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Evergreen Gardens

The Evergreen Gardens, established in 2035 at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, are a lush expanse dedicated to the study and appreciation of evergreen flora. Designed as an educational resource and a natural retreat, the gardens have grown into a vibrant ecosystem, home to a variety of plants and wildlife, including the enchanting Midnight Blooms that glow at dusk. Over the years, the gardens have served as an outdoor classroom and a symbol of the Academy's commitment to ecological education and the integration of nature with advanced learning. Now, in 2042, they continue to be a place of wonder and discovery for students and faculty alike.

Purpose / Function

The intended purpose of the Evergreen Gardens is to serve as an interactive educational space where students can engage with the natural world and study environmental sciences in a hands-on manner. It's designed to complement the more serene Tranquil Gardens by offering a place where active learning and exploration are encouraged. The gardens are a living laboratory for classes in botany, ecology, and environmental science, as well as a venue for extracurricular activities like bird watching, plant identification, and even outdoor survival skills workshops.   The original reason for the creation of the Evergreen Gardens may have been slightly different, perhaps initially conceptualized as a response to a growing student and faculty interest in environmental stewardship and sustainability. Over time, the gardens' role could have evolved to become more educational in nature as the Academy recognized the value of experiential learning. The gardens would have been designed to foster a connection with nature, promote physical activity, and provide a dynamic setting for various academic pursuits.   In essence, while the Evergreen Gardens' original reason for being might have been rooted in the desire to expand green spaces and promote sustainability, its purpose has been honed to focus on education and active engagement with the environment.


The Evergreen Gardens, designed to be a natural and immersive experience, would have thoughtfully placed entries and exits to maintain the flow of visitors and the integrity of the environment.  
  1. Entries:  
    • Main Entrance:   A prominent gate or archway from the Academy's campus, possibly near the science buildings, to emphasize the educational connection.
    • Secondary Access Points:   Smaller, more discreet entrances from adjacent areas like the sports fields or the dormitories, allowing easy access for students and faculty.
    • Service Entrance:   A practical entry point for maintenance and emergency services, not intended for general visitor use, likely located at the back or side of the gardens.
  3. Exits (which may also serve as entries):  
    • Nature Trail Exit:   A path leading out to nearby nature trails or wilderness areas, for those who wish to extend their exploration beyond the gardens.
    • Event Exit:   A larger exit, possibly doubling as an entrance, used during special events or gatherings to manage larger crowds.
    • Tranquil Gardens Passage:   A serene walkway connecting to the Tranquil Gardens, allowing visitors to transition between the different atmospheres of the two garden spaces.
  Each entry and exit point would be designed to fit naturally into the landscape, with signage that provides information about the gardens and guidelines for visitors to ensure the preservation of the environment. The placement of these points would be strategic, facilitating natural movement while minimizing the impact on the gardens' ecosystems.

Sensory & Appearance

Upon entering the Evergreen Gardens, visitors are immediately immersed in a sensory experience that engages them with the natural world:  
  1. Sight:  
    • The lush canopy of evergreen trees forms a verdant roof that filters sunlight into a mosaic of light and shadow on the forest floor.
    • Vibrant greenery is everywhere, with various shades and textures of foliage from different evergreen species.
    • Educational stations with interactive displays blend into the landscape, offering insights into the flora and fauna.
    • The rustic architecture of the pathways, bridges, and outdoor classrooms complements the natural surroundings.
  3. Smell:  
    • The crisp, refreshing scent of pine, cedar, and spruce fills the air, a natural aroma that is both invigorating and calming.
    • Depending on the season, the fragrance of blooming flowers or the earthy smell of mulch and fallen leaves may be present.
  5. Feel:  
    • The coolness of the shade provided by the trees contrasts with the occasional warmth of sunbeams breaking through the canopy.
    • The rough texture of the bark on the trees and the smoothness of the flagstone pathways underfoot provide a tactile experience.
    • The air is fresh and seems to carry a vitality that is felt with each breath, invigorating visitors.
  7. Hear:  
    • The soundscape is a symphony of nature: the rustling of leaves in the breeze, the soft crunch of mulch on the pathways, and the distant chatter of wildlife.
    • There may be the gentle murmur of water from a nearby fountain or stream, adding to the tranquil atmosphere.
    • The low hum of conversation from other visitors, often hushed in reverence of the serene environment, can be heard intermittently.
  The Evergreen Gardens are designed to be a sanctuary that not only educates but also revitalizes the senses, reminding visitors of the beauty and complexity of the natural world.


