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Eldeen Reaches

The Eldeen Reaches are home to the massive Towering Wood and to several Druidic Sects led by an awakened tree named Oalian. The Gatekeeper Druids who called the Towering Woods their home were instrumental in fending off the Daelkyr invasion thousands of years ago, alongside the Dhakaan Empire.   In 958 YK, during The Last War, the denizens of the farmlands bordering the Woods up to the Wynarn River declared independence from the nation of Aundair. Instead, they chose a union with the Druids, specifically the Wardens of the Wood, for protection and guidance.   The lands of the Reach are wild and untamed with many dangers and monsters. The woods are known to have many Manifest Zones to Thelanis and the Fey have a huge influence on the region. The Gloaming is an expansive region of the Towering Woods with a sinister connection to Mabar.   Since the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold ended the Last War, the Reaches have been considered an independent nation, much to the chagrin of Aundair who still believe seceeded lands and its citizens are rightfully under their dominion. This leads to a tense situation at the border with only the treaty preventing all out invasion.   In the farmlands of the Reaches many communities act independently of one another, coming together when necessary for trade and to discuss what it means to be an independent federation of disparate settlements. Combined with a fear of Aundairian retaliation, each settlement keeps a well trained militia.   In recent years, discussion of an official federation and the diplomatic relationship with Aundair and other nations has come to the fore for many and two factions have formed; those who are generally anti-Aundairian, wanting nothing to do with the nation unless as equals and those who are generally pro-Aundairian, who believe that antagonism will only result in conflict and that strong economic and diplomatic relationships can simmer Aundairian frustrations which may prevent unecessary violence.


The Reaches contain a collection of indepdendent settlements and factions, each managing their own peoples and resources. The Druids of the Towering Woods are equally independent in most respects, though they do seek the guidance of Oalian and respect their decisions.

Political Factions

The Plainswood Confederacy

The Plainswood Confederacy is a collection of settlements in the northern plains of the Eldeen Reaches and promote a united front against Aundair, allying heavily with the Druids of the Towering Woods. The members of the Confederacy include:
  • Alvirad
  • Merylsward
  • Mossmantle
  • Owl's Perch
  • Redleaf
  • Riverweep
  • Wolf's Paw
  • Wyr

The Galifray Alliance

The Galifray Alliance are made up of the port cities along Lake Galifar, from which they take their name, and promote a strong economic alliance with Aundair to prevent military escalations. The members of the Alliance include:

The Argentum

The Argentum is a political union between the cities that reside in the Reaches on the northern side of the Silver Lake. Due to their proximity to Droamm and Breland, and distance from the rest of the Reaches and Aundair, they prefer to form trade relations with their closest neighbours and have little interest in the squabbles of the north. The Argentum is made up of:
  • Sylbaran
  • Erlaskar
  • Greenblade

Druidic Sects


The Ashbound are an extreme Druidic order who consider all arcane and divine magic, outside of Druidic magic, to be unnatural. They seek to protect all wilderness and consider even common argriculture to be outside the natural balance. They prefer to avoid bloodshed, but the more severe elements within the order are not above using terroristic attacks to make their point.

Children of Winter

The Children of Winter are a small sect who embrace death and decay as part of the natural cycle. They believe that diseases and famines are sacred as they aid the natural cycle in culling the weak.   Some Children focus on preserving the natural order and fight the undead, while others spread disease and plague. The children have no formal organization or hierarchy, instead operating in packs led by a single leader. Most Children reside near the Gloaming and consider it a holy place.


The Gatekeepers are the oldest Druidic sect in Khorvaire, though they were heavily decimated during the invasions of the Daelkyr. Their main task is to defend nature against aberrations, outsides, undead, and other unnatural beings. The first of the Gatekeepers, Orcs, were taught their magic by the dragon Vvaraak.


Greensingers are a small sect that maintain relationships with the fey inhabitants of the Reaches. Like they Fey, Greensingers embrace revelry and dance. They can typically be found near the Twilight Demense.

Wardens of the Wood

The Wardens, led by the great awakened tree Oalian, occupy most of the Towering Woods. They protect the wood and surrounding fields from danger and provide guidance and judgement for those who need it.   The Wardens are the closest thing to an authority the Reaches have and while their decisions are respected willingly, they have no ultimate control over its denizens. Greenheart is the home of Oalian and acts as a de facto capital for the region and neutral meeting place for the various factions and Druidic sects.


Independence and mutual assistance are the driving cultural factors throughout the Reaches. A reverence and worship of nature and an understanding of the importance all life has is also a major cultural factor of the Druids, to a near religious degree, and this has begun to filter through the farmland settlements.   Among the agricultural settlements, worship of the Sovereign Host is predominant, with a variety of Sovereigns being worshipped for favour and warding off ill omens.


The Reaches have vast natural woodlands and farmlands to provide resources throughout the region. Additionally, Druidic magic is commonly used by all and their skill in animal husbandry is at a level rivaled only by the Elves of Valenar.

Demography and Population

Population: 500,000
  • Humans 45%
  • Half-Elves 16%
  • Shifters 16%
  • Gnomes 7%
  • Halflings 7%
  • Elves 3%
  • Orcs 3%
  • Other 3%


Various Druidic Sects are spread throughout the Towering Woods. Many in the Eldeen Fields still worship the Sovereign Host

Trade & Transport

The cities of Varna and Cree are the primary trade routes in and out of the Reaches.   Travel through the Reaches is performed mostly by foot and certain Druidic magics can facilitate faster travel, mostly within the Towering Woods.


The Druids of Khorvaire reside in the Reaches and concentrate in the Towering Wood.
Founding Date
Political, Confederation
Head of State
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Subsidiary Organizations

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