Ben Stahlmann

Lord Benjamin Stahlmann (a.k.a. Ben)

Ben Stahlmann



26 years

House Stahlmann

Eluzian Valley
The Procession
Full-Ranged Combatant

Corrust's Aura

Ben is able to generate explosive orbs which he can shoot or fling in a given direction, the orb exploding upon contact. He can construct these into various sizes, the larger the orb the larger the explosion. Unlike similar
Corrust Magic
manifestations, those with this Aura can be injured by their aspect and by their own orbs. He has no immunity to Corrust magic.
Martor's Body
Ben Stahlmann

Can briefly convert his entire body into solid gold or just parts of himself for longer durations. He can also merge with or travel along other metals before reforming elsewhere. As he isn't a divine descendant, he can only maintain a full transformation for a short period and altering out of a human form eats up a lot of energy.

Ben is the son of General Martin Stahlmann and Marquess Beatrice Stahlmann. As his father is the right hand man of the king and his uncle Duke of House Stahlmann, Ben was born into a life of prestige and wealth. However, he was also born into a position with immense expectations, with huge shoes to fill. Between his advantages, his racial magic and his family's influence, Ben is sometimes referred to as the Golden Boy, a moniker he ardently abhors. Ben is generally disliked by his peers, always trying too hard and often failing to live up to impossible expectations while retaining entirely too much of a big head. Most recently, Ben suffered a humiliating demotion after an accident escorting Duke Minx and his family to the capital. He nearly killed Tia Minx, though officially it is Lady Mina Minx he is belieived to have been pursuing. Now, rather than serving on General Stahlman's unit, Ben is just another grunt working as Security Staff within AMTP.

Ben Stahlmann


Ben is an average height and lean with blonde hair and green eyes, mostly resembling his mother. In his magic form, he can change any or all parts of his body into gold and he has bright orange markings from his fingers and up to his shoulders.

Cis Male
Light Green
Bright Blonde,
Short-to-Mid Length
Skin Tone
Warm Ivory


Ben was born to a lofty position, overbearing mother and a father with impossibily high standards. He very much grew up in Martin's massive shadow, his father ever disappointed in how utterly different his son is from him or his expectations. There were even rumors of Ben being a bastard until he developed his magic, Ben ecstatic to inherit his father's form. Yet at the same time, even this was a disappointment. It is Vokda's Blade his father had hoped to pass down, not Corrust's Aura. As Ben hadn't inherited this ability, he couldn't even be considered to one day replace Martin as a member of the King's Shadows, not possessing any dark magic.

While Beatrice doted on her only son, Martin was harsh and vocal with his disappointments. It was all Ben could do but continue to push and try and prove himself to avert his father's heavy hand or blatant drunken violence. He worked harder than anyone else and gave the kingdom everything he has, often trying too hard and pushing away his peers. It didn't help his mother spoiled him and put so much hot air into his head. Ben can behave like an entitled snob and often acts without thinking things through, all too eager to prove himself in any way can. He is often seen as a disingenuous, spoiled and snooty screw up. Very few get close enough to Ben to appreciate his earnest, loyal nature. He is very much a mishappen product of nepotism, nationalism and an unhappy marriage.


Martin Drinking

Despite his mother spoiling him, Ben was often at the nasty end of his father's alcoholism and bad temper behind closed doors. While Ben could use his Body manifestation to protect himself, nothing could defend him from his father's void blade. His limbs and torso are marked by these scars, carefully out of sight, and Ben still suffers from PTSD despite his continued reverence for his father. It has left him jumpy and fearful, many perceiving him as a coward. However, he has a hidden bravery that will surprise those who look down on him, surprise even himself.

Ben Stahlmann


Surrounded by the wealthiest and most powerful members of the Accian court as a boy, often toted around and shown off by Beatrice to her peers, Ben has been utterly drenched in nationalism and prejudice. He fully believes every concept of Accian superiority and the greater purpose of their kingdom's expansion. He has spent so much time trying to prove himself worthy that he never stopped to question anything he has been fed.


Ben is a proud member of House Stahlmann, nephew to Duke Gunther Stahlmann and Duke Marcus Aquila. While his father holds the title of Marquis, he is most known as General Martin Stahlman, the King's Blade and core member of the King's Shadows. Both house heirs Andrea Stahlmann and Martia Aquila are his cousins and more recently, a cousin he was wholly unaware of Euan MacFheargus has been all but adopted into his household. While these two get along well enough at first, Ben quickly develops jealousy towards Euan who effortlessly gains his father's approval, potentially stepping into the role of the son Martin always wanted!

Euan MacFheargus

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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