The Evergreen Gardens, with their focus on evergreen plant species and ecological diversity, host a variety of flora and fauna that create a vibrant and self-sustaining ecosystem.  
  1. Evergreen Trees:  
    • Varieties of pine, spruce, fir, and cedar trees form the backbone of the gardens, providing year-round greenery.
    • Yew and holly bushes add to the diversity with their distinctive leaves and berries.
  3. Understory Plants:  
    • Rhododendrons and azaleas offer colorful blooms amidst the greenery.
    • Ferns and mosses thrive in the shaded areas, adding texture to the forest floor.
  5. Climbing Vines:  
    • Ivy and other climbing plants ascend the trunks of trees, adding vertical layers of foliage.
  7. Herbaceous Plants:  
    • A selection of medicinal and culinary herbs, which are part of the educational program, can be found in designated plots.
  9. Midnight Blooms:  
    • A rare and mystical flower known as the Midnight Bloom, which only opens its petals at dusk, emitting a soft, luminescent glow and a captivating fragrance.
  1. Birds:  
    • A variety of birds, from songbirds to owls, find refuge in the tree canopies, filling the gardens with their calls.
  3. Insects:  
    • Pollinators such as bees and butterflies are attracted to the flowering plants, while ladybugs help control aphid populations.
  5. Small Mammals:  
    • Squirrels, chipmunks, and occasionally rabbits can be seen foraging among the underbrush.
  7. Reptiles and Amphibians:  
    • Frogs and toads might be found near water features, and non-venomous snakes may be spotted sunning on rocks.
  9. Aquatic Life:  
    • If there are ponds or streams, they could be home to fish, tadpoles, and various aquatic insects.


Since their establishment in 2035, the Evergreen Gardens have undergone several alterations to enhance their educational and recreational value. These changes serve to support the gardens' dual purpose of being a space for both active learning and environmental interaction.   Alterations and Purposes  
  1. Educational Stations: Interactive displays and stations have been added throughout the gardens to provide information about the local flora and fauna, as well as broader ecological concepts. These serve to educate students and visitors about biodiversity and conservation efforts.
  3. Outdoor Classroom Spaces: Designated areas have been equipped with seating and workspaces to facilitate outdoor classes and workshops. These spaces allow teachers to conduct lessons in a natural setting, enriching the learning experience.
  5. Ropes Course and Climbing Structures: To promote physical education and team-building exercises, a ropes course and various climbing structures have been integrated into the landscape. These installations provide a safe yet challenging environment for students to develop their physical skills.
  7. Trail Expansion: The network of trails has been expanded and improved to allow for greater exploration and to accommodate educational tours. These trails are also used for cross-country training and environmental scavenger hunts.
  9. Seasonal Gardens: Sections of the gardens have been developed to showcase plants that bloom or change with the seasons, providing a living calendar of the natural world and teaching students about the cyclical nature of ecosystems.
  11. Conservation Areas: Certain areas have been set aside for conservation efforts, where students can participate in the restoration and preservation of native plant species and learn about habitat restoration techniques.
  13. Sensory Garden: A sensory garden has been created to engage all five senses, with plants selected for their scent, texture, and visual appeal, as well as areas that incorporate sound (like rustling grasses) and taste (like edible herbs).
  15. Composting and Sustainability Projects: Composting bins and rainwater collection systems have been installed to teach students about sustainability practices and to utilize the gardens as a model for ecological responsibility.
  Each alteration to the Evergreen Gardens has been carefully considered to ensure that it aligns with the Academy's educational goals, enhances the students' experience, and respects the integrity of the natural environment the gardens represent.


The Evergreen Gardens at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted are designed with a rustic and naturalistic architectural style, aiming to blend seamlessly with the untamed beauty of the forest-like environment. The pathways are crafted from locally sourced materials to maintain an ecological and aesthetic harmony with the surroundings.  
  1. Architectural Style: The structures within the Evergreen Gardens, such as benches, bridges, and educational kiosks, feature a rustic architecture that uses raw and natural shapes, often incorporating live edge wood and uncut stone to preserve a wild and organic feel.
  3. Materials for Pathways:  
    • The pathways are laid with flagstone, a durable and natural material that complements the forest setting. The flagstone paths meander through the gardens, providing a stable walking surface that blends with the earthy tones of the environment.
    • For the wooded areas, mulched pathways are used, made from chipped wood, which provides a soft, natural walkway that integrates well with the forest floor and is sustainable, as it can be sourced from the pruning within the gardens themselves.
  These choices in architecture and materials not only serve the aesthetic and functional purposes of the gardens but also reinforce the Academy's commitment to sustainability and environmental education.


