
Lycanthropy is a fairly uncommon affliction throughout Emicara. Werewolves, werebears, and wereboars have all been heard of within the nations of Emicara. These creatures are viewed as monsters by both major faiths, and the Monastic Brotherhood has taken a vow to exterminate them beyond other creatures. Through their efforts, they have captured a number of people with lycanthropy, and through scientific experimentation, have determined the bulk of symptoms and effects. Although it can be cured with significant effort, the expense is often considered to be too great, and it is simpler for an individual to be put down. Not to mention, there are communities and groups which embrace the curse, living as a pack or community, enjoying the freedom it can grant them.


The curse of lycanthropy can only be afflicted upon another person through the bite or sting of someone who already possesses it. Hardy individuals can resist such a curse, but each repeated bite or sting make the effort more difficult. If the person is killed by the lycanthrope or another individual before the next full moon, the curse will have had no effect, even should the individual be brought back to life. When a person is inflicted with lycanthropy, the full effects of the curse do not take place until the next full moon.


After the first full moon, the curse of lycanthropy is permanent upon the afflicted individual. Whenever the person is hit with the light of a full moon, they are forced to change into a bestial hybrid form related to the strain they had received, and unable to change back until the next morning. During the full moon, the person often loses full control of their senses and abilities, and reverts to a beast-like state, attacking and feasting like a crazed wild animal. Outside of nights of the full moon, an afflicted individual actually has full control over their ability to shift between the hybrid shape, their humanoid form, and the appearance of a regular animal such as a wolf, bear, or boar. They also gain resistance to mundane attacks, but vulnerability to any silvered weapons or ammunition.


If the individual becomes aware of the curse before the first full moon after they are bit, they can be cured with a Remove Curse or Greater Restoration spell. After the first full moon has passed, even death cannot remove the stain of lycanthropy. Only a powerful Wish or 9th Level Greater Restoration spell can end the affliction. Typical treatment prescribed by most faiths and clerics is simple decapitation and a religious burial.

Cultural Reception

Lycanthropes are hunted and hated throughout all of Emicara. The only places they can find relief are either on the far frontiers of the world, or in the Kingdom of Populres. Even the rulers of Populres find it difficult to deal with the Lycanthropes, and they are regulated to a single district in the city of Burzakksgrad. During the week of the full moon, they are forbidden to leave the walled district in which they reside, in order to protect the local population from their vicious attacks. Elsewhere in the world, an outed lycanthrope is often lynched by angry mobs or executed by Church officials.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital


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