Kings Watch Council of Eight

Administrative Ruling Council of Kings Watch

Current Standing Council of Eight:


Gothmyr is ruled by Prince Jeggred. The throne of Kings Watch protects the nation from the outside, and keep peace within the nation's borders. Prince Jeggred also rules the capitol, Kings Watch, but allows a council of nobles to run the day-to-day activities of the city. With a city as large as Kings Watch, it is nearly impossible to have one person run the entire sprawling metropolis. The ruling council in Kings Watch has been titled "The Council of Eight". The council currently, has a mix of both Blooded nobles and Coin nobles, which are always at each other's throats. Prince Jeggred allows slight infighting and confrontation, because it helps build industry competition and allows others to explain their viewpoints.

All members of the Council of Eight are elected by Prince Jeggred only, but get approved by the other members of the Council. Veto power for membership is and has been used, but usually the members suggest the prospective COuncil member and Jeggred just makes it official. 

The Council of eight acts as Prince Jeggred's small council. Advising the Prince on the events happening in his land. Ultimate control of those declarations is done by Prince Jeggred, but he still favors their input on his choices.
The Council of Eight's true purpose is to help rule the capital city of Kings Watch. Day-to-day activities, and rulings are done by the Council, and each has their respective ward they focus on, rotating ward responsibilities each tenday. One of the Councils who have no Ward to oversee, as the head Judge-council and handle the smaller squabbles between citizens, laying down laws and enforcing rulings.

Checks and balances:
And ruling made in one ward, would carry over to the entire city, as no one receives favoritism, no different levels of justice for different levels of class. The poor are judged as the rich, no exceptions. Lord Jeggred has ultimate veto over the rulings, and sometimes, Prince Jeggred will take the Judge-councilor's job for the week, getting back "in touch" with his people and their troubles.


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