Psionicist in Dramoor | World Anvil


Psionicists harness the power of the mind, embarking on a rare and often misunderstood path of power within the realm of Dramoor. Through the intense discipline and inner exploration, these unique individuals unlock potent psychic abilities that allow them to manipulate energy, matter, and perception with nothing but the force of their will. Their journey is one of self-discovery, pushing the boundaries of what is believed possible, and tapping into the untapped reservoirs of mental strength and flexibility.  
Choose your path with intention, for the mind is the most potent weapon of all, and with it, you can reshape Dramoor itself.
  In a land where magic flows as a vibrant undercurrent through the fabric of reality, Psionicists stand apart as the pinnacle of mental prowess. They are masters of the internal battlefield, exploring the vast and shadowy depths of consciousness to wield forces that can protect, heal, or devastate. Whether bending the will of their foes, shielding their allies with invisible forces, or traversing the subtle realms of dreams and the astral plane, Psionicists embody the ultimate merging of mind and universe, making them both formidable allies and elusive adversaries in the ever-evolving tapestry of Dramoor.  

Multi-Class Requirements

Psionicists are often portrayed as individuals who possess extraordinary mental abilities, allowing them to perform feats beyond the reach of physical and magical realms. However, the specialization in psionics usually comes with its own limitations, necessitating the combination with another class.   1. Balance and Complexity: Multi-classing prevents psionicists from becoming too powerful and ensures they have a balanced set of abilities and limitations.
2. Narrative and Character Depth: It adds richness to the character's backstory, explaining how they came to possess unique mental powers alongside other skills.
3. Versatility: Combining psionics with another class makes characters more adaptable and capable in various situations, enhancing their role in a party.
4. Resource Management: Multi-classing provides additional resources and abilities, preventing the psionicist from depleting their unique powers too quickly.
5. Integration with Game Mechanics: It ensures that psionic abilities fit well within the game's overall system, allowing for synergies with other classes.
6. Progressive Character Development: Players can customize their character’s growth, combining psionic strength with other class features for a dynamic and strategic gameplay experience.  

Psionicists & Firearms

Psionicists, those who wield the profound powers of the mind, maintain a distinctive stance on the use of firearms. The violent discharge, the cacophony of explosions, and the abrupt shockwaves associated with firearms are antithetical to the serene focus required for mastering psionic abilities. The jarring noises and chaotic energy emitted by gunpowder weapons can severely disrupt a Psionicist's concentration, making it exceedingly difficult for them to harness the subtle energies and mental faculties needed for their art.   Consequently, Psionicists are often found at a deliberate distance from the clamor and tumult of firearms. This aversion extends beyond mere preference, becoming a practical necessity for the preservation of their mental integrity and the efficacy of their powers. On the rare occasions when a Psionicist must engage in environments rife with gunplay, they employ advanced techniques to shield their senses and maintain their concentration amidst the discord. However, such measures are not always foolproof, leading many Psionicists to eschew situations where firearms are prevalent altogether.   This unique relationship with firearms underscores a broader theme within Dramoor: the clash between the old ways of mysticism and the emerging tide of technological advancement. While some embrace the new possibilities offered by gunpowder and steel, others, like the Psionicists, remain guardians of the world's more arcane and cerebral legacies, seeking harmony and power in the realms of the mind far removed from the explosive reality of firearms.  


  Dive into the depths of the mind and beyond with the Psionicist class, where the battlefield is as much within the psyche as it is in the physical world. As a Psionicist in Dramoor, you command the unseen forces of the mind, bending reality to your will and accessing powers that blur the line between thought and reality.  
Choose your path with care, for each subclass opens doorways to unimaginable realms of power and mystery.


Maestro (+any class lvl 1):

"Your leg strength fades while your hollow threats turn to lost hope as you hover, helpless, above the abyss held captive by my merest thoughts."
Maestros are Psionicists who excel in the art of manipulating physical objects with their minds, mastering the ability to control, move, and even reshape matter at will. Their profound mental discipline allows them to exert force on their surroundings without physical interaction, making them formidable opponents on the battlefield. By levitating objects or foes, creating telekinetic shields, or unleashing powerful blasts of kinetic energy, they demonstrate their control over the very fabric of their environment.   This subclass not only manipulates objects for offensive or defensive strategies but also uses their powers to solve complex problems and navigate obstacles. A Maestro's connection to their psychic abilities is so intense that they can manipulate multiple targets simultaneously, turning the tide of battle with just a thought and a focused intention.   fun fact:
Maestros are the most common psionicist. Roughly 3/4 of all psionicists are Maestros.
  Maestro Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Mental focus, Spatial awareness, Force manipulation
Skills Object control, Telekinetic precision, Environmental manipulation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Mastery over telekinesis, ability to manipulate multiple objects or targets simultaneously
Adaptation Enhanced focus reduces environmental modifiers to Difficulty Score (DS) by 1 when using telekinetic powers.


