Rural Humans Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Rural Humans

Rural Humans of Dramoor

  In the sprawling tapestry of Dramoor's landscapes, Rural Humans carve out a life steeped in the rhythms of the natural world. Nestled in the heart of fertile plains, tucked away in small hamlets shadowed by towering forests, or perched on remote hillsides, these communities embody the essence of pastoral life. Here, the days are marked not by the ticking of clocks but by the rising and setting of the sun, the changing of seasons, and the cycles of planting and harvest. Rural Humans live in a symbiotic relationship with the land, their lives a testament to the enduring bond between humanity and nature. Through their toil, they transform the wilderness into bountiful farmland, weaving the fabric of tradition and hard work into the very soil they cultivate.   This connection to the land imbues Rural Humans with a profound resilience and resourcefulness. Their existence, while often idyllic, is not without its challenges. They face the whims of nature—droughts, storms, and pests—with a stoic determination, drawing upon generations of knowledge to protect their way of life. Their communities are bastions of tradition, where ancient festivals mark the passage of time, and folklore is as much a part of the landscape as the trees and rivers. Despite the isolation that can come with rural living, these humans are rarely lonely, bound together by a deep sense of community and shared purpose. Their lives are enriched by the simple pleasures—harvest feasts, communal dances, and the storytelling that links them to their ancestors.   Choosing to roleplay as a Rural Human opens a window into a world where magic lies in the mundane: the miracle of growth, the beauty of a starlit sky unmarred by city lights, and the intricate dance of ecosystems. Players can explore themes of harmony with the environment, stewardship of the earth, and the strength found in community bonds. Rural Humans offer a grounding perspective in a fantastical realm, reminding us of the value of hard work, the cycles of life and nature, and the simple beauty of a life lived close to the earth. They stand as guardians of tradition, yet each generation faces the challenge of balancing these traditions with the inevitable change brought by time and the outside world.

Basic Information


Rural Humans exhibit a wide range of physical characteristics, reflective of their diverse genetic heritage. Generally, they possess a robust constitution, honed by the physical demands of agricultural and outdoor life. Their hands are often calloused from labor, and their skin bears the tan of countless hours spent under the sun.

Biological Traits

Adapted to a life of physical labor, Rural Humans are typically strong and enduring. They have developed a resilience to the common ailments that might affect those less accustomed to the rigors of outdoor life.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rural Human communities are characterized by strong familial bonds, with knowledge and land often passed down through generations. Their genetic diversity is a testament to the myriad of environments they inhabit and the various cultures they represent within Dramoor.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rural Humans follow the typical human growth and development stages, with childhood and adolescence spent learning the intricacies of farming, animal husbandry, and survival skills essential to rural life.

Ecology and Habitats

Rural Humans are spread across Dramoor, thriving in areas where the land offers the resources needed for subsistence and agriculture. They live in harmony with their environment, often leading efforts in conservation and sustainable living.


Valuing community, tradition, and the land, Rural Humans are known for their hospitality, strong sense of community, and a deep-seated belief in the importance of hard work and perseverance. They are generally conservative, holding fast to the customs and practices handed down through generations.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Rural communities are typically organized around family units and extended kinships, with a strong emphasis on mutual aid and cooperative efforts to manage the land and resources. Leadership roles are often assumed by elders or those with significant experience and knowledge.

Facial characteristics

Faces of Rural Humans are as diverse as their backgrounds, often weathered and marked by the sun, reflecting the stories of their lives spent in close communion with nature.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Rural Humans can be found in all regions of Dramoor that boast arable land and natural resources conducive to farming and pastoral life. They are particularly prevalent in the fertile valleys, plains, and the foothills of mountains.

Average Intelligence

Rural Humans are practical and resourceful, possessing a wealth of knowledge related to agriculture, natural remedies, and the land. Their intelligence is rooted in tradition, experience, and a deep understanding of the natural world.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While not possessing any supernatural senses, Rural Humans have honed their observational skills, becoming acutely aware of the subtle signs of nature that predict weather changes, crop health, and animal behavior. This keen awareness is crucial for their survival and success as stewards of the land.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names often reflect the natural features of the land, ancestral heritage, or virtues valued by the community, such as strength, resilience, and hope.

