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Time of Absent Magic


After Mystras death at the hands of Helm, Midnight was chosen as the new goddess of magic. Her position was short lived, being murdered by Cyric. This brought about the Time of Absent Magic, during which arcane magic ceased to function and numerous areas of the planet were changed.

The Time of Absent Magic manifested in a storm of great blue flame spread all over the Great Maw. Those wizards inhabiting the islands of the Great Maw had divined Mystras death and were able to shift a significant portion of the storm to the southern hemisphere, though were still impacted greatly by the oncoming wild magic in the area.
The blue fame brought the Elemental Planes, Feywild and Shadowfell together, which had previously been far harder to access effectively. This closer proximity to the Elemental Planes in particular brought much chaos, causing a flood through the Great Maw, creating many of the island chains seen there now.
The collapse of the Vindholm into the deserts of Skortenia marked the ultimate end of the original giant kingdom of Ostoria. The giants that did remain on the planet were scattered into small groups.

Notable effects

  • Shifting of the planet made the ground heave up and down like the sea, with the pieces that were able to break free becoming earthmotes. Nowhere was this effect felt more greatly than in the Turlaghh areas of Tilabilia.
  • Humans tied to the Shadowfell were warped into the shadar-kai, though the shadar-kai had already existed prior to this.
  • The areas directly north of the Kirthol Mountains were made far colder than what was previously normal for the area. It became what was now known as the Turlaghh.
  • Barisle was cut entirely off from Tilabilia, becoming a large island. The Barisle subsequently became home to many monsters of massive size and was largely uninhabited, save the collections of lizardfolk and yuan-ti who could tolerate such conditions.
  • Many of the chasms discovered during the Great Migration of the dwarves were collapsed, completely restructuring the previously developed trade routes through The Underdark.
  • The Arrow Isles flood plain connnections to the mainland of Kasetia were destroyed, turning it into an island.
  • The halfling realm of Halfholm, was flooded, with resulting islands becoming the Halfholm Archipelago
  • The collapse of Vindholm deepened the rivers of the Skortenian Deserts, forming long canyons.
  • In the following years, worship of the Deities of Knowledge and Invention increased, leading to the schisms within the Church of Oghma.


In the year 439, a hobgoblin warlord named Malboja, had begun gathering strength within the Orikste Mountains. 20 years later, in 459, he instigated the The Goblin Wars further ravaging the populations of northern Kasetia and the few states that had survived.
In the year 392, the spark of Mystra that Azuth kept safe had grown stronger. Azuth contacted Elminster, who became the first Chosen of Midnight and assisted in Mystras return.
Deneir died after being absorbed into the Weave and remained absent as a god until his Chosen Cadderly Bonaduce(article:ef8a8927-468c-4b04-bd47-e4669fffaaac) was promoted as @[Oghmas scribe

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