Rogue in Dramoor | World Anvil


Rogues thrive in the shadows of Dramoor, where intrigue and danger lurk in every alley and hidden glen. Masters of stealth and cunning, they navigate the underbelly of society, driven by a desire for treasure, information, or the sheer thrill of the challenge. Whether as spies, thieves, or adventurers, Rogues have an uncanny ability to find what is hidden and to escape what is bound, making them invaluable in a world where secrets hold power.  
Rogues are not merely thieves and scoundrels but individuals of complex backgrounds and unique skills. They excel in stealth, agility, and cunning, making them versatile adventurers and indispensable assets in any quest or conflict.
  In Dramoor, Rogues come from all walks of life, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to bear. Whether seeking wealth, power, knowledge, or simply survival, Rogues navigate the complexities of Dramoor with wit, agility, and an often unappreciated sense of honor.  


  As you step into the role of a rogue, the paths before you are many, each leading to different destinies shaped by your choices and desires. Within this realm, subclasses and specializations offer a way to refine your character's skills and narrative, aligning with specific aspects of the rogue archetype, from the cunning Swindler to the adventurous Treasure Hunter.   Subclasses, such as Pirate, Assassin, Crime Lord, Swindler, and Treasure Hunter, provide thematic depth and mechanical nuances that reflect your character's background, expertise, and personal journey. Each subclass embodies distinct traits and abilities, offering unique experiences and opportunities for storytelling and gameplay.  


These marauders of the maritime are not just fighters but also skilled tacticians, able to outthink and outmaneuver their adversaries on both water and land.
Pirates, as a subclass of Rogues, are swashbuckling adventurers of the high seas, combining combat prowess with unmatched naval strategy. They thrive in the chaotic dance of shipboard combat, equally skilled in the art of swordplay and cannon fire. With a deep understanding of the sea's treacherous nature, Pirates navigate through storms and battles with the ease of those born to the ocean's embrace.   Their life at sea has taught them the value of freedom, cunning, and the sweet allure of treasure. Pirates are as comfortable swinging from the rigging in a heated battle as they are plotting their next grand heist from the shadows of a tavern.   Pirate Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Navigation, Ship management, Melee combat, Ranged combat
Skills Tactical naval engagement, Boarding actions, Looting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 DEX, +1 CHA
Special Abilities[//th] Expertise in maritime combat and navigation, adept in plundering and ship commandeering



The Assassin's role on the battlefield is often unseen but profoundly felt, as they can turn the tide of conflict with a single, well-placed strike.
Assassins are the shadowed blade of the Rogue class, masters of stealth, precision, and the quick, silent kill. Their training focuses on the art of assassination, employing a variety of methods to dispatch targets without raising alarm. With a deep knowledge of anatomy, poisons, and subtlety, Assassins are experts in ending lives efficiently and quietly. They excel in navigating the unseen, striking from darkness or disguise, and disappearing before anyone can catch them in the act.   Their methods are as varied as they are deadly, ranging from lethal injections to silent throat cuts. Assassins are not just killers but artists in the medium of death, tailoring their approach to each target with meticulous planning and precision. In the world of espionage and covert operations, they are the apex predators, using their skills to manipulate, intimidate, and eliminate with cold professionalism.   Assassin Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Stealth, Poisons, Daggers, Disguise
Skills Silent elimination, Infiltration, Espionage
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 DEX, +1 INT
Special Abilities Expertise in assassination, ability to perform deadly sneak attacks and use poisons effectively


Crime Lord:

These masterminds excel in manipulation, strategic planning, and resource allocation, ensuring their criminal enterprises thrive while evading the grasp of law enforcement.
Crime Lords are Rogues who have risen to the top of the underworld, commanding respect and fear through a combination of charisma, cunning, and ruthlessness. Their power stems from their ability to control, manage, and direct criminal operations on a large scale, influencing both the seedy underbelly and the higher echelons of society.   Beyond mere thievery and skullduggery, Crime Lords are adept at playing the long game, forging alliances with other power players, and eliminating threats to their dominion with cold efficiency. Their networks are extensive, capable of gathering intelligence, laundering money, and executing complex schemes that span cities, if not continents. They are not just leaders but emperors of the shadows, wielding power through a mix of fear, loyalty, and the promise of wealth.   Crime Lord Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Leadership, Economic manipulation, Coercion, Espionage
Skills Network building, Resource management, Strategic planning
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA, +1 INT
Special Abilities Ability to command and expand criminal networks, exceptional negotiation and intimidation skills


Treasure Hunter:

