Warrior in Dramoor | World Anvil


Warriors epitomize the valor and resilience of Dramoor's inhabitants, facing threats with steel and strategy. From the disciplined ranks of city guards to the fierce tribal fighters, they are the bulwark against chaos. Their strength is not just in arms but in the spirit to stand against the darkness that creeps across the land, making them indispensable in the eternal battle for peace and justice.  
As you venture onto the battlefield of Dramoor, the Warrior class stands ready to embody the very essence of battle prowess and martial skill. Whether through the disciplined codes of the Knight or the wild fury of the Barbarian, Warriors carve their destinies with blade, strength, and valor.
  Warriors of Dramoor, your path is forged in the heat of combat, your legacy written with the might of your deeds. Choose your subclass wisely, for it will shape your journey, your battles, and the tales sung in your honor. Let the strength of your arm and the courage of your heart guide you to victory and renown.  


  Within this venerable class, a diverse array of subclasses offers paths tailored to every temperament, each with its own unique disciplines and honors. As you choose your subclass, you are choosing more than just a fighting style; you are embracing a way of life that will define your role on the battlefield and in the tales sung by future generations.   As a Warrior in Dramoor, your path is yours to choose, but remember: each subclass not only offers unique abilities and challenges but also a distinct philosophy and role within the tapestry of this world. Who will you become, and how will your legend unfold?  

Pit Fighter

With each fight, Pit Fighters become more than just combatants; they become legends.
The arena's dust, the roar of the crowd, and the thrill of hand-to-hand combat are the lifeblood of the Pit Fighter. Specializing in close-quarters combat, they are unyielding survivors who excel in personal duels and the chaotic dance of death. Their intense training and arena experience make them formidable foes, capable of withstanding and dishing out significant damage.   Pit Fighters are the epitome of martial prowess, utilizing their surroundings to gain the upper hand in combat. Their resilience and adaptability, honed through countless battles, allow them to outlast and overpower adversaries.   Playing a Pit Fighter? You'd enjoying learning about Blakvüld Arena.   Pit Fighter Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Unarmed combat, Improvised weapons, Grappling, Endurance
Skills Close-quarters combat, Pain resistance, Intimidation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 STR, +1 CON
Special Abilities Enhanced durability in melee combat, increased damage with unarmed strikes and improvised weapons



As they rise in fame and skill, Gladiators earn the adoration of the masses and the favor of the powerful.
More than mere fighters, Gladiators are performers who wield weapons with grace and lethality. Their battles are as much about spectacle as they are about survival, earning glory in the eyes of spectators and gods alike. They thrive under the gaze of the crowd, turning each combat into a deadly dance where style is just as important as strength.   Gladiators are masters of the arena, combining martial skill with theatrical flair to dazzle and dominate their opponents. Their combat style is both entertaining and effective, making them beloved and feared in equal measure.   Playing a Gladiator? You'd enjoying learning about Blakvüld Arena.   Gladiator Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Weapon variety, Armor use, Showmanship, Crowd control
Skills Duel expertise, Performance combat, Tactical exhibition
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 STR, +1 CON, +1 CHA
Special Abilities Ability to engage and entertain crowds, gaining temporary boosts in combat from audience support



Barbarians are not mere brutes; they are warriors deeply connected to the world’s primal essence, drawing from it a strength that can turn the tide of any battle.
Barbarians embody the raw, untamed power of the wilderness, channeling the ferocity of the beast and the wrath of the storm into every strike. Living embodiments of strength and survival, they hold a primal connection to the natural world, allowing them to unleash devastating bursts of rage in battle. This unbridled fury makes them terrifying adversaries, capable of enduring and dealing out incredible amounts of damage. Their combat style is straightforward and brutal, relying on instinct and physical prowess rather than elaborate tactics or magic.   In the realm of Dungeons & Dragons, the Barbarian class is for those who prefer the thrill of melee combat and the simplicity of raw might over cunning or spellcraft. They are the heart of the front-line, able to absorb punishment and protect their allies with their own bodies. As they grow in power, their rage becomes more potent, their bodies more resilient to damage, and their attacks more fearsome.   Barbarian Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Two-handed weapons, Light armor, Survival, Intimidation
Skills Berserker rage, Fearlessness, Enhanced strength
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +3 STR, +1 CON
Special Abilities Ability to enter a rage, increasing damage output and resistance to pain



