Urban Dwarves Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Urban Dwarves

Urban Dwarves of Dramoor embody the spirit of adaptability and innovation, diverging from the traditional paths tread by their forebears to embrace the vibrant chaos of city living. Their transition into urban settings is driven by a quest for opportunities beyond the confines of mines, mountains, and ancient holds, seeking fortune and influence within the stone jungles of Dramoor's sprawling metropolises. This eclectic group, drawn from the broad spectrum of dwarven cultures, finds unity in diversity, creating a community within the city's walls that is as varied as it is rich. Their urban lifestyle, marked by a penchant for commerce, politics, and craftsmanship, allows them to navigate the complex social hierarchies of the city with a dexterity that rivals the most seasoned diplomats and traders. Despite the suspicion and sometimes outright hostility they face from their more traditional kin, Urban Dwarves have proven time and again that the heart of dwarven resilience beats just as strongly on the cobblestones as it does in the caverns.   In the bustling heart of Dramoor's cities, Urban Dwarves have established themselves as indispensable members of the urban tapestry. Their districts buzz with the sound of hammer on anvil, the murmur of crowded marketplaces, and the subtle machinations of guildhalls and political chambers. Here, the skills passed down through generations of dwarven lineage are repurposed and honed to fit the demands of urban economics and craftsmanship. Their forges produce not only the fine weapons and armor typical of dwarven make but also intricate jewelry, architectural marvels, and mechanical wonders that cater to the eclectic tastes of a cosmopolitan clientele. This ability to blend tradition with innovation makes the Urban Dwarf quarters vibrant centers of trade and culture, attracting patrons from across the city and beyond.  

Player Character Notes

Players interested in exploring the unique culture of Urban Dwarves should consider how this choice impacts their character's background, skills, and worldview. While Urban Dwarves share the common traits of resilience, craftsmanship, and a keen business sense, the nuances of their individual ethnic backgrounds add layers of complexity to their identities. For those seeking to delve deeper into the heritage of their Urban Dwarf character, references to the other dwarven races of Dramoor can provide additional context and inspiration. Whether your character hails from the stoic Mountain Dwarves, the nomadic Plains Dwarves, the industrious Desert Dwarves, or the seafaring Sea Dwarves, their urban lifestyle represents a fascinating convergence of dwarven heritage and the dynamic pulse of city life.

Basic Information


Physically, Urban Dwarves are as diverse as the regions from which they originate, displaying the broad spectrum of dwarven physical traits. However, life in the city tends to refine their build, making them less rugged but more agile, adapting to the demands of urban living. Their attire and grooming reflect their cosmopolitan surroundings, often blending traditional dwarven elements with the latest urban fashions, signaling their unique identity within the dwarven diaspora.


Urban Dwarves are known for their acute business acumen and political savvy, navigating the complex social networks of the city with ease. Their craftiness extends into the realms of commerce and negotiation, making them formidable merchants and traders. However, this adaptability can sometimes veer into opportunism, with some Urban Dwarves exhibiting traits of materialism and greed. Despite their tendency towards racial insularity, they possess a pragmatic willingness to collaborate with other races when it benefits their interests, showcasing a complex blend of loyalty and flexibility.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social fabric of Urban Dwarves is woven from their shared experiences in the city, transcending the traditional clan divisions of their ancestors. They form tight-knit communities within urban centers, often gravitating towards neighborhoods or districts where other Urban Dwarves reside. Within these enclaves, they cultivate a culture that celebrates their proficiency in metalwork, smithing, and other crafts, alongside a shared ethos of capitalism and opportunism.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Any urban setting of 'city' size or greater.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Urban Dwarves maintain a strong affinity for dwarven craftsmanship, particularly in metalworking and weapon smithing, skills that command high respect and demand in the city. Their crafts bear the hallmark of dwarven quality, fused with the innovation and aesthetic sensibilities of urban life. This blend of tradition and adaptation is a source of pride, setting them apart as master artisans in the urban landscape.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Driven by a capitalistic spirit, Urban Dwarves excel in creating and capitalizing on economic opportunities. Their markets and shops are hubs of trade, showcasing not only their craftsmanship but also their knack for gathering exotic goods from far and wide. They thrive on competition, always seeking to outmaneuver their rivals in business with a mix of shrewd negotiation and keen market insight.

Historical Figures

Baelin Goldforge

  Era: The Renaissance of Dwarven Craft in the Age of Cities   Baelin Goldforge stands as a monumental figure in the annals of Urban Dwarf history, a visionary whose influence ushered in a new era of prosperity and innovation within the bustling cityscapes of Dramoor. As the founder of the Goldforge Guild, Baelin transformed the urban landscape, bridging the ancient dwarven art of metalwork with the burgeoning demands of urban economies. Under his guidance, the guild became a nexus of commerce, craftsmanship, and cultural exchange, elevating the status of Urban Dwarves across the realm.   His transition into an urban setting, combined with his Mountain Dwarf heritage, positioned him uniquely to bridge the ancient techniques passed down through generations with the dynamic needs and resources of urban life. This blend of traditional knowledge and urban adaptability became the cornerstone of Baelin's legacy, enabling him to revolutionize dwarven craftsmanship within the cities and establish the Goldforge Guild as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the urban landscape.   Baelin's greatest achievement lies in his revolutionary approach to dwarven craftsmanship, integrating traditional techniques with modern innovations to create artifacts of unmatched beauty and utility. His work attracted the attention of royalty and commoners alike, making the Goldforge Guild a symbol of dwarven excellence in urban centers. Beyond his craftsmanship, Baelin was a master strategist in commerce and trade, navigating the complex dynamics of city markets to ensure the prosperity of his guild and its members.   Baelin was more than just a craftsman; he was a visionary leader who saw the potential for Urban Dwarves to thrive in the city's competitive landscape. He advocated for the rights of dwarves in urban settings, working tirelessly to secure their place within the fabric of city life. His leadership style was characterized by a deep sense of community, fostering a guild culture that valued collaboration, innovation, and mutual support.   The legacy of Baelin Goldforge extends far beyond his lifeworks and the walls of his guild. He is celebrated as a pioneer who paved the way for future generations of Urban Dwarves, inspiring them to embrace their heritage while adapting to the ever-changing urban environment. The Goldforge Guild continues to thrive, a testament to Baelin's enduring impact on urban dwarven society.   Baelin's contributions are commemorated through statues and plaques adorning many city squares, and his name is invoked in guildhalls and workshops as a paragon of dwarven ingenuity and perseverance. The annual Goldforge Festival, a city-wide celebration of dwarven culture and craftsmanship, honors his memory, drawing artisans and admirers from across Dramoor to partake in the festivities.   Baelin Goldforge's story is a beacon of inspiration for Urban Dwarves, embodying the spirit of innovation, community, and resilience. His legacy lives on in the bustling streets of the city, in the clangor of the forge, and in the hearts of those who continue to walk the path he forged.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While Urban Dwarves may harbor prejudices, their urban milieu necessitates a certain degree of cooperation and interaction with a myriad of races. Their ability to put aside differences for mutual gain is a testament to their pragmatic approach to life, even if such alliances are often viewed through a lens of utility rather than genuine camaraderie.  

Reputation Among Other Dwarves

  Their departure from traditional dwarven lifestyles and values often earns Urban Dwarves a measure of disdain from their rural and mountain kin, who view their urban adaptation as a dilution of dwarven heritage. However, Urban Dwarves wear their identity with a sense of defiance and pride, asserting their place within the broader dwarven spectrum through their successes and contributions to the urban fabric.   Urban Dwarves embody the complexity and dynamism of city life, blending the enduring traits of dwarvenkind with the fluidity and diversity of urban existence. Their communities serve as microcosms of the city's broader society, reflecting both the challenges and opportunities of life amid the stone and steel of Dramoor's urban landscapes.

Urban Dwarf Trait Bonuses - Expanded

  Urban Dwarves, through their unique blend of heritage and adaptability to city life, manifest a set of traits that reflect their multifaceted existence. Alongside the physical and mental attributes inherited from their parent lineage, Urban Dwarves possess an innate knack for thriving in the unpredictable environment of the city. This is encapsulated in an additional trait bonus that complements their diverse skill set:   Luck (LUK) +1: Urban Dwarves display an uncanny ability to land on their feet, regardless of the situation. This bonus represents their serendipitous knack for being in the right place at the right time, whether it's stumbling upon a lucrative business opportunity, navigating the complex web of urban politics, or escaping from precarious predicaments unscathed. This stroke of luck is often attributed to their adaptive nature and keen intuition, honed by generations of living within the bustling ecosystems of Dramoor's cities. It serves as a testament to their capacity for seizing the moment, turning the tide in their favor when it matters most.   This trait, in conjunction with their inherited strengths and the skills cultivated through urban living, makes Urban Dwarves exceptionally versatile and resilient individuals. Their ability to harness luck, combined with their adeptness in commerce, trade, and negotiation, positions them as formidable figures in the urban landscapes of Dramoor, capable of navigating its challenges with an enviable blend of skill, wit, and a touch of fortune.
Scientific Name
Dwergar Urbanus
As per parent lineage +10% longevity
Average Height
As per parent lineage
Average Weight
Reflecting their ancestral lineage, Urban Dwarves exhibit a propensity for a more robust physique, a result of the sedentary nature of urban living.