Their prowess in stealth, lockpicking, and evasion allows them to access and escape from the most secure locations.
Treasure Hunters, as a subclass of Rogues, epitomize the archetype of the adventurer driven by the allure of discovery and wealth. Their lives are a continuous journey through forgotten ruins, ancient tombs, and uncharted territories, all in pursuit of priceless relics and hidden treasures. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for solving complex puzzles, they excel in bypassing traps, deciphering cryptic texts, and unearthing secrets that have lain buried for centuries.   These Rogues combine the skills of a master thief with the knowledge of a seasoned archaeologist, making them uniquely qualified to navigate the perils and mysteries of their expeditions. Treasure Hunters are not just opportunistic burglars but are driven by a deep-seated desire to uncover history's lost wonders, often finding themselves in a race against rival explorers and unscrupulous collectors.   Players seeking to be master thieves and burglers fall under this subclass.   Treasure Hunter Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Lockpicking, Trap disarming, Historical knowledge, Cartography
Skills Exploration, Puzzle-solving, Stealth operations
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 DEX, +1 INT
Special Abilities Mastery in locating and acquiring hidden artifacts, enhanced abilities in detecting and disarming traps



Shadowgunners are masters of the surprise attack, capable of taking down high-value targets before slipping away unnoticed.
Shadowgunners are a lethal fusion of the Rogue's stealth and the marksman's aim, blending the art of shadow with the science of gunpowder. Specializing in handguns, they operate from the darkness, where they can observe, track, and eliminate targets with chilling efficiency. Their proficiency lies in the seamless integration of concealment and precision shooting, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies with the whisper of bullets fired from the shadows.   This subclass excels in covert operations, utilizing a combination of evasion, misdirection, and keen observational skills to exploit their adversaries' weaknesses. Their training allows them to manipulate their environment to their advantage, creating distractions and vanishing without a trace, their presence only confirmed by the echoing report of their firearms.   Shadowgunner Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Stealth, Handguns, Marksmanship, Tactical movement
Skills Assassination, Evasion, Misdirection
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 DEX, +1 PER
Special Abilities Expertise in stealth and precision shooting, ability to effectively use shadows for concealment and surprise attacks



Whether on the battlefield or in the court, a Bard's influence is profound, as their words and melodies can turn the tide of both wars and hearts.
Bards are the quintessential performers and storytellers, weaving magic and music into a harmonious blend that can inspire allies, demoralize foes, and manipulate the course of events. With their lyrical skills and charismatic presence, Bards are adept at using their artistry to create powerful effects, whether soothing the wounded with a ballad or inciting bravery with a rousing anthem. Their repertoire is vast, encompassing songs, stories, and spells that draw upon the deep wells of history, myth, and magic.   In addition to their musical talents, Bards possess a wide range of skills, including diplomacy, knowledge of lore, and the ability to decipher ancient texts. They are the social chameleons of any gathering, capable of fitting in with kings and commoners alike, using their wit and charm to achieve their ends.   Bard Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Musical instruments, Oratory, Diplomacy, Arcane knowledge
Skills Performance, Persuasion, Spellcasting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA, +1 INT
Special Abilities Ability to cast bardic spells, enhance allies' abilities, and influence emotions through music and performance


  Specializations, on the other hand, further tailor your character's abilities and role within the world of Dramoor. With options like the inventive Gnome Inventor, the charismatic Elf Merchant, or the strategic Lizardfolk Advisor, specializations allow for a finer degree of customization, enhancing your rogue's narrative and functional niche within the party and the broader adventure.   However, the paths of Dramoor are as flexible as they are diverse. Players are not obligated to choose a subclass or specialization. The freedom to forge your own story, to blend skills and backgrounds in unconventional ways, is a cornerstone of the adventure. Whether you choose to delve into the detailed lore of subclasses and specializations or carve a path uniquely your own, Dramoor welcomes all who seek to define their destiny amidst its wonders and perils.  


