Ranger in Dramoor | World Anvil


Rangers in Dramoor are the masters of wilderness, guardians of the balance between civilization and the wild. Their deep connection with nature and adept survival skills make them unparalleled scouts and hunters. With Dramoor's vast and varied landscapes, Rangers serve as vital links between isolated communities and the untamed wilds, protecting both from the encroaching shadows and the unknown.  
Rangers are the eyes and ears of the wild, the first line of defense against the dangers that lurk beyond civilization's reach. Whether as solitary guardians of the natural order or as leaders of expeditions into the unknown, Rangers embrace the wild with a resolve as steadfast as the land itself.
  Traversing the rugged landscapes with ease, they are hunters, protectors, and guides, embodying the spirit of adventure that defines the realm's frontiers. With a deep connection to nature and a keen understanding of survival, Rangers adapt their skills to meet the challenges of the land, the creatures that inhabit it, and the dark forces that threaten the balance.  


  Subclasses within the Ranger cadre offer a myriad of paths, each a unique convergence of skills, philosophy, and combat prowess, tailored to the diverse landscapes and myriad creatures of the realm. From the bond-forming Beastmaster, navigating the wilds with their animal companions, to the vigilant Monster Hunter, specializing in tracking down the realm's most fearsome beasts, each subclass presents a distinct way of interacting with the natural world and its inhabitants. The Pathfinder excels in leading through uncharted territories, while the Marksman's deadly accuracy ensures mastery over ranged combat. Each choice represents a deepening of the Ranger's connection to the wild, forging a legacy that intertwines their fate with the very essence of Dramoor.  

Beastmaster (+Druid lvl 2):

Beastmasters forge profound bonds with the creatures of nature, developing relationships so deep that they fight alongside their animal companions as equals and allies.
Beastmasters embody the quintessential union between the wilds and the warrior. Their enhanced Druidic knowledge imbues them with the ability to communicate and empathize with their chosen beasts on a profound level, commanding their companions with respect and understanding.   Their connection to nature goes beyond mere companionship; it is a symbiotic partnership where both the Beastmaster and their animal allies share a deep, mutual understanding, often resulting in an almost telepathic coordination in combat. This bond allows them to navigate the wilderness with unparalleled expertise, tracking foes and utilizing the innate abilities of their companions to gain the upper hand. Their journey together strengthens both the master and the beast, creating a formidable duo that embodies the essence of the wild.   Beastmaster Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Animal handling, Wilderness survival, Tracking
Skills Beast communication, Coordinated attack strategies, Natural empathy
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 DEX
Special Abilities Ability to forge bonds and command animal companions, enhanced skills in wilderness navigation and animal empathy



With a keen eye for detail and an uncanny ability to read the land and its signs, Pathfinders excel in tracking, making them invaluable scouts and guides.
Pathfinders are the quintessential navigators of the wilderness, embodying the skills necessary to traverse and survive in the most challenging environments. Their expertise in navigation, coupled with an innate understanding of the natural world, allows them to guide others through treacherous terrains with confidence and precision.   Their deep connection with the environment enables them to detect subtle changes and patterns that others might overlook, from tracking the passage of creatures through the underbrush to predicting weather changes. This adeptness not only makes them skilled in ensuring safe passage but also in strategic planning and tactical movements, offering significant advantages in exploration, reconnaissance, and even in evading or confronting threats.   Pathfinder Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Navigation, Survival, Terrain analysis
Skills Tracking, Natural intuition, Expedition leadership
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 DEX
Special Abilities Master in navigation and survival, exceptional tracking and guiding skills in various terrains


Bounty Hunter (+Warrior lvl 1):

