Wizard in Dramoor | World Anvil


Wizards delve into the arcane secrets of Dramoor, seeking knowledge that grants them control over the magical forces permeating the world. Their pursuit of power leads them into forgotten ruins and dangerous realms, unlocking spells that can alter reality. In a land where ancient magic breathes life into the very soil, Wizards play a critical role in uncovering the mysteries of the past and shaping the magical landscape of the future.  
Choose your path with care, for the life of a Wizard is one of constant learning, discovery, and the relentless pursuit of power that shapes the very foundations of Dramoor.

Wizards, Arcane Power & Dramoor

  Magic weaves through the fabric of existence, accessible to many yet mastered by few. It's a realm where the arcane is as common as the air one breathes, yet it harbors a dual perception towards its wielders, especially Wizards, whose profound understanding of the arcane arts sets them apart.   Magic here transcends the need for material components, relying instead on the intricate blend of auditory, somatic, and ritualistic expressions. This approach allows for a scaling of power with the complexity of spells, making the art of spellcasting a skill honed over time, with the nuances of failure diminishing with experience.   While magic facilitates daily life and governance, serving both practical and utility needs, it also casts a shadow of dichotomy. The populace accepts minor magical acts as part of routine life, yet views those capable of formidable spells with a blend of awe and suspicion. This contradiction stems from the potential for misuse, prompting regulations to temper magic's vast capabilities.   The societal landscape mirrors this ambivalence. Wizards, often found in corridors of power, highlight magic's prestige. However, beneath this veneer of acceptance, currents of mistrust and fear run deep, spurred by anti-magic sentiments and factions wary of magic's darker potentials.  
Wizards tread a fine line in Dramoor, navigating a world that both reveres and fears their capabilities, embodying the quintessence of power and the peril it entails.


  In the arcane-rich world of Dramoor, where magic is as common as the air we breathe, Wizards stand at the forefront of mystical exploration and power. The choice of a Wizard subclass is not merely a decision about the type of magic one wishes to wield; it is a declaration of how one chooses to interact with the very essence of magic itself. From the innate powers of Sorcerers, born with magic coursing through their veins, to the pact-bound Warlocks, whose powers are a testament to their otherworldly alliances, each subclass embodies a unique path in the arcane arts. This journey is further diversified by Necromancers, who delve into the secrets of life and death, Chronomancers, who manipulate the fabric of time, and Elementalists, who command the forces of nature.  
Wizards must navigate the dualities of their chosen path: the awe and respect their powers can command and the suspicion and fear they can evoke.
  The selection of a subclass is a significant step in defining a Wizard's role within Dramoor. It shapes their approach to spellcasting, their relationship with the broader magical and non-magical community, and their potential impact on the world's political and social landscapes.   As practitioners of potent and often misunderstood forms of magic, Wizards tread a delicate line, their choices reflecting the complexities of wielding such power in a world that both venerates and fears the arcane.  

Arcane Scholar:

Their approach to magic is methodical and theoretical, grounded in centuries of accumulated wisdom and arcane discovery.
Arcane Scholars represent the quintessential wizard archetype, embodying the classic image of a studious and academic practitioner of magic. These wizards are the epitome of scholarly pursuit in the arcane arts, dedicating their lives to studying, understanding, and expanding the boundaries of magical knowledge. They are often found poring over ancient tomes, conducting experiments, and uncovering the secrets of the universe through rigorous research and scholarly discipline.   Arcane Scholars are masters of spellcraft, with a deep understanding of magical theory, spell mechanics, and the underlying principles of the arcane. Their extensive study makes them versatile spellcasters, capable of wielding a broad range of magical disciplines and adapting their approach to suit the challenges they face.   Arcane Scholar Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Arcane knowledge, Spellcraft, Magical theory
Skills Research, Analysis, Experimentation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Expertise in a broad range of magical disciplines, advanced spellcasting abilities, and deep theoretical knowledge



