Golden Glade

The vast Pinera forest is the largest woodland in the Valley. These huge oak-like trees are sacred to all elves and the religion of Goddess Narmiraen. Only elves set their foot in this sacred wilderness ever, no Dwarf, Human or Segai entered here.

Like Serdophia trees, Pinera trees are magical plants, their foliage is golden all year round. They bloom with white flowers from early spring to mid-summer when the forest is loud with the hum of the bees and other insects.

The Golden Glade is a place of strong Natural magic and home of fairies and other magical creatures. This was the first place where Goddess Narmiraen created life in Utea. Some common animals live here too, but their numbers are small. Unicorns and Brown earthcats are the most likely encounters. The sacred mission of the Thalas tribe is to protect this forest.

On the shore of the Cascade, the edge of the Golden Glade lives Evera's largest Pinera tree, the Tree of Life. This ancient giant is where the capital of Nehalenor, Forestdeep is located. An entire Narmiron city was built on its branches. Forestdeep is no home of any tribe, but open to every Narmiron elves.

On the northeastern beach of the Blackwater lives the Lowren tribe.
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Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)