The Sargasso Geographic Location in Dramoor | World Anvil

The Sargasso

The Sargasso Sea is located 200 kilometers north of Scarfig, nestled along Neritoph's southern coast. This unique marine environment stretches from the shorelines, influenced by the warm equatorial currents, creating a biodiverse hotspot. Two rivers, the Rica and the Alesta, mark its boundaries, emptying into the Southern Ocean and forming extensive deltas that enrich the coastal ecosystem.   Click HERE to visit interactive world map
  The sargasso's densest concentration is found just below the water's surface, forming a barrier that extends from the shorelines of Neritoph, rendering the region largely uninhabited due to the difficulty in navigation. This phenomenon is believed to be curtailed by divine will, allowing human maritime activities to flourish elsewhere. The unique ecology of this area, including the soil's high lime content from the Rica and Alesta rivers, contributes to the sargasso's limited geographical spread, encouraging efforts by coastal settlements to manage its growth.   This vast, entangled marine forest houses an underwater ecosystem and poses numerous adventures and mysteries. It encompasses a sprawling bed of roots and fronds that stretch for 80 kilometers off the coast, creating a maritime frontier that is both a haven for diverse marine life and a graveyard for ships caught in its grasp. The sargasso represents a dynamic element in the world of Dramoor, offering endless possibilities for exploration, danger, and discovery in a setting where the natural world holds deep power and ancient secrets.  

The Forgotten Islands

In the treacherous waters of the Sargasso of Neritoph, a series of small, desolate islands emerge from the dense, living sea of vines. These islands serve as bleak refuges for sailors who escape their sinking ships, only to find themselves trapped in a new form of purgatory. The islands, isolated by the encroaching sargasso weeds, are havens of despair, where food and fresh water are scarce, and the only company is the eerie call of the seabirds or the distant moans of the sargasso's other victims. The flora here is sparse, consisting mainly of hardy grasses and shrubs that can survive the salty spray and limited soil.  
  Fauna includes various insects, rodents, and perhaps the occasional snake, making survival a daunting task. These islands are whispered about in sailor's lore, often with a note of warning: to land here is to be abandoned by hope, surrounded by a sea that offers no escape, and stalked by unseen predators that lurk within the sargasso's embrace.  

The Locathah

Cultural Overview:

In the tangled embrace of the Sargasso, the Locathah have forged a life amidst the sprawling seaweed and the ever-present danger. This region, a thalassic cradle, has sheltered them for countless generations. Within its labyrinthine heart, they've constructed their homes from the bountiful sargasso roots, fashioning underwater shelters that blend seamlessly with their environment. These structures, modest in design yet ingenious in their simplicity, are cloaked by the common seaweed, rendering the Locathah settlements nearly invisible to the untrained eye.  

Society and Lifestyle:

A reclusive and tight-knit society, the Locathah communities within the Sargasso Sea are small, seldom numbering more than a few dozen individuals. Their culture is one of necessity and survival, where every member plays a vital role. Known for their cautious nature, they are wary of outsiders and potential threats. However, their aggression is reserved for when it's needed — primarily as a defense mechanism against larger predators or when asserting dominion over their claimed territories.   As masters of their domain, the Locathah act as marauders to the unfortunate vessels that fall prey to the Sargasso's grasp. They swiftly plunder the shipwrecks that become ensnared within the tendrils of the sea, scavenging materials to fortify their abodes and tools to ensure their prosperity. This scavenging is not mere piracy but a way of life, deeply entwined with the essence of the Sargasso itself.  

Interaction with Outsiders:

Whispers among the sailors speak of the Sea Whisperer, an Oceanic Druid who dwells among the Locathah. This enigmatic figure, a stranger to the sea but now as much a part of it as the Locathah, is said to have tamed the whispers of the ocean itself. Some say the Sea Whisperer serves as an intermediary between the Locathah and the outer world, guiding those rare few who seek communion with these elusive beings.  

Engagement with the Locathah:

Approaching the Locathah requires more than bravery; it demands persistence and a deep respect for their ways. Patience is critical for those who wish to befriend them. Over time, and through careful interaction, the Locathah can come to see the value in alliances with outsiders, particularly if these relationships promise mutual benefit or protection. As NPCs, they may provide invaluable assistance or unique knowledge of the Sargasso and its many secrets — for those patient enough to earn their trust.  

Locathah Temple

Temple Structure and Design

Nestled deep within the thicket of the Sargasso's fronds, the ancient limestone temple of the locathah stands as a silent witness to centuries gone by. This colossal structure, with its worn stone facades and eerie, algae-draped pillars, stretches along the ocean wall, its architecture melding seamlessly with the natural landscape. The temple's grand entrance is flanked by monolithic statues of forgotten aquatic deities from a long extinct and now forgotten ancient empire, their visages worn yet imposing, peering into the abyss.  