Illusionists understand that reality is often what the mind perceives it to be, and they exploit this principle to its fullest.
Illusionists are wizards who specialize in the art of illusion, creating deceptive images and sensory experiences that manipulate perception and reality. Their magic is one of subtlety and misdirection, allowing them to craft illusions so convincing that they can hide objects, change appearances, or even simulate environments with astonishing detail. These spellcasters excel in trickery and confusion, using their talents to disorient foes, conceal truths, or entertain and amaze onlookers.   Whether weaving complex visual and auditory mirages, casting spells to make themselves invisible, or creating phantom forces to assist in battle, they reveal the power of the mind to shape the world. Their mastery of illusion can turn the tide of any encounter, making them unpredictable and formidable opponents whose true strength lies in the ability to control the battlefield without confronting physical reality.  
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Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Illusion magic, Sensory manipulation, Stealth
Skills Deception, Phantasm creation, Perceptual distortion
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 DEX
Special Abilities Expertise in creating and manipulating illusions, ability to alter perceptions and bend reality to their will



Their magical abilities are often tied to their lineage or some mystical event, imbuing them with a reservoir of power that they can shape to their will.
Sorcerers represent a unique subclass of Wizards, distinguished by their innate connection to the arcane forces. Unlike their studious counterparts, Sorcerers harness magic through intuition and raw emotion, manifesting their power in spontaneous and often unpredictable ways. This natural affinity for magic allows them to channel arcane energies without the need for formal training or complex rituals, making their spellcasting as effortless as breathing.   Sorcerers rely on their instinctual understanding of magic, bending and weaving spells with personal flair and creative expression. This intrinsic bond with arcane energy makes them versatile and formidable spellcasters, capable of unleashing potent magic with a mere thought or gesture, guided by their emotions and desires.   Sorcerer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Innate spellcasting, Arcane knowledge, Magical intuition
Skills Emotionally charged spellcasting, Energy manipulation, Spell improvisation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA, +1 INT
Special Abilities Innate ability to cast spells, manipulation of arcane energy through intuition and emotion



The magic wielded by Warlocks is marked by its intensity and the often forbidden knowledge that accompanies it.
Warlocks are a distinct subclass of Wizards, bound by pacts to powerful otherworldly entities from which they derive their magical abilities. These agreements imbue Warlocks with potent magic that is as demanding as it is powerful, often requiring them to fulfill certain conditions or services in exchange for their arcane prowess. The nature of these pacts varies widely, with some Warlocks drawing power from fiends, ancient gods, eldritch beings, or other cosmic forces, each granting unique abilities and shaping the character of their magic.   Their spellcasting is fueled not just by study or innate ability but by the deep, sometimes perilous connection to their patron. This relationship provides Warlocks with access to rare and formidable spells, eldritch invocations, and otherworldly insights that set them apart from other spellcasters. Their mastery of magic is a constant balance between power and the price it demands, making their path one of great potential and significant risk.   Warlock Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Eldritch invocations, Pact magic, Forbidden knowledge
Skills Dark spellcasting, Patron-specific powers, Magical negotiation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 CHA, +1 INT
Special Abilities Access to unique eldritch powers and spells through otherworldly pacts, ability to wield potent and demanding magic


Necromancer (duel class cleric):

Their practices, while sometimes feared or misunderstood, are rooted in the deep knowledge of the cycle of life, death, and resurrection.
Necromancers are the enigmatic masters of life and death. They wield the power to command the undead and manipulate life's essence, traversing the shadowy boundary between the mortal world and the afterlife. Their mastery over necromantic magic allows them to raise the dead, control spirits, and tap into the dark energies that govern the transition between life and death.   This profound understanding of life's finality and the afterlife grants Necromancers unique abilities that often blur the lines between arcane and divine magic. Necromancers see themselves as manipulators of a fundamental force of existence, using their powers to explore the mysteries of life, death, and beyond, often invoking both fascination and dread.   Necromancer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Necromancy, Undead control, Life essence manipulation
Skills Raising the dead, Spiritual communication, Death-related magic
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Mastery over necromancy, ability to command undead and manipulate life and death forces



