The Planes of Edrazion Geographic Location in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Planes of Edrazion

Edrazion, Cosmology Base Map Image

  The Planes of Edrazion encompass all the planes of existence that make up the known multiverse. These realities beyond our reality are the domains of the gods, non-godly powers fit for worship, planar dragons, extraplanar beings, and entirely alien races.   There are eighteen major planes that comprise the Planes of Edrazion , modeled as two spheres: the Inner Sphere and the Outer Sphere. Connecting the two spheres is the Astral Plane. The spaces between the primary eighteen planes contain countless demiplanes. Despite the names implying a spherical layout, the planes exist on dimensions incomprehensible to mortals, thus these terms are used to represent the planes in two or three dimensions.  

Inner Sphere

The Inner Sphere is the center of the planes, sitting at the hub of creation surrounded by the Astral Plane. It is composed of the immensely huge, yet finite layers of the Elemental Chaos, which surround the Universe, which are in turn separated by the Ethereal. At the metaphysical center of these sit the dualistic Faewyld and Fell of Shadows.  
  • The Universe, also known as the Material Plane
The Planes of the Elemental Chaos
  • The Endless Sky (Also known as the elemental plane of Air)
  • The Eternal Delve (Also known as the elemental plane of Earth)
  • The Infinite Furnace (Also known as the elemental plane of Fire)
  • The Boundless Sea (Also known as the elemental plane of Water)
The Transitive Planes
  • Astral Plane
  • Ethereal Plane (Also known as the Dreamlands and the Nightmare Realm)
  • The Drift
The Energy Planes
  • The Faewyld (sometimes called the Positive Energy Plane)
  • The Fell of Shadows (sometimes called the Negative Energy Plane)

Outer Sphere

The Outer Sphere contains eight planes, each with a strong link to a particular philosophy and creature taxonomy.   The Upper Planes
  • The Empyrean Firmament
  • The Dragon Eyrie
  • The Inscrutable Labyrinth
  The Middle Planes
  • The Great Machine
  • The Savage Lands
  The Lower Planes
  • The Pit
  • The World Tree
  • The Sanguine Tangle