Their work often takes them into dangerous territories, where they must rely on their wits and martial abilities to prevail against both the elements and their adversaries.
Bounty Hunters represent a formidable fusion of Ranger and Warrior, bringing together the keen tracking prowess of the former with the robust combat skills of the latter. Bounty Hunters are specialists in pursuing and neutralizing specific targets, whether for justice, vengeance, or coin. Their unique skill set allows them to track down individuals across varied landscapes, combining stealth, strategy, and strength to capture or eliminate their quarry.   These relentless pursuers are adept at reading signs and clues that lead them to their targets, employing a mix of survival skills and tactical combat techniques. Bounty Hunters are not only skilled trackers but also fearsome combatants, prepared to engage in deadly confrontations to fulfill their contracts.   Bounty Hunter Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Tracking, Survival, Interrogation, Combat tactics
Skills Target apprehension, Stealth operations, High-value confrontations
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 STR, +1 DEX
Special Abilities Expertise in tracking and apprehending or neutralizing targets, skilled in survival and combat in hostile environments



Their expertise is not just in survival but in fortification and combat, making them the staunch defenders of the frontiers.
Frontiersmen are the embodiment of resilience and self-reliance, thriving in the untamed wilderness of Dramoor. Skilled in living off the land, they are adept at foraging, hunting, and navigating the vast, uncharted territories that lie at the edges of known civilization. Their life is one of constant vigilance and readiness, defending the borderlands from the encroachments of both wild beasts and malicious foes. These rugged survivors possess a deep understanding of the natural world and its dangers, preparing them to face threats that others would find insurmountable.   They know how to turn the environment to their advantage, setting traps, tracking invaders, and using guerrilla tactics to protect their homes and communities. The Frontiersman's existence is a testament to the strength and endurance of those who choose to make their lives in Dramoor's most challenging and remote locales.   Frontiersman Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Wilderness survival, Tracking, Fortification
Skills Resourcefulness, Defensive tactics, Environmental adaptation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 STR
Special Abilities Expertise in wilderness survival and defense, ability to thrive and protect in harsh, remote environments



Their skill set is not merely about hitting targets; it's about maximizing their strategic advantage through superior positioning, stealth, and the ability to neutralize threats effectively and efficiently from a distance.
Marksmen stand as the epitome of ranged combat prowess within the Ranger class, mastering the use of bows, firearms, crossbows, and other long-range weapons. Their training and keen eyesight allow them to target enemies with deadly precision, often taking down their foes before they can come close enough to pose a threat. Marksmen have an innate understanding of trajectory, windage, and elevation, enabling them to make shots that others would deem impossible.   In battle, Marksmen are the silent eliminators, often unseen and unheard until it's too late for their enemies. Their presence on the field can sway the course of engagement, providing their allies with the advantage of range and the assurance that they have a guardian watching over them from afar.   Marksman Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Long-range weapons, Ballistics, Stealth
Skills Precision shooting, Tactical positioning, Reconnaissance
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 DEX, +1 PER
Special Abilities Expertise in long-range combat, ability to eliminate targets effectively from a distance


Monster Hunter:

Armed with extensive knowledge of monster lore, anatomy, and weaknesses, they are uniquely equipped to face these terrifying beasts.
Monster Hunters are the elite trackers and combatants of the Ranger class, specializing in pursuing and eliminating the formidable and often supernatural creatures that stalk the lands of Dramoor. Their training goes beyond traditional hunting; it is a comprehensive preparation for engaging with creatures that defy the natural order, using specialized tactics and weapons designed for monstrous adversaries.   These hunters are adept at identifying signs of their quarry, predicting their behavior, and setting traps or ambushes to exploit their vulnerabilities. Their encounters with various creatures have honed their skills and strategies, making them formidable foes against anything that threatens the balance of nature. In the world of Monster Hunters, knowledge is as deadly a weapon as the sword or bow, allowing them to protect the realms of Dramoor from the shadows and nightmares that would otherwise prey unchecked.   Monster Hunter Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Monster lore, Survival, Specialized weaponry
Skills Tracking, Tactical hunting, Creature vulnerability exploitation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 STR
Special Abilities Expertise in hunting and combating supernatural creatures, ability to exploit monster weaknesses