Synap (+Rogue, Warrior or Wizard lvl 1):

A mind to leverages psychic talents to penetrate mental defenses, extract secrets, and subtly manipulate cognitive processes.
Synaps are Psionicists specialized in the intricate art of telepathy, possessing the uncanny ability to access and interpret the thoughts of others. Their skills make them unparalleled in intelligence gathering and strategic planning, as they can preemptively identify and counter the intentions of adversaries. In negotiations or conflicts, Synaps serve as invaluable assets, using their psychic insights to navigate and influence outcomes with remarkable foresight.   Their presence can shift the dynamics of power in delicate situations, allowing them to avert dangers and exploit opportunities by acting on information unseen and unheard by others. The Synap's advanced mental acuity also provides a defense against psychic attacks, making them formidable opponents in both physical and mental arenas.   Synap Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Telepathy, Emotional perception, Cognitive analysis
Skills Mind reading, Mental defense, Strategic foresight
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Expertise in telepathy, ability to read minds and anticipate actions
Adaptation Resilient to mental modifiers, reducing their impact to DS 1 when performing telepathy.


Celestial (+Cleric lvl 1):

As a specialized subclass, these healers bring a new dimension to the healing arts, merging the precision of psionic abilities with the compassionate touch of divine magic.
Celestials are psionic healers stand at the unique crossroads of psionic energy and divine healing, mastering a harmonious blend that allows them to mend physical wounds and soothe the soul. By tapping into their deep mental focus and divine connection, they enhance their restorative powers, aligning the body and soul to promote rapid and effective healing.   Their practice involves not only the physical aspect of healing but also the mental and spiritual, addressing ailments from multiple angles to ensure holistic recovery. Celestials are adept at using their powers to calm the mind, ease pain, and accelerate the body's natural healing processes, making them invaluable in any situation requiring medical attention. Their unique approach allows them to tackle injuries and diseases that might stump traditional healers, proving the potent combination of mind and spirit in the art of healing.   Celestial Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Psionic energy control, Divine healing, Medical knowledge
Skills Wound mending, Spiritual alignment, Mental focus
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 INT
Special Abilities Enhanced healing powers through psionic and divine energy, ability to heal both physical and mental ailments
Adaptation Can use psionic powers to reduce Base DC physical modifiers for themselves or others once per long rest.


PsiBlade (+Warrior, Ranger or Rogue lvl 1):

With their enhanced combat awareness and ability to manipulate psionic forces, PsiBlades are adept at turning the tide of battle in their favor.
PsiBlade are formidable combatants who blend martial prowess with psionic energy, creating a hybrid fighting style that is both physical and mental. As warriors who have embraced the psionic path, they augment their physical attacks with mental assaults, making them versatile and unpredictable on the battlefield. Their ability to engage in combat on multiple planes of existence allows them to outmaneuver and overpower opponents who are unprepared for such a dual threat.   These warriors are not just fighters but strategists, using their mental abilities to anticipate enemy moves, disrupt their plans, and enhance their own physical capabilities. The integration of psionic energy into their combat techniques allows them to deliver blows that can weaken the mind as well as the body, breaking down defenses and leaving adversaries vulnerable to further attacks.   PsiBlade Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Martial weapons, Armor, Psionic energy manipulation
Skills Mental combat, Physical combat enhancement, Tactical acumen
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 STR, +1 INT
Special Abilities Ability to integrate psionic energy into physical combat, enhancing attacks and defenses
Adaptation Gains an Advantage to Difficulty Score (DS) attempt rolls in combat situations.


