Cragmaw Castle

Cragmaw Castle is a ruined castle in Neverwinter Wood on the Sword Coast North in the late 15th century DR.   It was the hideout for the Cragmaw Tribe, who used the ruined castle as a base of operations. The tribe, mostly made up of Goblins preyed on travellers on the High road between Neverwinter and Waterdeep. The castle was recently cleared out by a group of adventurers.

Purpose / Function

The building is made of stone, and has several towers, many of which have collapsed. It has a well-protected main entrance, with two archer posts looking straight at any who would approach the castle. Cragmaw Castle also has a side entrance to the south that is far less secure.


Though the castle later took the the name of the Cragmaw tribe in the 15th century DR, it was originally built by a noble wizard of Phalorm in 523 DR.   During its relatively brief history, the Realm of Three Crowns annexed the High Moor and began fortifying its border. At this point the caslt was erected.   However in the Year of the Shattered Scepter, 614 DR, an orc horde arose in the High Moor, the Greypeak Mountains, and the Fields of the Dead to lay siege to the Realm of Three Crowns. During this war when the realm was weakened the castle was destroyed.
614 DR
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)