  Specializations for Rangers go beyond mere vocational choices; they are reflections of a Ranger's journey, experiences, and the relationships they've cultivated with the land and its denizens. Whether adopting the Merchant's savvy, capitalizing on rare finds and trade secrets gleaned from the wilderness, or embracing the mystic path of the Star Gazer, who reads the heavens for guidance and power, each specialization offers unique abilities and trait bonuses that enhance a Ranger's effectiveness in and out of combat. The Hunter/Tracker's keen senses make them unparalleled scouts, while the Herbalist's deep knowledge of flora allows them to concoct remedies and poisons alike. These specializations are not just roles but identities, shaped by the Ranger's adventures, choices, and the indelible mark they leave on Dramoor's vast, untamed wilderness.  


Beyond mere traders, Merchant Rangers are also cultural ambassadors, bridging remote or isolated communities through commerce and exchange.
Merchant Rangers capitalize on their extensive travels and intimate knowledge of the land to engage in trade, specializing in the acquisition and sale of rare commodities. Their adventures across diverse terrains allow them to discover and gather unique goods, from exotic herbs and spices to rare minerals and artifacts. With a natural charisma and a keen sense for business, these Rangers navigate the complexities of trade, establishing networks and negotiating deals that turn their wilderness finds into profitable ventures.   Their ability to source and supply rare items makes them valuable figures in markets and trading posts, where they are known for bringing goods that are often unavailable through other channels. Their entrepreneurial spirit and understanding of supply and demand dynamics enable them to thrive in the competitive world of trade, benefiting from the bounties of their explorations.   Merchant Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Trade, Negotiation, Market analysis
Skills Resource acquisition, Bartering, Economic strategy
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA
Special Abilities Expertise in trade and negotiation, ability to find and sell rare commodities



Their tracking skills are complemented by their agility, enabling them to move stealthily and react quickly in the wild.
Hunter/Trackers are Rangers who specialize in the art of tracking and hunting, utilizing their heightened senses and agility to pursue prey or locate lost individuals across various terrains. Their expertise lies in their ability to read natural signs, follow trails, and understand the behaviors of both animals and humans, allowing them to navigate through the wilderness with unmatched precision.   These Rangers are not just pursuers but also masters of survival and camouflage, blending into their environment to observe or strike unnoticed. Their profound connection with nature enhances their tracking abilities, making them formidable hunters capable of finding virtually anything or anyone, no matter how elusive. Whether for conservation, sustenance, or rescue missions, their tracking and hunting skills are invaluable, making them essential members of any expedition or community in need of their unique talents.   Hunter/Tracker Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Tracking, Stealth, Survival
Skills Wildlife tracking, Lost person location, Terrain navigation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 PER, +1 WIS, +2 DEX
Special Abilities Expertise in tracking and hunting, enhanced sensory perception and agility


Herbalist (+Druid lvl 2):

Beyond mere healing, Herbalists understand the delicate balance of ecosystems and the role each plant plays within it.
Herbalist Rangers possess profound knowledge of flora and its medicinal properties. They harness the wilderness's bounty, using their expertise in plants and natural remedies to heal wounds, cure poisons, and concoct a variety of potent potions. Their deep connection with nature allows them to identify and harvest herbs, roots, and other natural elements, transforming them into remedies and elixirs that can soothe, invigorate, or heal.   Their practices are rooted in sustainability and respect for nature, ensuring that their harvesting methods promote regeneration and biodiversity. Through their hands, the healing power of the natural world is channeled, providing vital support to their allies in times of need, and demonstrating the profound symbiosis between the ranger, the druidic arts, and the earth.   Herbalist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Herbology, Potion crafting, Natural medicine
Skills Healing, Poison treatment, Elixir creation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 WIS, +1 INT
Special Abilities Expertise in natural healing and potion making, ability to treat wounds and cure poisons using herbal remedies


Star Gazer (+Wizard or Cleric lvl 1):