Dreamwalker (+Wizard or Cleric lvl 1):

Their talents allow them to act as guides, protectors, or even saboteurs within the dream world, affecting the psyche in profound and lasting ways.
Dreamwalkers are Psionicists with the unique ability to navigate and manipulate the dreamscape. They delve into the subconscious realm, influencing dreams to uncover secrets, guide the dreamer's thoughts, or even alter the course of events in the waking world. With a profound understanding of the mind's inner workings, Dreamwalkers can traverse the ethereal boundaries of reality and dream, wielding their powers in ways that blur the lines between the two.   Dreamwalkers can plant ideas, extract hidden information, or provide healing and insight through their interactions in the dreamscape. Their ability to influence the subconscious makes them powerful allies and formidable foes, capable of shaping the very fabric of reality through the medium of dreams.   Dreamwalker Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Dream manipulation, Subconscious analysis, Psychic navigation
Skills Dream interpretation, Mental influence, Reality alteration
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 INT
Special Abilities Mastery over dream manipulation, ability to uncover secrets and influence individuals through dreams
Adaptation Immune to sleep-related exhaustion modifiers.


Elemental Psion (+Druid, Wizard or Ranger lvl 1):

Their deep connection with the elemental world enables them to sense and manipulate the very building blocks of reality, adapting their tactics to suit the situation.
Elemental Psions are Psionicists who have harnessed the raw forces of nature, forming a symbiotic relationship with the elements. They channel the primal energies of earth, air, fire, and water through intense mental focus, allowing them to manifest these powers in the physical world. Whether unleashing devastating attacks, forming impenetrable barriers, or bending the elemental forces to their will, Elemental Psions are masters of their chosen domain, capable of shaping the battlefield to their advantage.   Elemental Psions can summon flames to scorch their foes, call forth torrents of water to douse fires, raise earthen walls for protection, or create gusts of wind to control movement. Their versatility and power make them formidable foes and invaluable allies, especially in environments where elemental forces play a crucial role.   Elemental Psion Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Elemental manipulation, Energy channeling, Environmental adaptation
Skills Elemental attacks, Defensive elemental constructs, Elemental control
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +1 CON
Special Abilities Ability to channel and manipulate elemental forces for attack and defense
Adaptation Environmental Difficulty Score (DS) modifiers related to elemental conditions (e.g., storm, fire) are reduced by 2.


Astral Delver (+Wizard lvl 1):

Their experiences in these ethereal domains allow them to wield arcane forces with enhanced potency, manipulating the fabric of reality to suit their purposes.
Astral Delvers are Psionicists who have specialized in the art of astral projection, mastering the ability to separate their spirit from their physical form to explore distant realms and planes of existence. Tthey gain profound insights into the arcane, traversing the astral plane and beyond, where they gather esoteric knowledge and encounter beings of immense power.   Their journeys grant them not just knowledge but also the ability to interact with the physical world in unique ways, such as teleporting, crossing into alternate dimensions, or even bending the laws of physics. Astral Delvers use their powers to gain advantages in various situations, from gathering intelligence and spying on foes to escaping danger or transporting allies. Their mastery of astral projection and the arcane secrets they uncover make them formidable Psionicists, whose very presence can alter the course of events.   Astral Delver Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Astral projection, Arcane knowledge, Dimensional awareness
Skills Psychoportation, Planar navigation, Arcane research
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Mastery of astral projection and the ability to manipulate arcane energies for exploration and combat
Adaptation Benefits from a -2 reduction in Difficulty Score (DS) when attempting powers related to psychoportation.


Harmonist (+Cleric, Druid or Wizard lvl 1):

Their mastery of emotional energy makes them versatile and powerful allies, capable of turning the tide of both individual encounters and larger conflicts.
Harmonists are Psionicists who specialize in the nuanced control and manipulation of emotions, channeling their own empathic abilities to influence the battlefield and social interactions. They possess a profound understanding of the emotional spectrum, enabling them to soothe mental turmoil, incite rage, or bolster the resolve of their allies. Through their deep empathy, they can connect with others on a fundamental level, using this connection to heal psychological wounds or manipulate feelings to their advantage.   Their abilities extend beyond mere emotional influence; Harmonists can detect underlying sentiments and intentions, allowing them to navigate complex social dynamics and uncover hidden truths. In times of conflict, they can destabilize opponents by overwhelming them with fear or anger, or protect their comrades by dampening the impact of psychological attacks.   Harmonist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Emotional perception, Empathic communication, Psychological manipulation
Skills Emotional healing, Mood alteration, Influence
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Ability to manipulate and control emotions, adept in empathic healing and influence
Adaptation Can neutralize severe stress modifiers for the group once per long rest.


