Woodswatch Keep

Lacking the high ground of other River Watch fortresses along the Sypi River, the Woodswatch Keep's primary duty is to not only provide cover over local crossings, but to maintain constant patrols along the River Road. They protect the main patrol routes, and the Woodswatch garrison is usually the largest garrison of the Watch's fortresses along the river line. The patrols are frequent and needed, as most of the area covered by the Keep is heavily wooded, making it ideal for giants attempting to make a concealed crossing into Emicara.

Purpose / Function

Woodswatch was created as a major defensive structure to watch the most heavily wooded area of the Sypi River line, protecting against giant crossings. As the area near the river was low-laying and lacked any natural positions for a fortification, the emphasis was placed on providing fortified housing for a large garrison. This garrison is assigned to regular patrols along the river, and frequently supply a large number of a watch houses and posts to keep an eye on locations of possible giant incursions. They have the largest garrison of all of the River Watch holdings, and most trainees and new recruits cycle through here before being moved to more permanent positions.


Today the defining feature of the Woodswatch Keep is Halisn Tower, a part of the Keep itself. Built initially to simply be a watchtower over the river, it has since turned into the River Watch's own training facility for wizards and spellcasters. Although very few undertake the effort to learn wizardry from the River Watch, most of their emphasis is upon methods of divination and evocation in order to detect and eliminate giants who make their way across the river. The divination capabilities of the tower are renown and were used with great effect to help observe Sihka movements during the latter stages of the Sypi Civil War.
Founding Date
390 AF
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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