Sea Gnome Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Sea Gnome

In the vast, untamed waters that surround the continents of Dramoor, the Sea Gnomes carve out a life of adventure, freedom, and peril. Born from various gnome subraces but united by a common call of the sea, these intrepid souls have forsaken the stability of the land for the ever-changing embrace of the ocean. Sea Gnomes are nearly always found with the salt wind in their hair, navigating the waves as pirates, explorers, and mariners. Their existence is a testament to the allure of the horizon, the promise of undiscovered lands, and the riches that lie hidden beneath the azure expanse. With sails unfurled and compasses set to the unknown, Sea Gnomes embody the spirit of adventure, their lives a series of tales waiting to be told.   Renowned for their exceptional skills as sailors, fishermen, and divers, Sea Gnomes have adapted to the challenges of the maritime life with remarkable resilience and ingenuity. Their ships, often mistaken for merchant vessels or fishing boats, are in truth pirate crafts, ready to switch from peaceful trade to raiding with astonishing speed. This duality reflects the Sea Gnomes themselves: resourceful, adaptable, and unburdened by the moral quandaries that govern more settled societies. Their communities, though scattered across the seas, are bound by an unwritten code of the sea—a set of rules that prioritizes freedom, respect for the crew, and a shared love for the boundless waters that serve as their home.   Despite their reputation for greed and insolence, the Sea Gnomes are a people of deep bonds and unwavering loyalty to their own. Their society, marked by an aversion to stability and domesticity, thrives on the thrill of discovery and the wealth of opportunities that only the sea can offer. Internally, they are known to live in relative peace, valuing the strength and safety of their crews above all. Their history, marked by a collective decision to embrace the sea's call, has forged them into a unique subrace—gnomes who have found in the endless blue a domain vast enough for their indomitable spirits. In the world of Dramoor, where magic and mystery abound, the Sea Gnomes navigate their own course, forever in pursuit of the next great adventure over the horizon.  
Sea Gnome

Basic Information


Physically, Sea Gnomes share the characteristics of their subrace origins but are easily distinguished by the weathered and rugged appearance acquired from years at sea. Their skin bears the tan and toll of the sun, salt, and wind, while their eyes gleam with the sharpness of those who navigate the treacherous waters. Compact and agile, they are built for life aboard ships, with every muscle honed for climbing, swimming, and combat.

Biological Traits

The lifestyle of Sea Gnomes, filled with constant physical activity and exposure to the elements, results in robust health and remarkable agility. However, this comes at the cost of a shortened lifespan, with many meeting their end through violence or the hazards of the sea. Despite this, Sea Gnomes are notably vibrant and full of life, their happiness undimmed by the dangers they face daily.

Genetics and Reproduction

While the choice to become a Sea Gnome is more cultural than genetic, the harshness of their chosen lifestyle inevitably shapes their communities. Their families are bound not by blood but by the shared experiences of life at sea, with knowledge and skills passed down to anyone willing to embrace the pirate's life.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sea Gnome children grow up quickly, learning the ropes of seafaring life from a tender age. They are taught to navigate, fish, and fight, ensuring that each member of the crew can hold their own in the face of danger. This rapid maturation is a necessity in their perilous world, where only the skilled and the lucky survive.

Ecology and Habitats

Sea Gnomes make their homes on the ships that ply the waters of Dramoor, with no fixed abode but the vessel they serve on. Their communities are found within the fleets of pirate ships that seek fortune across the oceans, making port in hidden coves and secret harbors known only to their kind.


Marked by a disdain for authority and a penchant for greed, Sea Gnomes are known to be cunning, insolent, and untrustworthy by those who adhere to more lawful ways of life. Yet, among their own, they exhibit a fierce loyalty, united by the bonds of crewmanship and the shared thrill of discovery. Their lives, though fraught with peril, are lived with a joy and satisfaction unmatched by their land-bound kin.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social hierarchy aboard a pirate ship is the backbone of Sea Gnome society, with positions earned through skill, cunning, and the capacity to lead. Despite their disdain for authority, Sea Gnomes respect strength and intelligence, following those who prove themselves capable of securing wealth and glory for the crew.

Facial characteristics

Weather-beaten faces with sharp, calculating eyes define the visage of a Sea Gnome. Their expressions, often marked by a roguish grin or a scowl of defiance, reflect the depth of their experiences and the intensity of their passions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sea Gnomes are a common sight in the waters surrounding Dramoor, from the busiest trade routes to the most desolate stretches of ocean. Their ships, flying no flag but their own, are homes, havens, and fortresses to these nomadic gnomes.