Dive into the depths of the mind, where thoughts forge reality, and willpower is the greatest strength. Here, in the realm of the Psionicist, your specialization is your legacy.
  As a Psionicist in Dramoor, delving deeper into the mysteries of the mind and the cosmos, your choice of specialization allows you to refine and focus your formidable powers. Specializations represent your unique approach to psionics, be it through scholarly pursuit, strategic application, or the direct manipulation of psychic energy to alter reality. Each specialization not only enhances your abilities in specific ways, offering unique trait bonuses that align with your chosen path, but also defines how you interact with the world around you, your allies, and your enemies.   Embrace your specialization as a reflection of your character's aspirations, strengths, and the unique role you wish to play in the tapestry of Dramoor. Whether you're unraveling the secrets of the universe as a Psionic Scholar-Savant, bending the battlefield to your will as a Psionic Strategist, or shaping the very fabric of reality as a Psionic Transmuter, your journey will be marked by the depth of your knowledge, the breadth of your power, and the impact of your presence.  

Psionic Artificer:

In the hands of a Psionic Artificer, mundane objects become powerful assets, integral to the strategy and strength of those who wield them.
Psionic Artificers are masters in the creation of psionically charged items and artifacts, utilizing their knowledge and skills to imbue objects with potent mental energy. These crafters blend the principles of psionics with the art of item creation, forging tools, weapons, and devices that resonate with psychic power. Their creations are not merely functional; they are extensions of the Artificers' own mental prowess, designed to amplify psionic abilities, enhance mental faculties, or disrupt the minds of their foes.   Through meticulous design and psionic infusion, Psionic Artificers produce items that can shield thoughts, enhance telepathic communication, or unleash devastating psychic attacks. Their work requires both technical skill and a deep understanding of psionics, allowing them to craft artifacts that are highly sought after for their unique properties and capabilities.   Artificer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Psionic engineering, Artifact creation, Mental energy manipulation
Skills Item imbuing, Psychic crafting, Enhancement of psionic devices
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT
Special Abilities Expertise in creating and imbuing psionic items and artifacts
Adaptation Gains +1 to all Difficulty Score (DS) attempts when using a device or weapon of their own design.


Psionic Scholar-Savant:

Their work is not just academic; it has practical implications for the development of new psionic techniques and the enhancement of existing ones.
Psionic Scholar-Savants are dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the mind, possessing unparalleled knowledge of the brain's potential and the vast landscape of psychic phenomena. Their intense study and mental discipline enable them to understand and explain the intricacies of psionic abilities, making them experts in the theory and application of psychic powers. With a deep intellectual curiosity and a scholarly approach, they delve into the esoteric and often misunderstood realms of the mind, seeking to expand the boundaries of psionic research and practice.   Psionic Scholar-Savants are often at the forefront of psychic exploration, contributing valuable insights that advance the field and aid their peers in the practical use of psionic powers. Their wisdom and intelligence make them invaluable mentors and leaders in the psionic community, guiding others in the pursuit of mental mastery and the ethical use of psychic abilities.   Savant Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Psychic theory, Mental disciplines, Psionic research
Skills Knowledge assimilation, Critical analysis, Educational mentoring
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +2 WIS
Special Abilities Advanced understanding of psionic theory and practice, ability to enhance psionic learning and application
Adaptation Gains +1 DC bonus for scholarly activities related to psionics.


Psionic Infiltrator:

These individuals are adept at navigating complex security systems, outwitting guards, and remaining undetected in even the most guarded environments.
Psionic Infiltrators, emerging at the intersection of Rogue skills and psionic prowess, specialize in the arts of stealth and espionage. With a foundation in Rogue abilities enhanced by their psionic powers, they excel at slipping past defenses, gathering crucial information, and executing silent strikes from the shadows. Their approach combines the physical agility and cunning of a Rogue with the mental acuity and subtle manipulations of a Psionicist, making them masters of covert operations.   Their psionic abilities provide them with an edge, allowing them to cloud perceptions, read thoughts, or even manipulate the environment to remain unseen. As a result, Psionic Infiltrators are invaluable assets in any mission requiring discretion, precision, and a gentle touch, capable of altering the course of events without ever being detected.   Infiltrator Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Stealth, Espionage, Psionic stealth techniques
Skills Infiltration, Information gathering, Silent elimination
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 WIS
Special Abilities Enhanced stealth and espionage capabilities, skilled in using psionics to augment infiltration and extraction operations
Adaptation Negates all minor physical and mental related modifiers (<1) when the Psionicist has Advantage.


