The Material Plane Geographic Location in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Material Plane

The Material Plane is the Inner Sphere home to the entire universe. It is an unending void, occasionally harboring life on terrestrial planets or other less-stable astronomical objects. The Material Plane is practically infinite in scale, with galaxies separated by vast voids, each galaxy containing countless stars, many stars anchoring systems of other bodies, and innumerable other phenomena in between.  


The Material Plane is governed by fixed, if magically mutable, laws of physics, such as gravity and a fixed speed of light.  

Relationships to Other Planes

The Material Plane is, along with the Elemental Chaos, metaphysically coterminous with the Faewyld and the Fell of Shadows; their configuration resembles layered spheres surrounding the two energy planes within its core. The Ethereal Plane, in the form of the Dreamslands and the Nightmare Realm, binds all of these planes together as a transitive plane.   The Drift is assumed to be related to the Inner Sphere due to its usage for hyperspace travel between points on the Material Plane, but it is so new that there is little consensus about its place in the multiverse.  

Interactions with Other Planes

Drift travel is the primary mode of interplanar travel originating from the Material Plane. Magic, such as spells like plane shift, can also facilitate travel to other planes. Teleportation magic uses the Astral Plane for traversal between points on the Material Plane. Deities grant magical powers to mystics across the planes, with mystics who follow deities believing that divination spells are direct communications from their patron.
Plane of Existence
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