
One of a kind Sentient Longsword
Intelligence of 16 (+3), Wisdom of 20 (+5), and Charisma of 25 (+7)
  When found it almost appears like a rusty blade. Upon close inspection you can tell that it is not dulled. The weapon has sentience, and can read the minds and telepathy into the minds of good and neutral creatures.
  The weapon may call out to a new owner, but is very picky, selecting one who is caring of nature and Good, but not ridged or unforgiving. It will not select the helpless, rather the helpful. One who has know loss, but is not consumed by it.
  In its natural state it is a normal longsword. In the hands of one it choose, it can be attuned to in a short rest. Once attuned it becomes a +1 longsword. Once it is used successfully in the defense of the helpless, and it slays an enemy, the wielder can empower the Sword against an enemy type it has slain in the last day. It gains +2 again that enemy type instead of the plus 1.
  If empowered and then blessed in a druidic grove, and Gaia approves, Anathrose will become a +2 Sword for all, and +3 against its empowered enemy type. If Empowered and blessed, it may be reinforced by a method taught by Phaseus himself, which came only be accomplished by a great weapon smith master. It will be a +3 to all, and +1 to AC if it struck a target last turn.
  Lastly, should Anathrose be fully powered by all the above, should a dragon breath its power upon it, depending on the will of Vastnar, once per combat the wielder can add 1d6 damage of the same time damage type as the dragon breath.
  If Pentharion blesses the sword himself, it can take on 1 evocation spell which can be cast once per day from it, and it no longer requires attunement.
  As Anathrose is conscious the sword can choose to remove its own attunement or prevent it all together. The first step with this sword would be gaining its trust, and eventually its love.
  The swords goals are the protection of Eldridth, and a keeping of cosmic balance. It was granted intelligence by Clementis follow the war for Eldridth, as it played a pivotal role in its success. It was granted knowledge of history, but limited in its view since. Should Clementis bless this sword again it will gain knowledge of cosmic history since.
  It is aware it’s a sword but prefers to be treated as an equal. Despises Devils and tieflings and will not tolerate demons. It is a sword of neutral good, and seeks a balance between all things. It prefers nature and small towns and farms to cities, and does not hunger for bloodshed, but will not shy away from a fight provoked or required.


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