Psionic Transmogrant (requires wizard class):

Their abilities extend beyond simple transmutation, touching on the essence of creation and alteration at the most fundamental level.
Psionic Transmogrants are masters of altering reality, capable of bending the laws of physics through the sheer force of their will and intellect. With a profound understanding of both the material and psychic worlds, they manipulate their surroundings, transforming matter, altering physical properties, and even shifting the fabric of space-time to suit their needs.   The power of a Psionic Transmogrant lies in their ability to conceive and actualize change, making the impossible seem effortless. Whether morphing materials into new forms, altering elemental properties, or warping spatial dimensions, they operate on a level of reality manipulation that few can comprehend. This profound control over the physical realm makes them formidable opponents and invaluable allies, as they can adapt to and manipulate nearly any situation or environment to their advantage.   Transmogrant Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Matter manipulation, Spatial alteration, Reality bending
Skills Transmutation, Physical augmentation, Dimensional shifting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Mastery over altering physical reality, ability to transmute and reshape matter and space
Adaptation Once per long rest, the Transmuter may automatically succeed any Difficulty Score (DS) roll (declared prior to rolling DS).


Mindforge Architect:

Their experiments and studies lead to the creation of new psionic practices, tools, and methodologies that enhance the capabilities of Psionicists across various disciplines.
Mindforge Architects are at the forefront of psionic evolution, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with psychic energies. With their exceptional intelligence, they develop new techniques and applications for psionic power, driving the craft forward into uncharted territories. Their work often results in groundbreaking discoveries that redefine the understanding and use of psionics, making them pioneers in their field.   These architects of the mind are not content with the status quo; they thrive on innovation and the pursuit of knowledge. Through their inventive and analytical approach, Mindforge Architects play a crucial role in expanding the potential of psionic abilities, offering new avenues for exploration and application.   Mindforge Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Experimental psionics, Research methodology, Psionic engineering
Skills Innovative thinking, Conceptualization, Prototype development
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT
Special Abilities Expertise in developing new psionic techniques and applications, ability to advance the field of psionics
Adaptation Can reroll a failed attempt once per long rest with a +1 Difficulty Score (DS) bonus, reflecting innovative thinking.


Precog (requires cleric or wizard class):

...foresight becomes a guiding light, offering clarity and direction when paths are shrouded in darkness...
Precogs are seers who blend visions of the future with divine insight, serving as oracles and guides in a world rife with uncertainty. With an enhanced level of wisdom and a foundational Cleric level, they tap into the confluence of psychic and divine energies to receive and interpret omens, prophecies, and revelations.   These visionary guides possess the unique ability to foresee potential outcomes and divine the will of higher powers, using their gifts to navigate the present with an eye on the future. Their role is crucial in shaping the destiny of individuals and communities, as they provide counsel and warning based on their prophetic insights. Through their connection to the unseen and the sacred, Precogs play a pivotal role in interpreting the divine plan, aiding their allies by preparing them for what lies ahead.   Precog Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Divination, Spiritual communion, Prophetic interpretation
Skills Foresight, Divine guidance, Omens analysis
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS
Special Abilities Ability to receive and interpret divine and psychic visions, guide others with prophetic insight
Adaptation May expend a Psi Point once per long rest to gain a +1 Difficulty Score (DS) bonus to all DS rolls until the next long rest.

Tread Lightly

  The path of the Psionicist is one shrouded in awe, mystery, and not infrequently, suspicion. The very essence of psionic power—the ability to influence, manipulate, and even control the minds of others—strikes at the heart of what most cultures hold sacred: the sanctity of the individual's thoughts and intentions.  

The Elusive Nature of Psionicists

Psionicists, with their unparalleled access to the thoughts, emotions, and perceptions of others, occupy a unique and often precarious position in society.
  Their abilities allow them to bypass the natural defenses of the mind, making them invaluable allies but also feared individuals. This dual perception stems from the fundamental human desire for privacy and autonomy, values that Psionicists can seem to threaten merely by existing.  