Inner Sanctums and Relics

Within the temple's shadowed halls, bioluminescent light filters through the dense fronds in ghostly shafts, illuminating the intricate carvings and bas-reliefs that adorn the walls. These depict scenes of locathah history and mythology, chronicling their deep-seated reverence for the mysterious gods of the deep. Secret chambers and submerged grottoes serve as shrines, housing sacred relics and offerings — remnants of ancient ceremonies and locathah piety.  

The Locathah and Their Worship

The locathah, reclusive and enigmatic, have long revered this temple as the heart of their spiritual and communal life.


Warm ocean currents enrich the waters with an abundance of plankton, serving as the foundation for a thriving marine ecosystem. The Sargasso's distinctive feature is its expansive beds of sargasso weeds, covering vast ocean stretches and providing habitat for a myriad of marine species.   The region's climate is moderated by the warm currents, fostering a rich marine ecosystem. The constant supply of warm water and nutrients supports a diverse array of life, from the sargasso plants themselves to a multitude of sea creatures that have adapted to this unique environment.


The region benefits from a temperate climate, moderated by warm ocean currents. This contributes to the area's high biological productivity and the sargasso's lush growth.

Fauna & Flora

The sargasso weeds are the most prominent feature, creating a habitat for various maritime species. The rotting hulls of trapped ships serve as homes to insects, fish, marine birds, and more predatory creatures, creating a complex food web. The islands within the Sargasso host unique ecosystems, where the boundaries between predator and prey blur amid the struggle for survival. The sargasso itself supports a unique community of organisms adapted to live among its entangled and crushing fronds.

Natural Resources

The sargasso beds and surrounding waters are rich in marine resources. However, the presence of lime-rich silt from the Rica and Alesta rivers affects the distribution of these resources, creating zones of high biodiversity and areas where the sargasso cannot thrive.


The Sargasso remains a navigator's nightmare as it has for centuries. Local efforts to tame its wild growth have showcased the ingenuity and resilience of Neritoph's coastal communities. Employing advanced technologies alongside traditional manual labor, these communities have tirelessly worked to maintain navigable waters and protect vital marine resources. This ongoing battle against nature has forged a unique cultural identity, deeply rooted in maritime lore and legends.   Stories of ships caught in the sargasso's tenacious grasp, and ancient civilizations that worshiped this verdant sea as a divine entity, have been passed down through generations. These narratives, rich with tales of survival, adventure, and mystical encounters, have significantly shaped the region's history and heritage. Amidst the struggle and awe inspired by the sargasso, a symbiotic relationship has emerged between the people of Neritoph and their enigmatic, evergreen adversary, contributing to a rich tapestry of cultural lore that continues to evolve with each new generation.  

Tale Of The Emerald Serpent

Aye, gather 'round, ye scallywags and landlubbers alike, for a yarn spun not by man, but by a scale-skinned seafarer from the murky depths of the brine. 'Tis I, ye favourite lizardfolk Scaleswift, with a tale of the Sargasso so treacherous, it'd make even a kraken coil in fright.   Many a brave vessel, she's ventured into that accursed maze, lured by tales of riches or on a course they thought true. But the Sargasso, she's a sly temptress; she'll hug your keel like a lover 'fore dragging ye down to the depths where Davy Jones himself dares not tread.   I once knew a ship, The Emerald Serpent she was called, sturdy and bold. Her captain, a stout-hearted lizardfolk like meself, set sail for treasures untold. But as we neared the Sargasso, the air grew heavy, and the sea turned to a sludge that clung to us like the mire of the swamp.   The fronds, they were alive, I tell ye! Wrapping 'round the mast, slinking 'cross the deck, they sought to embrace us in a watery grave. And the ships, oh, the ships! Ghosts of the sea, they were, their hulls half-eaten by time and the sea, their crews long since surrendered to the deep.   But listen well, for here's the heart of me tale: amidst that green hell, a ghostly light did appear, dancing 'cross the water like a will-o'-the-wisp. 'Twas said to be the spirit of a lizardfolk sailor, lost to the Sargasso ages past, doomed to wander its endless knots and vines. Some say he seeks to warn others, some say he's searching for his way home. But mark me words, that light ain't no guide; it's a harbinger of doom, drawing ye further into the embrace of the Sargasso.   And if ye ever find yerself staring into the green, remember the tale of The Emerald Serpent and her crew, who sailed into legend, swallowed whole by the Sargasso, never to be seen 'gain, save in the tales of old sea dogs like meself.   Now, drink up, me hearties, for tomorrow, we become kings!

~The final Tale of Scaleswift before leaving the next morning to go treasure hunting at the Sargasso.
Example of a diver's suit created by inventors then sealed with magic.