Duchy Pharynx

In his castle the duke Girloff Bacinette-LeFleur rules over Pharynx. Pharynx is one of the richest duchies in Zorakin but also filled with great mysteries. The duchy of Pharynx is a diversified duchy in geography. In the south the land is very fertile and yields large harvests. In the north the land accends into the Aidne mountains and as such is not very fertile. Unlike Saittlebeux the mountains is not filled with minerals and the stone is of lesser quality so there is there is no real foundation for industry. Pharynx do not have large forests within its realm made and as such there is not any logging industry, but usully there is enough for the local need.   The northwestern border which Pharynx shares with Saittlebeau is filled with old plains where the battlefields of the Lindskiarne wars were fought. Many of the fields are avoided by the locals and considered haunted.   The main produce Pharynx is known for is saturated fish. The fishing industry is large and wealthy.   In the duchy lives the wizard Doron. He is a famous scholar who specializes in Jorpagnian wizard history and magical artifacts. He is the go to wizard for identifying found magical artefacts for a fee. In his library much history about many magical artefacts. Doron lives in a walled tower by the sea. The foundation, which can be easily seen, were made by Lindskiarne as a protective fort. The tower is walled by low ruined stone walls, which are the foundation for log pallisade. Doron lives with his wife and three children. And his aprrentice. His servant and family live in a small house within the compound. Apart from being able to identify magic items, he might also take on enhanting items, together with his wife. And they usually have minor magical items for sale.


5 counties


The pharynx culture is the same as most of Zorakin. The only thing setting them apart is an increased interest in the Lindskiarni remnants such as pots and arcitecthure. Most buildings have at least tried to reuse buildnings from Lindskiarne age or materials where their carvings can be seen.


The duchy of Pharynx have been the centre of much strife and war during its history. After the last conflux while the world was rebuilding a race of humans arrived from an unknown place. They called themselves Lindskiarn and began colonizing the area whom are now the duchy of Pharynx. They quickly build a walled city prohibited to enter for anyone whom where not a Lindskiarn. Unlike the other human tribes and smaller kingdome in the area, the Lindskiarns where organized and very militaristic. They quickly drove other tribes away or eradicated them. The Lindskiarnis waged a successful genocidic war until they reached the kingdom of Raxoria and Legerdia whom where the first to give them a good fight. But they where still advancing into their territories and killing everything in their way. It wasn´t until the kingdom of the Penner with their mounted warriors entered the war the Lindskiarn where beaten. The unified kingdoms under Penner leadership waged a genocidic war against the Lindskiarn and those who did not manage to escape where put to the sword. It is said that when the King of the Penner had killed everything living in the city of Pharynx he walked through the streets crying. The Lindskiarn had been wonderful artists and craftsmen. The city where amongst the most beautiful cities ever seen in Ereb Altor. After the war the Penner king exclaimed the institution of the country of Zorakin. The legerdians kept to the agreement and became a part of Zorakin, while the kingdom of Raxoria did not. At the institution of Zorakin the duchy of Pharynx where proclaimed and the rebuild started.

Demography and Population

Unlike many other territories in Zorakin there are no original tribes or kingdoms in Pharynx. They where all wiped out during the Lindskiarne wars. The resettlement have been made over the years making the Penner the dominant ethnicity in the duchy. To the north eastern part there is a larger population of Legerdians while to the north western part there is a larger population of Raxorians.


The duchy of Pahrynx extend to the north into the Aidne mountains and the western border of the Forest of Brynhildur and the western edge of Nordberga forest. The mostern part of the duchy is the edge of the Torild forest, while the rest of its border are the duchy of Saittlebeaux. To the east the duchy of (inberga) borders the duchy of Pharynx while the rest is the coast of the Bay of Caddo. The southern border of Pharynx is the swamp of Grimmani. The river of Joste flows through the duchy from the Aidne mountain until it becomes the main water provider to the swamp of Grimmani.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture and fishing is the main industry of the duchy. The land do not contain any real hunting game and the Toril forest is to dangerous to make it worth starting large logging camps.   Along the shores of Pharynx there are many small fishing villages and fish in many forms is a mainstain food source in most parts of the duchy. Saturated fish is considered a delicacy and a source of pride within the families. The recipy for fishsauce wich is served on bread with different toppings is a large source of pride for the villages.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports
Grain and fish   As Pharynx produces much grain and the roads to Saittlebeaux is relativetly well built, much of the abundance is sold to Saittlebeaux.
Major Imports
Pharynx imports much lumber and stone from Saittlebeaux.
Legislative Body
The duke of Pharynx writes the laws conserning his own realm, as long as they do not interfere with the laws of Zorakin or the church.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Duchy Pharynx