Cultural Taboos and Fear

  Many cultures within Dramoor regard psionic abilities with a mix of reverence and dread. Stories and legends often depict Psionicists as beings of great power, capable of incredible feats of mind over matter but also as potential violators of the most intimate boundaries. In some societies, psionic powers are viewed as a gift from the gods, a sign of divine favor or a test of moral character. In others, they are considered an unnatural affront to the order of things, a source of fear and mistrust.  

Mistrust and Social Challenges

  Psionicists often face suspicion and isolation due to the invasive potential of their powers. People value their mental privacy, and the idea that someone could unravel their deepest secrets with a thought is unsettling. Psionicists may find themselves ostracized or feared, even as their abilities are sought after for espionage, healing, or guidance. They must navigate a delicate balance, proving their intentions are benign while also defending themselves against prejudice and misunderstanding.  

Navigating the World as a Psionicist

  As a Psionicist in Dramoor, players will encounter these challenges firsthand. They will need to tread carefully, using their powers with discretion and sensitivity to avoid alienating those they wish to help or ally with. Building trust will be a crucial part of their journey, as will the struggle to use their abilities ethically and respectfully.   The path of the Psionicist is one of paradoxes—imbued with the power to connect deeply with others, yet often standing apart because of it. It is a journey that tests not only the limits of the mind but the bounds of empathy and understanding.  
As Psionicists navigate the complex tapestry of Dramoor's cultures and beliefs, they have the opportunity to transcend fear and mistrust, demonstrating that the true power of the mind lies not in domination but in the capacity to understand, heal, and unite.
For in a world that cherishes the sanctity of the inner self, the ability to unravel such sanctity is both a gift and a curse.

Playing A Psionicist?


Psionicist PreRequisites:

No player may be a psionicist if either their beginning base INT or CON scores are below 10. Any player whose scores fall temporarily or permanently below 10 will lose their psionic abilities until the scores are repaired or healed.


Creating Your Psionicist

  As you step into the enigmatic realm of Dramoor, embracing the mantle of a Psionicist opens the door to the uncharted territories of the mind and the cosmos. The journey to forge your identity as a Psionicist is one of introspection, discovery, and mastery over the unseen forces that bind the fabric of reality.  

Reflect on Your Psychic Origin & Discipline:

Before delving into the specifics of your subclass, consider the origin of your Psionicist's powers. How were these abilities awakened? Was it a latent gift from birth, the result of a cosmic event, or the outcome of rigorous mental discipline? This contemplation will lead you to a subclass that mirrors your character's innate talents and the nature of their psionic awakening, from bending the will of the elements as an Elemental Psion to traversing the dreamscape as a Dreamwalker.  

Choose Your Subclass:

Each Psionicist subclass represents a unique aspect of psionic power. Whether it's the Telekinetic Master's control over matter, the Mind Reader's ability to delve into thoughts, or the Psychic Warrior's blend of physical and psychic prowess, your choice defines your approach to the psionic arts. Align your subclass with your character's psychic origin and the narrative you wish to weave through your adventures.  

Consider Subclass Traits:

The traits accompanying each subclass enhance your Psionicist's capabilities, shaping how you interact with the world and confront its challenges. Whether enhancing physical abilities, manipulating the environment, or communicating through thought alone, these traits are the foundation of your power.  

Select Your Specialization:

Specializations offer a deeper customization of your Psionicist, tailoring their abilities to your preferred play style. From the strategic acumen of a Psionic Strategist to the transformative power of a Psionic Transmuter, each specialization provides trait bonuses that refine your psionic abilities and define your role within the party.  

Finalize Your Character:

With your subclass and specialization chosen, complete your character's profile, applying all relevant bonuses and detailing their psychic journey. Share your Psionicist's backstory and ambitions with your group, ensuring your character seamlessly integrates into the collective narrative and party dynamics.  

Embrace Your Psionic Power:

As you venture forth, let your mind's potential guide you through Dramoor's mysteries. Your subclass and specialization are not just tools but extensions of your character's will and essence. Engage with the world's secrets, allies, and adversaries with the full might of your mental prowess, shaping reality with thoughts and unraveling the mysteries of the universe.  