Major Organizations

Rural Humans are more loosely organized than their urban counterparts, with the most significant organizations being family clans, agricultural cooperatives, and small village councils focused on local governance and communal well-being.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is seen in simplicity, health, and strength—qualities that reflect a life well-lived in harmony with the land. Practicality often dictates fashion, with a preference for durable, comfortable clothing that stands up to the demands of rural work.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship in rural communities is a straightforward affair, where honesty, hard work, and a shared commitment to family and land are highly valued. Relationships often develop from shared labor and community gatherings.

Relationship Ideals

Strong, enduring partnerships are the foundation of Rural Human society, with emphasis placed on mutual respect, shared responsibilities, and the continuation of family and tradition.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While sharing the common tongue of Dramoor, Rural Humans often speak in dialects that include terms and expressions unique to their agrarian lifestyle and local environment.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for the land, elders, and community customs is paramount. Hospitality is freely given, reflecting the tight-knit nature of rural communities, where neighbors rely on one another for support and companionship.

Common Dress Code

Functional and made to withstand the rigors of outdoor work, the clothing of Rural Humans is often handmade, favoring natural materials. Bright colors and patterns are used to celebrate cultural heritage and mark special occasions.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of Rural Humans is rich with traditions that celebrate the cycles of nature, the harvest, and the communal efforts that sustain their way of life. Festivals, storytelling, and music are vital expressions of their identity and their connection to the land.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Seasonal festivals marking planting and harvest times are central to Rural Human culture, featuring feasting, music, and dance. These celebrations honor the land's bounty and the community's hard work.

Common Taboos

Wastefulness and disrespect for the land are among the gravest taboos. Rural Humans believe strongly in stewardship and the responsible management of resources, viewing any breach of these principles as a betrayal of their values.


The history of Rural Humans is a tapestry of settlement, cultivation, and adaptation to the land. Their legacy is one of transforming the wilderness into bountiful farmland and maintaining the balance between human needs and the health of the ecosystems they inhabit.

Common Myths and Legends

Their mythology is woven with tales of the land's spirits, the cycles of life and death, and the heroes who have shaped the landscape. These stories serve to educate, entertain, and instill a sense of awe and respect for the natural world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Rural Humans maintain a pragmatic approach to relations with other species, often based on mutual benefit and the shared use of the land. While generally welcoming, they are cautious of those whose practices might harm their way of life or the environment. Their openness to other races varies, influenced by past interactions and the prevailing attitudes of their community. However, a shared respect for the land and its resources can serve as a strong foundation for positive relationships with other species.

Rural Humans of Dramoor

  Rural Humans in Dramoor, while not benefiting from specific trait bonuses that distinguish many of the realm's fantastical races, are granted a unique advantage reflective of their versatile and adaptive nature. This advantage comes in the form of a 5% experience points bonus, a testament to their innate human capacity for learning, growth, and adaptation. This bonus symbolizes the broad range of skills and knowledge Rural Humans acquire through their close connection with the land, their communities, and the challenges they face in their daily lives.   Experience Points Bonus:   5% Experience Points Bonus: This bonus acknowledges the varied and often challenging life experiences Rural Humans undergo, which contribute to their rapid learning and adaptability. Whether it's mastering the intricacies of agriculture, understanding the subtle changes in the natural world, or navigating the complexities of rural community dynamics, Rural Humans are adept learners. This experience bonus represents their ability to turn challenges into opportunities for growth, reflecting their resilience and versatility.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
70 to 100 years
Average Height
Rural Humans average between 5 feet 5 inches to 6 feet (165 cm to 183 cm) in height. This range accommodates the genetic diversity within human populations and the effects of diet and lifestyle on physical development.
Average Weight
The average weight for Rural Humans tends to align with a healthy body mass index (BMI) for their height, considering their physically active lifestyle. For adults, this might range from 130 pounds (59 kg) for those of shorter stature and lighter build, up to around 200 pounds (90 kg) for taller individuals or those with a more muscular build.
Average Physique
Their physique is strong and hardy, a direct result of their labor-intensive lifestyle. They are well-adapted to physically demanding tasks and are capable of enduring the challenges posed by rural living.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones vary widely, generally deepened by exposure to the elements. Tattoos and markings, when present, usually signify personal achievements, community standing, or important life events.