Avel Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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The result of magical experimentation on wildlife, Avel is damn near indestructible, and capable of astounding physical feats.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very furry and soft but has magically enhanced muscles and can easily climb on the ceiling. She can see in the dark and move objects many times her size.

Facial Features

Large violet eyes and a broad face for a tabaxi (similar to a tigers). She has long wider ears like a rabbits that are very expressive.

Identifying Characteristics

She's a tabaxi but is of size small. She has very large paws compared to her overall body size, closer to a jungle cat than a house cat.

Physical quirks

She has an instinct to play with and destroy things that often causes her to stare at an object / person that has her attention. She catlike walks in a circle before laying down and tends to clean her teeth with her claws

Special abilities

  • Rage / Unarmored Defense / Form of the Beast / Bestial Soul (Climbing) / Brutal Critical
  • Infectious Fury / Relentless Rage / Call the Hunt / Persistent Rage
  • Sneak Attack
  • Lucky / Charger / Tough / Resilient (Con)

Apparel & Accessories

She wears extremely loose trousers and a vest at the behest of the other members but is fine just walking around naked.

Specialized Equipment

  • Bracers of Defense
  • Handy Haversack
  • Feather Token (Feather Fall) - Many

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avel was created by a group of elves in the Narbeth experimenting on breeding magically infused creatures. Unaltered, she would have been a tabaxi. After the genetic tampering Avel ended up enhanced strength, constitution and intelligence but at the cost of damage to the speech center of her brain. She can understand what people are saying but struggles to articulate her thoughts.   She spent her first few years in a secluded grove being studied and raised by the sun elf researchers until it was attacked by deepspawn. Avel was one of the only survivors left when the windblown founders arrived and immediately bonded with them. Almost everyone with any investment in the project was dead so River, Seteth, Aay and Xior lied to their contract givers about her survival and took Avel with them.   The first couple of weeks were rocky, with Avel's chaotic nature clashed pretty hard with the already established team dynamic of the other 4 members. She was powerful and adorable but interupted the flow of combat and was hard to control everywhere. More than a few times they had to divert one of the group to go chase her down while they were on an assignment.   Over time this got better and the team learned how to work together. Avel needed to be given very specific tasks and couldn't be left alone. She developed special relationships with each of the other founders over the next 2 years.
  • Xior could keep her in check physically when she got fixated on prey or distracted.
  • Aay could take the damage when she would fly into a rage.
  • Seteth could keep her mentally stimulated with games and direct her focus to problems they would solve from the forums of scholars and universities (collecting rewards along the way).
  • River would spend the downtime with her after she had exhausted herself working on discipline and teaching (and participating in) the kind of mischief that could help. Or at least that they could get away with.
  Over the next few years the company would expand and recruit and Avel, who couldn't administer her way out of a wet paper bag, did not have any other members directly below her to start. Despite this as the company grew and it took on people who were considered by the larger societies 'monsterous' they began to flock to her. She doesn't always succeed, but she works hard to reign in her more chaotic instincts and other members with similar feelings began to admire her. Now basically anyone that stays at the Weeping Peak or Bellmere full time answers to her.   For contracts she acts as a wild card taking assignments where necessary but only when she can be paired with another member. She spends the rest of her time just living her best life in the weeping peak or in the woods and mountains around it, waiting to be sent out on jobs.




Currently studying with Gimblekanks, Aay and Seteth. This is not going great. Avel is extremely intelligent but doesn't have any memories or education before her creation. She does instinctively know how to survive in the wild and gained a proficiency in nature from her captors.


Steady employment with the windblown. She's too chaotic to be sent on missions that require a lot of interpersonal skills but if something needs to get stolen, broken or killed she's one of the best.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has no trouble entertaining herself.

Failures & Embarrassments

She can get ashamed when she can't control her more chaotic instincts in large crowds or when she's antagonized.

Mental Trauma

Avel wasn't really mistreated but she was a prisoner and after the elves who created her were killed, she was alone. She was brought into the fold with the windblown founders but the language barrier can still present some issues.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely intelligent and curios but needs a lot of mental stimulation or she can get into trouble. She's not particularly interested in them, but she has a real affinity for arcane formuli and equations. She can also be moody and does not do well with early mornings. Being woken up from naps, or antagonism before she's had her coffee will send her into a barbarian rage.