Inventors are at their best when preparing for a heist or mission, where their foresight and ingenuity can set the stage for success or provide a crucial escape route.
Inventors, within the Rogue class, are the ingenious minds whose creations and contraptions redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the world of subterfuge and adventure. With a keen intellect and a penchant for problem-solving, these tinkerers craft an array of devices that can unlock doors, disarm traps, or provide critical advantages in various situations. Their workshops are alchemical labs of innovation, where gears, springs, and arcane elements combine to form tools and weapons uniquely suited to the Inventor’s needs.   While many Shadowgunners possess the inventive spark necessary to augment their firearms and gear, Inventors take this a step further, dedicating themselves fully to the craft of creation. Their gadgets can range from the subtle and discreet, like lock picks and silent alarms, to the grand and complex, such as mechanized armor and automated sentries.   Inventor Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Engineering, Mechanics, Arcane technology, Gadgetry
Skills Device creation, Problem-solving, Technological innovation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT
Special Abilities Expertise in crafting and utilizing innovative devices, ability to enhance operations with custom technology



Merchants are the silver-tongued negotiators of the Rogue class, specializing in trade, economics, and the art of the deal.
With an innate charisma and a mind for business, they excel in brokering agreements that favor their interests, using their persuasive skills to navigate the complex web of commerce and politics. These Rogues are not just traders of goods but of information and favors, building networks that span cities and kingdoms.   Their influence in the market and knack for negotiation make them invaluable in any venture, from establishing lucrative trade routes to securing rare items or information. Merchants have a deep understanding of value, not only in terms of coin but in relationships and opportunities, allowing them to thrive in environments where others might falter. Their success lies in their ability to read people and situations, turning potential losses into gains through savvy dealings and strategic partnerships.   Merchant Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Economics, Persuasion, Appraisal, Networking
Skills Negotiation, Market analysis, Influence
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA
Special Abilities Ability to negotiate advantageous deals, expand influence through trade and diplomacy



Spies navigate complex social networks, piecing together information from overheard conversations, stolen documents, and covert reconnaissance.
Spies are the eyes and ears of the Rogue class, specializing in the art of espionage and covert operations. With a unique blend of perception, intelligence, and charisma, they excel at gathering information, uncovering secrets, and operating unseen within enemy lines. Spies are masters of disguise and manipulation, able to blend seamlessly into any society and manipulate events to their favor from the shadows.   Their work involves a delicate balance of observation, deduction, and social engineering, requiring them to be as intellectually sharp as they are adaptable. Their ability to remain unnoticed while pulling the strings of power makes them invaluable assets in political intrigue, warfare, and the subtle interplay of factions vying for control.   Spy Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Stealth, Disguise, Intelligence gathering, Cryptography
Skills Infiltration, Surveillance, Social manipulation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 PER, +1 CHA, +1 INT
Special Abilities Expertise in espionage, ability to gather crucial information and influence events discreetly



Their workspaces are cluttered with vials, herbs, minerals, and arcane tomes, each ingredient a potential key to new alchemical discoveries.
Alchemists are the ingenious and experimental mages of the Rogue class, blending chemistry, magic, and a dash of the arcane to concoct potions, elixirs, and mystical artifacts. With their keen intellect and a profound understanding of both natural and supernatural elements, they excel in creating substances that can heal, harm, transform, or enlighten.   These Rogues are not just potion brewers but innovators who push the boundaries of what alchemy can achieve, often blurring the lines between science and sorcery. Their creations can range from volatile explosive mixtures to subtle mind-affecting perfumes, each crafted with precision and a deep knowledge of alchemical principles. With a steady hand and a mind attuned to the intricate dance of elements, Alchemists wield the power to alter reality itself, making them both revered and feared for their capabilities.   Alchemist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Alchemy, Herbalism, Potion brewing, Magical theory
Skills Experimentation, Transmutation, Elixir crafting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 DEX, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Mastery in alchemy, ability to create a wide range of magical and mundane concoctions



Their role is critical, ensuring that they and their allies are well-equipped and prepared for whatever dangers lie ahead.
Blacksmiths stand as the backbone of any adventuring group or crew, providing the essential service of forging weapons and armor. With a combination of strength and wisdom, they craft and maintain the equipment necessary for facing a multitude of challenges. Their forges are alight with the glow of molten metal, and the air rings with the sound of hammer on anvil, as they shape raw materials into tools of power and protection.   Their knowledge extends beyond mere craftsmanship; Blacksmiths understand the nuances of different materials, the requirements of warriors in combat, and the balance between durability and efficiency in weapon and armor design. They are not just artisans but also tacticians, knowing that the right equipment can turn the tide of battle.   Blacksmith Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Metallurgy, Weapon forging, Armor crafting, Tool repair
Skills Smithing, Material appraisal, Equipment maintenance
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 STR, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Expertise in forging and repairing weapons and armor, ability to enhance equipment performance