A Knight's word is their bond, and their honor is their life, guiding them in their quest to bring light to the darkest corners of the world.
Upholders of chivalry and protectors of the realm, Knights fight not just with steel but with honor. Clad in armor and armed with vows, they stand as beacons of light in the darkest times. Knights embody the virtues of courage, justice, and loyalty, serving as stalwart defenders of their causes. Through their deeds, they inspire those around them, becoming legends that echo through the ages.   Knights are the armored bastion on the battlefield, shielding the innocent and striking down evil with righteous fervor. Their discipline and training in combat are matched only by their commitment to the codes of chivalry.   Knight Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Heavy armor, Shields, Mounted combat, Chivalry
Skills Tactical defense, Leadership, Honor-bound fighting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 STR, +1 CON
Special Abilities Expertise in mounted combat and leading allies, enhanced defense while in heavy armor



With a keen mind for strategy and a charismatic voice that commands attention, Warlords are the linchpins of any successful campaign.
Born leaders and master tacticians, Warlords command the field with their presence alone. Their strategic acumen and charisma rally allies and demoralize foes, turning the tide of battle with words and deeds. Warlords are not merely soldiers; they are commanders who understand the ebb and flow of combat, guiding their comrades to victory through foresight and inspiration.   Their leadership qualities are as formidable as their combat skills, making them a dual threat to any who oppose them. A Warlord's mere presence on the battlefield can inspire greatness in allies and sow fear in the hearts of enemies.   Warlord Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Tactical weaponry, Command, Battle strategy, Armor
Skills Leadership, Morale boosting, Strategic planning
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 STR, +2 CHA
Special Abilities Ability to inspire and lead troops effectively, enhancing group combat efficiency and morale


Paladin: (+Cleric level 5)

With their holy spells and the strength of their conviction, they are a formidable force against the forces of evil.
Warriors of holy light, Paladins wield divine power alongside martial might. Their unwavering faith and commitment to their deities empower them to smite evil and shield the innocent. As beacons of righteousness, they uphold justice and mercy, standing firm against the darkness that threatens the land. Their oaths bind them to a higher calling, where each battle fought is a testament to their dedication and divine purpose.   Paladins are the embodiment of the divine wrath against wickedness and corruption. Their holy quests lead them on the path of the protector, the avenger, or the healer, guided by the sacred tenets of their faith.
Paladins must be Lawful Good alignment
  Paladin Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Heavy armor, Holy symbols, Healing magic, Divine law
Skills Smite evil, Healing, Divine protection
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 STR, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Ability to channel divine energy to smite foes, heal allies, and protect against evil


Eldritch Knight (+Wizard level 3)

With every spell cast and every enemy vanquished, they grow in strength and knowledge, embodying the true essence of the warrior-mage.
Merging the art of war with arcane magic, Eldritch Knights blur the line between warrior and wizard. Their mastery of both sword and spell makes them versatile and unpredictable adversaries. These knights are not mere soldiers; they are arcane warriors, blending martial prowess with magical ability to confound their enemies and bolster their allies. Through rigorous training and study, they unlock mystical powers that complement their combat skills, becoming formidable fighters both in close quarters and at range.   Eldritch Knights stand at the crossroads of ancient traditions, where the disciplines of the blade and the arcane converge. Their path is one of constant learning and adaptation, seeking the perfect balance between the physical and the mystical.   Eldritch Knight Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Arcane magic, Swords, Armor, Spellcasting
Skills Magical combat, Elemental spells, Spell-enhanced swordplay
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 STR
Special Abilities Ability to cast spells while wearing armor, integrate spellcasting with melee combat


Rifle Sentinel

Their presence, either known or unknown, is both a deterrent and a promise of safety, making them respected and feared throughout Dramoor.
Rifle Sentinels are the watchful protectors of their comrades, combining the patience of a hunter with the precision of a sniper. These guardians take pride in their marksmanship, using long-range rifles to neutralize threats before they can reach their allies. Their extensive training in camouflaging, tracking, and strategic positioning allows them to provide effective overwatch and cover, making them invaluable assets in any battle. With a keen eye and steady hand, they can turn the tide of combat from a distance, picking off key targets and providing critical support from the shadows.   The role of a Rifle Sentinel goes beyond mere shooting; it's about understanding the battlefield, predicting enemy movements, and using superior positioning to control the flow of the fight. These sentinels are not only sharpshooters but also tacticians who know when to hold their fire and when to take the shot that could change the course of an encounter.   Playing a Rifle Sentinel? You'd enjoying learning about Firearms

Not compatible with Special Guard
  Rifle Sentinel Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Rifles, Marksmanship, Tactical positioning, Scouting
Skills Long-range combat, Surveillance, Precision shooting
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 DEX, +1 PER
Special Abilities Expertise in rifle handling and marksmanship, enhanced skills in long-range targeting and reconnaissance


