Stone Elves Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Stone Elves

Deep within the heart of Dramoor's vast Zymer Mountains, a race as enduring as the stone itself thrives — the Stone Elves. With history as ancient as the peaks they inhabit, their culture and way of life resonate with the harmonious blend of nature and architecture. Living embodiments of resilience and curiosity, Stone Elves have intricately woven the tales of their adventures into the very bedrock of Dramoor's legacy.

Basic Information


Much like their fellow Elven kin, Stone Elves stand tall with a lean physique. However, the mountains' demands have gifted them with a sturdier build. Their skin bears earthy tones, ranging from pale shades resembling limestone to deeper hues echoing granite.

Biological Traits

Their bodies are naturally resilient to extreme conditions, from the biting cold of high altitudes to the stifling heat of deep mines. Their unique trait, 'Stone Soul', allows them enhanced physical capabilities and resistance against certain spells and toxins.    
  • Heightened hearing, approx. 1.5x as sensitive/detailed as humans
  • Infra-vision up to 30 feet
  • -1 to all physical damage received due to Stone Soul*
  • +1 damage to all physical damage inflicted by them due to Stone Soul*
  • Additional 60% resistance to sleep and all charm related spells.
  • Additional 50% resistance to natural poisons, venoms and toxins
  • Additional 90% resistance to any stone or earthen based spells.
  • +2 attack bonus when using hammers.
  • Opponents suffer -2 to surprise rolls under most conditions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Stone Elven females typically birth two or three children during their lifespan. While it is rare for them to remain childless, most choose to wait until the latter stages of their lives to begin a family, possibly a nod to their adventurous spirit.

Growth Rate & Stages

Their growth mirrors that of other Elven races, albeit with prolonged adolescence, which allows them more time to harness their unique affinities to stone and mountain environments.

Ecology and Habitats

Inclined towards the mountainous terrains, Stone Elves reside primarily within cities intricately carved into mountains, such as the breathtaking Aurem Peko. These cities, sculpted with unparalleled architectural brilliance, merge seamlessly with nature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While Stone Elves have a vast palate, consuming a variety of foods, they don't have a particular inclination towards hunting. Their diet often consists of what the mountain provides, supplemented with trade from their bustling cities.

Biological Cycle

Stone Elves follow a lengthened lifecycle compared to humans. Their prolonged adolescence and maturity stages allow them to accumulate vast knowledge and skill in their chosen fields.


Adventurous and inquisitive by nature, Stone Elves are outgoing and engaging. They possess a broad spectrum of beliefs and opinions, reminiscent of extensive human societies. Their communal spirit makes them open-minded, adaptable, and accepting of diverse cultures.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Stone Elves' society is deeply communal, valuing hard work and collaboration. Their cities, like Aurem Peko, are hubs of trade and craftsmanship. They embrace diversity, reflecting the world around them and often setting trends within Dramoor.

Facial characteristics

Stone Elves bear the signature sharp, upturned Elven ears. However, theirs are shorter and tend to have more rounded tips.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While found worldwide, Stone Elves predominantly reside within mountainous regions, with high concentrations in places like Aurem Peko.

Average Intelligence

Stone Elves exhibit a range of intelligence comparable to humans. Their society boasts its fair share of savants and geniuses, largely due to their extended lifespans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their heightened hearing is about 1.5 times more sensitive than that of humans. With infra-vision, they can perceive up to 30 feet in total darkness. Stone Elves also possess an innate ability to detect vibrations through the ground, attuning them to their mountainous surroundings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Stone Elf names are as diverse as their culture. Their adventurous spirit and coexistence alongside numerous Dramoorian races have given rise to a plethora of naming conventions. From simple to flamboyant, names might change multiple times over a Stone Elf's extended life, reflecting their evolving experiences.

Major Organizations

While Stone Elves are ingrained in various societies across Dramoor, the most iconic establishment is Aurem Peko. This sprawling mountainous metropolis, entirely sculpted by Stone Elf hands, stands as an architectural marvel and a testament to their unparalleled masonry skills.

Beauty Ideals

Stone Elves, mirroring the world's ever-evolving beauty standards, often find themselves at the forefront of fashion. Whether a trend calls for an unkempt or refined appearance, these Elves quickly adapt, and many times, they are the very trendsetters themselves.

Courtship Ideals

Stone Elves value genuine connections, seeking partners who share their zest for adventure and exploration. Courtships are elaborate, often involving quests or shared adventures, ensuring that the bonds forged are deep and enduring.

