A8 - Too Late

General Summary

ACT 8 - Too Late

1496.SP.8   After being unceremoniously dumped on the outskirts of the Mere of Dead men. The Party walk back to Phandalin, but not before Captain Albert ventured off on his own secret task. Leaving them near the Wayside Inn he headed towards Neverwinter Woods. The remaining three had a pleasent if not damp walk back, and arrived at the almost constructed Tresandor Manor. Taking the break as an opportunity to rest and recover in their newly furnished rooms. Minor work continued outside when the group begun to hear shouts and screams. Rushing outside the trio had enough time to see a large shadow move swiftly across Edermath Orchard up and over the Stonehill Inn and straight for Tresandor Manor.   But where the group expected to see Cryovain bearing down upon them they saw an airship with a large baloon covered in rigging. As the ship slowed a rope was flung overside and down rapeled Captain Albert Boatman, looking proud as punch. Albert quickly explained he had found the wreck in the woods and he had slowly been refurbishing it. Giving the party a guided tour around the still ramshackled airship he now called the Iron Fist. The fire elemental now bolted to the deck powered the baloon with hot air. There is still work to be done said Albert as Mordia almost stepped through the hull on an old rotten board.   Whilst repairs began on the Iron Fist the party carried out a few personal tasks, reading books, copying spell scrolls or drinking in the tavern. Maple sought out Redioth who during a few ales provided more detailed directions to Cragmaw Castle. With the new intel they agreed the urgency to rescue Gundren was great as he had been a prison for a number of weeks. Using Redioths description of the area it was decided not to take the Iron Fist as there was no ideal location to settle down. It also meant that repairs could continue.   The group lead by Maple set out into the Neverwinter Woods in search of the Cragmaw Castle. The journey is slow and methodical, constantly searching for traps and ambushes. However with Maple's expert knowledge and tracking skills the party are able to sneak up on the ruined castle. The majority of the goblins appear to be having breakfast inside and only a few guards have been posted.   Stealthily moving into a ruined portion of the castle Albert and Raziel are able to dispatch two guards by the front gate. From there the noisy ruckass from the kitchen and makeshift dinning area covers the party moving through the ruined and abandoned rooms. Whilst searching around an ancient alter a grick descended from the ceiling on the unsupecting searchers. Wrapping itself around Mordia the others rapidly beat, stab and slice the monster until it releases him. Feeling brave after dicing the grick the adventurers move into the "dinning area" to be greeted by ten hungry and ill mannered goblins leaning over plates and bowls of ... something. All hell breaks loose with a number of goblins attempting to flee, but all are cut down before they are able to raise the alarm.   However the large battle and the now earie silence had obviously alerted any remainig forces, so the party charged head first into the last room. Coming face to face with King Grol, a huge old bugbear and a drow female. Thinking fast the party pushed the element of suprise and forced the two defenders into the corner. King Grol striking almost fatal blows to a couple of the adventurers, in return the lightly armoured drow was struck down, instantly changing apperance, revealing a doppleganger. Now with numbers on their side the group cut down the brutish figure.   With silence falling over the ruin the party took the opportunity to search every room. Gundren was clearly gone, however a clue hidden under the bed of King Grol revealed messages from the Black Spider instructing him to send Gundren to the Wave Echo Cave. On the doppleganger an usual wavey dagger which matched the description of that used in the murder of Harbin Wester. Finally before leaving the party opened the remaining barred door, labelled danger. Bursting forth a huge feathered creature roars. A captured Owlbear rears onto its hind legs only to be mercily slain with its imprisoned room.

Rewards Granted

Sildar Hallwinter's Chainmail & Longsword, 5 spears, 4 longswords, 3 morningstars, 2 greatswords, 1 staff (10 gold), Gold statue (100 gold), 450 gold coins, 90 Electrum coins, Scroll of SIlence, Scroll of Revivify, 4 Potion of Healing,

Missions/Quests Completed

Clear Cragmaw Castle and find the location of Gundren Rockseeker

Character(s) interacted with

King Grol - Leader of the Cragmaw Tribe   Reidoth - Old Druid and member of Emerald Enclave
Restoration of Phandalin
Report Date
28 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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