Average Intelligence

Sea Gnomes are cunning and resourceful, with a practical intelligence sharpened by years of navigating the challenges of pirate life. They are quick thinkers, adept at making the most of any situation, though their wisdom is often overshadowed by their greed and self-serving nature.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sea Gnomes possess an innate connection to the ocean, with heightened senses that allow them to read the weather, navigate by the stars, and sense approaching storms or hidden landfalls. This keen awareness extends beneath the waves, making them exceptional divers and fishermen, attuned to the rhythms and secrets of the sea.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sea Gnomes favor names that reflect their achievements, deeds, and the lore of the sea. These names are often grandiose, reflecting their love for storytelling and their desire to be remembered in the legends of the ocean.

Major Organizations

Sea Gnome pirates are organized into crews and fleets, each with its own code and command. These groups operate as independent entities, bound by mutual interest and the pursuit of wealth, navigating the delicate balance between rivalry and alliance in their quest for dominance on the high seas.

Beauty Ideals

Among Sea Gnomes, beauty is found in the scars of survival and the tales those scars tell. A weathered face, a tattooed arm, or a boldly worn trinket plundered from a sunken ship are considered marks of distinction and allure, symbols of a life lived fully and fiercely.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship at sea is a whirlwind of flirtation, boasting, and bold gestures, with Sea Gnomes valuing partners who can match their adventurous spirit and stand beside them in the face of danger. Romance among these gnomes is as tempestuous and unpredictable as the sea itself.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships among Sea Gnomes are built on mutual respect, shared thrill for adventure, and an understanding of the impermanence of life at sea. Loyalty to one's crew and partner is paramount, with bonds forged in the heat of battle and the camaraderie of a shared voyage lasting a lifetime.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Sea Gnomes speak a blend of common tongues and seafaring jargon, their language rich with nautical terms, pirate slang, and the colorful idioms of their diverse origins. This lingual mosaic facilitates communication among the varied races and cultures that make up their crews.

Common Etiquette Rules

Among Sea Gnomes, respect is earned through deeds, with bravery, cunning, and the ability to contribute to the crew's success held in the highest regard. The etiquette of the sea dictates fairness in the division of spoils, solidarity in the face of danger, and the honoring of one's word as law.

Common Dress Code

Sea Gnomes dress for the demands of life aboard ship, with practicality reigning supreme. However, their love for ostentation and flair is evident in the flamboyant details of their attire—bright sashes, earrings, and the occasional stolen trinket serving as reminders of their victories and adventures.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of Sea Gnomes is a vibrant tapestry of piracy, seafaring lore, and the unyielding quest for freedom. Music, storytelling, and the celebration of their maritime exploits are central to their way of life, with tales of legendary pirates and mythical sea creatures inspiring each new generation to set sail.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Traditions among Sea Gnomes include the telling of tales under the stars, the sharing of spoils among the crew, and rituals to appease the gods of the sea for safe passage and bountiful plunder. These customs reinforce the bonds of crewmanship and the shared belief in the providence of the ocean.  