Their skills enable them to draw upon the power of the stars for guidance, insight, and power, crafting spells or prayers that resonate with the celestial dance.
Star Gazers are mystical seers who blend the navigational prowess of a Ranger with the arcane or divine insights of a Wizard or Cleric. They tap into the celestial tapestry, using the stars as guides for both physical journeys and spiritual or magical explorations. Star Gazers employ their deep understanding of celestial patterns to predict future events, navigate through unknown territories, and harness cosmic energies for their spells, aligning their magical or divine practices with the movements of celestial bodies.   Whether channeling arcane or divine energies, Star Gazers possess a unique connection to the cosmos, allowing them to interpret and manipulate the confluence of celestial and earthly forces. Their dual mastery of navigation and magic or divinity makes them invaluable in uncovering hidden truths, foreseeing potential outcomes, and accessing the profound wisdom written in the night sky.   Star Gazer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Celestial navigation, Astrology, Arcane or divine magic
Skills Event prediction, Celestial-aligned spellcasting or prayer, Astronomical interpretation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT (if Wizard) or +2 WIS (if Cleric), +1 PER
Special Abilities Ability to use celestial bodies for navigation and prediction, enhanced spellcasting or prayer aligned with celestial energies

The Ranger is a bridge between civilization and the wild, a protector of the balance and a seeker of the unknown. Your journey is a testament to the resilience, cunning, and spirit of adventure that defines the Ranger class.
In the whispering embrace of the wilderness, the Ranger moves unseen, a guardian of the untamed secrets and the eternal dance of predator and prey.

Creating Your Ranger


Ranger Prerequisites:

As guardians of the wild, Rangers require a minimum base DEX score of 10 and a WIS score of 10 at the start. Their proficiency with ranged weapons and deep understanding of the wilderness demand agility and perception. Should either score fall below the required threshold, a Ranger's abilities, especially those related to tracking and survival, will be compromised until such scores are improved.
  As you prepare to embark on your journey through the untamed wilds of Dramoor, embracing the path of the Ranger, you'll find a world rich with possibilities and dangers alike. The process of choosing your Ranger subclass and specialization is a pivotal step in defining your character's connection to the natural world, their skills, and their place within the broader tapestry of adventure.  

Step 1: Reflect on Your Ranger's Bond with Nature:

Before delving into subclasses, consider the nature of your Ranger's relationship with the environment of Dramoor. Are they a guardian of the wilds, a hunter of monsters, or a nomadic explorer? This foundational aspect will guide your subclass selection, aligning with your character's backstory and motivations.  

Step 2: Choose Your Subclass:

Each Ranger subclass offers a distinct perspective on the role of a Ranger in Dramoor. From the Beastmaster, who forges deep connections with animals, to the Monster Hunter, specializing in combating the realm's deadliest creatures, your choice will shape your abilities and approach to challenges. Consider how subclasses like the Pathfinder or Marksman fit with your envisioned playstyle and narrative goals.  

Step 3: Consider Subclass Traits:

Subclasses come with specific traits that enhance your Ranger's capabilities. Whether it's the Bounty Hunter's martial prowess or the Frontiersman's survival skills, these traits complement your character's strengths and playstyle.  

Step 4: Select Your Specialization:

Beyond your subclass, specializations allow for further customization of your Ranger's skills and focus. Will you navigate the economic landscapes as a Merchant, track the unseen as a Hunter/Tracker, or delve into the arcane mysteries as a Star Gazer? Each specialization provides unique trait bonuses and abilities, enriching your gameplay and role within the party.  

Step 5: Finalize Your Character:

With your subclass and specialization selected, complete your character sheet, carefully applying all bonuses. Discuss your Ranger's role, backstory, and ambitions with your Dungeon Master and fellow adventurers to ensure a cohesive and engaging group dynamic.  

Embrace Your Role:

  As your adventure unfolds, let your choices guide your actions and interactions within the world of Dramoor. Your subclass and specialization offer unique opportunities for exploration, combat, and storytelling. Whether tracking through dense forests, negotiating in bustling markets, or deciphering the secrets of the stars, your Ranger is a versatile and vital member of any expedition.