The fall of the Lindskiarn kingdom and birth of Zorakin

Before Zorakin came to be there were three kingdoms in the Grindnau peninsula. There were the Raxorians in the north west. They were fierce, proud and lived amongst their hills and forests. And in the south there were the noble penner who made their homes on the large plains, riding upon their strong steeds. In east, there were the vile and corrupt Lindskiarns.   It was in the ages gone, when Valien the first was young and strong. Newly elected King of the Penner Kingdom. Elected by the people he led, bravely and wise. No Troll could stand before him and his friends praised his generosity.   While the Raxorians and Penner had much contact and lived peacefully with each other the Lindskiarns kept to themselves with their demonic and undead servants. As they had no need for manual labour they became proficient in the arts such as painting, poetry and arcitecthure. But also magic and war.   No one knows if it was because they wanted more undead to toil their fields or if it was just maleovelance, but the Lindskiarns armies marched one day. They marched to the east and they marched west, leaving no living human, dwarf or elf in their wake. As they marched their armies grew filling their ranks with the bodies of slained foes.   The Raxorians took to arms to protect their people, while most of the scattered Legerdian tribes fled. The Penner waited, as the Raxorians had not asked for help.   On the fields of battle the Raxorian fought hard and payed the prize in blood. Their fallen comrades or relatives being their bane. The Lindskiarns hordes marched and fought in silence. The leaders seemed to have no need for spoken commands or spoken word between each other, as if they could speak with their minds.   Finally the Penner King saw the grave threat the Lindskiarn Kingdom and its armies were to all the sentinent beings. And King Valien mustered his forces. All Penner who were old and fit enough to ride and fight were called. And some of the old and sickly arrived as well. The King sent for his friends the Echter tribes on the other side of the Bay of Stirpiz. But no answer came before Valien had to ride. The Penner king made the Raxorian king and tribes of Legerdia promise to swear him fealty in the future, as he would create a new kingdom uniting them all against future threats.   The Penner forces rode fast and hard, knowing full well the Raxorians were on the brink of failure. But they arrive in time and fell into the flank of the Lindskiarn army. In the centre of the battle the two Kings of Raxorian and Penner kingdom met. And the Lindskiarn army was shattered and broken.   The march eastward was long and hard as each Lindskiarn force they met fought until the last corpse were dead again, and each Lindskiarn as well. When the forces of good arrived to settlements the defenders fought until the end, and when the kings entered the settlements they found only corpses inside. Even the newborns had not been spared.   As they marched towards Pharynx they met envoys from the island of Caddo who warned them that the Lindskiarns have recalled all their armies to the defence of Pharynx, and their numbers were beyond counting. But the envoys also offered an alliance if the Kings gave Caddo the city of Pharynx as theirs. Both the Penner and Raxorian kings agreed, knowing full well that they needed the Caddian forces in the coming battle.   When the forces layed eyes upon the majestic city of Pharynx, the Capital of the Lindskiarns they saw the Caddians had been right as legions of undead and flying demons protected it. The kings said their prayers to their Gods and charged. The battle wained on and off and as it seemed the forces of good would loose, a miracle happened. From the west a battle horn was heared and thousands upon thousands of heavy cavalry charged into battle. The Eschters had arrived.   After the battle when the kings rode into Pharynx to look upon their prize, the Penner king wept for the beauty of the city and its arcitecthure. He knew he could not give it away, and renounced his promise to the Caddian forces. Forever sowing mistrust between the kingdoms. The envoys of Caddia cursed the King as they sailed for their homeland.   When the Raxorian King saw Valien of the Penner renounce his promise, he realised that Valien were not to be trusted, and rode for his hills without swearing fealty, but the Legerdians did hold to their word. The Penner King fulfilled his promise and a new kingdom where born, and the old realm were divided into duchies. Were his most loyal and brave servants swore fealty to their new king as dukes of Zorakin. The land of Lindskiarn and much of the Legerdian were also made duchies of Zorakin and granted to servants of Valien the first. And the tribal leader of Echte watched and learned.   Of the Lindskiarns people none were found alive again.


The Legends of the Kingdom of Lindskiarns tells of how evil the culture was. How it went on a genoside against its neighbours. How they summoned demons and was rife with necromancers. But also how beautiful their art and architecture was.

Historical Basis

The Lindskiarn Kingdom was a real kingdom located in what is now the Duchy of Pharynx in Zorakin. It as well as its people were eradicated by the Penner-, Raxorian kingdom and Caddo in a defensive war.


The legend are known in most of Zorakin, but mostly told in the duchies Pharynx and Saittlebeaux.

In Art

Many Zorakin tapestries depict how the noble Penner knights defeats the Lindskiarns.
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