The Grand Rendezvous of the Tidal Reavers

  Once per generation, under the auspice of a rare celestial alignment known as the Corsair's Eclipse, the Sea Gnomes of Dramoor participate in an event that has become the stuff of legends—the Grand Rendezvous of the Tidal Reavers. This gathering, unparalleled in scale and fervor, is a time when all pirate gnomes, regardless of their crew or allegiance, converge upon the secret, enchanted isle of Marauder's Haven. For the duration of the Corsair's Eclipse, which lasts a fortnight, the island becomes a microcosm of pirate utopia, alive with the thrill of unity, intense looting, raucous parties, and unrestrained pillaging along the coastal trade routes.   Purpose and Activities: The Grand Rendezvous serves multiple purposes; it is a time for the pirate gnomes to share tales of their adventures, forge and renew alliances, and celebrate their love for the sea and freedom. The event is marked by several key activities:   The Great Pillage: A coordinated effort where pirate crews join forces to launch a series of daring raids on wealthy merchant convoys, fortified coastal towns, and hidden treasures rumored to be revealed only during the Corsair's Eclipse. The loot is brought back to Marauder's Haven, where it is shared among the participants in a grand display of pirate honor and camaraderie.   The Buccaneer's Feast: An extravagant celebration of the pirate life, featuring tables groaning under the weight of stolen delicacies, barrels of the finest rum, and exotic foods from across the seas. Music, dancing, and storytelling abound, with competitions to crown the finest pirate musicians, dancers, and raconteurs.   The Regatta of Rogues: A high-stakes race of pirate ships around the isle and through treacherous waters, testing the sailing skills, cunning, and bravery of the crews. The winner gains not just substantial treasure but also prestige and the honor of leading the next Grand Rendezvous's planning.   Cultural Significance: The Grand Rendezvous of the Tidal Reavers is a cornerstone of Sea Gnome culture, reinforcing their identity as free spirits of the sea and custodians of the pirate way of life. It is a time when old grudges are settled through duels or drowned in rum, and new legends are born from the feats of bravery and cunning displayed.   Legacy and Lore: The lore surrounding the Grand Rendezvous grows with each generation, with tales of the event becoming increasingly embellished and fantastical. The location of Marauder's Haven, protected by ancient enchantments and accessible only to those who truly embody the pirate spirit, remains one of the greatest mysteries of the sea. The event itself has inspired countless songs, tales, and even non-pirate gnomes to dream of the freedom and adventure that the sea promises.   As the Corsair's Eclipse draws near, the Sea Gnomes of Dramoor begin preparations for the next Grand Rendezvous, ready to write the next chapter in the saga of the Tidal Reavers, and to celebrate the unbreakable bond that ties them to the sea and to each other.

Common Taboos

Betrayal of the crew or cowardice in the face of the enemy are unforgivable sins in Sea Gnome society. Such acts are met with swift retribution, for trust and bravery are the pillars upon which their precarious world rests.


The history of Sea Gnomes is written in the logbooks of pirate captains and the tales told in taverns along the coast—stories of daring raids, buried treasure, and the freedom of the open sea. Their legacy is one of adventure and infamy, leaving an indelible mark on the maritime history of Dramoor.

Historical Figures

Captain Fizzlebeard Torrentshaper

  Era: The Age of Sail's Reckoning   Captain Fizzlebeard Torrentshaper stands as a legendary figure among Sea Gnomes, embodying the quintessential pirate spirit with a flair that has made him a hero in tales and a terror on the seas. His legacy is one of audacity, innovation, and defiance, having led one of the most fearless crews ever to set sail across Dramoor's tumultuous waters. Torrentshaper's name became synonymous with the golden age of piracy, not just among gnomes but across all seafaring races, marking a period where the seas became a stage for grand adventures and epic battles.   Captain Fizzlebeard's most notable achievement was the discovery and successful raid of the Sunken Vaults of Eldranor, a feat that had eluded treasure hunters for centuries. Using a combination of ingenious navigation, unparalleled sailing skills, and an intimate knowledge of the sea's mysteries, he not only found the vaults but also devised a way to breach their defenses and escape with untold riches. Additionally, Torrentshaper was instrumental in forging temporary alliances among various pirate factions, leading a formidable fleet that challenged the naval powers of the time and secured a period of freedom and prosperity for pirate-kind.   Fizzlebeard was not just a pirate but a visionary who saw beyond the horizon, believing in the sea's promise of endless possibilities and freedom. His leadership was characterized by bold decision-making, loyalty to his crew, and an uncanny ability to turn the tide of battle in his favor. He fostered a culture of equality and fraternity aboard his ship, the Wave Wraith, where every gnome had a voice, and bravery was the highest virtue.   The tales of Captain Fizzlebeard Torrentshaper have transcended time, inspiring generations of Sea Gnomes and other races to take to the seas in search of adventure and fortune. His exploits have become the stuff of legend, taught to gnome children as bedtime stories and recounted with fervor in taverns across the coastlines. The legacy of Torrentshaper's daring spirit lives on, fueling the dreams of those who yearn for a life unbound by convention.   Statues of Fizzlebeard stand in secretive pirate coves, hidden from the prying eyes of the law, serving as a beacon for those who follow in his wake. His ship, the Wave Wraith, rumored to have been enchanted by Torrentshaper himself, is said to still roam the seas, manned by a ghostly crew, forever seeking the next great adventure.   Captain Fizzlebeard Torrentshaper, through his life and actions, became more than a man; he became a symbol of the untamable essence of the sea itself. His name evokes a sense of wonder, a reminder that the world is vast, the seas hold untold secrets, and that freedom is the greatest treasure of all.

