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Life in WATERDEEP can be chaotic and confusing, not least due to the wide array of factions that exist in the city, each with their own agendas and ambitions.    Many of these factions are part of much larger organisations that can be found across Faerun, such as THE LORDS' ALLIANCE, THE HARPERS or THE ZHENTARIM. That's not to say that representatives of a certain faction in Waterdeep have identical ambitions or loyalties to those in another settlement, but members of these parties at least share similar goals with others who live much further afield. Furthermore, it's not always a certainty that groups within one faction share identical plans either - factionalism can exist within the factions themselves! The need for power or wealth, or different ideological views, can drive a wedge between members of the same organisation who ought to be working together towards a common goal.   There also exist many factions unique to Waterdeep, such as THE XANATHAR GUILD or FORCE GREY. These groups might have a narrower geographical purview than some of their continent-spanning rivals, but their determination and loyalty to their cause is no less powerful.   Of course, you could add THE CITY WATCH OF WATERDEEP and THE NOBLE HOUSES OF WATERDEEP into this mix too! All have their own agendas, levels of power and wealth to pursue.   With such an array of individuals and groups all vying for power, wealth and influence in the city, it's no surprise that Waterdeep can be both a place of opportunity and of peril for adventurers looking to make their way in the city.   This is a list of the major factions currently known to have representation in Waterdeep:


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