The Royal Court of Thena

The Royal Court of Thena is a Council of the elite of the Queendom. Made to recognize not just regions, and districts of the Queendom, but there are also those in charge of trade, crafting, and construction as well. The Queen can declare a new position for any purpose to better the Queendom. The Queen ensues that the Royal Court takes appropriate action, and gives them direction to achieve her goals. They remain ever loyal to here, but does that not always protect them against corruption. While many of the members of the Royal Court are members of the Royal Family, but that is far from a prerequisite. The Court is made up of appointed representatives, to be on the Court is to be liken until a Royal, though this respect can dwindle in time, where as Royals remain politically powerful even into older age. Often heads of families or seconds are put into these positions. The Court is appointed by localized governors, whom are almost always Royals, and affirmed by The Queen. A 2/3 vote of the Court can oust a representative and force a new one to be appointed.
Ruled Locations


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