Common Myths and Legends

The myths and legends of the Sea Gnomes are filled with tales of epic sea battles, enchanted islands, and the pursuit of fabled treasures. These stories, passed down from one generation to the next, serve as both entertainment and moral guidance, embodying the values of courage, cunning, and the eternal lure of the horizon.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sea Gnomes, with their piratical lifestyle, maintain a complex and often contentious relationship with other races and cultures across Dramoor. Their reputation as pirates, thieves, and rebels precedes them, casting a shadow of suspicion and wariness on their interactions with non-gnomish societies. This reputation, combined with their innate greed, propensity for deceit, and disregard for authority, often puts them at odds with more lawful and stable communities. Yet, their unmatched skills as sailors, fishermen, and navigators sometimes make them invaluable allies, especially to those who can look past their unruly nature and appreciate the depth of their maritime knowledge.   The relationship between Sea Gnomes and maritime races, such as merfolk, sirens, and even Sea Genasi, is particularly nuanced. While there exists a mutual respect for the mastery over the sea each race exhibits, tensions arise from competition over resources, navigation rights, and the Sea Gnomes' occasional ventures into piracy that target these races' territories. Despite these frictions, alliances are not unheard of, especially when facing common threats that endanger the seas and coasts they all depend on.   Sea Gnomes view authority and structured societies with disdain, which naturally leads to friction with races that value order, such as Dwarves, Elves, and especially those with strong naval or merchant fleets that the Gnomes might target for plunder. However, their drive for adventure, exploration, and discovery can also lead to unexpected collaborations, sharing goals with adventurers and explorers of all races who seek the mysteries and treasures hidden within Dramoor's vast oceans.   Their interactions with other gnome subraces are marked by a blend of camaraderie and rivalry. While they share a common heritage, the Sea Gnomes' choice of a life vastly different from their land-bound cousins can create a divide. Nevertheless, there is a sense of kinship, however grudging, and an acknowledgment of the diverse paths their race has taken across the realms of Dramoor.

Sea Gnomes Trait Bonuse

  Sea Gnomes, while diverse in their origins, share a set of enhancements that reflect their adaptation to the piratical life on the high seas. These trait bonuses are in addition to the inherent bonuses of their gnome subrace, further honing their abilities for survival and success in their chosen lifestyle.   Subrace Trait Bonuses: Sea Gnomes retain the trait bonuses specific to their gnome subrace, which might include increases in intelligence, dexterity, or other abilities. These traits, indicative of the gnome's original lineage, lay the foundation for their capabilities and inclinations, whether it be a knack for invention, magic, or stealth.   Dodge (DDG) +10%: All Sea Gnomes, regardless of their subrace, gain a +10% bonus to their ability to dodge. This bonus reflects their agility and quick reflexes, honed through years of navigating the unpredictable environments of ship decks and engaging in skirmishes on the open sea. Their adeptness at evading attacks, whether from rival pirates or the dangerous creatures that lurk beneath the waves, is a testament to their survival skills and their prowess as sailors and fighters.   This specialized enhancement to dodging ability underscores the Sea Gnomes' adaptation to their hazardous way of life, where agility and the capacity to avoid harm are as crucial as any sword or spell. In the context of their day-to-day existence—rife with boarding actions, tightrope walks on rigging, and narrow escapes from the law or the lethal denizens of the deep—this bonus is not just advantageous; it's essential for survival.
200 to 250 years old (reduced from subrace norm due to lifestyle as aggressive pirates)
Average Height
Sea Gnomes, like other gnome varieties, are small in stature, typically standing between 3 to 3.5 feet (91 to 107 cm) tall. This size is advantageous in the tight quarters of a ship and lends itself well to the agility needed for life at sea, from climbing the rigging to navigating the crowded decks of a pirate vessel.
Average Weight
Weighing in at around 40 to 45 pounds (18 to 20 kg), Sea Gnomes' compact and lean bodies are perfectly suited for their dynamic and physically demanding lifestyle. This weight range allows for quick movements and ease in swimming, crucial for pirates who often find themselves not just aboard ships but also in the water, whether diving for treasure or during skirmishes.
Average Physique
The demanding life at sea ensures that Sea Gnomes are lean and muscular, their bodies adapted to the rigors of sailing, fighting, and surviving in the open ocean. Their compact stature belies their strength and endurance, making them formidable opponents in any skirmish.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tanned and toughened skin, marked by scars, tattoos, and the occasional pirate brand, tells the story of a Sea Gnome's adventures and misadventures. These markings are worn with pride, each a badge of survival and achievement in the lawless world they inhabit.