Relationship Ideals

Loyalty, mutual respect, and understanding are pivotal in Stone Elf relationships. Their prolonged lifespans offer them a unique perspective, cherishing the evolution of relationships over centuries and the deep connections that come with shared experiences.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While they possess their unique Elven tongue, the Stone Elves, due to their widespread interactions, are fluent in multiple Dramoorian languages. Dialects often vary based on regional influences, especially from the major trade hubs within their mountain cities.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for history and nature is paramount. When entering a Stone Elf dwelling or city, it's customary to acknowledge the ancestors by touching the carved stories on their walls. In conversation, direct eye contact signifies genuine interest and engagement.

Common Dress Code

Intricately woven garments reflecting the earthy hues of their environment are standard. While their attire is functional, considering their rugged terrains, it doesn't lack in elegance. Stone and gem embellishments are common, signifying their deep connection with the mountains.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The essence of the Stone Elves lies in their innate attraction to stonework. Artists, craftsmen, and miners are celebrated figures. Their massive, artistic structures in Aurem Peko and other cities stand as testimony to their cultural heritage.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Seasonal festivals, venerating both the changing environment and their ancestors, are pivotal. Ceremonies often involve intricate stone carvings, dances, and storytelling sessions, preserving their history for generations to come.

Common Taboos

Labeling a Stone Elf as a "Gray Elf" is a grave insult. This derogatory term can lead to significant tensions, and in many cases, challenges to a duel.


Stone Elves claim a common birthplace with all Elven races in Kasteris Valley immediately following The Union Of The Chaos Gods.   When the First Elves beheld Dramoor, they diverged into four unique Elven races. The Stone Elves, emblematic of resilience and curiosity, embarked on a journey across Dramoor. Co-existing alongside the world's new species, they evolved, bred, and developed harmoniously. Their ancestral legacy is richly etched in the stone walls of their mountain abodes, documenting tales of explorations, conquests, and timeless bonds.

Historical Figures

Among the many, the architect of Aurem Peko stands out. Their vision and mastery led to the creation of this iconic mountain metropolis, setting the gold standard for Stone Elf architecture.

Common Myths and Legends

Legends speak of the First Stone Elf, "First From Stone", a figure who could converse with the mountains and shape the world. Many tales revolve around their adventures, guiding the Stone Elves to their mountainous homes.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Stone Elves, with their open-minded and adaptable nature, maintain harmonious relations with most Dramoorian races. Their cities often teem with a myriad of species, showcasing their belief in unity and mutual growth.   The Stone Elves, known for their deep connection to the earth and its secrets, have historically maintained a respectful distance from other races, cherishing their solitude and the sanctity of their ancient domains. However, the Loreech Explosion, a cataclysmic event that reshaped the landscapes of Neritoph and Scimio, forged an unlikely alliance between the Stone Elves and the Earth Genasi. The creation of a fathomless trench, now a dark scar upon the earth, and the unleashing of a nightmarish creature from its depths necessitated a union of strength and knowledge between these two earth-bound peoples.   In the wake of the explosion, the Stone Elves recognized the Earth Genasi's intrinsic understanding of the land and their shared commitment to healing the wounded earth. Together, they embarked on efforts to contain the creature and mend the scars left by the Loreech Explosion, combining their magical and elemental capabilities. This collaboration marked a turning point in interspecies relations, with the Stone Elves opening their secluded realms to the Earth Genasi in a gesture of trust and shared purpose. To this day, the alliance stands as a testament to their mutual respect for the earth and their determination to protect it from further harm.

Stone Elf Trait Bonuses

  Stone Elves, known for their enduring connection to the earth and its ancient secrets, exhibit physical and mental attributes that reflect their harmonious relationship with the land. Their trait bonuses highlight the strengths derived from their bond with the stone and soil of Dramoor:   Strength (STR) +1: This bonus signifies the Stone Elves' enhanced physical power, a direct result of their lives spent in close communion with the earth. Their strength is not just a manifestation of physical prowess but also a symbol of their ability to endure and thrive in harsh environments.   Constitution (CON) +2: Stone Elves possess an exceptional constitution, further emphasizing their resilience and robust health. This bonus is indicative of their ability to withstand environmental challenges, resist disease, and recover from injuries more effectively than other races. Their enduring nature is a testament to the steadfastness of the earth itself.
Scientific Name
Lapis Dryadalis
Kasteris Valley
170 years avg., upwards of 400 years in extreme/rare cases
Average Height
1.8 - 2 metres (5' 9" - 6'6") Taller Stone Elves are uncommon.
Average Weight
99 to ​140 kilograms (218​ - ​310 pounds)
Average Physique
The demands of their habitat have rendered Stone Elves with a more robust and hardy physique compared to their other Elven counterparts.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones range from pale, stone-like colors to deeper, granite hues. Some Stone Elves also sport unique markings, possibly influenced by the minerals found within their mountain homes.