The Sword and Shield of Edric Paloma

  Wielded by King Edric Paloma, the first human to unite the enslaved species laboring under the dominating power of Lord Saxon's rule. This was what sparked the era that Gaia, Phaestus and Vashnar, God of the Dragons came to free Eldridth from the possiession of the Shadowfell, and clear another connection from the material plane. This was sanctioned from Pentharion when King Paloma's courage and willingness to sacrifice themselves for the light, Pentharion blessed him, and healed his wounds, and cast a light from his shield and sword. This turned the tide of a crutial battle that would of been lost, and world would of remained ever in the dark clutches of Lord Saxon from Shadowfell, a foothold of strength in the material plane.
  Gaia, Phaestus and Vashnar, Added their own blessings to the Shield and sword as Edric continued to prove himself worthy. The shield and sword themselves became imbued with their own intellegence and awareness, and they so loved Edric. Edric was blessed with long life from the gods, and was so respected and honoured by the races and groups he united the he was made King of the all the land they had taken from the Orcs, Drow of the Shadowfell. Long did he rule, though he did not live to see the conflict resolve.
  When his heir, Calboros Paloma, tried to take up the thrown at first the shield and sword worked for him, though as his rule went on, and it became clear that Calboros was not his grandfather. The shield began to take the powers it granted him back, and it became clear that shield was rejecting him. When Calboros realized this, he locked the shield away.
  It was during Calboros' rule that the world began to fracture, and people began to see the difference between King Edric and King Calboros and that was courage, the courage to do the right thing in the face of overwhelming odds. The Shield's emblem had faded from the shield, it no longer could remain clean. The sword was dulled, and the colors faded from the ornate hilt.
  Calboros' hid away the sword and shield, fearing no one would follow him if they could see the rejection, which he took as a curse from Pentharion. It was during this, that the war against the orcs almost took a turn for the worse, and Aegis came and split the world into its three contienents . In the wake of this event, the great united Kingdom that was Edric's legacy collapsed. None were loyal to Calboros and the nobilty of the line was considered defunct.
  The Shield has been seen once again since then, and this was used by a great Knight Oryn, who Established the Oryn Kingdom a long time ago, the other nations of the world united behind them, and with them the support Oryn, they settled the world from the monsters that were encrouching on the world from the wilds now that they no longer feared the great evil that once ruled the land. Before Oryn passed, he hid the shield into the world somewhere. It has not been seen since, but it is said that when it surfaces again, should it be wielded by one who deserves it, it will shine with brilliance. Otherwise, it will be almost unrecognizable as any other shield.
  The Sword has arisen twice since Calboros had hid it away. Once in the lands of Maslands, during a war in which the people rose against a warlord who had conqured the land. Following their victory, the sword had vanished, and the woman who wielded it claimed to not know what had happened to it. It was also seen being wielded in Utarford in defence against a horde of Gnolls who had taken control of the Rutsomin Swamp. The people were victorious, though the sword, and its wielder had vanished this time.


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