The Genesis (2035)
In the year 2035, the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, under the auspices of Nichols Industries, embarked on a project to expand its campus with a living, breathing testament to the resilience of nature and the importance of ecological education. The Evergreen Gardens were conceived as a counterpoint to the Tranquil Gardens, focusing on the robust and year-round beauty of evergreen flora. The groundbreaking ceremony was marked by the planting of a ceremonial tree, a majestic pine that would come to symbolize the enduring spirit of the gardens.  
The First Growth (2036-2038)
Over the next few years, the Evergreen Gardens began to take shape. Botanists and landscape architects worked hand in hand to select a diverse array of evergreen species that could thrive in the local climate. The first trees were young but promised growth and longevity. Understory plants were carefully chosen for their ability to coexist with the towering trees, and the first pathways were laid out, meandering invitingly through the nascent forest.  
The Awakening (2039)
As the gardens matured, wildlife began to take notice. Birds nested in the burgeoning canopies, and the air buzzed with the activity of insects. The Midnight Blooms were introduced, a species developed by the Academy's own geneticists, which became the crowning glory of the gardens. Their first blooming was an event celebrated by the entire Academy, a nocturnal festival that would become a cherished annual tradition.  
The Educational Frontier (2040-2041)
With the flora and fauna firmly established, the Evergreen Gardens became an outdoor classroom. Students from various disciplines, from biology to environmental science, used the gardens for practical lessons. The ropes course was installed, providing a new way to experience the vertical dimension of the gardens and to learn about the physical principles of balance and motion.  
The Living Legacy (2042-Present)
Now, in the year 2042, the Evergreen Gardens stand as a testament to the vision of their founders. They have become a hub of education, adventure, and quiet contemplation. The gardens continue to evolve, with new species being introduced and research projects being conducted.


The Evergreen Gardens at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted attract a diverse range of visitors, each drawn to the unique experiences the gardens offer. Tourists who visit this location are typically eager to see and experience the following:  
  1. Nature Enthusiasts and Botanists: These visitors are drawn to the variety of evergreen species and the opportunity to observe the gardens' biodiversity. They are particularly keen on guided tours that highlight the ecological significance of the gardens and the conservation efforts in place.
  3. Educators and Students: The gardens serve as an outdoor classroom, so they attract educators looking for real-world teaching environments and students from various educational institutions who are interested in environmental science, biology, and botany.
  5. Adventure and Outdoor Activity Seekers: With the inclusion of a ropes course and climbing structures, those interested in physical activities and team-building exercises find the Evergreen Gardens an exciting destination. They also appreciate the trails for jogging and exploration.
  7. Photographers and Artists: The natural beauty of the gardens, with their lush greenery and forest-like setting, draws photographers and artists who wish to capture the essence of the environment or find inspiration for their work.
  9. Families and Children: The interactive and educational stations, along with the sensory garden, make the Evergreen Gardens a family-friendly location where children can learn about nature in an engaging way.
  11. Environmental Activists and Conservationists: Individuals passionate about environmental causes are eager to visit the conservation areas and learn about the sustainable practices implemented in the gardens, such as composting and rainwater collection.
  13. Wellness and Meditation Practitioners: Although the Evergreen Gardens are more adventure-focused than the Tranquil Gardens, they still offer secluded nooks and the calming presence of nature, attracting those who seek a space for meditation, yoga, or quiet reflection.
  15. Cultural Event Attendees: The gardens host various cultural and seasonal festivals, drawing crowds interested in participating in these events that celebrate the natural world and the changing seasons.
  Visitors to the Evergreen Gardens are eager to immerse themselves in the educational, recreational, and aesthetic experiences offered by this verdant and dynamic environment. The gardens provide a unique blend of learning and adventure, set against the backdrop of the Academy's commitment to environmental stewardship.
Founding Date
Room, Outdoors, Garden
Owning Organization


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