Xior of the Ghostmane Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Xior of the Ghostmane

Xior of the Ghostmane

A frontline brawler that has the capacity to almost fully lock down targets in a one on one fight, but who also has the flexibility to fight multiple opponents at once.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xior in about in as good of physical condition as it is possible for a mortal creature to be. Strong, agile and flexible, his powerful physique is slightly obscured by his fur but is impossible to miss. Even without his magic items, his constitution is formidable.

Facial Features

Undistinguished features for a Leonin except the signature gray fur and pale white mane. His bright green eyes shine in the darkness

Identifying Characteristics

Rough gray fur and a a crosshatching of scars from decades of fights

Special abilities

  • Way of Mercy
  • Bladesong
  • Physician's Touch
  • Ki

Apparel & Accessories

Simple cloth clothes generally only worn to put other people at ease.

Specialized Equipment

  • Gloves of Soul Catching
  • Blowgun of the Ghostmane

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from the Ghostmane tribe in the grasslands of The Ride, North of The Moonsea. Xior left after the brutal murder of his partner, Zite and young son, Kios at the hands of the Zhentarim who were looking to acquire secrets of the tribes magic. He tried to stay and take revenge but was not yet strong enough so he left along the black road to go west to the sword coast. He took contracts and fell in with the Platinum Prerogative, a mercenary group catering to the nobility and super rich. With them he was prized just as much for his species as his combat ability, used as a prop to entertain and impress the clients.   It was all the same to him though, over the years he would grow strong and develop a sort of second family with some of the members of the company. River in particular was his closest companion. Though Aay was a close second and acted as a rival for him. When the company liberated Seteth from the Iron hands slave camp, she too became a confidant. Xior suggested they should break off and form their own company and these four agreed, which sparked the creation of The Windblown.   As the group began to expand and he started going off on his own he discovered a love of exploring other cultures. The art, fashion, performances and foods of far off lands were so different than what he had grown up with at the reach. He started making it a point to spend his down time making use of the Weeping Peaks teleportation network to explore new locations, half vacation, half scouting for new members and clients. He wants to grow the Windblown into something that will last, and grow his new found family.




Xior grew up with the Ghostmane in the reach, learning practically to fight, hunt, and survive but also learned the basic magics the clan has passed on from generation to generation. After he left and went to the west, he quickly learned the high society culture of the sword coast.


Xior has been working with various mercenary companies over the last decade, and is one of the original founders of the Windblown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Victor of many battles
  • Rescuing Seteth
  • Founding the windblown
  • Complete eradication of the 'Raven Citadel' Zhentarim that killed his family

Mental Trauma

The murder of his family has him on a quest for vengance. Though its been years he's also struggling with the idea that slowing down on that pursuit isn't failing them.

Intellectual Characteristics

Xior is driven and disciplined in almost every regard but he is still prone to bouts of obsession whenever new Zhentarim leads popup, and tends to stop taking care of himself during these times. Outside of these periods he tends to dwell on the safety of the windblown members, which he views as a found family.

Morality & Philosophy

There isn't a lot that's off the table when it comes to a contract in terms of violence but he has trouble with anything that separates families.

Personality Characteristics


Building out the Windblown, keeping them safe, and bettering the world around him by dismantling as many Zhentarim setups as he can find.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +11
  • Insight +11
  • Perception +11
  • Stealth +11
  • Intimidation
  • Deception

Likes & Dislikes

  • Theater
  • Wine
  • Travel
  • Fashion
  • Zhentarim
  • Paperwork

Virtues & Personality perks

More than any of the other founders, Xior looks after the newer members, though he does his best to make sure no one ever finds out about it. He advocates for restraint and using company resources to enhance individual mission success rates.

Vices & Personality flaws

Falls into obsession over revenge. Kills without hesitation when he's in a mood like this


When he's having an obesssive episode he tends to forget to take care of himself.


Aay Mosscut

Rival (Vital)

Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



Xior of the Ghostmane

Rival (Vital)

Towards Aay Mosscut




Met in the Platinum Prerogative the two work extremely well together in combat with Aay acting as the tank and distraction and Xior bringing the damage. Outside of combat they Clash pretty harshly. There's a lot of respect there, but the two are opposites in about every way. Aay is ambitious, brash, and opulent while Xior is much more subdued, focused and utilitarian.   Under the guidance of River they started the windblown and now sit as co-founders along with Seteth and Avel. While they often devolve to petty snipes and shouting, and nearly always disagree on the direction they should invest the companies resources, the pair are able to pull it together when things get dire.


Friend (Important)

Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



Xior of the Ghostmane

Friend (Important)

Towards Seteth




While Aay, River, Ennalan and Xior were at the fight that freed Seteth, it was Xior who actually broke the bonds restraining her. The two have shared an unspoken understanding that transcends most of the other relationships in the company.

Xior of the Ghostmane


Towards River in the Snow


River in the Snow


Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



River found Xior wandering the high forest, bloody and bruised after taking out a Zhentarim cell. She recognized his potential, and took pity on how much of a wreck he was by bringing him into the Platinum Prerogative. The two have worked together largely without incident. Though Xior's almost two century hunt of the Zhentarim has become exhausting for River, though she understands why he feels the need to pursue it.

Relationship Reasoning

The first two windblown founders to meet, old friends with no secrets


Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



Xior of the Ghostmane

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Avel



Relationship Reasoning

Started with the windblown, they have a love hate relationship. Xior and Avel probably spend the most time with each other outside of missions except maybe with River. They have a close friendship and frequently take assignments together or just hang out. Spending time with Avel is good for Xior's mental health and the activity helps Avel stay out of trouble.   On the other hand on assignments Xior is the only humanoid sized person that can keep avel under control and the relationship shifts to that of an owner taking a hyperactive dog on a walk through a park full of squirrels. In the moment the two can get exhausted with each other but they always cool off and go back to hanging out in the off hours.

Shala Rainseeker

Apprentice (Important)

Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



Xior of the Ghostmane

Mentor (Important)

Towards Shala Rainseeker




Shala's talent in a fight was immediately apparent to everyone but her grudge against the Zhentarim in particular caught Xior's attention. When he offered her a spot on his kill missions and she hasn't missed a one. The pair work well together and she acts as a second in command to Xior. This doesn't involve a lot but it comes into play on missions. They have a positive feedback loop fueling their hatred for the zhentarim which concerns some of the other members of the company but its not unfounded and is profitable so most people don't pay too much attention to it.


Friend (Important)

Towards Xior of the Ghostmane



Xior of the Ghostmane

Friend (Important)

Towards Ennalan




They know each other from the prerogative, and while they're on good terms they never really worked in the field with each other that much. Xior was extremely frontline and Ennalan was almost always backline. There was not a lot of privacy in the makeshift camps of the prerogative and Xior was still pretty fresh off of his family's death so Ennalan would build him private spaces away from the rest of the company. Since that started the two have had a very chill relationship.

Chaotic Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
18 Nightal, 1458 DR
Ghostmane fields, The Ride
Current Residence
The Weeping Peak
Green catlike
White Mane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray fur
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Leonin

This article has no secrets.


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