Tieflings Species in Dramoor | World Anvil


  In the sprawling cities and bustling metropolises of Dramoor, Tieflings carve out their existence, their presence as common as the Aasimar and as varied as the human and elven populations they live among.   Born from a confluence of the mortal and the infernal, Tieflings embody the duality of their heritage through their distinctive appearance—horns, tails, and a spectrum of skin tones that range from human-like to exotic colors and even metallic or pearlescent hues. This visual diversity is but a surface reflection of their deeper complexity; within each Tiefling beats a heart as capable of kindness or cruelty, ambition or contentment, as any other race in Dramoor. Their urban preference speaks volumes of their desire to blend into the mosaic of city life, where the multitude of faces and stories offers both camouflage and community.   The cities of Dramoor, with their dense populations and layered social structures, provide Tieflings not just with refuge from the prejudices that might haunt them in less cosmopolitan areas, but also with a playground for their ambitions and talents. It's in these urban landscapes that Tieflings find the anonymity and opportunity to pursue a myriad of professions, from the arcane to the mundane.   The bustling streets and shadowed alleys are ripe with possibilities for those who are often underestimated or misunderstood due to their demonic lineage. Yet, it is precisely this lineage that imbues them with unique abilities and affinities, particularly towards magic and resilience, making them invaluable allies and formidable foes.   Despite the commonality of their appearance in city centers, most Tieflings remain detached from their infernal roots, with only a fraction aware of the exact nature of their demonic ancestry. This lack of connection to their origins does not diminish the strength they draw from it; instead, it adds to the mystique that surrounds them.   Tieflings of Dramoor embody the notion that identity is forged through experience and choice rather than inherited legacy alone. As they navigate the complexities of urban living, they challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that shadow them, proving time and again that they are more than the sum of their parts. In the ever-evolving tapestry of Dramoor, Tieflings stand as a testament to the power of diversity, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's place in the world.  

Basic Information


Tieflings possess physical characteristics that betray their infernal heritage, including horns of various shapes and sizes, pointed tails, and sometimes other demonic features like sharp teeth or eyes that glow. Their skin color ranges widely, allowing them to blend in or stand out as they choose. These traits, while making them distinctive, also offer them unique advantages in their environments.

Biological Traits

The infernal blood running through Tieflings grants them a natural affinity for magic, particularly that which deals with fire, darkness, or deception. Many also possess a natural resistance to fire, a trait inherited from their demonic ancestors.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tieflings reproduce in the same manner as humans, but their infernal traits are dominant, ensuring the continuation of their distinct characteristics through generations. Most Tieflings have little to no knowledge of their demonic parentage, with those few who do often keeping such lineage a closely guarded secret.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings mature at the same rate as humans but tend to live slightly longer, with lifespans extending a bit beyond the human average. This extended life allows them to cultivate their skills and influence over longer periods.

Ecology and Habitats

Predominantly urban dwellers, Tieflings thrive in city centers where the dense populations and complex social structures provide them opportunities and anonymity. This preference may stem from an innate need to belong and find acceptance within the tapestry of city life, or perhaps the shadows of urban existence offer a refuge for those marked by their heritage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diets are as diverse as their appearances, with no particular preferences that distinguish them from humans. However, some Tieflings may develop tastes that align with their exotic appearances or infernal origins.


The personalities and dispositions of Tieflings are as varied as any human or elf, shaped more by their environment and experiences than by their infernal blood. They are capable of great kindness or cruelty, with their actions often defying the stereotypes placed upon them by others.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tieflings form communities within the larger societal structures of Dramoor, often gravitating towards others of their kind for a sense of belonging. However, they do not have a unified social structure and integrate into the societies they live in, contributing in various roles and professions.

Facial characteristics

Tiefling faces are human-like but accented with features that hint at their demonic lineage, such as sharp cheekbones, fangs, or eyes that might glow with an inner fire.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tieflings are found throughout Dramoor, with a significant concentration in urban areas. Their distribution is similar to that of Aasimar, suggesting a cosmic balance between celestial and infernal influences within the world.

Average Intelligence

Tieflings exhibit a broad range of intelligence, with many pursuing and excelling in scholarly or magical professions. Their infernal heritage does not affect their cognitive abilities, allowing them to achieve great intellectual feats.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Many Tieflings have enhanced senses, particularly in darkness, granting them superior vision in low light and total darkness. This ability, combined with their natural resilience to certain magics, particularly those related to fire and brimstone, underscores their demonic ancestry while providing practical benefits in their daily lives and adventures.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tiefling names often carry significant meaning, chosen to reflect the aspirations of their parents for them or to honor their heritage. Some adopt names that hint at their infernal origins, while others prefer names that blend seamlessly into human society.

Major Organizations

There are no known organizations that solely comprise Tieflings, but they are active participants in various guilds, academies, and factions throughout Dramoor, utilizing their talents and abilities to further their personal and collective goals.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty among Tieflings is as varied as their skin colors, with individual preferences influenced by both human and infernal aesthetics. Their unique features are often celebrated within their communities, with many taking pride in the distinctiveness that sets them apart.  

Courtship Ideals

Tiefling courtship practices are diverse, influenced by the customs of the cities and cultures they inhabit. Many value deep, meaningful connections, looking for partners who accept them wholly, infernal heritage and all.

Relationship Ideals

In relationships, Tieflings prize understanding, empathy, and acceptance, seeking companions who see beyond their demonic traits to the individual beneath. Their ideals often emphasize mutual respect and the freedom to express their dual nature.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tieflings in Dramoor speak the common tongues of their regions, with many also learning languages that tie them to their infernal heritage, such as Infernal. Their linguistic abilities reflect their adaptability and the diverse environments in which they live.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette among Tieflings varies by location, though many adhere to the norms of their cities, blending in while also retaining elements of their unique heritage in their manners and customs.

Common Dress Code

The dress code for Tieflings is as eclectic as their personalities, often incorporating elements that highlight their infernal features while adhering to the practicalities or fashions of their urban environments.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Tiefling culture is a mosaic of the many societies in which they live, enriched by the undercurrents of their infernal lineage. They celebrate their heritage in private, weaving the threads of their demonic origins into the fabric of their daily lives without overt displays that might provoke fear or prejudice.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Customs and traditions among Tieflings often involve celebrations of their resilience and adaptability, with private rituals or gatherings that acknowledge their infernal ancestors while focusing on the ties that bind them to the mortal world.

Common Taboos

Tieflings tend to avoid openly flaunting their infernal heritage in ways that might incite fear or hostility. They are cautious about delving too deeply into the darker aspects of their ancestry, wary of the consequences such explorations might entail.


The history of Tieflings in Dramoor is shrouded in mystery, intertwined with tales of pacts made with infernal beings and the caprices of demonic influence. Over millennia, Tieflings have carved out their place in Dramoor, moving from the fringes of society to become integral members of the urban landscapes. While most are removed from their demonic origins, the legacy of their ancestry shapes their path in the world, with ancient tales speaking to the challenges and triumphs of their kind.

Common Myths and Legends

The myths and legends surrounding Tieflings often feature tales of individuals overcoming the stigma of their birthright to achieve great deeds, serving as reminders of the potential for good within all, regardless of heritage.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tieflings in Dramoor have a complex relationship with other races, marked by a blend of curiosity, suspicion, and sometimes admiration. While they are as common as Aasimar, their demonic traits can evoke unease among those unaccustomed to their presence. However, in the bustling city centers where they prefer to dwell, Tieflings are often accepted as just another facet of urban diversity. Their ability to blend into city life speaks to their adaptability and the protections that crowded places offer against prejudice. In such environments, Tieflings can explore their interests and ambitions with a degree of anonymity, contributing to their communities in myriad ways without the constant scrutiny their appearance might attract elsewhere.   Their choice of city life over rural or nomadic existences could be attributed to several factors: the anonymity that large populations afford, the opportunity to find acceptance within diverse communities, and the plethora of opportunities for those with magical or unique talents. Cities provide a backdrop against which Tieflings can carve out their identities, free from the isolation or suspicion they might encounter in less populated areas.   Despite the challenges their infernal heritage might pose, Tieflings have found niches in every conceivable occupation and adventuring class, from arcane scholars drawing on their innate affinity for magic to skilled artisans and merchants capitalizing on their unique perspectives. Their widespread presence in city centers across Dramoor underscores their integration into the fabric of society, with many using their talents to improve the lives of their fellow citizens or pursue personal excellence.   While most Tieflings are removed from the circumstances of their ancestral pacts or the specific nature of their demonic lineage, this mysterious aspect of their heritage often fuels both personal and external speculations about their abilities and roles in society. Those few who are aware of their specific infernal ancestors might choose to keep such knowledge private, navigating the delicate balance between embracing their unique powers and avoiding the stigma associated with their origins.   The history of Tieflings in Dramoor is intertwined with the broader narrative of the realm's development, reflecting periods of conflict, misunderstanding, and eventual acceptance. Their story is one of resilience, adaptation, and the ongoing quest for identity in a world that is often wary of the unknown. Through their contributions to Dramoor's cities and cultures, Tieflings demonstrate that heritage does not dictate destiny, and that diversity—in form, thought, and action—is a strength to be celebrated.

Tiefling Trait Bonuses

  For Tieflings in the world of Dramoor, their infernal heritage imbues them with a set of unique trait bonuses that reflect their demonic ancestry and adaptability within a fantasy setting. These bonuses highlight their natural affinities and resilience, making them versatile and intriguing characters.   Charisma +2: The infernal bloodline of Tieflings grants them a natural charisma, making them compelling and persuasive individuals. This bonus is a reflection of their inherent charm and the magnetic presence that often allows them to navigate social situations with ease.   Intelligence +1: Many Tieflings also possess a sharp intellect, a testament to their strategic thinking and adaptability. This bonus acknowledges their cunning and capacity for complex thought, often making them excellent strategists, mages, or scholars.  

Special Abilities

  Darkvision: Thanks to their demonic ancestry, Tieflings have the ability to see in darkness and low-light conditions up to 60 feet as if it were bright light, allowing them to move through the shadows unnoticed.   Hellish Resistance: Tieflings inherit a natural resistance to fire, reflecting their infernal origins. They have resistance to fire damage, making them more resilient in situations where fire is a threat.   Infernal Legacy: Tieflings have an innate ability to manipulate the magic of the infernal realms. They can cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip at will. Upon reaching higher levels, they gain the ability to cast Hellish Rebuke and Darkness once per day each, further exemplifying their connection to their infernal heritage.  

Rare Tieflings

While all Tieflings carry the mark of their infernal heritage, there are those among them born under auspicious signs or particular celestial alignments who manifest powers far beyond the norm. These rare individuals are believed to have a direct lineage to powerful demons or to have been blessed—or cursed—with potent infernal magic. Their existence is a testament to the unpredictable nature of infernal bloodlines, and they are both revered and feared for the extraordinary abilities they possess.   In addition to the standard trait bonuses, these exceptional Tieflings gain access to unique and highly powerful infernal powers, which may include:   Legacy of the Pit: A select few Tieflings inherit an ability directly related to their demonic ancestor, such as the power to summon and control lesser demons, cast curses that can doom entire bloodlines, or wield flames that burn with the intensity of the Nine Hells themselves. These abilities are highly individual and often grow in power as the Tiefling matures.   Demonic Resilience: Rare Tieflings may exhibit an almost supernatural durability, granting them immunity to certain types of damage (beyond the typical resistance to fire) and the ability to recover from wounds that would be fatal to others. This resilience makes them nearly invincible in combat, capable of withstanding blows that would fell lesser beings.   Infernal Ascendance: On occasion, a Tiefling's infernal power reaches a peak, allowing them to transform—temporarily or permanently—into a form that closely resembles their demonic forebears. This transformation might grant them extraordinary strength, the ability to fly, or other formidable powers.   Hellfire Manipulation: Beyond the typical affinity for fire, some Tieflings can control hellfire, a magical flame that is said to burn the very soul. They can use this ability to create weapons of flame, shield themselves in fire, or unleash devastating attacks on their foes.   Infernal Pact: A rare trait among Tieflings involves forming a pact with a demon or devil, granting them access to dark knowledge and magic. This pact may provide them with spellcasting abilities akin to those of a warlock, but at a potential cost to their soul or morality.  

Manifestation and Balance

  These extraordinary powers are not without their drawbacks. Manifesting such potent abilities often comes with significant risks, including attracting unwanted attention from fiendish entities or demon hunters, destabilizing one's mental health, or even threatening the fabric of reality itself. The balance of power and peril in these Tieflings' lives makes their existence a precarious one, filled with both incredible potential and grave danger.   The presence of such powerful Tieflings in Dramoor adds a layer of complexity to the tapestry of its inhabitants, illustrating the unpredictable and often volatile nature of infernal magic. Their stories are ones of struggle, triumph, and the relentless pursuit of identity and purpose in a world that fears and covets their power in equal measure.
Scientific Name
Infernalis Hybridus
100 to 150 years, sometimes much longer due to their lineages
Average Height
The height of Tieflings varies widely, much like humans, but they often stand just a bit taller due to their demonic ancestry. On average, Tieflings range from 5'6" to 6'2" (168 cm to 188 cm). This range allows for a significant amount of diversity within the race, with some individuals appearing more imposing due to their height and infernal features.
Average Weight
Tieflings' weight can vary as broadly as their height, influenced by their lifestyle, profession, and, in some cases, their specific infernal lineage. On average, their weight ranges from 130 to 230 pounds (59 kg to 104 kg). This variation reflects the diversity of body types among Tieflings, from lean and agile figures suited to stealth and speed to more robust builds capable of wielding great strength.
Average Physique
The physique of a Tiefling can vary greatly, though many possess athletic or slender builds, complemented by their unique physical traits. Their strength and agility are often on par with humans, with some excelling in physical pursuits.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin of Tieflings can be any color imaginable, from human-like tones to vibrant reds, deep blues, striking silvers, or ethereal pearlescents. These colors may be uniform or patterned, adding to their exotic appearance.