Urban Human Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Urban Human

Urban Humans in Dramoor navigate the vibrant complexity of city life, where the dense fabric of civilization buzzes with activity and diversity. Within the bustling streets of cities and towns, they build lives amidst a mosaic of cultures, ideas, and opportunities that define the urban experience. These environments, rich in history and innovation, offer Urban Humans a unique stage upon which to pursue their aspirations. From towering spires that pierce the sky to the labyrinthine alleys echoing with the sounds of commerce and community, the urban landscape is a testament to human ingenuity and ambition. Here, amidst the convergence of trade routes and the gathering of scholars, artists, and merchants, Urban Humans engage in the ceaseless dance of progress and tradition.   Life in the city demands adaptability and resilience, qualities that Urban Humans possess in abundance. They thrive on the fast pace of urban living, where every day brings new challenges and opportunities for personal and collective growth. The diversity of the urban population encourages a cosmopolitan outlook, where different perspectives and lifestyles coexist and interact. This melting pot of influences fosters innovation and creativity, making cities the heart of cultural and technological advancement in Dramoor. Urban Humans are at the forefront of this evolution, navigating the complexities of social structures, economic systems, and political dynamics that shape their environment.   Choosing to roleplay as an Urban Human opens a world of possibilities, set against the backdrop of Dramoor's rich urban tapestries. Players can explore themes of ambition, conflict, and community, delving into the myriad stories that unfold within the city's walls. From aspiring magicians drawn to arcane academies, to cunning merchants expanding their trade empires, or artists seeking inspiration in the city's vibrant chaos, Urban Humans embody the dreams and struggles inherent to city life. Their stories are a reflection of humanity's capacity to adapt, create, and thrive in the face of the relentless change and diversity that characterize the urban experience.

Basic Information


Physically similar to their rural counterparts, Urban Humans display a wide range of appearances reflective of Dramoor's diverse human populations. However, their lifestyles in more densely populated areas may influence their physique, with some leading more sedentary lives due to the nature of their occupations.

Biological Traits

Adaptation to urban environments may lead Urban Humans to develop a heightened tolerance for pollution and noise. Their diets and health can vary widely, influenced by the availability of resources and the stresses of urban living.

Genetics and Reproduction

Urban Humans exhibit a rich genetic diversity, a result of centuries of trade, migration, and integration within city centers. This diversity contributes to vibrant communities where traditions blend and evolve.

Growth Rate & Stages

Urban Human children grow up amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, often receiving education and training in specialized skills or trades. Their development is shaped by access to a broader range of resources and institutions than their rural counterparts.

Ecology and Habitats

Urban Humans are found in the dense architectural landscapes of Dramoor's cities and towns, where human-made environments replace natural habitats. They adapt to living in close quarters, learning to find tranquility within urban gardens, parks, and public squares.


Urban Humans tend to be adaptable, resourceful, and socially savvy. They are accustomed to the fast pace of city life, valuing innovation and the exchange of ideas. Community is found in neighborhoods, guilds, and social organizations, creating a sense of belonging in the vast urban expanse.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Urban society is stratified, with structures based on wealth, occupation, and sometimes heritage. Guilds, merchant associations, and various civic groups play significant roles in urban governance and community life.

Facial characteristics

The faces of Urban Humans tell stories of their heritage and the melting pot of cultures found in Dramoor's cities, featuring a broad spectrum of traits and expressions shaped by a myriad of cultural backgrounds.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Urban Humans dominate the cityscapes and towns of Dramoor, from towering metropolises to bustling market towns. Their societies are hubs of trade, culture, and governance.

Average Intelligence

Urban Humans are exposed to a wide range of knowledge and learning opportunities, fostering a population that is intellectually diverse and often specialized in various fields.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While lacking inherent extrasensory abilities, Urban Humans develop keen observational skills and social acumen, vital for navigating the complexities of urban living. Their ability to read social cues, understand diverse cultural practices, and adapt to rapid changes is unparalleled.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names among Urban Humans are incredibly diverse, reflecting the wide array of cultural influences present in urban centers. Many bear names that honor family heritage or are chosen for their meanings from various languages.

