Session 93 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 93 Report

General Summary

On May 25, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes spoke with Amanaxis about their adventure in Clades’ Wrath. They told him about the ship and the origin of the Embrillian gods. They told him about the Pantheon Temple, Eruditio, God of Knowledge, Mr. King, and the Great Beast. Afterwards, they spoke with Lady Dyora Albyn and Jenivar Albyn. But to them, they only told the basic details of their adventure, leaving out the discovery of the ship and the origin of the gods.   Over the next few days, the party settled in to their break. They planned on taking a few months off. During this time, Selia Roselyn Maxwell was hard at work learning new spells and adding them to her spellbook, scribing scrolls, and crafting whatever magic items the party could afford with their latest treasure gains.   On June 14, 499 AV, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone told the party of her intention to cast Commune to speak with Viribus, God of Valor, to ask some questions. Her intention was to ask if the Heart of Embril was safe and if Haymin Stone wished to be resurrected. Her powers had recently increased and she could now cast Resurrection and offered to bring the party’s mentor back to life. The party was all in favor of doing so and together they discussed what questions they should ask. She could ask thirteen per casting, all yes or no questions. They came up with a branching list based on possible answers to try to narrow down as much information as possible. After multiple castings, they learned many things. The Heart of Embril was indeed safe and Haymin did wish to come back to life. Merrywind Onyx was now an undead and back in West Andaria, Kainan. Rybrierith was still alive and his lair was somewhere around the Great Lake. Eridus the Righteous’ holy avenger was located somewhere in the Black Swamp, north of Lake Iludar. Thenn Darksoul, the lich that killed him also killed Lemu Strongsteel, the adventurer who found Eridus’ tomb. But someone else had killed Thenn Darksoul and destroyed his phylactery.   After the Commune spells, Haymin’s Heroes called on Lady Dyora and Jenivar. They told them their intention to resurrect Haymin. The basement of the guild was prepared for the casting with everyone present. Kyrie placed the urn containing his ashes on the floor in the center of the room and began the casting. The ashes rose out of the urn and began to coalesce into a human shape. As the magic grew more powerful, the body appeared before them. Haymin Stone was alive once more. They rushed him with warm embraces and happy greetings, Titta Morco and Jenivar among the first. Haymin was introduced to Kyrie, Traegandar, and Patch.   Haymin then relayed a message to the party from Viribus. The god wanted them to go to the Black Swamp to hunt down a powerful lich that had killed Thenn Darksoul. The rest of the day they spent catching Haymin up on recent events. They explained to him what had transpired since he was gone and, likewise, Haymin explained much to them about what had happened. Much of his story matched the events in A Bard’s Tale. However, Haymin mentioned that in death he knew that Merrywind had cut out his heart for some reason before burning the rest of his remains. With that knowledge, the party theorized that Merrywind was now a lich.   Haymin informed everyone that he planned to retire from adventuring and wanted to spend time with Jenivar. The party then asked Jenivar and Haymin to manage the guild for them. With Jenivar’s business sense and Haymin’s adventuring knowledge, they would make the perfect team. They agreed and they all began making plans to expand the guild by recruiting members and adding a third floor to the building.   Over the next few months, Haymin’s Heroes enjoyed their break while welcoming the new changes to the guild. The Knights of the Valley and the Company of Stone joined as members in July, while a new party, the High Blades, joined in August. Haymin sent these parties out on a couple of adventures while Haymin’s Heroes waited for something more significant to come in. In the meantime, Selia continued learning spells and crafting magic items.   The party discussed their options for their next adventure. They could go after the lich in the Black Swamp. They could go in search of Thann Tarr, the monk who had killed Sinjin Fairchild. And they were waiting to hear from Lady Dyora about the location of Rybierith.   On September 3, 499 AV, Dyora came to the guild to officially hire them for this task. She said Rybierith was frequently seen flying to an island in the Great Lake. Her sources believed his lair must be located on the island. She offered them 10,000 crowns for his head. She would like to mount it on her wall. Haymin’s Heroes then began preparing for the journey. The plan was to leave the next morning.   But then Selia received a Sending from her sister, Vanimelda. She said, “Selia, help! I’ve accidentally opened the gate and now monsters are—” The message finished in a scream that ended abruptly.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
12 Jul 2022


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