the fauna and flora of their environment, a reflection of their deep bond with the land.

Common Etiquette Rules

Hospitality and the sharing of food and stories are central to their etiquette. Visitors are welcomed with open arms, provided they show respect for the land and its inhabitants.

Common Dress Code

Attire is practical, designed for ease of movement and protection against the elements, often adorned with elements that reflect their personal journey and achievements.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Their culture is a celebration of the plains, with traditions that mark the changing seasons, the migration of herds, and the communal ties that bind them to each other and the land.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Seasonal festivals, storytelling under the stars, and rites of passage that celebrate an individual's integration with the cycle of life on the plains are among their most cherished traditions.

Common Taboos

Dishonoring the community, the land, or taking more than one needs are considered grave offenses. Deceit and the failure to uphold one's commitments are met with disdain and, in severe cases, exile.


Their history is woven from the threads of migration, the cycles of the seasons, and the tales of the plains. Plains Dwarves have faced and adapted to countless challenges, from ecological shifts to the encroachments of other civilizations, always striving to maintain their way of life.

Historical Figures

Eirik Windwalker

  Era: The Age of Great Migrations   Eirik Windwalker is a legendary figure among the Plains Dwarves, remembered as the Pathfinder who led his people through one of the most challenging periods in their history—the Age of Great Migrations. During this time, the Plains Dwarves faced unprecedented ecological shifts that threatened their way of life. Eirik's leadership and deep understanding of the land guided them to new territories rich in resources and safe from natural adversities.   Eirik's greatest achievement was his pioneering of the Great Path, a network of routes across the grasslands that capitalized on seasonal changes, animal migrations, and water sources. His knowledge of the plains was unparalleled, combining lore passed down from generations with his observations. He developed techniques for sustainable hunting and gathering that are still used by Plains Dwarves today, ensuring their survival and prosperity.   Eirik was not just a master of navigation and survival; he was a visionary leader who saw the potential in uniting the disparate clans of the Plains Dwarves. Under his guidance, clans that once competed for resources formed alliances, sharing knowledge and territories, thereby strengthening their bonds and ensuring mutual prosperity. Eirik's diplomacy extended beyond his people, fostering peaceful relations with neighboring races and securing the Plains Dwarves' place within the broader ecosystem of Dramoor.   The legacy of Eirik Windwalker extends beyond the routes he charted and the alliances he formed. He instilled a sense of identity among the Plains Dwarves, rooted in a profound connection to the land and a commitment to the collective well-being of his people. The Great Path he established remains a vital lifeline, facilitating trade, communication, and migration across the plains.   Eirik's contributions are commemorated in the songs, stories, and dances of the Plains Dwarves, celebrated during the Festival of Paths—a time when clans gather to honor their ancestors and the land that sustains them. Statues and markers along the Great Path bear his likeness, serving as reminders of his wisdom and the enduring spirit of the Plains Dwarves.   Eirik Windwalker's name is synonymous with courage, wisdom, and the eternal bond between the Plains Dwarves and the vast grasslands they call home. His legacy continues to inspire generations, embodying the ideals of unity, respect for nature, and the adventurous heart of his people.

Common Myths and Legends

Their mythology is populated with figures that embody the essence of the plains—heroes who speak with the wind, spirits that guard the herds, and ancestors who watch over the land and its people.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While their disregard for property rights and borders can lead to conflicts, Plains Dwarves also have a history of beneficial trade and alliances with neighboring races, always guided by a respect for the natural order and a desire for peaceful coexistence.

Plains Dwarf Trait Bonuses

  In the expansive, wind-swept grasslands of Dramoor, the Plains Dwarves have adapted to a life of constant movement, coexisting with the rhythm of the natural world. Their physical and mental attributes are shaped by the demands of nomadic life, from tracking herds across vast distances to foraging for sustenance in the wild. The stat bonuses for Plains Dwarves reflect their resilience, agility, and deep connection to the land:   Strength (STR) +1: While their lifestyle demands less of the brute strength required for mining and stonecraft, Plains Dwarves have developed a lean, powerful build ideal for long treks and swift movement across the plains. This bonus reflects their physical prowess, necessary for hunting, building temporary shelters, and the occasional skirmish to defend their territories.   Constitution (CON) +2: Life on the plains, exposed to the elements and subject to the extremes of weather, requires a robust constitution. Plains Dwarves are accustomed to long periods of physical exertion, whether in pursuit of game or migrating with the changing seasons. This bonus underscores their ability to withstand challenges such as scarcity of water, changes in climate, and the physical demands of nomadic life.   Dexterity (DEX) +1: Adaptability and agility are crucial for the Plains Dwarves, more so than for their mountain-dwelling kin. Their skill in navigating the open grasslands, setting up and breaking down camps, and hunting or foraging for food contributes to their heightened dexterity. This bonus reflects their prowess in using bows, throwing spears, and performing the intricate tasks required to live harmoniously with the vast plains.
Scientific Name
Dwergar Pratensis
300 to 400 years
Average Height
Plains Dwarves stand slightly taller than other dwarf subraces, with their height usually ranging from 4.5 to 5 feet (137 to 152 cm). This slight increase in stature aids in their ability to traverse the vast expanses of the plains, providing them with a broader view of their surroundings and enhancing their capabilities as hunters and scouts.
Average Weight
Adapted to a life of constant movement and endurance, Plains Dwarves possess a leaner build than their mountain and urban counterparts, with an average weight ranging from 150 to 190 pounds (68 to 86 kg). This optimized weight contributes to their agility and stamina, essential traits for life on the open plains.
Average Physique
They are leaner than their mountain and urban kin but equally muscular, built for endurance rather than brute strength, with a physicality honed by the demands of their environment.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin bears the tan of the sun, with tattoos and markings that tell stories of personal achievements, clan lineage, and a deep connection to the plains.