These temporal manipulators possess a unique and profound understanding of the continuum, enabling them to bend the fabric of time to their will.
Chronomancers are wizards who wield the arcane mastery over time, manipulating its flow to peer into the past and future and alter the progression of events. With the ability to slow down or hasten the passage of moments, they can create powerful effects that confound enemies and aid allies, making them formidable foes and invaluable partners in any endeavor.   Their command over time extends to viewing potential futures or revisiting past events to gather knowledge and insight, often using this ability to guide their decisions and strategies. Chronomancers operate on a plane of existence that few can comprehend, and their manipulation of temporal forces allows them to change the outcome of events, repair what was broken, or even prevent catastrophes before they occur. Their mastery of time makes them unique among spellcasters, holding the power to shape reality in ways that defy the natural order.   Chronomancer Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Time manipulation, Temporal mechanics, Future sight
Skills Altering time flow, Temporal foresight, Chronal adjustment
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Ability to manipulate time, see into the past and future, and alter the speed of events



Their mastery over the elemental forces is both a testament to their understanding of the natural order and a display of their magical prowess.
Elementalists, standing at the confluence of Wizard and Druid practices, harness the primal forces of nature, commanding everything from the fiercest infernos to the most tranquil breezes. With a Druid level of at least three, they delve deeper into the natural elements, drawing their power directly from the earth, air, fire, and water. This deep connection to the natural world allows them to manipulate these elements, shaping them into potent spells and effects that can protect, restore, or devastate.   Elementalists can summon storms, quell flames, call forth growth in barren lands, or command the earth to rise at their behest. Their versatile power makes them adaptable to a variety of situations, capable of unleashing raw elemental fury or providing gentle aid in harmony with the natural world.   Elementalist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Elemental magic, Environmental attunement, Natural energy manipulation
Skills Elemental summoning, Natural force control, Weather manipulation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Mastery in commanding the forces of nature, ability to manipulate elemental energies


Astral Mage:

Their connection to the astral and celestial realms grants them unique abilities to manipulate space, time, and the very essence of the cosmos.
Astral Mages are cosmic explorers and navigators of the stars and astral plane, blending the arcane with celestial wisdom. Their mastery extends beyond the terrestrial, delving into the vastness of the cosmos to uncover secrets and knowledge hidden in the celestial fabric. These mages use their powers to traverse the astral plane, connecting with the cosmos in a quest for universal understanding and the arcane mysteries that the stars veil.   Astral Mages can often foresee cosmic events, tap into the power of celestial bodies, and even traverse different dimensions. Their study of the stars and the astral plane provides them with profound insights into the nature of existence, allowing them to wield magic that is deeply infused with the energies of the cosmos.   Astral Mage Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Astral navigation, Celestial mechanics, Cosmic magic
Skills Stellar divination, Astral projection, Dimensional travel
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +2 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Expertise in navigating and understanding the astral and celestial realms, ability to harness cosmic energies
Magic is not just the power to change the world; it's the promise that we can.


  Beyond the foundational choice of a subclass, Wizards in Dramoor have the opportunity to further refine their magical expertise through specialization. These specializations allow Wizards to hone their abilities, focusing their arcane studies on specific areas that complement their personal and adventuring goals. Whether it's the ingenuity of the Inventor, creating magical items and devices, the wisdom of the Advisor, offering guidance and insight, or the clandestine operations of the Spy, using magic to uncover secrets, each specialization provides Wizards with unique tools and perspectives. This layer of customization enhances a Wizard's capabilities, enabling them to adapt to a variety of challenges and play a pivotal role in their party's success.   The path to specialization is also a path to deeper integration within the fabric of Dramoor's society. Wizards with specific specializations find themselves at the intersection of magic and daily life, their skills directly impacting the political, economic, and social spheres. From the Scholar, dedicated to the pursuit of arcane knowledge, to the Diplomat, using magic to navigate the complexities of diplomacy, specializations reflect the multifaceted role of magic in Dramoor.  


With an additional focus on intellect and wisdom, they push the boundaries of traditional spellcasting, incorporating firearms and other mechanical innovations into their magical repertoire.
Inventors stand at the crossroads of arcane mastery and mechanical ingenuity, crafting magical items and devices that merge the mystic with the material. These wizards are adept at harnessing the arcane to power their creations, resulting in a unique blend of magic and machinery that enhances their capabilities.   In the workshop or the field, Inventors are constantly experimenting and innovating, creating artifacts that defy convention and expand the possibilities of magic. Their approach combines the precision of engineering with the fluidity of arcane arts, allowing them to produce devices that can channel, amplify, or modify magical energies. Firearms, in their hands, become conduits and amplifiers of spells, adding a new dimension to their arcane arsenal and showcasing their ability to innovate and adapt.   Inventor Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Magical engineering, Arcane research, Device fabrication
Skills Item enchantment, Mechanical modification, Arcane invention
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +1 WIS
Special Abilities Ability to create and enchant magical items and devices, integration of firearms into spellcasting



These wizards are not just scholars but also skilled communicators, able to convey complex ideas clearly and effectively.
Advisors are the sages and counselors of the wizarding world, leveraging their intelligence and wisdom to guide and influence others. They stand out in the magical community for their ability to apply arcane knowledge pragmatically, offering insight and solutions to both mystical and mundane problems. With a deep understanding of various fields of study, including the arcane, they serve as invaluable sources of wisdom, helping to shape decisions and strategies with a well-informed perspective.   They excel in roles that require analysis, foresight, and the ability to consider multiple possibilities, making them strategic assets in any endeavor. Whether advising rulers, guiding fellow spellcasters, or contributing to academic circles, Advisors use their knowledge and insight to navigate the complexities of the world, ensuring that their charges are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.   Advisor Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Arcane wisdom, Strategic planning, Diplomatic communication
Skills Analytical reasoning, Problem-solving, Advisory guidance
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +2 WIS
Special Abilities Expertise in using arcane knowledge to guide and advise, ability to provide strategic insight and wisdom



With a keen intellect and a penchant for detailed experimentation, they push the boundaries of magical and chemical sciences.
Alchemists are the quintessential experimenters of the wizarding world, delving deep into the mystical properties of substances to create potent elixirs, potions, and magical compounds. Their profound knowledge of alchemy allows them to transform common ingredients into extraordinary concoctions, imbued with various arcane effects.   These wizards are not just potion brewers; they are innovators and creators, constantly seeking to discover new magical recipes and improve existing ones. Their laboratories are filled with an array of bubbling flasks, rare ingredients, and arcane texts, serving as the crucible for their endless quest for alchemical mastery. Through their experiments, Alchemists unlock the secrets hidden within matter, creating powerful substances that can heal, harm, protect, or enhance, making them indispensable in both scholarly and adventuring circles.   Alchemist Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Potion brewing, Chemical analysis, Magical infusion
Skills Elixir creation, Transmutation, Alchemical experimentation
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +3 INT
Special Abilities Ability to create and enhance magical potions and compounds, expertise in alchemical and magical experimentation



Their role is crucial in maintaining the continuity of magical traditions, ensuring that the wisdom of past generations is not lost to time.
Scribes are the meticulous keepers of magical lore, dedicated to the transcription and preservation of ancient spells, texts, and arcane knowledge. With their balanced attributes in intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity, Scribes excel in the detailed and precise work of recording magical information, often decoding and replicating complex spellwork with great care.   These wizards serve as the link between the past and present, their efforts safeguarding the future of arcane practice. They possess not only the skill to accurately transcribe and restore ancient writings but also the discernment to understand and interpret their contents. Scribes often work in quiet, scholarly environments, surrounded by books and scrolls, where they can focus on their task of preserving the rich heritage of magical knowledge for future wizards to study and utilize.   Scribe Bonuses
Proficiencies and Skills:
Proficiencies Calligraphy, Cryptography, Historical research
Skills Spell transcription, Document preservation, Arcane linguistics
  Class Bonuses:
Stat Bonuses +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 DEX
Special Abilities Expertise in transcribing and preserving magical texts, skilled in deciphering ancient spells and documents
In the realm of Dramoor, a Wizard's whisper can alter fate, their writing can rewrite history, and their visions can craft tomorrow.

Creating Your Wizard


Wizard Prerequisites:

Mastery of the arcane requires a keen intellect; thus, players aspiring to become Wizards must have a starting base INT score of at least 13. The complexity of arcane spells and the depth of magical knowledge accessible to Wizards necessitate a high level of intelligence. If a Wizard's INT score drops below 13, either temporarily or permanently, they will be unable to cast higher-level spells and may lose access to certain magical abilities until their intellectual prowess is restored.
  As you embark on your journey in the mystical world of Dramoor, embracing the mantle of a Wizard means choosing a path carved by arcane knowledge, where your intellect becomes your greatest asset and your magic your shield and sword. The process of selecting your Wizard subclass and specialization is an intellectual journey in itself, defining your character's relationship with the arcane, their powers, and their role in the wider world.  

Playing a Wizard?

More In-depth Information About Magic  

Step 1: Reflect on Your Arcane Calling:

Before selecting a subclass, contemplate the nature of your Wizard's arcane calling. Are they drawn to the inherent power of a Sorcerer, the pact-bound might of a Warlock, or the delicate balance of life and death wielded by a Necromancer? This reflection will guide you towards a subclass that aligns with your character's arcane aspirations, be it mastering the elements as an Elementalist, exploring the vastness of the cosmos as an Astral Mage, or bending the very fabric of reality as a Chronomancer.  

Step 2: Choose Your Subclass:

Each Wizard subclass offers a unique expression of arcane power. Sorcerers wield magic with innate grace, Warlocks draw their might from eldritch pacts, and Necromancers command the shadows between life and death. Elementalist, Astral Mage, and Geomancer each offer a path to control the natural and supernatural forces of the world. Consider how each subclass aligns with your character's arcane calling and the dynamics of your adventuring party.  

Step 3: Consider Subclass Traits:

Subclasses come with specific traits that enhance your Wizard's magical abilities. Whether it's the elemental dominance of the Elementalist or the temporal control of the Chronomancer, these traits will shape your character's approach to magic and combat.  

Step 4: Select Your Specialization:

Beyond your subclass, specializations allow for further customization of your Wizard's arcane journey. From the intellectual pursuits of an Inventor or Scholar to the diplomatic nuances of a Diplomat, each specialization provides unique trait bonuses and abilities that enrich your gameplay and role within the party.  

Step 5: Finalize Your Character:

With your subclass and specialization selected, complete your character sheet, ensuring all bonuses are accurately applied. Discuss your Wizard's arcane journey, backstory, and ambitions with your Dungeon Master and fellow players to ensure a cohesive and compelling narrative.  

Embrace Your Role:

As your adventure unfolds, let your intellect and your spells guide your actions and interactions within the world of Dramoor. Your subclass and specialization offer unique opportunities for role-playing, combat, and exploration. Whether manipulating the forces of nature, uncovering ancient secrets, or bending the laws of physics, your Wizard is a testament to the power of knowledge in a world bound by magic and mystery.

About Magic and Arcane Arts


Spheres of Arcane Magic Types

The mystical world of Dramoor is rich with diverse arcane practices, categorized into distinct spheres of magic. Each sphere specializes in a unique aspect of magical manipulation, offering Wizards and other arcane practitioners a wide array of spells and abilities to master.  

Choose Your Arcane Sphere

  Your choice of a magical sphere is not just a decision about the spells you will cast but a reflection of your character's identity, philosophy, and approach to the mystical forces that permeate the land. Each sphere of arcane magic represents a unique aspect of the magical spectrum, offering distinct paths of power and specialization that can define your journey as a Wizard or any practitioner of the arcane arts. As you consider the sphere that aligns with your character, think about how it complements their backstory, their goals, and the role they wish to play within their adventuring party and the wider world of Dramoor.   Choosing the right sphere involves delving into the essence of each magical domain, understanding the nuances and potential each holds. Whether drawn to the protective magics of Abjuration, the transformative power of Alteration, or the shadowy realms of Necromancy, your selection will determine the spells at your disposal and shape your approach to challenges and conflicts. It's about finding harmony between your character's narrative and the vast expanse of magical possibilities. Consider not only the mechanical benefits but also the thematic resonance with your character's story and the adventures that lie ahead.  


Arcane Scholars, as protectors of knowledge, align with Abjuration, focusing on protective and negating magics.
Abjuration magic serves as the shield against the arcane and the physical. It encompasses spells that create magical barriers, dispel and negate harmful effects, safeguard against attacks, and banish unwelcome entities. Practitioners of Abjuration are protectors by nature, often serving as the bulwark between danger and their allies.  

Alteration (Transmutation)

Chronomancers manipulate the fabric of time, fitting within Alteration/Transmutation, altering reality and temporal flows.
The realm of Alteration, or Transmutation, magic delves into changing the very essence of matter and time. Spells within this discipline can transform the material makeup of objects or beings, alter physical and magical properties, and manipulate the flow of time. Masters of this sphere demonstrate the fluid nature of reality, reshaping the world to suit their needs.  


Warlocks' pacts with otherworldly entities grant them mastery in Conjuration/Summoning, bridging realms to call forth allies and powers.
Conjuration/Summoning magic bridges distances and realms, allowing for the transportation of entities and objects or the manifestation of energies from thin air. This discipline includes summoning allies from other planes, teleporting across vast distances, and conjuring elements or constructs to aid in various tasks.  


Astral Mages, navigators of the cosmos, utilize Divination to peer into celestial mysteries and cosmic paths. Also, Scribes, as preservers of arcane lore, engage in Divination, uncovering and recording mystical knowledge.
Diviners peer beyond the veil of the present, seeking knowledge that lies hidden. Divination spells can unveil truths about future events, locate concealed items, penetrate illusions, and reveal secrets obscured by time and magic. This sphere is invaluable for those who seek to gather information and understand the mysteries of the universe.  


Advisors use their wisdom to guide and influence, resonating with Enchantment/Charm to sway and control.
The Enchantment/Charm sphere wields influence over minds and emotions. Through spells that charm, manipulate, and control, enchanters can turn foes into allies, sway hearts, and direct actions. This discipline demonstrates the power of the arcane to bend wills and shape desires.  


Illusionists control perception, creating scenarios and outcomes that the mind believes are real.
Illusion magic is the art of deception, crafting phantasms that mislead the senses and perceptions. Illusionists create false realities, invisible barriers, and nonexistent sounds, manipulating the battlefield and social interactions with creations born of pure magic.  


Sorcerers, with their innate magical essence, naturally align with Invocation/Evocation, manipulating raw energies to unleash powerful spells. This sphere is also the power source for Elementalists who wield natural forces, aligning with Invocation/Evocation to summon elemental energies and phenomena.
Invocation/Evocation spells harness raw energies to create and destroy. From conjuring elemental forces like fire and lightning to manipulating magical energies for attacks, this discipline embodies the destructive and creative potential of magic.  


Necromancers, as masters of life and death, epitomize Necromancy, controlling undead forces and life energies.
Necromancy explores the shadowy boundary between life and death. Necromancers wield the energies of life and mortality, animating the dead, draining vitality, and communing with spirits. This sphere is often misunderstood, seen both as a taboo and a profound exploration of the cycle of existence.  
  Learn more about the spheres/schools of arcane study, click below
Each arcane sphere offers a path to mastery over the arcane, shaping the destinies of those who dare to delve into the secrets of magic in Dramoor.