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Dunyalem Timeline

Primal Age

2000 BDU 971 BDU

  • 2000 BDU

    971 BDU


    The age before recorded history. Before the formation of the first nations, people lived in warring tribes and factions. It is said the Primal God Beasts travelled the land, seas, and air during this time.

Classical Age

970 BDU 459 BDU

  • 970 BDU

    459 BDU


    The earliest recorded history in Dunyalem. This age is notable for the first arrival of the Classical Gods in the world. The first nations of Zafka and Al-Dharma were founded during this time.

  • 460 BDU

    1 BDU

    Age of Artifice

    This age began as the last of the Classical Gods left the material plane. An age of heroes, mortal beings created god-like power through the use of powerful artifice and enchantments. In time, the art of such artifice was lost to history.

Age of Artifice

460 BDU 1 BDU

  • 460 BDU

    1 BDU

    Age of Artifice

    This age began as the last of the Classical Gods left the material plane. An age of heroes, mortal beings created god-like power through the use of powerful artifice and enchantments. In time, the art of such artifice was lost to history.

Age of Expansion

0 BDU 1157 DU

The start of the Modern Era. Marked by global expansion as nations rose and fell. This Age ended following the Pekkora War, when the three global nations agreed to halt expansion to avoid further bloodshed.

  • 0 BDU

    Unification of The Djakali Kingdom
    Political event

    The day the nations of Zafka, Al-Dhorma, and Lungoya formed the Djakali Kingdom. This followed from the three nations banding together to defeat the Yakarti Horde once and for all.   This date marks the beginning of the Modern Era.

    More reading
    The Djakali Kingdom
  • 132 DU

    Founding of Nokawa
    Political event

    This date marks the gith's conquest of the final hobgoblin-controlled province, bringing together the continent under the nation of Nokawa.

    More reading
  • 234 DU

    Founding of Felorno
    Political event

    This date commemorates the day the majority of cities agreed to aasimar rule, establishing the nation of Felorno as the ruling state West of the Avounnine Mountains.

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  • 267 DU

    Founding of Bhannachat
    Political event

    This date is shared with the founding of the Jadhra Academy and the creation of the yuan-ti Council of Mages who continue to rule Bhannachat in the present day.

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  • 477 DU

    Founding of Keranov
    Political event

    This date marks the day Saint Svetja ousted Count Ordago and liberated what would soon be named Keranov from his rule.

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  • 841 DU

    Founding of The Kindred Faith
    Religious event

    Widley agreed as the year the Kindred Faith began to spread in Eastern Astarta.

    More reading
    The Kindred Faith
  • 876 DU

    Formation of The Kindred Empire
    Political event

    After solidifying the Kindred Faith's presence in Weinhundt, this date marks the first of the neighbouring city-states converting to the Kindred Faith.

    More reading
    The Kindred Empire
  • 919 DU

    1084 DU

    Kindred Empire Expansion
    Political event

    A rapid period of expansion of the Kindren Empire throughout Eastern Astarta, culminating in the entire region to the East of the Avounnine Mountains being referred to as the Kindred Empire. This period culminated with the Empire's first foray into expansion beyond the Astartan continent into the neighbouring island of Pekkora.

    More reading
    The Kindred Empire
  • 1084 DU

    1157 DU

    The Pekkora War
    Military action

    Starting with the attempted expansion of the Kindred Empire into Pekkora, the fighting began as the Djakali Kingdom sent forces to Pekkora to stop the Empire expanding further. This soon escalated in full blown war between the two nations, with the residents of Pekkora caught in between. The period of war saw the creation of the warforged, the formation of the Jade Republic and culminated with the Pekkora Calamity.

  • 1144 DU

    Formation of The Jade Republic
    Political event

    While the Kindred Empire and the Djakali Kingdom fought on the island nation of Pekkora, the smaller Western nations looked on. Worried at the prospect of the fighting spreading West, Bhannchat, Felorno, Nokawa and Keranov allied to form the Jade Republic.

    More reading
    The Jade Republic
  • 1157 DU


    The Pekkora Calamity
    Disaster / Destruction

    Following the creation of the warforged by the Djakali Kingdom and their deployment to the Pekkora War, the Kindred Empire saw heavy losses and was in desperate need of something to fight back. This led to the creation of a massive spellbomb, fuelled by a team of Empire mages. Meant as a directed attack towards the Djakali forces, the spell went horribly wrong. The resulting explosion destroyed the majority of both nation's forces, as well as most of the inhabitants of Pekkora. The initial blast and subsequent fallout has rendered the island unihabitable to all but the most hardy of lifeforms.

    Pekkora Wastes
  • 1157 DU


    Signing of the Pekkora Accords
    Diplomatic action

    Following the Pekkora Calamity, both the Kindred Empire and Djakali Kingdom retreated from Pekkora. Desperate to ensure nothing like this would happen again, the Jade Republic wrote the Accords and convinced the other two nations to sign. The Accords lay out the boundaries of each nation and those who signed agreed to cease all expansion beyond these confines.

Modern day

1158 DU 1270 DU

Following the signing of the Pekkora Accords, the Age of Expansion came to a close. At just over a century old, this Age has yet to be named...

  • 1265 DU

    Present day