Tinker Gnome Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Tinker Gnome

In the bustling urban landscapes of Dramoor, where the hum of magic intertwines with the clang of industry, the Tinker Gnomes stand as testaments to the boundless potential of ingenuity and invention. These diminutive figures, hailing from various gnome subraces, converge in the cities, drawn by a shared obsession with technology, invention, and the intricate dance of problem-solving. Their minds whirl with the possibilities of what can be created, altered, or improved, driving them to push the boundaries of both magic and mechanics. Tinker Gnomes are the architects of progress, their lives dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the application of their vast intellectual prowess to the challenges of their world. Their creations, as likely to revolutionize daily life as they are to explode in a cloud of smoke, are a source of wonder, awe, and sometimes, caution.   Amidst the gears and gadgets that clutter their workshops, Tinker Gnomes embody a culture of exploration and experimentation. Their inventions are a wild amalgamation of alchemy, science, and arcane arts, reflecting a fearless approach to innovation that often disregards the conventional limits of safety and practicality. This audacity is mirrored in their social interactions; Tinker Gnomes are known for their impossibly long names, each segment a badge of honor for achievements claimed, regardless of their significance or veracity. They are storytellers at heart, their tales a blend of truth and fabrication, spun to elevate their status and feed their innate desire for recognition and admiration. Their love for the dramatic, for the thrill of risk and reward, permeates not only their professional endeavors but their approach to life itself.   Yet, for all their brilliance and flamboyance, Tinker Gnomes navigate their world with a keen awareness of the fine line between genius and folly. Their contributions to Dramoor's technological landscape, from the firearms that arm its soldiers to the arcane devices that power its cities, are invaluable, cementing their status as indispensable, if unpredictable, members of society. The Tinker Gnomes' relentless drive for innovation, coupled with their natural charm and wit, makes them beloved figures in the urban tapestry of Dramoor, their presence a guarantee of progress, excitement, and the occasional unintended explosion. In their quest to meld magic, technology, and alchemy, they not only redefine the possible but remind all of Dramoor of the power of creativity unleashed.  

Tinker Gnomes & Firearms

  Tinker Gnomes possess an innate fascination and skill in the realm of mechanical invention and innovation, with their talents particularly shining in the field of firearm design and creation. This penchant for gunsmithing is not just a cultural hobby but a fundamental aspect of their identity, manifesting in the form of intricate, highly efficient, and often eccentric firearms that are both marvels of engineering and deadly tools of defense and warfare.   Their natural inclination towards complex machinery and alchemical processes allows Tinker Gnomes to experiment with and implement revolutionary firearm technologies. From the creation of multi-barreled pistols that can unleash a hail of bullets in mere seconds, to rifles with scopes for unprecedented accuracy at long ranges, Tinker Gnomes continually push the boundaries of what is possible in gun design. Moreover, they integrate unique mechanisms such as gyroscopic stabilization, self-loading capabilities, and even elemental enchantments that imbue projectiles with fire, ice, or lightning, showcasing their ingenious blend of magic and mechanics.   Tinker Gnomes' firearms are not solely focused on combat efficiency; they also embody the gnomish zest for life and flair for the dramatic. Many of their creations feature elaborate aesthetics, with ornately carved stocks, inlaid metals, and glowing runes that not only serve as functional weapons but as works of art. The process of creating a firearm is as much an expression of individual creativity for a Tinker Gnome as it is an engineering endeavor, making each piece unique and often personalized to its owner.   Despite their remarkable skills in firearm creation, Tinker Gnomes approach their craft with a deep sense of responsibility. Aware of the destructive potential of their inventions, they are selective about who gains access to their most powerful creations, often reserving them for trusted allies or using them to protect their communities. Their firearms are a testament to Tinker Gnomes' brilliant minds, inventive spirits, and unwavering commitment to advancing the art of war while maintaining a cautious stewardship over the power they wield.  

Firearms Failure

  Tinker Gnomes, with their boundless creativity and insatiable curiosity, often push the limits of firearm engineering to its utmost extremes. While this results in remarkable advancements and innovations, it also leads to spectacular and sometimes catastrophic failures. The very same ingenuity and willingness to experiment that allows Tinker Gnomes to innovate also means that their creations can be prone to malfunctions that are as dramatic as they are dangerous.   A hallmark of Tinker Gnome firearm failure is not merely a misfire or a jam but rather an event that can be both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Given the complexity and experimental nature of their designs, when something goes wrong, it often does so in a grand fashion. Firearms might explode in a dazzling display of sparks and flames, shooting out bolts of elemental energy in unpredictable directions, or even temporarily opening rifts to other dimensions if the magical enchantments go awry.   These failures can transform a simple misfire into a whirlwind of ice, a mini firestorm, or an impromptu lightning show, endangering not just the wielder but anyone in the vicinity. Some firearms have been known to backfire, propelling the user backwards with the same force intended for the projectile. Others might malfunction in a way that turns the firearm into a temporary portal, sucking in small objects nearby or emitting bewildering beams of light that dance around the battlefield.   Furthermore, the spectacular nature of these failures often leaves behind a scene of chaos and bewilderment, with scorched earth, frozen patches, or random objects floating in mid-air as testimony to the unpredictable nature of Tinker Gnome craftsmanship. However, it's this very unpredictability and the spectacular way in which their firearms fail that underline the Tinker Gnomes' fearless approach to innovation. Each failure is analyzed, studied, and often celebrated as an opportunity to learn and improve, ensuring that the next iteration of their firearms pushes even further into the realm of the extraordinary.   Despite the risks, Tinker Gnome communities view these spectacular failures as a necessary part of the creative process. It’s a testament to their resilience and optimism, as they continue to refine their designs with each setback, ever in pursuit of the next groundbreaking discovery that will advance the art of firearm engineering.

Basic Information


Tinker Gnomes exhibit the diverse physical traits of their subrace origins, yet all share common signs of their occupation: hands stained with ink and grease, eyes bright with keen observation or shielded by protective goggles. Their attire is often practical yet cluttered with tools and gadgets, reflecting both their inventiveness and their tendency to hoard. Despite their varied backgrounds, Tinker Gnomes are easily recognized by their eccentric appearance, marked by the wear and tear of countless hours spent in workshops and laboratories.

Biological Traits

Tinker Gnomes are renowned for their intellectual prowess, manifesting in exceptional skills in mathematics, alchemy, and the sciences. Their inventions, while ingenious, often skirt the line between brilliance and madness, reflecting a disregard for convention and safety in pursuit of innovation.

Genetics and Reproduction

While Tinker Gnomes come from diverse genetic backgrounds, their commonality lies in a shared culture rather than inherited traits. Their offspring are raised in environments rich with creativity and intellectual stimulation, fostering the next generation's propensity for tinkering and exploration.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tinker Gnome youths are introduced to the principles of mechanics and magic from a tender age, with their education encompassing a wide range of disciplines. Their names grow with each personal achievement, a tradition that encourages a lifelong pursuit of innovation and discovery.

Ecology and Habitats

Predominantly urban dwellers, Tinker Gnomes thrive in the bustling cities of Dramoor, where the fusion of magic, technology, and diverse cultures provides endless inspiration for their work. Their workshops and homes are cluttered havens of creativity, filled with inventions in various stages of completion and collections of curious items.


Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and the thrill of creation, Tinker Gnomes are characterized by their brilliant yet often impractical inventions. Their love for storytelling, embellished with exaggerations and outright fabrications, complements their flamboyant nature. Risk-taking, gambling, and a fondness for chaos in the form of explosions or daring thefts reveal a complex personality that is as creative as it is unpredictable.   Tinker Gnomes often exhibit a range of quirky behaviors that mirror their inventive minds. From absent-mindedly dismantling objects to understand their workings to engaging in heated debates over theoretical constructs, their quirks are a reflection of their all-consuming passion for knowledge and discovery. Their workshops are mazes of creativity, filled with half-finished projects and inventions waiting to be realized, embodying the chaotic yet fertile ground from which their greatest achievements emerge.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tinker Gnome society is loosely organized, with respect and status earned through inventiveness, intellectual achievements, and the successful (or spectacularly unsuccessful) application of their creations. Their communities are collaborative yet competitive, with each gnome striving to outdo their peers in ingenuity and flair.

Facial characteristics

The faces of Tinker Gnomes are animated and expressive, often alight with the fervor of their latest idea or darkened by the frustration of a challenging puzzle. Their features are accented by the scars, smudges, and occasional singe marks of their trade.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tinker Gnomes are found throughout the urban centers of Dramoor, with a notable presence in cities that serve as hubs of trade, academia, and magical research. Their influence on city landscapes is evident in the eclectic mix of technological and magical contraptions that pepper the streets.

Average Intelligence

With intelligence that borders on genius, Tinker Gnomes are the minds behind many of Dramoor's most advanced technologies and magical theories. However, their brilliance is sometimes marred by a lack of practicality, leading to inventions that are as likely to dazzle as they are to malfunction spectacularly.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced by their acute focus and analytical minds, Tinker Gnomes possess an exceptional ability to perceive mechanical and magical nuances. This heightened awareness allows them to deconstruct complex devices and arcane constructs with ease, pushing the boundaries of what's possible at the confluence of magic and machinery.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tinker Gnomes possess impossibly long names that serve as living résumés, with each addition commemorating an achievement, deed, or accomplishment. These names, often unwieldy and grandiose, reflect the gnome's life story and personal brand of eccentricity.

Major Organizations

Guilds and consortiums of Tinker Gnomes dot the urban landscapes of Dramoor, each dedicated to a specific field of study or invention. These organizations serve as think tanks, collaborative spaces, and support networks for gnomes driven to push the limits of technology and magic.

Beauty Ideals

For Tinker Gnomes, beauty is found in complexity and innovation. An elegant solution, a cleverly designed mechanism, or an artfully conducted experiment holds more allure than traditional aesthetic standards. Their personal attire and workshops are testaments to this principle, cluttered yet functional, with every item holding potential for the next great discovery.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Tinker Gnomes is a display of wit, creativity, and resourcefulness. Gifts are often handmade inventions or intricate puzzles, and flirtations are laced with technical jargon and intellectual challenges. They value partners who can match their fervor for invention and share in the joy of discovery.

Relationship Ideals

Tinker Gnomes seek relationships that are intellectually stimulating and creatively enriching. They prefer partners who are not only supportive of their endeavors but also willing to engage in collaborative projects and spirited debates. A shared sense of curiosity and a tolerance for the occasional explosion are key to a harmonious union.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language of Tinker Gnomes is peppered with technical terminology, arcane jargon, and a flair for the dramatic. Their speech is as elaborate as their inventions, with a preference for verbosity that reflects their love for detail and complexity.

Common Etiquette Rules

In Tinker Gnome society, innovation and creativity are the highest virtues. Etiquette revolves around the respectful exchange of ideas, constructive criticism, and the celebration of each other's accomplishments. Acknowledging the potential in even the wildest of inventions is considered a sign of good manners.

Common Dress Code

Tinker Gnomes dress with a practicality suited to their work, yet with an eye for flair that mirrors their inventions. Their clothing is often accessorized with tools, gadgets, and protective gear, making them walking showcases of their craft.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of Tinker Gnomes is characterized by a relentless drive for innovation, a deep appreciation for the theoretical and the tangible, and a communal spirit that thrives on shared discoveries. Festivals and fairs are opportunities to display their latest inventions, compete in challenges of ingenuity, and revel in the collective genius of their community.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Tinker Gnomes celebrate their achievements through elaborate naming ceremonies, where a gnome's latest addition to their name is officially recognized and celebrated. These events are as much a testament to the individual's accomplishments as they are to the community's support and admiration.

Common Taboos

Wasting resources or stifling innovation are cardinal sins in Tinker Gnome society. Discouraging creativity, whether through harsh criticism or restrictive rules, is deeply frowned upon, as is the failure to recognize the potential in seemingly absurd ideas.


The history of Tinker Gnomes is a tapestry of breakthroughs and blunders, marked by the relentless pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of gnomekind. Their legacy is built on the foundations of their inventions—devices that have revolutionized life in Dramoor, for better or worse.

Common Myths and Legends

The legends of Tinker Gnomes are filled with tales of eccentric inventors, groundbreaking discoveries, and inventions so advanced they blur the line between magic and science. These stories serve as both inspiration and caution, reminding gnomes of the fine line between genius and folly.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tinker Gnomes, with their insatiable curiosity and inventive spirit, navigate the tapestry of Dramoor's diverse races with a unique blend of enthusiasm and opportunism. Their obsession with technology, combined with their masterful skills in mathematics, alchemy, and science, often positions them as invaluable allies to those who value progress and innovation. However, their propensity for creating devices that straddle the line between brilliance and catastrophe makes them a source of both admiration and apprehension among other races.   Their relations with other races are colored by their intense fascination with Genasi, viewing these elemental beings as the epitome of natural magic and power—a fascination that sometimes borders on obsession. This particular interest can lead to alliances based on mutual curiosity and the potential for combining elemental magic with gnome technology, though it can also result in misunderstandings due to the gnomes' overzealous nature.   While Tinker Gnomes generally maintain a friendly demeanor towards most races, their interactions are often driven by a desire to explore and understand the unique traits and abilities of others, sometimes to the point of intrusiveness. Their disregard for the dangers of merging magic, alchemy, and technology occasionally puts them at odds with more cautious or tradition-bound societies, especially those wary of the unintended consequences of unchecked innovation.   Despite these challenges, Tinker Gnomes are highly sought after for their expertise and have formed various partnerships across Dramoor. Their contributions to firearms and arms manufacturing have made them indispensable to many city-states and mercenary groups, albeit this has also led to a complicated web of dependencies and rivalries. Their natural inclination towards storytelling and exaggeration, combined with their love for spectacle, makes them captivating, if not entirely reliable, narrators of their own exploits and adventures, further complicating their relationships with other races.   Above all, Tinker Gnomes are driven by a genuine love for discovery and the potential to apply their inventions for the betterment of all. This ambition, paired with their natural charm and wit, often allows them to navigate interspecies relations with a degree of success, bridging gaps through trade, shared knowledge, and the occasional explosive demonstration of their latest creation.

Tinker Gnomes Trait Bonuses

  Tinker Gnomes, celebrated for their inventiveness and unparalleled skill in the fields of technology and magic, receive unique trait bonuses that reflect their exceptional intellect and agility. These bonuses are in addition to the inherent traits of their gnome subrace, further enhancing their capabilities and distinguishing them within the diverse societies of Dramoor.   Intelligence (INT) +1 (above subrace bonuses): This bonus accentuates the Tinker Gnomes' superior intellect, a reflection of their incessant curiosity, innovative thinking, and proficiency in problem-solving. It underscores their ability to devise complex inventions, unravel the mysteries of arcane arts, and push the boundaries of known science and alchemy. The heightened intelligence of Tinker Gnomes enables them to excel in their myriad pursuits, from crafting sophisticated machinery to delving into the depths of magical theory.   Wisdom (WIS) -2: This penalty highlights a certain impracticality and lack of foresight that can accompany the Tinker Gnomes' relentless pursuit of knowledge and invention. Their intense focus on technological and magical advancements, combined with a propensity for risk-taking and experimentation, sometimes results in a disregard for caution and a tendency to overlook potential consequences. This reduction in wisdom signifies their vulnerability to oversight in the broader implications of their actions, both in their work and in social situations, underscoring a potential for brilliance marred by impulsivity.   Luck (LUK) +1: Tinker Gnomes possess an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time or making the most of serendipitous situations. This bonus to luck might be seen as the cosmos tipping the scales in their favor, perhaps as a counterbalance to the inherent risks of their experimental endeavors. It represents their ability to emerge unscathed from potentially catastrophic mishaps and to stumble upon breakthroughs in moments of chaos.   Dodge (DDG) +10%: The agile and nimble nature of Tinker Gnomes is not merely a physical attribute but a survival trait honed through years of navigating the volatile outcomes of their experiments. This bonus to dodge reflects their exceptional reflexes and spatial awareness, allowing them to evade dangers in the workshop or field with the same ease they sidestep social faux pas or the fallout of their more unpredictable inventions.
350 to 500 years (often shorter due to lethal malfunctions and mishap)
Average Height
Tinker Gnomes stand at an average height similar to other gnome subraces, typically ranging from 3 to 3.5 feet (91 to 107 cm). This stature is ideal for navigating the cluttered workshops and intricate machinery that dominate their daily lives.
Average Weight
Reflecting their small stature and agile nature, Tinker Gnomes generally weigh between 40 to 45 pounds (18 to 20 kg). This weight aids in their ability to move quickly and efficiently, whether darting between workstations or engaging in the occasional surreptitious activity.
Average Physique
While their physical stature varies, Tinker Gnomes are generally of average gnome height and build. Their physical appearance, however, is secondary to the intellect and creativity that shine through their every action and invention.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin and hair of Tinker Gnomes bear the marks of their experiments—stains from chemicals, burns from explosions, and the occasional magical residue. These markings serve as badges of honor, each telling a story of risks taken and challenges overcome.