Roleplay Your Psionicist

  As you venture into the world of Dramoor, the unique facets of your Psionicist subclass and specialization become your guiding lights. Harness the profound depths of your mind to influence the fabric of reality, support your allies, and confound your foes.   Delve into the essence of your chosen discipline, be it bending the will of others through Telepathy, altering the battlefield with Psychokinesis, or navigating the dreamscape as a Dreamwalker. Each discipline and its associated powers offer a wealth of roleplay opportunities, from subtle manipulations to awe-inspiring displays of psychic might.   By thoughtfully choosing your subclass and specialization, you craft a Psionicist who is not just a character but a complex individual, whose powers reflect the vast potential of the mind. Whether you're unraveling mysteries with your clairvoyant insights, healing wounds with a touch, or shifting the tides of combat with your mental prowess, your Psionicist becomes an integral part of Dramoor's ongoing saga.   Your journey as a Psionicist is one of exploration, not just of the world around you but of the limitless potential within. It's a path that challenges you to think creatively, act strategically, and connect deeply with the story unfolding at your mental command.  

Psionic Powers & Disciplines

  Where the boundaries of magic and the mind blur, the study and mastery of Psionic Disciplines offer a unique path to power. These disciplines represent focused areas of psionic study and practice, each tapping into different aspects of the mind's potential to affect the self, others, and the world. From altering the fabric of reality to peering into the future or communicating through thought alone, Psionic Disciplines provide a framework for the astonishing abilities wielded by Psionicists. As practitioners delve into these disciplines, they unlock profound insights into the nature of consciousness, reality, and the cosmic forces that weave through all things.  
Whether seeking to heal and transform, to control and manipulate, or to explore and discover, each discipline offers a unique lens through which to view and interact with the world, challenging the limits of what is believed possible.

Psionic Disciplines

  Diving into the world of Psionics in Dramoor opens up a realm where the mind's boundless potential reigns supreme. Unlike the elemental forces harnessed by wizards or the divine energies channeled by clerics, Psionics operates on a different spectrum of power—rooted in the psyche's depths. The disciplines of Psionics represent specialized areas of psychic mastery, each offering unique pathways for manipulating reality through sheer mental prowess.   Embarking on the journey of a Psionicist means choosing a discipline that resonates with your character's innate talents and aspirations. Whether you're drawn to the subtle manipulations of Telepathy, the defensive capabilities of Psychometabolism, or the raw force of Psychokinesis, each discipline offers a distinct approach to the challenges and adventures that await in Dramoor. As you delve deeper into your chosen path, you'll uncover new powers that expand your ability to influence the world around you, connect with others, and protect yourself and your allies from harm.   The study and practice of Psionic disciplines require not only rigorous mental discipline but also a profound understanding of oneself and the universe.  
Psionics is a path that blends the mystical with the cerebral, inviting Psionicists to explore the limits of their mental fortitude and to wield their intellect as their greatest weapon.


This discipline focuses on the manipulation of one's own body, including abilities like accelerated healing, altering physical form, and enhancing physical abilities.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for powers related to healing and physical enhancement due to the Psionicist's heightened control over their body's functions.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for powers outside of the Psychometabolism discipline, reflecting the Psionicist's specialized focus on self-manipulation.


Involves the manipulation of physical energy and matter, encompassing abilities like telekinesis, control over elements (like fire or electricity), and energy-based attacks.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for powers involving the manipulation of physical elements and energy, showcasing mastery over external forces.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Telepathy and Psychoportation powers, as the focus on external manipulation detracts from proficiency in these areas.


Centers around the manipulation of space and time, including powers like teleportation, dimensional travel, and time manipulation.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for teleportation and dimensional travel powers, indicating advanced understanding of spatial dimensions.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Psychokinesis and Clairsentience powers, due to the specialized focus on space-time manipulation over other forms of psionic influence.


Focused on mind-to-mind communication and interaction, this discipline includes reading thoughts, mental communication, mental control, and emotional manipulation.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for mind-to-mind communication and control powers, exemplifying a deep connection with the mental realm.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Psychometabolism and Psychokinesis powers, as the inward focus on mental abilities lessens outward physical control.


About acquiring knowledge through paranormal sensory means, this discipline includes abilities like clairvoyance, precognition, and remote viewing.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for powers related to acquiring knowledge and sensing beyond the normal spectrum, reflecting heightened sensory perception.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Psychoportation and Telepathy powers, since the focus on extrasensory perception diminishes the mastery over spatial and mental manipulation.

Learn More About What DS is how it works: