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Shadow Witches Formed

Life, Organisation Association


Around this time, Morgana formed what is now known as the 'Shadow Witches'.

Unknown to most, the Shadow Witches were formed by Morgana somewhere between 1-20KCB. Up until this time, Morgana was a member of a coven of nature-based witches who lived within the Deddo Forest, a once vibrant and bountiful land. The nature witches revered the land and lived a peaceful existence.

The machinations of the gods brought a destructive end to this peace, however. Morgana's father was killed by the meteor that created Kureta Lake, and much of her coven was killed by the pestilence that spread from the Seed of Mortona shortly after.

In her anger, Morgana created a pact with Wrath, The Furious and learnt to blend the powers of The Hells with the nature Magic she already knew. She taught those who remained of her coven this new Black Magic, forming a new society of Shadow Witches.

Over the years, the new coven - now living in a dead and desolate forest - would infiltrate Kureta City to gain supplies, and new recruits. Morgana would also spread many of the dark rumours (that exist today) about the forest and her witches, to keep any wandering fools away.

Little of the rumours were true, though the witches certainly carried out their share of dark rituals. Morgana continued to gain power over the centuries, bolstered by the support of her coven.

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Phoenix Forest
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