Gunblade Duelist

They are not just fighters; they are performers whose battlefield is a stage where the stakes are life and death.
Gunblade Duelists are the epitome of versatility and deadly grace, masters of a unique martial discipline that merges the art of the sword with the science of gunpowder. Trained in specialized Gunblade Guilds, these duelists wield their namesake weapons with unparalleled skill, engaging foes at any range with a fluid and dynamic combat style. Their gunblades, intricate mechanisms of lethal engineering, serve as both sharp blades for cutting through enemy ranks and firearms for delivering powerful ranged attacks, allowing for a seamless transition between melee and ranged combat.   The Gunblade Duelist thrives in the thick of battle, where quick reflexes and faster decision-making set them apart. Their combat style is a dance of death, as they weave through the battlefield, their gunblades flashing with deadly intent. In the hands of a skilled duelist, the gunblade is not just a weapon but an extension of their will, a tool for expressing their martial prowess in a symphony of blade and bullet.   Playing a Gunblade? You'd enjoying learning about Firearms   Gunblade Duelist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Gunblades, Dual-wielding, Acrobatics, Quick reloading
Skills Blended melee and ranged combat, Agile maneuvers, Rapid attack sequences
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 DEX, +1 STR
Special Abilities Mastery in gunblade combat, ability to seamlessly integrate shooting and swordplay in duels


  Beyond your choice of subclass, the specialization you adopt refines your path further, honing your skills and defining your role both on the battlefield and beyond. Specializations allow you to tailor your warrior to fit the precise mold of the hero or villain you wish to become.  
Your specialization is your declaration to Dramoor of who you are and what you stand for. Choose wisely, and let your deeds echo your choice.


Reputation coupled with ability to deliver your wares are the tools of a master trader.
Warriors who choose the Merchant specialization have a keen sense for trade and negotiation. They understand that not all battles are fought with swords; some are won with words and wits. These warriors use their charisma and sharp minds to negotiate, lead, and influence, turning potential conflicts into profitable opportunities and strategic alliances.   Merchants are adept at reading people and situations, allowing them to gain the upper hand in negotiations. Their background in trade provides them with a network of contacts and a reputation that can precede them in new cities or markets.
Merchant Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Artisan's tools (choice of one), Persuasion, Insight
Skills Negotiation, Leadership
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 CHA
Special Abilities Haggle: Reduce costs of goods/services by 10% under favorable conditions

Special Guard:

Special Guards provide reassurance to their fellows, knowing that they have a vigilant guardian watching over them.
Elite protectors, Special Guards are unmatched in their defense and agility. They become masters of protection, using their dexterity to shield those in their charge from harm. With swift reflexes and keen awareness, they are always ready to spring into action, intercepting threats and ensuring the safety of their allies.   Special Guards excel in situations that require a steadfast defender. Their training focuses on anticipating enemy moves and creating opportunities to counterattack while maintaining a strong defensive posture.
Not compatible with Rifle Sentinel
Special Guard Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Shields, defensive tactics, Acrobatics, Perception
Skills Defense, Vigilance
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 DEX
Special Abilities Protective Reaction: Impose disadvantage on attacks against allies within 5 feet as a reaction



Hunter/Trackers are not just skilled in following trails but also in understanding the behavior of their prey, whether beasts or foes.
The Hunter/Tracker specializes in the art of tracking and survival, becoming the eyes and ears of their party in the wilderness. Their enhanced perception and constitution allow them to track their quarry over long distances and endure the harshest conditions. These warriors are essential for reconnaissance, capable of gathering crucial information while remaining unseen and unheard.   Their training in survival techniques ensures they can sustain themselves and their allies in hostile environments, making them invaluable on any expedition.
Hunter/Tracker Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Survival gear, tracking tools, Survival, Nature
Skills Tracking, Endurance
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 PER, +1 CON
Special Abilities Enhanced Tracking: Ability to find and follow tracks, including under difficult conditions



Blacksmiths are more than just weapon makers; they are innovators and improvers of martial equipment, constantly seeking ways to provide an edge in battle.
The Blacksmith specialization turns warriors into artisans of war, who not only wield but also craft the weapons and armor they use in battle. With a hammer and anvil, they forge their destiny, creating equipment as sturdy and reliable as their own martial prowess. Their understanding of metallurgy and craftsmanship allows them to produce superior war gear, enhancing their effectiveness in combat.   Their dexterity and attention to detail enable them to craft intricate and durable items, making them indispensable members of any adventuring party or military campaign.   Blacksmith Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Blacksmithing tools, Smith's Tools/Equipment/Resources, Metalurgy, Athletics
Skills Crafting, Weapon Forging
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 DEX
Special Abilities Forge Mastery: Repair and improve weapons/armor during rests


Siege Master:

Their expertise is not just in tearing down walls but also in building the morale of their troops and securing victory through superior tactics and foresight.
Siege Masters are the quintessential architects of warfare, specializing in the art of besieging and defending fortifications. Their wisdom and strategic acumen enable them to outmaneuver foes and control the flow of battle, particularly in situations involving sieges. They understand the intricacies of warfare, from the construction and breach of strongholds to the use of siege engines and tactics for both attack and defense.   With a profound understanding of logistics, terrain, and fortification, Siege Masters plan their strategies meticulously, ensuring that every action is calculated to weaken the enemy's defenses and fortify their own. Their expertise is not just in tearing down walls but also in building the morale of their troops and securing victory through superior tactics and foresight.   Siege Master Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Siege Equipment, History, Engineering
Skills Tactics, Fortification
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 WIS
Special Abilities Siege Expertise: Advantage on siege tactics and operations checks



The path of the Assassin is not for the faint of heart—it demands a resolute mind and an unwavering dedication to the craft of killing.
Assassins are the shadowed blade of the battlefield, trained in the art of silent death. They employ stealth and precision to eliminate targets, striking from the darkness with lethal force. These warriors have honed their skills to focus on the swift and silent elimination of adversaries, becoming masters of the unseen kill. Their training goes beyond mere combat, delving into the arts of infiltration, espionage, and sabotage.   Assassins are adept at moving unseen and unheard, utilizing their environment to get close to their targets undetected. They understand the value of patience and timing, striking only when the moment guarantees maximum efficacy.  
Not available to Paladin subclasses
  Assassin Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Stealth kit, Disguise kit, Stealth, Acrobatics, Deception
Skills Infiltration, Espionage
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 DEX
Special Abilities Deadly Precision: Bonus to attack rolls and damage against surprised targets

In every clash of steel, every shield raised, and every foe vanquished, the heart of a Warrior beats—a testament to strength, honor, and the unyielding will to prevail.

Creating Your Warrior


Warrior Prerequisites:

The strength and resilience of a Warrior are paramount. Therefore, a minimum base STR score of 10 and a CON score of 10 are required for anyone choosing the Warrior class. These scores reflect a Warrior's physical prowess and endurance needed for battle. Should a Warrior's STR or CON scores fall below these levels, their combat effectiveness will be severely diminished until such scores are recovered or enhanced.
  As you don the mantle of the Warrior, you embrace a life defined by the clash of steel, the thrill of combat, and the pursuit of honor and glory. In Dramoor, where the line between friend and foe is often drawn with the edge of a sword, your strength, courage, and skill will determine the legacy you leave behind.  

Step 1: Choosing Your Path: Subclasses

  Your journey begins with the choice of a subclass. Each subclass offers a unique approach to combat and strategy, shaping your abilities and defining your role on the battlefield. Whether you revel in the raw power of the Barbarian, the disciplined might of the Knight, or the arcane prowess of the Eldritch Knight, your subclass is the first step in carving out your destiny in Dramoor.  

Step 2: Honing Your Skills: Specializations

  Beyond your subclass, specialization allows you to refine your warrior's skills, tailoring your abilities to fit your chosen path. Specializations such as the Siege Master, the Hunter/Tracker, or the Assassin, provide unique bonuses that enhance your combat effectiveness and adaptability. Your specialization not only complements your subclass but also aligns with your warrior's personal story and goals.  

Step 3: The Warrior's Creed

  As a Warrior, you are more than a mere fighter; you are a protector, a leader, and a beacon of strength. Your choices, from your allegiance to a subclass to the mastery of your specialization, reflect your values and your commitment to your cause. The path of the Warrior is fraught with challenges, but it is also a path of unparalleled heroism and adventure.  

Step 5: Preparing for Battle

  As you prepare to step into the world of Dramoor, remember that the strength of a Warrior lies not only in their arm and armor but in their heart. Your decisions will shape the world around you, forging alliances, vanquishing foes, and writing your story into the annals of history.  

Roleplay Your Warrior

  Roleplaying as a Warrior in the world of Dramoor offers an enriching and dynamic experience, filled with opportunities for heroism, leadership, and growth. Whether you're charging into battle as a noble Knight, surviving against the odds as a rugged Barbarian, or weaving magic and martial skill as an Eldritch Knight, embodying the warrior spirit requires a blend of strategy, courage, and determination.  

Develop Your Warrior's Code

  Every Warrior lives by a set of principles or a code. Define what drives your warrior—honor, freedom, protection of the innocent, or perhaps the thrill of the fight. This code will influence your choices, your loyalties, and how you interact with your allies and enemies.   Relationships, whether with fellow party members, military comrades, or rivals, add depth to your character. Your warrior might have a trusted squire, a rival from their gladiatorial days, or a bond forged in the heat of battle. These relationships can drive your character's growth and provide rich roleplaying opportunities.  
Roleplaying a Warrior in Dramoor is about more than wielding a weapon; it's about carving out your place in a rich, dynamic world. Embrace the depth of your character, engage with the world and its inhabitants, and let your Warrior's story unfold.