Their wisdom and foresight are invaluable, ensuring that their ship and crew can navigate the perils of the open ocean and reach the bounty that awaits.
Navigators, often found within the ranks of Pirates, are the masters of the sea's unpredictable nature, charting courses through treacherous waters with an expert blend of perception and wisdom. Their role is crucial aboard any vessel, as they use their keen senses to interpret the stars, the winds, and the waves, guiding their ship safely to its destination. Navigators possess an intimate understanding of maritime navigation, including celestial and coastal charting, weather patterns, and ocean currents.   Their expertise is not just technical but also deeply intuitive, allowing them to make split-second decisions that can evade storms, outmaneuver enemy ships, or discover new passages. Navigators are the eyes of the crew, constantly vigilant, and always planning several moves ahead.   Navigator Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Celestial navigation, Cartography, Weather forecasting, Tactical planning
Skills Route plotting, Risk assessment, Spatial awareness
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 PER, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Expertise in navigation and course plotting, enhanced ability to read and interpret environmental conditions



Advisors are not only thinkers but also doers, capable of turning their strategic insights into actionable plans that benefit their cause or organization.
Advisors, skilled in the arts of diplomacy and statecraft, navigate the intricate labyrinths of political intrigue with a blend of intelligence and charm. They are the master negotiators and counselors, using their keen understanding of people, politics, and strategy to influence decisions and shape the course of events. Advisors are adept at reading the room, anticipating the needs and desires of others, and crafting their words carefully to sway opinions, resolve conflicts, and forge beneficial alliances.   Their work often occurs behind the scenes, where subtle gestures and carefully chosen words can alter the balance of power. Their ability to communicate effectively and their persuasive nature make them invaluable in any situation requiring tact, negotiation, or the management of delicate relationships.   Advisor Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Political science, Diplomacy, Rhetoric, Psychology
Skills Negotiation, Strategic planning, Persuasion
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +1 CHA
Special Abilities Expertise in diplomacy and alliance-building, enhanced ability to influence and guide political decisions

As you vanish into the shadows, let your instincts and the silent whispers of the night guide you. The path of a Rogue is one of cunning, agility, and precision—qualities that stem from the very essence of survival in Dramoor.
The night is your playground

Creating your Rogue


Rogue Prerequisites:

The life of a Rogue is one of cunning and dexterity. Players must have a starting base DEX score of at least 12 to navigate the shadows and execute precise maneuvers. A Rogue's ability to perform stealth actions, thievery, and evasion relies heavily on their agility and quick reflexes. A decrease in DEX score below 12 results in a temporary suspension of these specialized skills until the deficiency is addressed.
  When choosing your Rogue subclass and specialization in the world of Dramoor, follow these steps to ensure your character aligns with your desired playstyle and narrative:  

Step 1: Understand Your Rogue's Background:

Before diving into subclasses, think about your character's backstory. Where do they come from? What experiences have shaped them into the Rogue they are today? This context will help guide your subclass choice.  

Step 2: Choose Your Subclass:

Reflect on the type of Rogue you wish to play. Are you a swashbuckling Pirate, a deadly Assassin, a cunning Crime Lord, a deceptive Swindler, or an adventurous Treasure Hunter? Each subclass offers a unique approach to being a Rogue.   Consider the role you want to play in your party and how your subclass aligns with the group's dynamics and objectives.  

Step 3: Consider the Subclass Traits:

Each subclass comes with associated trait bonuses that reflect the character's skills and expertise. Inventor, Merchant, Advisor, Spy, Alchemist, Blacksmith, Navigator, Diplomat, and Bard—these specializations offer specific trait bonuses that can enhance your Rogue's abilities.   Decide which trait bonuses complement your character's strengths and playstyle. For instance, if you're interested in potion-making or crafting magical items, the Alchemist specialization with +2 INT and +1 DEX might be the right fit.  

Step 4: Integrate Subclass Specializations:

Once you've chosen your subclass, think about how the specialization's trait bonuses can be integrated into your character's story. How did they acquire these skills? Through formal training, self-taught experimentation, or perhaps a mentor?   Use these details to further develop your character's backstory and motivations.  

Step 5: Finalize Your Character:

With your subclass and specialization selected, complete your character sheet, ensuring all trait bonuses are accounted for.   Discuss your character with your Dungeon Master (DM) and party to ensure they fit well within the campaign's setting and group dynamics.  

Roleplay Your Rogue:

As you embark on adventures, remember the unique aspects of your subclass and specialization. Use your skills, both in and out of combat, to contribute to your party's success.   Embrace the roleplay opportunities your subclass offers. Whether negotiating as a Diplomat, crafting as a Blacksmith, or gathering information as a Spy, your choices can add depth to the game and enrich the collective storytelling experience.   By carefully selecting your subclass and specialization, you can create a Rogue that is not only fun to play but also deeply integrated into the rich tapestry of Dramoor.