Session 12: Sonata-allegro Report Report in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Session 12: Sonata-allegro Report

General Summary

Monday Morning January 19, 1925 - Wenesday Morning January 21, 1925   Morning comes and we collect Booker from the hospital, where he was recovering from the wounds he received. We're the first to arrive at Elias's Lawyer Carlton Ramsey's office, and shortly after Langston Hughes arrives, being the sole other person to inherit something from the will. The will itself is short, giving Carlton authority to liquidize all Jackson Elias's assets and use that to fund all costs relating to the investigation of the Carlyle expedition. Mr. Ramsey also will serve as the point of organization, for if the group separates and needs to coordinate or requires anything, we are to go through him. All in all, everything points to him saying that he chose us because he knows we will continue down the path he started. We all agree to the terms of the will and the gang is officially in business.   As we discuss our plans, we decide to reach out to the sister of Roger Carlyle and Dr. Mordecai Lemming, as they are the easiest people to reach out in the shortest amount of time. Mordecai is the first one we reach, and he quickly agrees to meet with us. After exchanging pleasantries, we get his thoughts on some of the matters at hand. Notably, he thinks that the marks of the Bloody Tongue are being faked, made by someone who wants to direct attention and blame towards the African community. He recommends we pay a visit to a man named Silas N'Kwane, who we realize is the owner of the JuJu House. The conversation goes on for a while, but nothing of immediate use to us or our investigations. We go our separate ways for the evening.   The following morning, we hear back from Erica Carlyle, inviting us to a gathering in a few days time as well as a special interview the afternoon beforehand. We also are told by Rebecca Shosenburg that she managed to get a meeting with Hilton Adams. With these in mind, we go to the JuJu House to look around. With Booker and Monte staying outside to avoid fully exposing our group, the rest of us head inside. It's quiet and unsettling, with narrow aisles that are crowded with trinkets. Leviticus strikes up conversation under guise of looking for a gift for the gathering the next day. As Silas (we assume) heads over to assist him, Solomon notices that he is wearing a key around his neck. As Edward browses, he notices a lot of the items are components used in ritual magic for a number of African cultures. Edward then approaches under the guise of looking for items before turning the conversation towards Jackson Elias and the Bloody Tongue. Silas actively tries to redirect the conversation, purposely avoiding (or perhaps feigning ignorance of) the subject. With this reconnaissance done, the group leaves the store.   Booker leads the efforts to learn more about the Carlyle Expedition. In looking into Roger, Booker finds the name Nichonka Bunay, a self proclaimed poetess. He begins looking into her, as she seems to be the least known member of the expedition (or at least of the photo of the expedition we have). Robert Huston and Aubrey Penhew are also investigated, learning a good deal about them.   In all, the members of the Carlyle Expedition are as follows:   Roger Carlyle  Sir Aubrey Penhew  Dr. Robert Huston  Jack "Brass" Brady  Hypatia Masters  and the mysterious Nichonka Bunay
Masks of Nyarlathotep Campaign
Jack . Anderson
Botanist Jack Anderson ( 31 / Male ) from Brisbane
Edward Hawkins
Professor Edward Hawkins ( 29 / M ) from Arkham, MA
Leviticus Harrison Mann
Dilletante Leviticus Harrison Mann ( 24 / Male ) from Arkham, Masschusetts
Montgomery Papadopoulos
Smuggler Monte Papadopoulos ( 38 / Male ) from Thessaloniki, Greece
Christopher Ericson
Explorer Christopher Ericson ( 24 / M ) from London
Solomon Carlisle
Big Game Hunter Solomon Carlisle ( 64 / Male ) from Boma, Belgian Congo
Booker Williams
Clergy The Reverend Booker Williams ( 33 / Yes, please ) from Harlem, New York
Report Date
28 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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