BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 80

General Summary

  • Greta Boulderfist is released from the Bag of Holding, and stabilised. She is then restrained by the walls of the tower.
  • Knight-Commander Devianne and Commander Ariadne Knightsbridge are summoned to the tower, and Greta is questioned within a Zone of Truth
  • Greta claims she has information that could save Kureta from a greater threat, but that she'll only share it if her life will be spared
  • After a brief discussion, the 2 commanders agree to hear what Greta has to offer, before making a final decision
  • Greta explains that The Architect has betrayed Nakaba and is now focussing on his own agenda. Greta believes that The Architect is planning to take control of the country, using his advanced Magic and science. According to Greta, The Architect believes the country will come under threat from dangers from other worlds, and that only he can protect everyone
  • Understanding that The Architect is a danger, it is agreed that Greta will be allowed to live, provided she shares everything she knows about The Architect, including access to Nakaba and the labs. Greta will also help Kureta to find this new danger. In exchange, the Dwarf will spend the rest of her days in prison - instead of being executed
  • During the questioning, Greta also reveals that she was aided in her escape from prison the first time by somebody "wreathed in shadow". This person also told Greta that Kureta was planning to impose further restrictions on Nakaba
  • Greta is escorted away, and Devianne promises the group a further reward for their efforts
  • With Zone of Truth still active, the party take the opportunity to grill The Mayor's Aide Harris Kanes once more
  • The cat is asked about The Unbreakable Chain, and eventually reveals that he has buried it behind the barracks in Bounty Mine
  • Godric takes the cat outside, where Harris explains that he didn't like being interrogated all the time, and feels that being honest about the chain should help to fix some of the strained bonds between the party
  • With the previous drama now mostly resolved, Godric takes this opportunity to complete some errands. He purchases a house, and enquires about insur-ants
  • Next on his list, Godric visits Veda and Coda. After some awkward small-talk, Godric announces that he is hosting a dinner party this evening. Coda offers to arrange the catering, though buying furniture will be something Godric needs to do... also invited to the party are the rest of the adventuring group, Nera, Rachel from the library, and Veda's husband Ely Lunam
  • Eva heads to the Platinum Vaults to discuss her account. A Gnome there explains what happened and gives Eva 500 gold as some form of "insurance". Whilst there, Eva meets Drake Chosa and Investigator Valen Elmwood. Drake believes that the Jagged Blades thieves' guild are responsible for the robbery, as the only group with enough skill to pull this off
  • Blood was found within the vaults, which Eva uses as a focal point for the Mirror of the Past. The mirror shows the moment the blood was spilt, as a group of thieves were attacked by a creature that Drake confirms is a minotaur - part of the vault’s defences. Although the mirror doesn't reveal any faces, it does show that they were able to teleport out of the vaults - meaning they had access to high-level Magic
  • Drake and Valen continue to work the case, promising to share any news with Eva when they have it
  • Later that day, Eva gives an impromptu performance at her tavern, where she draws a fairly large crowd. One particular patron who is slightly drunk and very much into Eva, seems to be the perfect mark to send as a snack to Quintella Vess. Eva manages to persuade the man to head that way to recover an item for her, and to take one of his friends too
  • A quick catch up with Afflencia reveals that the business is doing well still, and have even hired new staff
  • Kenshin tries to find any more information about Calis, but it seems that any records in the city hold less information than the group already know
  • Veda spends some time with her family, enjoying the relative peace while it lasts
  • As the day draws on, the group await Godric's Dinner Party...

Rewards Granted

  • Rod of Magic Disruption
  • Adamantine Plate
  • Shield +2
  • Frost Brand Mace
  • Heavy Crossbow +1
  • 2 Healing Potions
  • Potion of Fire Breathe


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