Major Organizations

Urban Humans form and participate in numerous organizations, including trade guilds, scholarly circles, mercantile leagues, and civic institutions, each playing a role in the fabric of urban society.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals in urban environments are varied and often influenced by cultural trends, media, and the cosmopolitan nature of city life. Fashion and personal style are avenues for individual expression and social identity.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Urban Humans is as diverse as their cities, with practices varying widely among different cultural and social groups. The complexity of urban society allows for a broad spectrum of relationship norms and practices.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships in urban settings are built on a foundation of mutual respect, shared interests, and the ability to navigate the demands of urban life together. Communication and compromise are key in the close quarters of city living.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The linguistic landscape of urban areas is rich and varied, with many languages and dialects coexisting. Trade languages and common tongues facilitate communication in these melting pots of culture.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette in urban environments emphasizes respect for privacy, awareness of communal spaces, and the importance of polite social interactions in maintaining harmony within densely populated areas.

Common Dress Code

Urban Humans' attire ranges from the practical to the extravagant, influenced by occupation, personal taste, and the latest fashions circulating in the city's streets and marketplaces.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Urban culture is a dynamic blend of traditions, innovations, and interactions among the diverse populations that call the cities home. Art, cuisine, music, and literature flourish, reflecting the collective creativity and heritage of Urban Humans.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Urban centers are sites of frequent festivals, public celebrations, and observances that draw from the myriad cultures present in the city. These events foster community bonds and celebrate the diversity of urban life.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting communal spaces, flouting public ordinances, and neglecting the well-being of the urban community are considered taboo, as they disrupt the social order and harmony of city life.


The history of Urban Humans is a chronicle of civilization's growth—marked by the rise and fall of empires, the flourishing of trade routes, and the evolution of societal norms within the crucible of city life.

Common Myths and Legends

Urban myths and legends often revolve around the city's history, famous figures, and tales of the supernatural hidden within the maze of streets and buildings. These stories add a layer of mystery and enchantment to urban life.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Urban Humans are accustomed to interacting with a variety of races and species that converge in the city. While generally open and adaptable, the density and diversity of urban life can also give rise to tensions and alliances shaped by the complex interplay of cultures, interests, and histories within the urban melting pot.

Urban Humans of Dramoor

  Urban Humans in Dramoor, while not possessing specific physical or magical trait bonuses characteristic of the realm's more fantastical races, are granted a significant advantage reflective of their unique life experiences. This advantage is encapsulated in a 5% experience points bonus, symbolizing their exceptional adaptability, resourcefulness, and broad exposure to a variety of situations and cultures inherent to urban living.   Experience Points Bonus:   5% Experience Points Bonus: This bonus acknowledges the accelerated learning curve Urban Humans experience as a result of their immersion in the dense, diverse environments of cities and towns. Urban life is a crucible of social interaction, cultural exchange, and constant innovation, where individuals are regularly exposed to new ideas, challenges, and ways of thinking. This environment fosters a quick adaptability and a wide range of skills, from negotiation and commerce to an understanding of complex social dynamics and technological advancements.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
80 to 110 years (on average live longer than other humans due to resource access and medical services)
Average Height
Urban Humans vary widely in height, reflecting the vast genetic diversity within city populations. On average, they stand between 5 feet 5 inches to 6 feet (165 cm to 183 cm) tall, with individual heights influenced by genetic background and nutritional factors.
Average Weight
The average weight of Urban Humans is influenced by lifestyle, occupation, and access to food, ranging broadly to accommodate different body types and health conditions. Generally, adults might weigh anywhere from 125 pounds (57 kg) for those with a lighter build to around 200 pounds (90 kg) for those with a larger or more muscular physique.
Average Physique
The physique of Urban Humans ranges broadly, influenced by their occupations and lifestyles. Some may be robust from labor-intensive jobs, while others may be more slender due to sedentary occupations.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones, hair colors, and body markings among Urban Humans are as diverse as the populations from which they descend, with fashion and personal expression playing significant roles in their appearance.