Morality & Philosophy

She's fond of all the members of the windblown and does her best to treat them well but anyone outside of that circle might as well not be real. Whiel she doesn't go out of her way to hurt people, murder, theft, etc are all totally on the table if someone outside that circle draws her attention in a negative way and nobody is there to stop her.

Personality Characteristics


Avel is aimless but enjoys spending time with her windblown family and going on adventures with people. Her nature means her missions are strategically chosen but she has a good time regardless. She's just vibin.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +10 (advantage)
  • Arcana +17
  • Athletics +10 (advantage)
  • Nature +11
  • Sleight of Hand +16
  • Stealth +16
  • Animal Handling -2
  • Deception -2
  • Intimidation -2
  • Performance -2
  • Persuasion -2

Likes & Dislikes

  • Coffee
  • Playing
  • Cryptography
  • Fine and Magical Art (Painting in particular)
  • Building things and immediately destroying them
  • Sleep
  • Bright lights
  • Being touched unless she comes to you for attention (cat rules)
  • Falling great distances
  • Vegetables

Virtues & Personality perks

Means well and is extremely useful in a lot of circumstances

Vices & Personality flaws

Barely controlable

Personality Quirks

Behaves like a pet cat in a lot of ways.


Surprisingly clean



Friend (Vital)

Towards Aay Mosscut



Aay Mosscut

Friend (Important)

Towards Avel



Relationship Reasoning

Started with the windblown, they have fun playing around. Aay is strong enough to take the physical damage from Avel when she goes into a rage so the two tend to train together by 'play' fighting. There are never any hard feelings and hardly ever any serious injuries due to his wild shap transformations so the two have a solid relationship on a day to day basis. Together with River they sneak out and go party and cause in a few well picked cities.


Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



Xior of the Ghostmane

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Avel



Relationship Reasoning

Started with the windblown, they have a love hate relationship. Xior and Avel probably spend the most time with each other outside of missions except maybe with River. They have a close friendship and frequently take assignments together or just hang out. Spending time with Avel is good for Xior's mental health and the activity helps Avel stay out of trouble.   On the other hand on assignments Xior is the only humanoid sized person that can keep avel under control and the relationship shifts to that of an owner taking a hyperactive dog on a walk through a park full of squirrels. In the moment the two can get exhausted with each other but they always cool off and go back to hanging out in the off hours.


Friend (Vital)

Towards Seteth




Friend (Vital)

Towards Avel



Relationship Reasoning

Started with the windblown, this is the most symbiotic relationship between Avel and another founder. While her enhanced strength and durability are Avel's most immediately apparent traits, Seteth was the first to recognize her intelligence. At the pair would pick up open problems posted to university forums from students and academics with any sort of reward associated with it and solve them as a side hustle for the company during the slower months.   This would continue on into the years of the windblown expansions. Seteth began operating as the spymaster and mission coordinator and while she is capabable she could get stretched thin. Avel could be trusted to handle all sorts of work from cryptography to spell decoding to mission logistics. The two have an extremely solid working relationship and genuinely enjoy eachothers company.


Friend (Vital)

Towards River in the Snow



River in the Snow

Friend (Vital)

Towards Avel



Relationship Reasoning

Started with the windblown, they have the most well defined relationship. After joining the team initially Avel was extremely wild, being largely left to her own devices by her creators. Seteth recognized her intelligence and River began working with her on training drills and reenforcing positive behaviors.   It took a while but Avel is a fast learner and it helped a lot that River is absolutely down to cause some chaos. The two ended up working extremely well together. They rarely go on missions together anymore but they still make time to go cause a little trouble in a rotating number of cities with Aay.


Friend (Important)

Towards Avel




Friend (Important)

Towards Carlyle




They met when Hallia and Carlyle joined the windblown. Immediately hit it off as people that are accepted by their groups but don't exactly feel like they belong. They both struggle with their nature and controlling their instincts, and hold each other accountable. They also enjoy hunting in the woods around the peak and gimblekank's coffee.

Current Location
Date of Birth
30 Deepwinter, 1488 DR
Narbeth, The Great Wild Woods
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray / Green fur
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Sylvan, Elvish - Can only speak in broken versions of these languages


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